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Why do the Sirian Overlords treat us this way?
I thinks those drugs do help you see. Somehow they mess up people's programming.

If done properly, certain psychedelics could be a gateway to higher consciousness and a way to break through all the matrix programming that the world has saddled you up with, I'm guessing.
I think it also very much depends on the person. For example one's inclination, intent, outlook, mood, one's general being and other personal matters. It can reinforce, I think. 
There is an art and a science to this topic, I'm sure.

McKenna on how to use marihuana. 
"Once a week, by yourself, in silent darkness ....."

Reminds me of Carlin saying the only time he smoked weed was when he was writing joke material.

Well, it certainly beats alcohol which is a really lousy (legal) drug. But once in awhile, done consciously is O.K., I think it could free you up. Too many people start smoking every day though, and it inhibits performance, motivation, etc. doesn't really help them.

That's what George said about weed. It's only good when you smoke it once in awhile. He said all he needs is 3/4 of a joint once a week to be writing good jokes.

Lol - weed just puts me to sleep. George Carlin was awesome, he really GOT it and we could really use him right now. CK Lewis has sorta taken over where he left off.

I like Lewis Black. I wish they had him on TV more often.

(03-25-2013, 11:42 AM)Elizabeth Wrote: This information is valuable to consider, using "suspended misbelief" if need be. Sifter brought these links to my attention because we were trying to understand why so many male intellectuals - leaders in the conspiracy/esoteric biznezz justify their positions that females have more evil in them, as well as being just plain inferior - in general.

This opinion isn't intuitive for us as being educated females and I know that it doesn't ring true for many males either. Maybe if we can just lance the boil of this obvious "sell job" then aware humanity can heal the situation and reclaim sovereignty.


"5. The Real Reason Females Possess More Fire Than Males!
I wonder how many of my readers have followed Robert Morning Sky's audio session on this new websites at and If you haven't listened to his mp3 files, you really ought to. I know, it's a lot to go through, but the information in there is extremely powerful. Robert Morning Sky (RMS) is telling his readers/listeners over and over to be skeptical (within reason) and put him on top of the list. I would suggest you do that (just like you should do with me) and come to conclusions about RMS' intentions. I am not saying they are not pure (they may very well be). Still, come to your own conclusions.
The reason I'm bringing this up, and why RMS is coming back as a reference in my own research, is that his and my paths tend to cross quite a bit. What I am going to suggest here may be shocking and too incredible for many to accept, but the only thing I ask from the reader is to have a very open mind here and consider it very deeply before you discard it (and hopefully you won't). This is extremely important information; perhaps the most important in this whole series of papers, because it explains the whole reason why the Sirian Overlords treat us like they do. I will outline the overall concept here, but for deep details and real proof (yes, I mean proof), go to Morning Sky's two websites. You will find it there -- guaranteed.
The Patriarchal Regime, who took over this planet about 500,000 years ago from those who whole-heartedly supported and were sent out by the Divine Feminine, who fought a war in space with the Matriarchs, drove them away, and won this territory, has taught us that man is superior to woman. You can read about that in most religious (altered) texts, and the Bible says that Eve seduced Adam, and that she is the cause to the First Sin from which we are still affected. What RMS has managed to prove is that in the beginning of the Universe there were only females. Males did not exist! So how did those females reproduce? Well, they reproduced by cloning themselves, creating exact copies of themselves to the smallest cell. They didn't need any males. Males were not even thought of at that time.
To make a long story short, over time the Universe became populated by feminine star beings only. However, in the Universe there were also viruses, and some of these viruses were quite powerful and resistant. Due to that all females were copies of each other, these viruses found ways to overpower the female body. Once they'd learned how to do this, and females bodies stopped functioning and died, all beings in the Universe were threatened. This is when the idea of a male species came up. The idea was that if the females reproduced sexually with a male, the offspring would look different and have a different setup of DNA. The offspring were no longer clones of the mother. So each individual now was different from every other individual and life survived in the Universe, because the viruses could not manifest successfully in all beings.
So far, so good, but perhaps the reader is asking him- or herself, how was the male created? Out of the woman's rib? After all, everything in the Bible seems reversed.
No, as a matter of fact, it was done by adding a chromosome. The Greater Creator Gods (Founders, or perhaps it was even the Builders) created the the Y chromosome, and thus the male species was created. I say species, because in the beginning, males were looked at as a different species[8]. But here is the kicker: even today amongst the human species, the male is always an altered female! If not an enormous amount of testosterone is added to the birth process, the fetus will turn out to be a female 100% of the time. And the female egg, interestingly enough, is 4000 times bigger than the male sperm.
This is very interesting, because the old charlatan doctors and philosophers, such a Plato and Hippocrates (the Father of Medicine) taught their students that females were no more than animals and their successors taught that the female womb was nothing else but an altered male scrotum, and if the woman didn't have enough sex, the womb started wandering inside the body and ended up driving the woman either to hysteria, severe illness, and even death. A great way of saying that women need to have sex as often as possible to satisfy the male or she'll get very sick.
What I am trying to say here and what is really my point is that we are all females, and we 'men' are simply 'altered females'. For those who doubt this and think that I'm finally losing it, I strongly suggest you go through RMS' audios, one by one, and listen to his overwhelming evidence of this (yes, scientifically proven evidence) and much, much more that has to do with the Divine Feminine. Robert has worked extremely hard for many, many years to gather this information, and has had help from a tribe, who supposedly descend from an ancient society of women, who have lived underground for thousands of years, to stay out of sight from the Males in Power, and who now have decided it's time to release this information, so I do not want to blow it for him by presenting all his evidence here. Therefore, I strongly suggest the reader goes to his sites and educate yourself on the subject he has to offer. What he is presenting are not empty statements or opinions; he is proving every single thing he is saying, quite remarkably. If the reader decides to check him out after have read the rest of my papers, please in the meantime keep at least an open mind about what I've just stated, because future will show that I am correct! If there would be a hidden agenda in Morning Sky's information, these facts that I've presented here still remain.
But what are the implications of all this? Well, it means that the reason women have more Fire burning inside of them than men have is because of this simple fact: males are altered females! By being altered from the 'original' in order to be able to have sex with a woman, we don't possess the same abilities, but a weaker form of it. The female is the original being of the Feminine Universe, which is natural, if the Universe itself is feminine. Males came into the picture to assist the female, who is possessing the real power of the 96%.
With time, however, males became jealous of women's power and wanted to possess it themselves. So the War of the Genders began. It was a Universal War, starting billions of years ago and continues up to this very day. Males through history have treated women horribly by torturing, raping and killing them in frustration and raving madness. The females soon started fighting back, furiously, because they were often much better warriors than men, possessing the Fire of the Goddess. This began an evil cycle were both males and females are guilty of treating each other quite terribly.
Some time during this seemingly endless war, the Goddess descended to Earth and seeded an androgynous race who possessed a great amount of her own Goddess energy. She did not create any males. In a great lake up in the Siberian Mountains, she created the Namlú'u, who had this enormous Fire inside of them, and could communicate directly with the Goddess at any time. They could access the Heart of the Goddess Universe, which we call dark energy and dark matter, consisting of 96% of the Universe. This was the Mother Goddess' Great Experiment in the middle of a raging war. Our planet became the great oasis in the outskirt of the Galaxy, sitting in the middle of PESH-METEN, the Galactic Highway the Goddess at this time was in total control over. Putting the Experiment here was probably intentional in the sense that by having access to this important star lane, the Namlú'u could travel directly to the Goddess through the giant black hole in Orion's Belt.

Not until the Males of Power came were there males on Earth. The rest is, like they say, history. Today, in the 21st Century, we still have the blood and the Fire of the Goddess inside of us,
which is our inheritance from the ancient Namlú'u, who no longer dwell in our dimension. But one day we may once again meet with our great ancestors -- the Goddess' Sacred Experiment, which was destroyed by the Sirian Warlords. But not totally; we are still here as a living legacy of the beings of the Golden Age.
And it's this blood, and this Fire that the Warlords want so badly but still, to their great frustration, can only get in fractions. Nevertheless, with only being able to do that, they have increased their power in the Universe exponentially. Only we can stop them from expanding even more, and perhaps we can do more than that? However, although the Warlords don't want to admit it even to themselves, they are draining out our females, and their Fire will not burn forever..." (wespenre).

What John Lash is expressing here at 0:18 "I'd like to DO (kill) a woman - they're horrible") exposes this war for what it is.   Forget his "gnostic" views with his dubious conclusions...this is the crux of the matter. MK programming - Sirian propaganda and control of this world demonizes and degrades the divine feminine. It is all-pervasive and is even mentioned <.00001% of the time on research blogs/forums.

~THAT'S HOW WE KNOW WE'VE HIT THE ***motherload*** with this.~ BINGO...nailed it.

This is a common sentiment amongst many "working for the machine -2nd netter mouthpieces. Henry Makow comes to mind. Michael Tsarian...The males of this planet have been and are still being programmed to continue demonizing and denigrading. The females are programmed to accept it. EVERY religion does this, Shariya Law which is gaining political push-back is horrifying for females, it is SIRIAN influenced misogyny.

Here's a good example brought to my attention by Mick a commenter at OneBall. We could pass this "creation myth" off as ancient sci fi but it is consistent with myths the world over and the very obvious systematized/structured CONTROL/DOMINATION/SIPHONING of the Goddess energy - which is within ALL of us humans but in greater concentrations in the female. Therefore subjugation and slavery conditions of the female in particular have been the norm here.
"In a further myth, non-Buddhist Tibet itself appears as the embodiment of Srinmo (Janet Gyatso, 1989, p. 44). The local demoness is said to have resisted the introduction of the true teaching by the Buddhist missionaries from India with all means at her disposal, [hmmm...wonder why - lol] with weaponry and with magic, until she was ultimately defeated by the great king of law, Songtsen Gampo (617-650), an incarnation of Avalokiteshvara (and thus of the current Dalai Lama).   [TIBET: land of Dugpas and where the Nazi's got their inspiration and training for MKUltra]   “The lake in the Milk plane,” writes the Tibet researcher Rolf A. Stein, “where the first Buddhist king built his temple (the Jokhang), represented the heart of the demoness, who lay upon her back. The demoness is Tibet itself, which must first be tamed before she can be inhabited and civilized. Her body still covers the full extent of Tibet in the period of its greatest military expansion (eighth to ninth century C.E.). Her spread-eagled limbs reached to the limits of Tibetan settlement … In order to keep the limbs of the defeated demoness under control, twelve nails of immobility were hammered into her” (Stein, 1993, p.34). A Buddhist temple was raised at the location of each of these twelve nailings.
Mysterious stories circulate among the Tibetans which tell of a lake of blood under the Jokhang, which is supposed to consist of Srinmo’s heart blood. Anyone who lays his ear to the ground in the cathedral, the sacred center of the Land of Snows, can still — many claim — hear her faint heartbeat. A comparison of this unfortunate female fate with the subjugation of the Greek dragon, Python, at Delphi immediately suggests itself. Apollo, the god of light (Avalokiteshvara), let the earth-monster, Python (Srinmo), live once he had defeated it so that it would prophesy for him, and built over the mistreated body at Delphi the most famous oracle temple in Greece. [niiiice - at this point the war between the sexes had been raging for billions of years]

The earth demoness is nailed down with phurbas. These are ritual daggers with a three-sided blade and a vajra handle. We know these already from the Kalachakra ritual, where they are likewise employed to fixate the earth spirits and the earth mother. The authors who have examined the symbolic significance of the magic weapon are unanimous in their assessment of the aggressive phallic symbolism of the phurba.

In their view, Srinmo represents an archetypal variant of the Mother Earth figure known from all cultures, whom the Greeks called Gaia (Gaea). As nature and as woman she stands in stark contrast to the purely spiritual world of Tantric Buddhism. The forces of wilderness, which rebel against androcentric civilization, are bundled within her. She forms the feminine shadow world in opposition to the masculine paradise of light of the shining Amitabha and his radiant emanation son, Avalokiteshvara. Srinmo symbolizes the (historical) prima materia, the matrix, the primordial earthly substance which is needed in order to construct a tantric monastic empire, then she provides the gynergy, the feminine élan vitale, with which the Land of Snows pulsates. As the vanquisher of the earth goddess, Avalokiteshvara triumphs in the form of King Songtsen Gampo, that is, the same Bodhisattva who, as a monkey, earlier engendered with Srinmo the Tibetans in myth, and who shall later exercise absolute dominion from the “Roof of the World” as Dalai Lama.

The point of this extract is that it illustrates the chaining, raping and syphoning of the Female energy, though in a particular Tibetan Buddhist context, by the Solar lords. The Female Principle has always been considered a wild demoness that requires taming or destroying in order to acquire Her energy – an example being Tiamat or Coyolxauhqui.
It is interesting that this year’s New Year (according to our modern Western calendar) begins with a dark moon.
Certainly, we may well be caught in a time loop.
My point about self responsibility is that there is no use moping about for an external saviour. If one comes then all to the good, but i wouldn’t count on it.
Find your own improbability drive button!" (Mick - Dec.22, 2013 -commenter at ONEBALLMEDIA)

Post #22;pid=62180"

"...The tune inside me triggered some very rapid powerful visions in me and empowered me. The Rain was She and She was the Rain. She’ll be coming round the bloody mountain I thought! I knew in my heart that when she does come around the mountain some folks better run, but some folks better pack their bags because they are going home. For some reason I felt elated hippy style..." (Matthew Delooze - "She'll be coming around the mountain".)

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