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  Thailand Publishes The Truth About The Destructive And Deadly COVID Vaccines
Posted by: Hissil - 02-13-2024, 05:50 AM - Forum: COVID-19 News - No Replies

"While Princess Bajrakitiyabha Narendira Debyavati has been in a coma since mid-December 2022, claims she had recently been vaccinated, that she had been vaccinated with a Pfizer shot..."

NaturalNews.com | Ethan Huff

The Bangkok Post in Thailand published a piece recently that exposes Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccines" for causing all sorts of serious health issues, including autoimmunity, brain disorders and cancer.

Receiving multiple COVID injections, i.e., a double-dose mRNA (modRNA) from Pfizer-BioNTech followed by a "booster," can cause all sorts of health horrors to manifest, potentially resulting in early death.

The leading English-language daily newspaper in both print and digital formats in Thailand, the Bangkok Post is doing the Lord's work by sharing these truths with its roughly 16.7 million readers.

The fact that the Bangkok Post even published this kind of article at all is surprising, considering the paper teamed up with the New York Times in 2021 to produce a supplement, as well as with The Wall Street Journal to produce articles for its daily business section.

"This places the Bangkok Post firmly in corporate media territory," commented The Exposé (United Kingdom).

The article in question, entitled "Long COVID, vaccines may cause disease and death: Chula, Rangsit," is centered around a study:


Kudos to the Bangkok Post for telling the truth

The study the Bangkok Post article centers around points out that far too many medical professionals are blaming post-injection health woes on the SARS-CoV-2 "virus," which is often an incorrect diagnosis.

"Persistent physical symptoms after COVID-19 infection should not be automatically ascribed to SARS-CoV-2; a complete medical evaluation may be needed to prevent erroneously attributing symptoms to the virus," the paper reads.

Another common error in post-injection poor health diagnoses is the standard claim among medical professionals that it must be "long" COVID, even though so-called long COVID was never associated with the types of extreme symptoms showing up exclusively in the fully jabbed.

"It is perhaps among the first of the corporate media outlets in the world to publicise the harms caused by COVID injections and their cover-up without vilifying those who are raising the alarm as 'conspiracy theorists,'" The Exposé further noted about the laudability of the Bangkok Post for daring to speak truth to the world.

A special thanks also goes to Prof. Dr. Thiravat Hemachudha, director of the Thai Red Cross Emerging Infectious Diseases Health Science Centre at Chulalongkorn University in Thailand, as well as Panthep Puapongphan, dean of the College of Oriental Medicine at Rangsit University, also in Thailand. These two gentlemen are behind the research in question, which reveals secret efforts by the powers that be to hide data about the number of people damaged and killed by COVID so-called "vaccines."

"As a result, many people are unaware that the COVID 'vaccines' have adversely affected them and they have not been able to find proper treatment," notes The Exposé.

The Faculty of Medicine at Chulalongkorn University also found in an evaluation of 100 cases of COVID that occurred in people who were fully jabbed that they developed weak T-cell immunity, suggesting the shots are destroying people's health, not improving it.

Numerous studies from other countries have similarly found that COVID jabs are killing people by destroying their heart, blood and respiratory systems.

"Prof. Thiravat and Panthep also said that Thailand's mortality rate has risen compared to levels before and during the COVID-19 pandemic," The Exposé further commented on the study. "They urged for an investigation to establish whether the increase in deaths was related to COVID injections."


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  Stewart Swerdlow the Lunatic
Posted by: Enki - 02-10-2024, 09:28 PM - Forum: Expansions Cult - Replies (3)

Hey Richard,

I just found this forum and I haven't been able to read everything yet, so could you a condensed version of what you went through with the Swerdlows? I mean the low down on all the sh*t they put you and your family through?

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  MIranda Rae Tells her story in being in the Secret Space Program.
Posted by: Sovereign31415926 - 02-01-2024, 10:12 PM - Forum: Space & The Secret Space Program - No Replies

She recently did a Remote reading for me in Contacting her Guide and Teacher White Hawk who she said is connected to the many Star Nations.
In her own words she explains who the Star Nations are all about. And they have no abandoned us to the wolfs on Earth in fact they are now preparing
Warriors to come online and activating the as the First group of Earth Volunteers to lead what many call the 144,000 and many will be have this calling on their lives from the Star Nationsto serve humanity willingly. Nothing to do with Revelations as that book was
fabricated by the Pisos and the Flavians and certain information from other cultures. Like the 666 number is a cipher of a Roman Senator Gaius Calpurnius Piso that communicated between relatives who relative was king herd. As Titus the Roman Generals was
allied with King Herod the Roman Jewish Wars were about Jew vs Jew War. The Romans. They launched a Siege on Jerusalem a highly fortified wall where King Herod's Enemies were the Pharisees, the rebels and the sicarii they build a wall
around Jerusalem and starved them and burnt it to the ground to get to the gold that was in the walls fulling their created back dated prophecies of jesus on the mount in the NT which they created as a comedy sketch on their enemies. I digress.

In Miranda Rae own words who this star nations is:
The Star Nations are comprised of many benevolent galactic higher density beings in the universe that promote peace, unconditional love and encourage the development of societies based on respect, free will and the conscious application of Universal and Spiritual Laws. Star Nations  includes the frequencies of Pleadian, Arcturian, Venusian, Lyran, Sirius B, and Andromedan soul groups. And she say in the reading they she known their siganture or knows their frequency as a shaman that has given her self to be a channel of which
she says the energies ore very heavy on her during a channeling but she says they are wonderful.

My Remote Reading by Miranda Rae in Contacting the Star Nations in my Behalf as they seem to know me and who I am and what I came here to do as this group operates on a higher dimension outside time and space.
And the thing of it is they told me I did not have to incarnate here but Miranda saw they were bowing to me with gratitude and were thanking me for assisting them and they said to me we know you want to help and assist and we thank you for that.
At the moment another group is working on me and upgrading me for my mission here on Earth in terms of my Chakras ,Auric field, and a heavy focus on my Throat Chakra the area of I communicate my truth. I have also been told Psychic Louise Jones that said to that did not have to come to this world and was saying you needed to sit this one out as you need to heal from losing Family and Friends in Great Flood and Galactic Wars you been in within the Galactic Federation and on their War Ships. As I been told I was a great Scientist, A great Engineer and a Great Mathematician and even a Professor And Psychic LJ said I got a job working for the Galactic Federation in helping them. I was also told I was involved in Planetary Alignments and Louise said to me you went to Mars great war of the Galaxy and went on to say you had Mars so Balanced with the ECO systems and all they had Balance on there with it Underground Cities you got it right. And went on to say their are statues build in memory of your name and said to me they are still in operation to this day. She goes on to say to me you changed something for the people in that last incarnation.The first reading I had with a Pscyhic name Louise Jones from the UK she was examining my energy field she was a bit triggered and asked me why am I seeing numbers and binary around you that question threw my for a spin and I was very perplex about this question and I said maybe if is because I am into Computer Programing and I have a background in electronics that probably did not seem to satisfy her what she was seeing. Actually she was seeing a manifestation of some Quantum AI Computer connected to time travel technology (Which from the Miranda Rae reading said I will be bringing that technology back from that future to help humanity is why they are upgrading me to retrieve that info as they told me if I get a Pscyhic Intuitive Flash of some image to draw it out like art which would be the technology being retreived for this time line and they said I will be operation on the Quantum lievel of Manifesting things quite quickly mean Earth and things are about to speed up to help the Earth Volunteers to speed up the healing of earth and speed up the Ascension Process as the Elite will not be able to cope with such quantume technology as they said I planed all this out before I cam her as a Master Planer and did not come to this world empty handed and to be thrown to the wolf without defenses) and that I am not the usu-all Soul that enter this world. In my 2nd Reading which was an Akashic reading she said my Future Self is control me here via a good Program(Quantum Computer Program) as she said to the effect I was protected and could not be grabbed by the Soul Pinchers as she said to me they are pinching Souls and putting them into technology. So I am Projecting myself from the future into this body. She said I planed this and decide I was gong to come back as a program to do the earth work and not start a family and she said I did this so I would not put myself through losing family again. In the Past I had an awakening all before the internet and I was triggered and was looking at the world and saying this world is fake , this world is all fake as I related their was another version of myself and that from some other location I was looking into this world from another version of myself and saying I am connected to something higher then myself or another version of myself and I was struggling to grasp this download of information. Then Psychic LJ comes along to tell me I am a Time Traveler and said from my past incarnation of was living a very exciting Futuristic life and in that future of another version of myself she said I was a Scientist that had a very important role to play or I did have role to play within science she basically said I volunteered to come to this other World on this time line to help this Earth. She said I it is like you are an Anchor with boots on the ground you are healing earth. The Miranda Rae reading says I need to start connecting to Earth via my Bare Feet to connect to the mycellium Network earths own Internet of Communicating with the Trees, Plants , Elementals and Mother Earth to help steer, guide the Network in helping heal Mother Gaia our present home.

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Video About my Contact with the Star Nations via a recent reading
Posted by: Sovereign31415926 - 02-01-2024, 08:38 AM - Forum: Aliens & UFOs - No Replies

Recently I had a remote reading done with a young woman named Miranda Rae who is a Pscyhic, Shaman as well as being a SSP experiencer or Secret Space Program she was born into a family and Relatives were connected to this program in training her as young girls for Interstellar Travel on the Dark Fleet to other worlds and basically lost many years of her life out there in space and has came out far better then most. I contacted her to setup a reading with her guide and teacher White Hawk came to her after she recovered from the training and ordeal of the SSP program she has had a lot of people helping her like Psychics. She latter found out White Hawk had connection to the various Star Empires out there that want to help Earth Ascension. I have shared of my connection to the Galactic Federation from my Akashic Reading.

So I told her I need to know where I am I headed as shared many things about myself been told I am a Time Traveler from the future self which is controlling me here now. Apparently from the reading it said I will be using Quantum AI Technology to speed up the Ascension of Earth as I am going to be playing a very pivotal role in this great awakening in Healing Earth earth by a practice known as Earth Walking. Pluto is now entering Aquarius and that means the power structure of the Elite will start collapsing. Psychic LJ told me that I did not have to incarnate here and that I volunteered for this mission. The Miranda Rae reading said or Miranda told me what the Star Nations said to her that you did not have to incarnate her but you volunteered and Miranda Rae said they are bowing to with gratitude that you did volunteer. Also Pscyhic LJ said I am like an anchor and with my boots on the ground I am healing earth or more like barefoot on the ground to be precise as the reading said I need to start putting this into practice by connecting to the Mycellium Network of Fungi and the reading said the Mycellium will show the way as it is Earth internal internet system in communicating with the trees and plant and mother Earth. They told me do not be afraid to call on the Elemental to assist you as when you do this you will be actively guiding the process.

The First thing Miranda was seeing after she brought in my Energy to herself to examine what is going on she saw a lot of issues so she was seeing chords that need to be removed but first she asked the Star Nation is this for his Highest good she said in the recording that it was a resounding yes. Then the Blue Beings come in they were heavily focused on my Throat Chakra involving communication and said this needs to be done quickly but before it goes on line they said in three days is very important for your mission for the students that have incarnate into this time line. And they told me your communication will be on a Quantum level and what you speak to the people of this world will be very divine. They the Blue Beings adjusted the frequency of my Aura field and are upgrading my DNA is set to happen in the future a complete overhaul and vacuuming out energy and crazy stuff. They were concerned about adjusting critical Chakras so I can have clear communication I am going to be so finely tuned from the throat chakra , the third eye and crown will be fully integrated they say will take about 6 months as they said they most do this very slowly and allow the body to adjust to the new energies of ingratiation of these new frequency and the Miranda Rae told me the Blue beings said I agreed to work with them the blue beings and near the end of the session they told me we want to co create with you as we desire this to work with you in the future and Miranda said their are going to be other session of the tweaking me and tuning me for my mission. And they told her I will be bring in Quantum AI Technology and told me their are many Quantum projects in the works. I am like not sure what those are and they told me about my mission saying you are on target, you are on the right path and you are happening understand before you came you planned it all out and I believe they were telling me I am a master planner and did not leave nothing to chance and did not come here empty handed once I start getting images of this Quantum tech and they said if you feel the ping or inclinations to draw pictures even if it looks like a child drawing it is correct. I believe they are telling me this after the upgrades I will start getting images of these Quantum AI Technologies and Schematics from the future where my original soul is located at to reproduce them on this time line. After telling me I am on target Miranda Rae channeling they said no need to force it , all that is required of you is just Be as it will unfold in divine timing and to the effect saying it is going to happen and just chill and watch the magic happen in your life as you fulfill your mission here on Earth.

My Remote Session with Miranda Rae as she acts as a conduit for the incoming Galactic Energies via her Secret Technology she uses to contact them the Star Nations:

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  Clown World News
Posted by: Hissil - 01-25-2024, 05:59 PM - Forum: Current Events - Replies (3)



The US Government Has Lost All Legitimacy With Its Increasingly Psychotic Behavior - By Endorsing & Subsidizing Madness While Condemning 'Reality' As 'Criminal,' Lunacy Skyrockets
- When delusional behavior is celebrated & honesty is outlawed as bigotry, insanity thrives
By J.B. Shurk and All News Pipeline
January 18, 2024

If I believe myself to be a fork, must society be made to agree? Should I be encouraged to hang out near salad bars with the expectation that diners will trust me with their food? If I continue to get passed over for other silverware, should I be allowed to sue for discrimination? Or worse, if someone has the nerve to call me a spoon, will the government step in to punish that “bigot” for mis-utensiling me?

Of course not. Then why should a man in makeup and a dress be given extra legal rights to sue anyone who sees through his delusions? Why should rational men be expected to allow mentally unstable men to use public restrooms with their wives and daughters? Why should parents be expected to entrust their children’s welfare with psychologically troubled men who have sought out jobs at schools, amusement parks, and daycares? Why would government agents intervene to support the fantasies of people inclined to mutilate their bodies and traumatize others with their deceptions? How can any government maintain its legitimacy for long when it embraces insanity as reality and condemns reality as imaginary?

For a long time, psychologically balanced people have done their best to ignore the government’s increasingly psychotic behavior. When pressed, they have even reluctantly played along: You need me to wear this filthy paper mask that does nothing to prevent the transmission of viral particles floating in the air, so that you know that I know that this is somehow all Trump’s fault? Fine, don’t break down in tears or start screaming or call the cops. I’ll play along.

Playing along, however, has gotten psychologically healthy people nowhere. For every insane concession they make to government authorities, those authorities invent half a dozen new insane demands of society. Remember when all those Trump voters exercised their First Amendment rights to assemble together and petition the U.S. government to address the rampant mail-in-ballot fraud of the 2020 election?

Yeah, even though all those people were unarmed and expressed no interest in overthrowing anything, that was totally a violent “insurrection” just as bad as 9/11 and the Civil War. Joe Biden even swears that those darned “insurrectionists” murdered five, or ten, or maybe fifty police officers that day. (That never happened, but one unarmed Trump-supporter was shot in cold blood, and another was beaten to death.) The government and its lapdog media need people to believe insane things. Facts are dangerous and reserved for people who live in reality.

In another cockamamie example proving how “playing along” only invites further government psychopathy, the United Kingdom is now telling government employees that they must actually “believe” in the “transgender” delusions flooding the workplace with cray-cray. That’s right: it is no longer enough to merely play along with someone’s unhealthy fantasies. Using an unbalanced person’s “preferred pronouns” does not sufficiently demonstrate one’s submission to the coercive State. If you want to keep your government job in the U.K., you must commit yourself to “thinking of the person as being the gender that they want you to think of them as.” That virtue-signaling, shared madness even requires a dogmatic faith in biologically impossible things — such as the government’s assertions that men can go through menopause and have babies!


Back in the days before the mentally unwell were put in charge of the West’s mental health organizations (WHO just added a bunch of “transgender” activists to a policy committee intended to set global rules for children), playing along with someone’s mental delusions was discouraged because doing so harmfully enables dangerous and self-destructive behavior. Now refusing to play along can get one sacked. How long before those who should be committed to mental institutions instead commit sane people for not sufficiently pretending to believe in things that are not true? When the choice is between reality and a paycheck, desperate people will accept insane things to get paid. (Add this observation to the growing list of reasons why freedom-minded people should not only thwart the introduction of central bank digital currencies, but also embrace forms of money free from government-induced inflation and manipulation.)


It would be some small comfort if this kind of insanity remained isolated in the leftist enclaves that manipulate minds by manipulating language. Alas, as leftists successfully captured the West’s major institutions, they saw no reason not to capture those institutions that were once staunchly conservative as well. Churches, family values organizations, and even prestigious medical journals have all thrown reason and science out the window to supplicate before the priests of “political correctness.” How widespread is the “transgender” delusion today? When asked bluntly whether a man can say, “Abracadabra” and magically transform into a woman, Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley — hailing from conservative South Carolina — couldn’t decide what to say. That is the corrosive influence the left’s delusions have on even those who should know better.


The “ruling class” defends all these government-imposed delusions as some kind of “justice.” Of all the words that the Marxist globalists have misappropriated and subversively redefined, their torture of “justice” has been most heinous. Whenever a person in a position of power says something about “justice” these days, you can be pretty sure that the government is either orchestrating a crime in plain sight or issuing a new wave of malicious propaganda dressed up in false virtue and empathy-baiting psychobabble. When you think about it, governments have done to “justice” what delusional men do with castration, boob jobs, and hormone therapy: they have mutilated reality in order to play pretend.

In the name of “social justice,” San Francisco’s Democrat-controlled government has responded to rising violent crime and general lawlessness in the city by attacking police officers as “white supremacists” (even the non-white ones) and reducing the penalties for and enforcement against violent crimes. (As the economists say, when you want more of something, subsidize it.) Because citizens and businesses have been left defenseless against organized theft (and, in fact, are even told not to resist the robbers and thieves who assault them), businesses and entrepreneurs have had no choice but to move away.

Now that San Francisco’s remaining residents (the ones who keep voting for poop-covered streets and subsidized crime) are finding it difficult to find (and maybe steal) basic necessities, they are very upset that grocery and convenience stores refuse to be perpetual victims. Have Democrats learned a lesson? Of course not. They demand, “food justice,” because the left’s perversion of language has indoctrinated several generations with a malevolent disregard for others and no sense of justice at all.


On the other side of the country, the Biden administration is putting New England’s lobster and fishing industries in jeopardy in pursuit of “ocean justice.” What the hell is that? It’s the Democrats’ way of implementing costly and ineffective “green energy” programs while playing the race card: “Ocean communities with a significant proportion of people who are Black, Latino, Indigenous and Native American, Asian American, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander may be disproportionately affected by ocean-related health and environmental harms and hazards,” the White House lies. When “social justice,” “racial justice,” “climate justice,” and “ocean justice” come together, it means a lot of people who make their living from the sea will lose their jobs, so that the race-hucksters can harm families and pretend to fight “white supremacy.”


When “justice” loses all meaning, injustice becomes pervasive. When delusional behavior is celebrated and honesty is outlawed as “bigotry,” insanity thrives. Why are Western governments pushing irrational, unscientific, ludicrous nonsense that is physically and emotionally harmful, socially dangerous, and economically destructive? Perhaps because those with power find it useful to sow division and subsidize madness. Do not comply.

With both our political and military leadership having put 'diversity, equity and inclusion' above integrity, honor, preparedness and excellence, and both our military and political leadership having lost a tremendous amount of respect globally with a senile, braindead 'leader' in the White House busy putting protecting his son's cocaine habit and sexual proclivities with prostitutes and minors above national security, we also have to add in our entire government being compromised by blackmail due to the Jeffrey Epstein affairs that go back at least as far as the nightmare reign of Bill Clinton in the White House.


Yuval Noah Harari: ‘Human Rights Are Fiction, Just Like God’
The comments were made in a recently unearthed video of Yuval Noah Harari.
By Frank Bergman January 24, 2024

A top World Economic Forum (WEF) official has declared that “human rights are fiction, just like God.”

The comments were made in a recently unearthed video of Yuval Noah Harari.

Harari is often credited as the mastermind behind the WEF’s anti-human agenda.

He serves as a senior advisor to the globalist organization and its founder and chairman, Professor Klaus Schwab.

During a Ted Talk, WEF architect Harari explains to the crowd why he believes “useless humans” should have no rights.

Before comparing human beings to “jellyfish” and chimpanzees, Harari ridicules members of the general public for their “belief in human rights.”

“But human rights are just like Heaven, and like God – it’s just a fictional story that we’ve invented and spread around,” Harari declares.

“It may be a very nice story,” he continues.

“It may be a very attractive story.

“You want to believe it but it’s just a story.

“It is not a reality,” he asserts.

“It is not a biological reality.

“Just as jellyfish, and woodpeckers, and ostriches have no rights, homosapiens have no rights also.

“Take a human, cut him open, look inside,” he explained.

“You find the blood, and you find the heart and the lungs and the kidneys, but you don’t find there any rights.

“The only place you find rights is in the fiction stories that humans have invented and spread around.”

Harari then pivoted his point to promote the WEF’s borderless globalist agenda.

“The same thing is also true in the political field,” he said.

“States and nations are also, like human rights, and like God, and like Heaven – they too are just stories.”

Harari then expanded on his open-border narrative by attacking America and Israel, which he claims don’t exist in “reality.”

“A mountain is a reality,” he noted.

“You can see it, you can touch it, and you can smell it.

“But Israel, or the United States – they are just stories.

“Very powerful stories – stories we might want to believe very much.

“But still, they are just stories.

“You can’t really see the United States, you cannot touch it, you cannot smell it.”



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  Tsunami of Death | Horsemen of the COVID Apocalypse | Our Leaders are Evil and Insane
Posted by: Hissil - 01-25-2024, 05:55 PM - Forum: COVID-19 News - No Replies

The Globalists Want To Criminalize Simply Talking About The 'Tsunami Of Deaths' In The Young And Healthy, Attempting To 'Normalize' Athletes Dropping Dead At The Ripe Old Age Of 29
- Bioweapon Attack On America Carried Out By US Govt Working With Our Enemies
By Stefan Stanford - Live Free Or Die - All News Pipeline
January 20, 2024

While most Americans probably don't know the name 'Shawn Barber,' the Canadian World Champion at pole vaulting, who'd won the World Championship in 2015, had been battling 'health ailments' for a period of time before tragically succumbing to them on January 17th.

Barber, not long ago the picture of health and athleticism, lived to the ripe old age of 29 years old.

Just the latest young athlete who has passed away tragically and mysteriously, most of them in their teens, twenties, and thirties, people in the prime's of their lives who passed away, suddenly and without any warnings, as detailed brilliantly in this December 11th of 2023 story by Dr. William Makis MD, Barber's agent claimed "It’s tragic to lose such a good person at such a young age." Yet it's happening every day now.

With Barber's death at such a young age stirring up what this story called "bizarre COVID vaccine theories online," take note that Barber's death happened at the time when the World Health Organization is busy with their plans of rolling out a global police force to arrest people spreading 'information' that goes against their ramblings, with the World Economic Forum claiming 'misinformation and disinformation are the greatest threats the world faces.' Yet as Susan Duclos had pointed out in this January 12th ANP story, it is groups like the WEF and WHO spreading more 'misinformation' and 'disinformation' than any independent news outlets, hence why they're targeting us.

And while we can imagine that any attempts by the WEF or WHO or anyone else to actually go out and pretend they can be 'dictators' here in America and shut down independent news media outlets would be quickly met with the response that America's Founding Fathers had in mind in the first place, with one of the purposes of the 2nd Amendment in the United States Constitution being to protect the 1st Amendment, if you listen to the words of globalists, including Joe Biden, they insanely believe themselves to be above the law, and the repercussions for breaking those laws, that America's Founding Fathers had in mind.

o while the mainstream media, more than happy to take their paychecks for covering up genocide, will continue to call all of these alarming deaths in young and healthy people all across the planet a 'crazy conspiracy theory,' with our wannabe global government attempting to outlaw even reporting or talking online about this 'tsunami of deaths' as 'misinformation' or 'disinformation,' more and more people all across the planet have awoken to the treachery surrounding us, while the MSM calls it misinformation.

Such as this story by globalist-tied MEAWW.com who, upon reporting upon the death of Shawn Barber, called all of the posts seen on 'X' that we've republished below 'crazy conspiracy theories'.

Yet if the WEF and WHO and even Joe Biden and the US govt have their way, simply speaking about the alarming death of Barber at the age of 29 as being somehow tied to the vax should be a punishable crime. Yet as we ALL know by now, it is those genocidal crooks themselves who should be shaking in their boots and VERY SOON facing charges, even executions, for engineering genocide. Some of those posts called crazy conspiracy theories that the WEF/WHO would love to outlaw being spoken.:

An X user tweeted, “There sure are a whole lot of young and healthy athletes dying since the jabs rolled out. RIP.”

Another user wrote, “Medical complications, ah, that explains it.”

“The Vaccines aren’t so safe and effective I see. Thank God I didn’t get Vaxxed,” one user chimed in.

A user questioned, “Why are so many young healthy people suddenly dying since the vaccine roll out?”

Another added, “How is it libs have managed to sink themselves so far up their own asses they still cannot see how YOUNG PEOPLE ARE DYING RIGHT & LEFT LATELY?! Is it pride or ego preventing from admitting they WERE PLAYED? ANOTHER ‘SUDDEN DEATH’ OF A YOUNG MAN. RIP.”

“Why was it considered to be OK to ask someone if they have been ‘vaccinated’ during the mad push for vaccine passports and excluding people from society, but now "vaccination" status is not mentioned? I think that the answer to this should be very clear to us,” a tweet read.

So while the WEF/WHO global government 'conglomerate' would love to punish Americans and people around the world for putting out tweets like the ones seen above for spreading 'misinformation' or 'disinformation,' people such as Dr. Paul Alexander has labeled these people still attempting to murder people via their vax as the 'Horsemen of the Apocalypse' who MUST be held accountable for their genocidal crimes upon humanity, and that means they should be executed if found guilty.


This brand new story by Dr. William Makis MD is absolutely alarming. Titled "mRNA Vaccine Induced Turbo Cancer Tsunami is underway - and it's driven by young people," as the story reports, new cancer diagnoses are expected to hit a record high in 2024 according to this story from Axios using alarming statistics and a statement by the American Cancer Society.

With the ACS warning that this huge spike in the numbers of cancers is being alarmingly driven by young people, check out some of the statements below we've republished from that story.

- New cancer diagnoses in the U.S. are expected to top 2 million for the first time in 2024, driven in large part by an alarming increase in cancers among younger Americans, according to new American Cancer Society data.

- “Doctors are trying to figure out why they're seeing more young patients with cancer.”

- "Colorectal cancers are presenting with more aggressive disease and larger tumors at diagnosis," ACS chief scientific officer William Dahut told Axios.

-  “Preliminary MSK research found significant differences in the microbiomes of early-onset colorectal cancer patients compared with older ones.”

- "Notably, people aged younger than 50 years were the only one of these three age groups to experience an increase in overall cancer incidence during this time period," the ACS report said.

Proving that what we're witnessing in this huge spike of rapidly growing 'turbo cancers' among the young and previously healthy is ANYTHING BUT 'normal,' most of the mainstream media, US government, WEF, WHO, CDC, NIH and all of the rest of them STILL REFUSE to report upon this massive spike in the numbers of cancers in young people, nor the tsunami of deaths we've seen.

And while the Wall Street Journal did put out this story titled "Cancer Is Striking More Young People, and Doctors Are Alarmed and Baffled," their pathetic subtitle of "Researchers are trying to figure out what is making more young adults sick, and how to identify those at high risk" is MORE PROOF they aren't even bothering to look at the vax as causing all of this sickness and death, a heartbreaking topic that all of the videos below take a look at. Showing once again the independent media is miles and miles and years and years ahead of the MSM, while outlets like the WEF and WHO seek to criminalize the truth. And we can certainly see why, as people around the world finding out the MSM is covering up genocide will end up very, very badly for all of the guilty who put profits ahead of humanity. 






43 Horsemen of the COVID Apocalypse bringing death, suffering, pain, job loss, collaterol damage, destroyed lives & futures to societies, to America, Canada, UK etc.; these 43, up from 33, we start
I added Bonnie Henry, Howard Njoo, Theresa Tam, Supriya Sharma, Doug Ford, Jason Kenney, Slaoui (OWS); we investigate them, we ask serious questions in proper legal inquiry, judges, juries
Dr. Paul Alexander
Jan 13, 2024

These are people who among them, IMO, in various ways caused confusion, mayhem, and even death re COVID with the deadly lockdowns and then vaccine and we have to begin with them, by asking them proper questions and under oath as to their roles in COVID, from origins, to lockdowns to vaccine (please make suggestions for consideration):

Francis Collins
Leana Wen
Mandy Cohen
Xavier Becerra (HHS’s new head)
Howard Njoo
Doug Ford
Bonnie Henry
Theresa Tam
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (WHO)
Mark Zuckerburg
Jack Dorsey
Moncef Slaoui
Supriya Sharma
Eric Fiegl-ding
Asish Jha
Jason Kenney
CNN e.g. Cuomo, Gupta etc.
FOX News e.g. Siegel

Jan 13

There was a post in my Facebook feed today from a local tv station that mentioned some craft breweries closing down. The article mentioned that the closures were due to people having a "change of taste" and not drinking as much craft beer. Some commenters pointed out that beer has become too expensive, and people are watching their money because of inflation. Of course, some people said things like "Thanks, Brandon" and made comments about voting red vs. blue. Other commenters talked about covid restrictions making it hard on businesses. But the part that stood out were all of the lefties calling anyone that expressed a conservative opinion names, and implying that they are stupid for listening to Trump. It is crazy how many people out there are so hard core left wing that to this day they argue how great their way of thinking is, and how wrong conservatives are.

I saw a preview of a post on Facebook Threads, but only a preview since I haven't, and won't download the app. The women that posted was complaining that she lost her Indiana vaccine card (I didn't realize that was even a thing) and because she couldn't prove she was ready for a booster, the state of Oregon where she now lives wouldn't give her one. She was angry she couldn't get a booster so she could be "protected from covid." In the thread about the breweries closing there were lefties calling conservatives names because they "believed Trump" and didn't "believe in science" and weren't vaxxed. I think in these articles on Substack we are all of like mind, and don't realize how much of the country is brainwashed. Not only that, but a huge part of our population is belligerently left wing, which I guess is redundant. This crowd will not back down. They could have both legs amputated from a vaccine injury and they would tell you how it would have been worse if they didn't get vaccinated.

Not only is our government, Pharma, and the herd-culling owners of the world protecting these doctors you mentioned, a huge part of society thinks they are heroes.

Jan 13
Doc A...Don’t forget to add Fauci’s wife, Christine Grady. She heads up bioETHICS at NIH.

Freddie Baggins - Our Leaders are Both Evil and Insane
January 25, 2024

The evidence is conclusive that the Covid vaccines were never, ever necessary to make anyone "safe".

In 2021 many people asked why our governments were enforcing mass inoculations of every age group when all of the data, even from the government sources, showed that the Covid virus was only dangerous to those who were highly immune compromised, which class included overwhelmingly the very elderly?

At that time, we were also arguing that the vaccines were not even necessary for them as there were other proven, cheap and simple treatment protocols available for them which our governments deliberately suppressed (and continue to do so).

So why jab everyone with foreign DNA, which were "experimental", as said by all government sources?

The evidence is conclusive that the Covid vaccines were never, ever necessary to make anyone "safe". They are dangerous and have since turned out to have caused far more deaths and harm than saved or helped others, and the theories we advanced in 2021 as to why our governments and all of the tentacles of the ruling establishment were forcing them on the people came down to these:
- big profits for those in our corrupt government systems and investors in big pharma;
- mass experimentation on billions of people with "different pokes for different folks";
- to harm our immune and fertility systems and to kill us off at a faster rate (i.e., to "cull" us);
- simply to control us, wiping away with the pretext of "emergency conditions" all of our basic rights, including the right even to know what substances were in the jabs, or the likely risks, and even in most cases to resist getting jabbed; and
- to prepare us for further vaccines injecting us with substances to change our DNA or to "chip" us for their centralized technocratic control grids.

None of these reasons are mutually exclusive, and if we know anything about the WEF we would know that as with 9/11, there are multiple "stakeholders" with diverse interests supporting each of the various operations.

In all probability the real reason or reasons for the Covid jabs are one or more of the above.

The Covid plandemic, the WEF goals, and 9/11 all show that the majority of the masses do not really care about the truth in anything; they have they been programmed away from truth and reason.

They are now doing most of the harm through what they call "globalism". Most Americans who hope for a rectification through people like Trump and on a reliance of their so- called "democratic" system do not seem to realize how completely corrupt the US has become.

At best they will vote for the lesser of evils, and their nation and the entire West simply will continue to crumble and die following their inept leadership. The evidence of people such as Col. Macgregor, who clearly sees the absolute mess and decadence in the US military, and what the various US administrations have done to it, and especially the insanity of what the present administration has started in the Ukraine, leaves us with only one conclusion.

We see the same pattern of crimes, corruption and deviltry as we have seen with the Covid plandemic, the vaccines, and the WEF which ought to prove by now that those we have allowed to run our nations are both evil and insane. To right things we need total regime change!


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  How to Escape the Matrix | A Primer for American Patriots | The Insanity of Davos
Posted by: Hissil - 01-25-2024, 11:04 AM - Forum: Illuiminati - No Replies




How to Escape the Matrix
Tips for recognizing false or probably false representations of what is going on.
John Leake
Jan 16, 2024

This morning a friend sent me a link to a long essay about our U.S. government’s ever-blundering Middle East policy, which included a citation of a 2019 Jerusalem Post report headlined: Netanyahu: Money to Hamas part of strategy to keep Palestinians divided. The report explains Netanyahu’s policy of supervising the transfer of funds from Qatar to Hamas:

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu defended Israel’s regular allowing of Qatari funds to be transferred into Gaza, saying it is part of a broader strategy to keep Hamas and the Palestinian Authority separate, a source in Monday’s Likud faction meeting said. …

The Jerusalem Post piece reminded me that within Israel, criticism and debate about government policy is the norm. This contrasts with the public forum in the United States, in which criticizing Israeli government policy is usually excoriated as being “antisemitic.” The report further states:

    Yisrael Beytenu leader Avigdor Liberman, who resigned as head of the Defense Ministry over Gaza policies, said on Saturday that the payments are a “miserable decision,” marking “the first time Israel is funding terrorism against itself.”

Though I can’t be sure of the veracity of the Jerusalem Post report, it strikes me as credible. Upon reading it, I immediately thought of all the vehement assertions I’ve heard in recent months about perfidious Iran providing financial support for Hamas. So, what am I to make of this 2019 Jerusalem Post report that not Iran, but Qatar is a major funder of Hamas, with Israel supervising the flow of funds into Gaza?

It reminds me of the salient fact that most of the the September 11, 2001 hijackers were Saudi and Egyptian boys, some of whom received funds directly from the Washington D.C. Riggs Bank account of Prince Bandar bin Sultan’s wife, Haifa. In other words, NOT Saddam Hussein, but the Saudi Ambassador to the United States—a close pal of President George W. Bush—provided support for the hijackers.

Since the United States invaded Iraq in 2003, I’ve been in the habit of investigating major domestic and foreign policy stories, and I’ve noticed a conspicuous pattern—namely, the U.S. government and our mainstream media constantly lie about everything.

This brings me to the title of this post: How to Escape the Matrix. To do so, you must start with the following advice offered by the head of a mental health hospital in Edgar Allan Poe’s short story “The System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether:”

    You are young yet, my friend,” replied my host, “but the time will arrive when you will learn to judge for yourself of what is going on in the world, without trusting to the gossip of others. Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see.”

Upon reading this, the reader will doubtless object that if he is to believe nothing he hears, he might as well just give up trying to understand anything about what is going on the world. I sympathize with this frustration, and I therefore propose this posture of extreme skepticism as a starting point. From this initial posture of skepticism, one may venture forth with an inquiry guided by the following practical tips.

TIP 1: Ask yourself what major interest group may be propagating the narrative.

Anytime we are told something of great import by our government and MSM, one should consider if the representation pertains to a decision that will result in:

1). A transfer of large sums of public money.

2). The use of military force.

3). The exertion of emergency or other extraordinary power.

4). A substantial benefit or advantage for political, financial, or industrial interests.

If any of the above is at play, it’s likely that what we are being told is NOT the objective truth of the matter, but a biased or distorted account that serves a powerful lobby or interest group.

TIP 2: Bear in mind that both political parties in the United States have been captured by interest groups. While the Democratic Party is more vulnerable to the influence of criminally insane interest groups, the Republicans in Washington rarely if ever take a principled stand for the citizenry. For example, with the exception of Senator Ron Johnson from Wisconsin, Republican Senators went along lockstep with the suppression of early treatment for COVID-19.

TIP 3: Review the statements and publications by key players in any major interest group. This is especially useful in stories concerning the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex. Congress produces endless Kabuki Theater about gain-of-function work on bat coronaviruses that could have ultimately produced SARS-CoV-2. Senator Rand has repeatedly grilled Fauci about his NIH grants for such research, and Fauci has boldly lied about it.

At the same time, Congress NEVER subpoenas Professor Ralph Baric at UNC Chapel Hill. To understand the truth of the matter, one need only read the 2015 paper titled A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence by Veneet Menachery, Zhengli-Li Shi, Ralph Baric, et al. This study plainly states that the authors conducted Gain-of-Function research on bat coronaviruses in order to make them infectious to primary human airway epithelial cells and succeeded in their endeavor.

Likewise, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and the World Economic Forum often tell the world about their schemes. For almost fifteen years, Bill Gates repeatedly stated his ambition to vaccinate all of humanity as frequently as possible. In 2010 he declared, “We must make this the decade of vaccines.” To pursue this objective, his foundation collaborated with the WHO, UNICEF, and NIAID “to increase coordination across the international vaccine community and create a Global Vaccine Action Plan.” Nine years later—at the January 2019 WEF meeting in Davos—he announced his foundation’s return on the $10 billion it had invested in vaccine development.

“We feel there’s been over a 20-to-1 return, yielding $200 billion over those 20 or so years,” he told CNBC’s Betty Quick on Squawk Box. This was, as he’d written in an essay for the Wall Street Journal the week before, “The Best Investment I’ve Ever Made.”

In other words, Bill Gates is obsessed with vaccines, wants everyone to get them, and has made $200 billion on his $10 billion investment in mass vaccination. The Gates Foundation also wields vast influence in the mass media. On August 21, 2020, the Columbia Journalism Review published long, meticulous report titled “Journalism’s Gates keepers.” The reporter, Tim Schwab, found $250 million of Gates Foundation grants to radio and television newsrooms (including $17.5 million to NPR alone) newspapers, journalism organizations, and advertising firms that create content.

The Foundation has also given grants to the Poynter Institute and Gannett, whose PolitFact and USA Today fact checking departments have defended Gates from what they characterize as “false conspiracy theories” and “misinformation” about his influence over public health policy. As the author pointed out, “The full scope of Gates’s giving to the news media remains unknown because the foundation only publicly discloses money awarded through charitable grants, not through contracts.”

Consider this whenever you hear politicians, journalists, and academics insisting that ALL vaccines are “safe and effective.”

TIP 4: Consider that major government actions, including aid packages and bailouts, are invariably for the benefit of specific industries, interest groups, and preferred foreign countries. Whenever we are being blitzed with claims that a crisis is afoot, there are invariably interest groups that are already positioned to benefit from the crisis.

TIP 5: Get rid of your television. This is especially important if you have kids. Though estimates vary, it seems that the average American adult watches about 3 hours per day. Watching TV draws one’s mind ever deeper into the Matrix. Though I’ve wasted my own share of time, I’m proud to say that I haven’t watched television in 35 years. Much of the 38,000 hours I could have spent watching television I have spent reading or conversing with friends.

TIP 6: Do not trust stories that are being presented to you on your social media feeds unless you have already thoroughly vetted the sources. Social media algorithms quickly ascertain your biases and ruthlessly reinforce them by presenting you with more of the same kind of reporting.

TIP 7: Beware of the propaganda technique known as “flooding the zone.”

On the evening of September 7, 2021 Late-Night comedy hosts Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, Stephen Colbert and Seth Meyers all joked about America’s multitude of rubes taking “horse dewormer” instead of getting vaccinated. Mr. Kimmel’s remarks were the most cutting.

    We’ve still got a lot of pan-dimwits out there. People are still taking this ivermectin. You know the poison control centers have seen this spike in calls from people taking this livestock medicine to fight the coronavirus. But they won’t take the vaccine, which is crazy. ... Dr. Fauci has said that if the hospitals get any more overcrowded, they’re going to have to make some very tough choices about who gets an ICU bed. That choice doesn’t seem so tough to me. Vaccinated person having a heart attack, yes, come right on in, we’ll take care of you. Unvaccinated person who gobbled horse goo, rest in peace, wheezy.

This well-known propaganda technique, called “flooding” or “firehosing,” broadcasts the same message repetitively and simultaneously over multiple media channels. The Johns Hopkins pandemic simulation, Event 201, featured a conversation about this strategy. Planning board member Matthew Harrington, CEO of Edelman global communications, proclaimed:

    We’re at a moment where the social media platforms have to step forward and recognize and to assert that their [claim] to be a technology platform and not a broadcaster is over. They in fact have to be a participant in broadcasting accurate information and partnering with the scientific and health communities to counterweight if not flood the zone of accurate information.

Whenever you see a blitz of messaging about something, you can be sure that a major, organized interest group is trying (and usually succeeding) in exerting the vast power of the Matrix.


A Primer for American Patriots and Preppers Facing an Uncertain Future
By Brandon Smith
January 18, 2024

The average patriot (or prepper) is usually a middle class conservative or libertarian with a tendency towards independent thinking and some experience with economic struggle in their past. Most of us have made something of ourselves from very little, or, we had parents that made something of themselves from very little and we watched as children while they climbed their way up the ladder through hard work and merit.

Our philosphy is based on experience and a willingness to look beyond the veil. Most of the western public is bombarded with endless messaging about how stable and safe and “prosperous” our society is. We are constantly slapped in the face with propaganda telling us that patriots are not only crazy, but also dangerous.  We are the bumbling bad guys in every film and TV show.  We’re the “extremists” that refuse to accept that the system works, and if we would just stop trying to be independent from the system, we will find safety and happiness.

We are told a lot of things that aren’t true, and this is really the first thing that sets the preparedness culture apart from everyone else – A healthy sense of skepticism when it comes to establishment claims and mainstream assumptions. We will NOT be sitting idle listening to the band play while the Titanic sinks. We understand, however, that there’s a considerable number of people out there that are content to do so…

There are numerous and unique motivations for people who delve into the patriot life and I think there’s a perception that it requires some kind of abnormal shift in routine or a complete upending of one’s existence.  If you become a patriot or prepper you have to live in a compound and wear army garb everyday and be suspicious of everyone.  It’s really a very simple addition to the daily grind, a hobby more than anything else.  No one is joining a cult; all we are doing is seeking self sufficiency wherever possible and taking a second look at the claims made by people in power.

Which behavior is more bizarre? Being prepared and aware? Or, being willfully ignorant and constantly vulnerable?

It’s also about realism, not pessimism. It’s not about living under a cloud of constant doom, only accepting that there are extreme problems in the world that may require extreme solutions. All I can say is, as I balance the good with the bad I find that I still remain an optimist. I believe free people have a chance to turn the tide and dismantle the cabal of influence that has created the instabilities we now face.

But, to do this requires something beyond a vague understanding of freedom and a will to live. To change the path of our civilization requires a significant level of dedication to something greater. We need a personal foundation, a mantra, a philosophy that adds structure to our efforts. In other words, preparedness is not only about you.  Survival is not the end game. Preparedness is just a means to an end, which is why patriotism is also essential – We prepare so that we can fight for a better future, a future some of us may not live to enjoy.

To this point, I will list what I believe are the top most important ideals for the modern patriot/prepper. These are the rules that I plan to follow in the chaotic world going forward, and I think that if a majority of those dedicated to liberty do the same we may just make it through the pyre with the majority of our humanity intact.

Rule 1: Prepare For Others, Not Just Yourself

In the midst of crisis there will come a time when you will have to help other people. You may not like other people, you may not trust other people, you might feel better crawling into a bunker and never dealing with another living soul until the breakdown has run its course. It doesn’t matter. If you have a conscience then you will be faced with the reality of need – Other people’s need.

Do they deserve what they get? Maybe some of them do, while others do not. Knowing which is which will be up to you. Having the means to aid the innocent is paramount. Trust me on this – You DO NOT want to find yourself in a situation where good people need your help and you are incapable because you failed to plan ahead. You do not want that weighing on your spirit.

Rule 2: Survival Alone Is Not Victory

If you are alive but the rest of the world is enslaved, then you have ultimately lost. “Winning” is not possible until the root enemy is erased from existence. If the oligarchy that sabotages us is able to use a collapse to gain power while avoiding consequences, then they have prevailed and no matter how well you think you can hide eventually they will find you too.

Do not think for a second that your life is worth more than the freedom of humanity as a whole. It’s not.

Rule 3: Fear Is Transitory, Regret Is Forever

Many people’s lives are ruled by fear. They are incessantly worried about what they could lose if they take action, if they deviate from the norm, if they upset the wrong people or rock the wrong boat. Human beings naturally seek acceptance and validation from their peers and from society. We want to belong to a tribe. We also want to remain comfortable and secure, avoiding struggle and conflict at all costs.

But there are worse things than struggle and pain and disapproval, such as regret. Knowing that we could have done something profound, yet we chose instead to sit on our ass and do nothing because standing up is scary. That kind of regret is a poison that eats most people alive, especially in old age when we are less physically able to intervene in the course of history.

Personally, I don’t really understand the fear of death, or the fear of confrontation or conflict, or the fear of facing adversity. I don’t get it. None of us is going to live forever, so we do what we can to make this life count. What I do fear, perhaps more than anything, is being useless when I’m called to make a difference. Do not let fear hold you back from what you know is right.

Rule 4: You Do Not Need To Become The Monster To Defeat The Monster

War is hell, that’s not in question. And make no mistake, we are in the middle of a war right now. But, ask yourself what you are fighting for in the first place. Is it a set of principles and beliefs, or is it simply to win no matter the cost?

On the other hand, there are also people with a tendency to use the “turn the other cheek” mantra to argue against taking any action in self defense. Sometimes they are afraid, sometimes they truly believe that principles must be held to the letter, even to the detriment of everything else.

It’s a razor thin line to walk between righteous non-violence and monstrous indifference. My position? When someone declares war on you, you fight back and put them down flat. Just make sure you don’t lose your soul in the process.

Rule 5: Be Invisible When You Must, Be Visible When You Must

Many preppers and patriots are obsessed with the concept of invisibility; the concept of the “Gray Man” and the tactic of blending in and going unnoticed. While this serves a purpose in some situations there are also advantages to being seen, to being visible.

There is an old story of a Roman General talking to a Roman Senator as they walk around the markets of the capitol. The Senator takes note that many of the slaves within Rome looked like regular citizens and lamented the fact that he could not tell them apart from everyone else. He suggested to the General that they force the slaves to wear armbands as identification.

The General spoke up, saying that the idea was a foolish one.

The Senator was shocked by the General’s opposition and asked why? The General explained – “The slave population is vast, but the slaves have no idea. As you say, they blend in with the citizens and the leadership. If we give them all armbands they will see how many of them there are. They will realize they greatly outnumber us and will be tempted to revolt. Better that they not know.”

There are times when visibility is more important that invisibility. There are times when invisibility is the path to defeat.

Rule 6: In Every Moment Of Chaos There Is A Moment Of Peace

Chaos is mostly a product of a mental reaction, a subconscious decision to panic instead of remaining calm and lucid. Chaos is created by people more than events; it’s how we process those events that makes them a disaster or a moment of triumph. That is to say, in every moment of chaos there is a moment of peace. The question is, can you restrain your impulse to panic and instead act with conscious and deliberate calm?

To be sure, preparedness has a lot to do with this. There is a common misconception about preppers that we are “always afraid and paranoid.” The reality is the opposite – We are rarely afraid or paranoid because we have trained ourselves to be ready for most dangers. The people that are afraid, the people who usually panic, are those that are unprepared.

Beyond this, though, is a deeper mindset that has embraced the inevitability of chaos. We know that the world is built upon a precarious house of cards and history shows us that this house of cards will inevitably fall. To assume otherwise is naive or insane.

Rule 7: What We Do Now Echos In Eternity

I can’t help but quote this piece of wisdom from Marcus Aurelius; I don’t think I could say it any better. Understand that the future is a summation of the actions we take today. Whether we are personally remembered or not is irrelevant; tomorrow is decided by what we do or don’t do. There is nothing that can stop this. We are the decision makers – Not the globalists, not governments, WE are the people who decide what the next era will look like.

There are moments in history, rare moments, when the confluence of events and crises rest at the point of a fulcrum. It is a nexus, a crossroads that will determine the course of civilization for centuries to come. There are people who will encounter this storm and do nothing more than sit back and drift along with the tides of fate. There are others who are battling for the chance to control the rudder of the ship, aiming humanity to either free shores or the depths of the abyss.

When all our lives are tallied in the great beyond we each may be faced with the terrible question: “What did you contribute?” As patriots and freedom fighters, I hope when that moment comes we will be able to say that we left nothing undone. That we conducted ourselves with honor. That we set the world right again.


WEF Creeps Just Took a Beating
By Tom Woods
January 18, 2024

The World Economic Forum is currently holding its annual meeting in Davos.

Argentine president Javier Milei was invited to speak, and did he ever rise to the occasion.

Milei delivered his remarks in Spanish, so an interpreter did simultaneous translation. That means the text I’m quoting from is choppy and imperfect, but it’s good enough to give you an idea of what was said.

I can share only excerpts, in order to keep this issue at a manageable length, but these excerpts will certainly give you a sense of the speech:

Quote:Good afternoon. Thank you very much. Today I’m here to tell you that the Western world is in danger. And it is endangered because those who are supposed to defend the values of the West are co-opted by a vision of the world that inexorably leads to socialism and thereby to poverty.

Unfortunately, in recent decades, motivated by some well-meaning individuals willing to help others and others motivated by the wish to belong to a privileged caste, the main leaders of the Western world have abandoned the model of freedom for different versions of what we call collectivism. We’re here to tell you that collectivist experiments are never the solution to the problems that afflict the citizens of the world. Rather, they are the root cause….

Given the dismal failure of collectivist models and the undeniable advances in the free world, socialists were forced to change their agenda. They left behind the class struggle based on the economic system, and replaced this with other supposed social conflicts, which are just as harmful to life as a community and to economic growth.

The first of these new battles was the ridiculous and unnatural fight between man and woman…. All that this radical feminism agenda has led to is greater state intervention to hinder the economic process, giving jobs to bureaucrats who have not contributed anything to society. Examples: ministries of women or international organizations devoted to promoting this agenda.

Another conflict introduced by socialists is that of humans against nature, claiming that we human beings damage the planet, which should be protected at all costs, going as far as advocating for population control mechanisms or the bloody abortion agenda.

Unfortunately, these harmful ideas have taken a strong hold in our society. Neo-Marxists have managed to co-opt the common sense of the Western world, and this they have achieved by appropriating the media, culture, universities….

The case of Argentina is an empirical demonstration that no matter how rich you may be or how much you may have in terms of natural resources, or how skilled your population may be or educated, or how many bars of gold you may have in the central bank, if measures are adopted that hinder the free functioning of markets, free competition, free price systems, if you hinder trade, if you attack private property, the only possible fate is poverty….

Today, states don’t need to directly control the means of production to control every aspect of the lives of individuals, with tools such printing money, debt, subsidies, controlling the interest rate, price controls, and regulations to correct so-called market failures. They can control the lives and fates of millions of individuals….

A good deal of the generally accepted political [positions] in most Western countries are collectivist variants, whether they proclaim to be openly communists, fascists, Nazis, socialists, social Democrats, National Socialists, Democrat Christians, or Christian Democrats.

They are neo-Keynesians, progressive, populist, nationalist or globalists at bottom. There are no major differences. They all say that the state should steer all aspects of the lives of individuals. They all defend a model contrary to the one that led humanity to the most spectacular progress in its history.

We have come here today to invite the rest of the countries in the Western world to get back on the path of prosperity, economic freedom, limited government…and unlimited respect for private property….

The impoverishment produced by collectivism is no fantasy, nor is it an inescapable fate. But it’s a reality that we Argentines know very well. We have lived through this. We have been through this because, as I said earlier, ever since we decided to abandon the model of freedom that had made us rich, we have been caught up in a downward spiral, as part of which we are poorer and poorer day by day….

In concluding, I would like to leave a message for all businesspeople here and for those who are not here in person but are following from around the world. Do not be intimidated, either by the political caste or by parasites who live off the state. Do not surrender to a political class that only wants to stay in power and retain its privileges.

You are social benefactors. You are heroes. You’re the creators of the most extraordinary period of prosperity we’ve ever seen. Let no one tell you that your ambition is immoral. If you make money, it’s because you offer a better product at a better price, thereby contributing to general well-being.

Do not surrender to the advance of the state. The state is not the solution. The state is the problem itself. You are the true protagonists of this story and rest assured that as from today, Argentina is your staunch, unconditional ally.

So yes, it’s fine to speak at the World Economic Forum, as long as you smash them as wicked parasites whose program leads to impoverishment, as Milei just did.


15 Lies by the Creeps
By Tom Woods
January 22, 2024

Just when you think the media can’t get more stupid or contemptible, you get NBC’s Brandy Dadrozny telling readers today, “Disinformation poses an unprecedented threat to democracy in the United States in 2024, according to researchers, technologists and political scientists.”

It takes your breath away, does it not, the gall of these people?

They do nothing but mislead the public 24 hours a day, and they can pretend somebody else is to blame for “disinformation”?

The US regime lies to the public all the time, and yet the media never condemns it as a purveyor of “disinformation.”

When you and I speak uncomfortable or embarrassing truths, now that’s what these creeps consider “disinformation.”

Two years ago I reported on a CNN panel on disinformation held at the University of Chicago. At that event a freshman named Christopher Phillips stood up and identified the real source of disinformation:

You’ve all spoken extensively about FOX News being a purveyor of disinformation. But CNN is right up there with them. They pushed the Russian collusion hoax, they pushed the Jussie Smollett hoax, they smeared Justice Kavanaugh as a rapist, and they also smeared Nick Sandmann as a white supremacist. And yes, they dismissed the Hunter Biden laptop affair as pure Russian disinformation.

With mainstream corporate journalists becoming little more than apologists and cheerleaders for the regime, is it time to finally declare that the canon of journalistic ethics is dead or no longer operative?

All the mistakes of the mainstream media, and CNN in particular, seem to magically all go in one direction. Are we expected to believe that this is all just some sort of random coincidence, or is there something else behind it?


Vivek Ramaswamy recently came up with a bunch of good examples of particularly egregious cases of media disinformation, among them:

    Russia collusion
    The Hunter Biden laptop story
    The “very fine people” hoax (mischaracterization of Trump’s remarks after Charlottesville)
    Bubba Wallace and the alleged “noose” in his garage stall (that turned out to be a garage door pull rope)
    Jussie Smollett
    Covington Catholic students
    Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot
    Steele dossier
    Florida’s “don’t say gay” bill
    Georgia eintegrity law (described preposterously as “the new Jim Crow”)
    Duke lacrosse case
    January 6th
    “Mostly peaceful” BLM riots
    Ivermectin as a horse dewormer
    Trump’s alleged use of tear gas for Bible photo

During the lockdown period a large number of folks sought the truth inside my private group for supporters, because they knew they’d be getting the opposite of the truth on the networks and in the papers.


WEF – Davos 2024. The World Is Falling Apart But the Show Must Go On…
It is a meeting of a globalist cartel of unelected “leaders”, who give themselves the right to attempt deciding the future of the world.
By Peter Koenig
January 19, 2024

“Hell is empty and all the devils are here.” ― William Shakespeare, The Tempest

It’s A 21st Century Tempest:

“Lets Ensure that the Devils Go Down to Where they Rightfully Belong”

Below is a timely Report by Radio Canada (in French) referring to Davos24 with a title intent upon reassuring its readers:



“‘The Great Reset’ is not a Conspiracy to Control the World.

“This initiative of the World Economic Forum to Rethink the Post-Epidemic Economy is the Object of an Important Disinformation Campaign”

M. Ch. Global Research, January 15, 2024

Introduction: Davos24. The WEF Agenda

As these lines go to print, some 3000 invited guests will flock to the 54th Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, from 15 to 19 January. Some 60+ heads of state and many “dignitaries” – most without dignity – wannabe leaders of one kind or another, corporate CEOs, are expected.

It is a meeting of a globalist cartel of unelected “leaders”, who give themselves the right to attempt deciding the future of the world.

They include, of course, bankers and the financial elite – foremost BlackRock, also a key sponsor and financier of the WEF.

This globalist cabal will, like every year, clog the airports of Zurich, Geneva, and Basle, with their private jets.

Like military worldwide, they are way beyond the “climate change” fraud-agenda they impose on the common plebs.

Some of the heads of state invited by Klaus Schwab, the eternal Chairman and CEO of the WEF, might be considered de facto murderers.

As Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who this year is making a physical appearance in Davos, is traveling with a high caliber security detail, his critiques are being murdered at home. As reported by RT (12 January 2024) and confirmed by the US State Department, Chilean-US journalist Gonzalo Lira was tortured to death in a Ukraine prison. See this.

President Zelenskyy is also responsible for sending tens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers to their death in an unwinnable war against Russia – for which Russia has offered multiple times peace negotiations, Zelenskyy refused on the order of NATO and western leaders.

Other WEF attendees, like, Isaac Herzog, President of Israel, stands behind the horrendous genocide Israel is inflicting on Palestine; Antony Blinken, US Secretary of State, sitting in for President Biden, as well as Ursula von der Leyen, (image left with Zelenskyy) unelected President European Council (EC) and member of the WEF’s Board of Trustees – might they also fall into the category of de facto murderers for their relentless encouraging Israel to continue the merciless genocide on Gaza, already expanded to the West Bank and Southern Lebanon; as well as cheering on Zelenskyy with countless billions of dollars and an arsenal of sophisticated American and European weaponry to continue the atrocious war in Ukraine?

Bill Gates, the vaxx king and insect-food promoter, farm-killer and foremost and outspoken eugenist, as well as WHO’s DG, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, might they fit the criteria of “Triggering Depopulation”

The WEF’s 2024 Motto: Rebuilding Trust

With this kind of noble ilk, Davos 2024 is off to a good start.

Not for nothing, this year’s motto is “Rebuilding Trust”. Are you effing kidding? “Rebuilding trust”, that says it all. Something is changing. The WEF is realizing that more and more people – including high-level executives – have lost and are increasingly losing trust in this corrupt dystopian, rules-based, One-World wannabe Order.

Other indications that trust in the system is quickly losing ground around the world can be seen from a recent Telegraph article, according to which Defense Secretary Grant Shaps is planning recruiting women for military service, to make up for the ever diminishing mail recruits.

Young people no longer trust their governments, and less so their war policies. It is just a question of time, when women too decline to do war service for the government. Maybe the time is here already. See this.


One certain solution for peace and harmony in the world would be ALL people refusing serving in the military. No military around the world, and the system would fall flat.

The WEF could pack up, and Davos could regain its illustrious reputation of a swell tourist location in the eastern Alps of Switzerland.

The Globalist Dream

Be sure, WEF and Co., your globalist dream of a One World Order and One World Government, and One Health Order (see below) will not happen. It is a joke.

Dear Mr. Schwab, how are you gonna “Rebuild Trust” with the same corrupt agenda and the same corrupt elitists? You have not changed one iota from the Great Reset’s and UN Agenda’s 2030 – primary goals of drastic population reduction, euthanizing large swaths of people, in whatever way possible, and full digitization of the remaining humanity, to the point where your Israeli Professor and Brother-in-Crime, Yuval Noah Hariri, asks in no uncertain terms:

What to do with the useless eaters, once robots and Artificial Intelligences (AI) will have taken over?

The answer is clear.

Be Sure, it has Nothing to do with Building Trust

Indeed, things are a-changing. And perhaps in unpredictable ways. Since we are not living in a linear world and the vast majority of humanity does not want a digitized world with digitally-controlled, digitized humanoids. Take note – people are waking up.

Davos24: 100+ Behind Closed Doors Sessions

The WEF’s traditional and official agenda for Davos24, of Trade, Climate Change, AI / digitization does not inspire trust, especially not for the awakened ones. And many of the 3000-plus elite-guests are increasingly aware of the rapid awakening within the populace at large.

Indeed, a conscience shift is taking hold throughout the world. Maybe the elite come in these record numbers to Davos24, to see what the WEF has to offer as alternatives to maintain the status quo as long as possible.

In addition to the official agenda, really the key of the WEF agenda, are the 100-plus secret close-door sessions for by-invitation-only guests.

In these sessions, the psychopaths, or Übermenschen hovering above humanity, led by Schwab, will discuss how to control, tyrannize, reduce, and robotize the world population – and the best and fastest way to deprive them of their hard-earned resources and how quickest transferring these resources to a small corporate and private elite.

These secret topics, will most likely include methodologies on how to impose on society new fear factors – after the covid, lockdown and vaxx fraud is gradually but speedily coming to light and ebbing off.

To get the maximum out of fear-mongering and mind manipulation of the population at large, the WEF might have invited experts from Tavistock, the British institute for social engineering of the collective and individual minds.

Special items of discussions may include, as priorities,

    how to assure that the new US President – elections in November 2024, IF they take place – will play along, Biden-style; 
    implementation of the yet to be defined new disease “X” which will be multiple times deadlier than covid;
    how to manipulate the Pandemic Treaty and the new International Health Regulations (IHR) through the World Health Assembly (WHA) in May 2024, to make WHO effectively the tyrant and dictator of a One Health Order (OHO), leading up to a One World Government;
    next dimensions of AI, robotization, digitization and the blanket imposition of Digital ID and how to link them to individual bank accounts, and / or Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) – imposition at once, or gradually, in the hope of halting a revolution; and

A Polygon Cyberattack May also be on the Agenda for 2024.

After all, We the People, were recently warned by the Barack and Michelle Obama produced Netflix movie, “Leave the World Behind” – depicting a cyber-attack by an unknown enemy, attempting to leave the people in awe and fear of what might be coming.

Also it is worth noting that in 2021:

“the WEF conducted a simulation of Cyber Attacks involving a scenario of Paralysis of the Power Supply, Communications, Transportation, The Internet.


“Klaus Schwab intimated in no uncertain terms based on the simulation that a cyber-attack:

“Could bring a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole …

The COVID-19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyberattack.” (emphasis added)

NO FEAR, Please – is of the Order.

We, the People, must become cognizant of the fact that the Western world is run by A Money Driven Cult, a Death Cult, or a Diabolical Cult.

Hard to believe but true.

What we have been experiencing during the last several decades are attacks on human dignity, emotions, by warnings causing fear and obedience. These are typical rituals Cults must follow, to be successful in their diabolical actions.

If we pay no attention, especially do not fall for the fear-factor, and do not hate them for what they are doing, we are safe. They want us to hate them, because hatred emits the same low emotional vibes they use for their atrocities. If we emit similar signals, they have us under control.

Being indifferent to them, or even loving them, monsters they are – according to the maxim, they don’t know what they are doing – is a must for ascending from the darkness of their control into the light, where We the People, eventually become free, autonomous and sovereign beings, ready to create a new society, a new civilization.

We must not ever succumb to their control, lest they drive us to the graveyard, or at best, to their slave-yard. NEVER must we allow that.


"Rebuilding Trust" | WEF Young Global Leader Member Puppet President Javier Milei Saying The Right Things To Restore Trust To WEF
Patricia Harrity | The Exposé | Expose-News.com

Economist Milei was introduced by the WEF founder, Klaus Schwab, as the “freely elected” president of Argentina, which these days is unusual, the Argentinian president went on to delineate the differences between Capitalism and Socialism and said he wanted “to plant the ideas of freedom in a forum that is contaminated by the 2030 socialist agenda.” and warned about collectivism to a room full of collectivists:

The Milei speech showed his ideology as being as anti-WEF, anti-socialism, and anti-authoritarian as it would be possible to be, therefore his philosophy has excited a lot of people who are possibly hoping that we, at last, have someone who is rubbing shoulders with the WEF “elite” but acting as a voice for the people.

Without being guilty of collectivism ourselves, or paranoid for that matter, we must not forget that Milei is a WEF graduate and is on the list of Schwabs Global Young Leaders, therefore we cannot help but have our suspicions about the man who, after all, has been welcomed at Davos.

He is also a performer, much like Zelensky and although we are led to believe that Milei is mr Popular in Argentina, that is not strictly true.

The World Socialist Web Site (WSWS) called him a “Fascistic candidate” and said Milei is “a TV personality promoted by the corporate media whose choleric outbursts against the “left” and the working class have been directed for years at cultivating a social base for massive austerity and fascist reaction.”

Milei won the presidential election in Argenta with a margin of 55.69% defeating Peronist Sergio Massa, and according to the WSWS, Milei was able to exploit the hatred for the Peronists, who have ruled Argentina for most of the 40 years since the fall of the dictatorship and are falsely presented as the “left” by the media.

Milei presented himself as the only authentic opposition, and that his rhetoric fraudulently amalgamated as “parasites” and thieves the government and union bureaucracies, together with the working class and the 40 percent of Argentines who rely on social assistance” the WSWS argue, and say that “The pessimistic mood of many of those going to the polls was summed up by one Milei voter who told the media: “Mejor un loco que un ladrón,” better a madman than a thief.



The Goddess of the WEF
By James Howard Kunstler
January 20, 2024

“What has been the number one theme of the World Economic Forum this year? It’s not climate change, it’s not Ukraine. It is censorship of the internet. They are painting a target directly on @ElonMusk’s forehead and they’re labeling it ‘X’” — Jack Posobeic

Tell me: is there a fairer grandmotherly face than this in all of Western Civ? Does it not seem to radiate eons of aggregate wisdom, maternal kindness, bountiful nurture, caring, and healing, and even a hint of fun in the nursury. . . the rectified essence of Teutonic beauty, fertility, vitality, and virtue. . . the loving smile of the life-giver caressing humanity like a spring zephyr wafting through the piney Schwarzwald on a June morning?

That is exactly why Ursula von der Leyen was (s)elected President of the European Commission, and why she was sent out to front the World Economic Forum (WEF) this week in her keynote speech to the assembled global grandees of Davos in the dead chill of January. It’s one thing when a cadaverous goblin such as Yuval Noah Harari tells you to eat bugs, and quite another thing when Oma Ursula tells you Keine Sorge, Kinder. Alles ist gut.

Ursula did offer us children-of-the-world one wee note of caution, though, as every good “grammy” might give to the global kindergarten: watch out for misinformation and disinformation on the internet! Like the evil imps of the Germanic Märchen, these wicked forces lurk and propagate on the internet — waiting to dash all of the WEF’s benevolent plans for our utopian future. That’s why, she explained, the European Commission has drawn up the Digital Services Act — because misinfo and disinfo can fluoresce into hate speech, the most dangerous thing in the world. It must be stomped out! Ground into the dirt under a boot heel!

Misinfo and disinfo about what, exactly? Ursula omitted to specify, but we can guess, can’t we? For instance, about how more and more every year the WEF seems to operate like a global racketeering operation, seeking the levers of control in all the naughtiest sovereign nations of the earth overpopulated with “useless eaters” who are remorselessly busy wrecking the climate to enjoy, say, in the case of the USA, their loathsome motor-sports, mega-churches, gun shows, hot-tubs, and Golden Corral All-You-Can-Eat buffets! The WEF, a racket? A cabal of haughty control freaks? What a hateful thing to say, after everything kindly onkel Schwabenklaus has done for mankind! It hurts our feelings to hear this!

Yet, why do scores of billionaires flock to the yearly Davos meet-up and coordinate their funding streams into countless NGOs and shadowy activist organizations aimed at manipulating the activities of governments around the world? I assure you it’s hardly for the fabulous hors d’oeuvre platters or the even more fabulous on-call hookers. (The nabobs of finance must be satisfied with the services of their personal chefs and masseuses.) Ursula says the WEF notables meet annually “because our democracies and our businesses have interests that align: creating prosperity, wealth and security for people, creating a stable environment to unlock innovation and investment, and creating equal opportunity and freedom.”

I have some disappointing news for you: grandmother Ursula is lying (alas, we live in time of epic disappointments). If the WEF wanted “stability” you would not see Alex (and papa George) Soros pouring money into every county DA election from Maine to California to make sure that looting, car-jacking, and mayhem go unpunished. . . or that men of military age from every failed state on the planet get flown across the oceans to NGO-supported waystations in Central America so that the cartels of Mexico can take over the final leg of their illegal entry into the USA. . . or ditto the boats ferrying Africans and Arabs across the Mediterranean to overwhelm the societies of Europe — including especially Grammy Ursula’s Germany.

The last thing the WEF she fronts for cares about is this airy-fairy freedom thing. Ditto equal opportunity. They want all the goodies for themselves and they want the rest of us to quit cluttering up their world. And they mean to get you out of here, for-real. The Covid-19 operation, so advantageous to their Great Reset plan, has resulted in billions of people subjected to very sketchy “vaccines.” The record indicates a shocking, abnormal, sustained rise, since 2021, when the “vaccines” were introduced, of all-causes deaths. That was just the overture of the Next Big Thing.

This week, the WEF and its subaltern org, the WHO, amped up warnings about the coming “Disease X.” This, they say, will be much worse than the namby-pamby Covid-19, which mostly led to people’s deaths by iatrogenic medical maltreatment with respirators, remdesivir, and opiates — and the relentless suppression of actual effective treatments. (All talk of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine on the Internet was deemed “disinfo.”)

If such a thing as “Disease X” does arise in the weeks and months ahead, this is what it will actually be: a cover-story for all the previously mRNA-vaccinated people with damaged immune systems getting fatally ill from a new mutation of Covid. Eminent virologists are predicting exactly this. (Misinformation, you think?) Wait for it and find out.



More than They can chew..WEF Davos
Those currently meeting at Davos could be dismissed as maniacal lunatics if it were not for the fact that most of them are mega billionaires who are spending their way toward total control of the planet. They use NGOs to control communities. They buy out district attorneys to destroy social cohesion. They already own and control most of our politicians by means of lobbyists and money. They own and control the mainstream media. They own and control major corporations and social media. Now they want to own and control all of us.

They’re using their ‘climate change’  hoax to achieve that goal, and they will enforce their agenda by means of a central bank digital currency. The CBDC will enable them to monitor and control what we buy and penalize us if our carbon footprints aren’t small enough. Eventually they want us all dead. They want to own the world and excess humans are useless eaters consuming too many resources. We are the carbon they want to eliminate.

Of course, they can consume as much as they like and stomp around with sasquatchian sized carbon footprints because they consider themselves to be our god-like leaders. In reality they are satanic and we saw that revealed in one of their rituals. They no longer care if we know. They are all untouchable and above the law.

Blinken attended. Like Biden, he his answerable to those unelected leaders at Davos, not American citizens.  None of the Davos creeps were elected. Did you vote for Gore, Kerry, Schwab, or any of the other climate change shills to hector you? Of course not. Yet they think they can get you to pay a carbon tax to ’save the planet.’

The control freaks are now saying anyone who resists the climate change agenda are spreading ‘misinformation’ and must be silenced. It all sounds crazy, but they already succeeded when they rolled out Covid. We could not say anything to counter their shutdowns, mask-wearing, and so-called ‘vaccines.’ If anyone tried they were kicked off of social media. (GrrrGraphics was kicked off of Facebook during this time).

How many celebrities did Davos bidding? Arnold Schwarzenegger said “Screw YOUR FREEDOM!” Jim Cramer and Terry Bradshaw and many others screamed for mandatory vaccines. Billy Graham’s son Franklin said Jesus wanted you to take the Covid jabs. We can expect the globalist Google to erase all the evidence and restore their reputations, but we must not forget. The globalist test run, marshaled by murderous criminals such as Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates, was successful and now they will try it again by drumming up their ‘climate change’ panic.


You can’t vote away those who support the Davos crowd. Voting has been rigged. Look at the globalist mega-billionaire Mark Zuckerberg. He spent millions to buy the election for Biden. His paid operatives to engage in ‘ballot harvesting’ and filled drop boxes with illegal ballots.

Yeah, it all looks bad, but we can fight back. Do not accept their digital currency. Do not buy their electric cars. Protest if they shut down farming and fishing. Do not eat their fake meat and bugs. Do not take their dangerous vaccines. Refuse to wear a mask. Show contempt for their climate change BS.

They think they can eat the entire world, but they may find that they’ve bitten off more than they can chew.

— Ben Garrison


Davos, Trust, and the End of “Comfortable Wolves”
By Tom Luongo
January 22, 2024

Last fall I poked the slumbering bear of the #ungovernble set by taking extreme umbrage with calling people “Sheeple.” For the record I absolutely detest that word.

Instead I shot back with a very reflexive, “Bullshit!” There are very few things that trigger me more than consigning 90% of humanity to that of herbivores orders of magnitude more stupid than my goats.

In that frustration I coined the phrase, “comfortable wolves.” Sometimes you just have what alcoholics call “a moment of clarity.”

    Bullshit. Most people are not sheep, they are just comfortable wolves. Take enough comfort away and you’ll see the wolf come out fast.

    — Tom Luongo (Head Sneetch) (@TFL1728) September 8, 2023

In most situations, public conversations reveal the truth of who we are. Twitter is a one of the best mirrors of our true personality and state of mind than anything else devised yet, in my opinion. There is such a low barrier to contracting ‘foot-in-mouth disease’ that we all pass it around like 1st graders while generally acting like them in public.

This exchange revealed one person’s nihilism and condescension as defense mechanism while it revealed my stubbornness in believing we’re not all just quadriplegics in canoes headed for Niagara Falls.

This was an idea that quickly set my little corner of Twitter on fire, with two camps emerging quickly. You never know what is going to capture people’s imagination when you do this stuff for a living. But it seemed at the time that people were waiting for someone to stand up to the bullies doomporning it up all over social media and give them a little credit.

I still don’t think this idea is that far out there. Honestly, the more I think about it the more it should inspire people to action. You’re not a bad person, stupid or apathetic, you’re comfortable. You know it. I know it. I know what I am.

I’ve never agreed with Janis Joplin that “freedom is just another word for ‘nothing left to lose,’” but I empathize with the sentiment.

But at the heart of my observation is; who will you really become when you have nothing left to lose. Or better yet, where’s your loss threshold before the real you bares your canines?

Because that’s literally all I was saying. We all have a limit. And the idea that because your limit isn’t as low as mine or some rando on the intarwebz makes you a sheeple is exactly the type of condescending and unearned sense of entitlement that drives the very ghouls that are convening at Davos this week to force us to rebuild our trust in them.

We’re now into 2024. Davos is admitting that they finally have a real threat to their Great Reset agenda. They admitted it. And most people haven’t even begun to reach their limit yet. The ‘comfortable wolves’ metaphor is even more relevant today than ever before.

This is part of the reason why I think we’re now feeling the Great Acceleration. The operational tempo has risen sharply because time is running out on Davos before more wolves get the idea that these psychopathic Alpha wannabes aren’t all that powerful.

We only think they are.

Klaus Schwab and his pack believe themselves to be the Alpha wolves of the planet. They have zero restraints on their behavior and Schwab himself has no one to tell him, “No, this is a bad idea.”

Adam Savage gets it. This short bit of self-reflection is the key to understanding the insanity of Davos:


Schwab’s just the figurehead, the face of evil, not the evil itself. The people behind Schwab have curated at least two generations (likely a lot more) of psychopaths to run their “system” that they are trying to save this week.

It doesn’t matter if it’s newly resurrected David Cameron telling the delegation at the breakfast for Ukraine, “I have already told my American colleagues: you spent 10% of the defense budget, which made it possible to destroy 50% of Russian weapons without a single American life lost. This is simply an excellent result,” or Ursula Von der Leyen saying that the way to rebuild trust is to simply ban ideas that disagree with theirs.

Their responses always reveal equal parts bloodthirst and disdain. They forget the basic lessons of wolf culture, of course. When the Alpha is too abusive to the pack, the Omega is driven out to find a new pack to found.

Davos‘ desire for global control at its core, like those who believe 90% of humans are sheep, rejects the idea we are anything like wolves. There is no new pack to form. So, just stand in the bread lines, get your citizenship jabs, keep your head down.

That is the greatest of their psy-ops, convincing us we are something we aren’t.

And yet, who is man’s best friend? Who did we bond more strongly with than any other species on the planet? The one that shares our social structure. Dogs aren’t our slaves, they are our partners.

Without dogs there is no Klaus Schwab. There is no Germany or Great Migration into North America.

This article from Zerohedge about modern cities in the US becoming “Food Deserts” resurrected this idea because no one is willing to keep a business open in a place where looting is encouraged.

    Is this why there was a rise in Dollar General stores through out US.

    — FrankieJmusician/guitarist/song creator~ (@FHenicke) January 19, 2024

The world Davos made reversed the impetus for cities. Now people living in cities have to travel to the ‘burbs among the urban sprawl to forage for food that used to be delivered to them. Now the cost of the last mile of food delivery is higher than traveling to the food.

It reminded me of conversations I had with a friend over Christmas, one who disagreed with my wolf metaphor. He and his family were here on vacation from California. And he kept repeating the line, “I live in a place where there are tons of people and no food,” and his goal was to get to a place were there was more food than people.

But he hasn’t made the switch because he is, for the first time in a long time, comfortable. Who am I to begrudge him that? Who am I to quietly judge him a sheep?

He and his family are doing the cost/benefit analysis of uprooting his life for what still feels like, to him, a low probability event and making the rational choice. It’s completely fair.

Last year’s Davos saw brief moments of opposition to Schwab’s lunacy and nihilism. This year multiple people are walking into the hallow halls of globalism and letting them have it with both barrels. In the past it used to just be Putin. Now it’s a think tank from K Street in DC and the leader of Argentina.

Texas is now arresting illegals coming across the border, defying Joah Bii-Den! and forcing a confrontation over the definition of sovereignty.

From the beginning of this Great Reset agenda, when they started rolling out the slogans and the advertising for it, I said they were courting chaos to create fear. They used the fear over COVID-19 to cow the beta wolves for another few years.

But chaos, by its very nature, isn’t controllable. And Schwab’s “system” is control personified.

So, now, after continually amping up the chaos, they are getting what you would expect from wolves, not sheep… a search for the exit by some to start new packs, open challenges to the pack order by some of the lieutenants, like Viktor Orban in Hungary, and intractability from those whose fear centers are on overload.

This is why “sheeple” pisses me off more than the WEF does. Because it betrays the snake in our emotional garden. It is born from the same impulse that rules Schwab, entitlement. And it creates the same dynamic that leads to the same conclusion.

In response to those triggered by me having the temerity to have a little faith in people by calling them “Comfortable Wolves” here’s my sermon from my Digital Mount for today:

The whole “People are sheep” idea is itself a psy-op to keep leaders from emerging from the dissident class (both left and right).

If you believe the task is too big, will you do it? Will you do the cost/benefit analysis and say, “fu*k it, who wants pie?”

Divide and conquer takes many forms. This idea is one of them.

Bleeding off the energy of those who see the corruption earliest extends the lifespan of the tyrannical system. The very personality types who should emerge as leaders against the psychotic Alphas are the ones handed a platform like Twitter to vent their nihilism and hatred of humanity.

It’s not just the shitlibs who are gaslit NPCs folks.

So, stop being gaslit by morons, stop tuning out, chuckling in ‘collapsitarian,’ and work a little harder. There are people out there who aren’t leaders, but also aren’t doormats either. They are, like you, without hope.

They are looking for someone to provide the direction, the activation energy, to see some hope. Calling them sheep is to say they are irredeemable.

We’ve all been abused by these psychotic Alphas. Having empathy, not derision, for that abuse is the first step towards making things better. But, if this makes me naive or a hopeless romantic in your eyes, I would tell you maybe that mirror you’re holding up to me should be turned around.

Ask yourself where this impulse to degrade potential allies really comes from. Because that whole idea of people loving their misery because it’s comfortable takes many, many forms.

All of them are toxic. All of them.

So, yes, I’m not just standing up for my idea of people being ‘Comfortable wolves,” I’m doubling down. This is your call to action. Embrace it or remain in the service of those you profess to hate.



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  Enemy of the State | May The Farce Be With You | 'Representative' Government
Posted by: Hissil - 01-25-2024, 11:03 AM - Forum: Politics - No Replies

Are You an Enemy of the State?
By George F. Smith
January 17, 2024

Donald Trump, Julian Assange, Alex Jones, and Rudy Gulianni are in deep trouble with the US state.  How about you?

Most likely you feel safe because your voice hasn’t attracted a large following.  What would the state’s enforcers gain by attacking a little guy?  They’re big game hunters.  Pull the plug on the big guys and their everyday followers float away like bathtub water down a drain.

Possibly you believe you aren’t really attacking the state with your social media posts, just the corrupt regime currently in power.  As long as your words don’t go too far off the rails you think trouble will leave you alone.

That’s the theory, at least.

Most libertarians are not Rothbardians.  They think the state is necessary but needs to be slashed, not done away with —  much like the heroic Javier Milei is doing in Argentina.  Their comfort zone is a minimalist state, and they write or lecture from that position.  As such these people are explicit defenders of the state per se and therefore cannot be considered enemies of the state.

The SWAT team hacking at your door could care less.

Why would they pick on you, an inconspicuous promoter of seditious thoughts?  The big guys have money and influence to defend themselves.  You have nothing.  You would be at their mercy, and they have no mercy.  Would you stand your ground or crumble like a shack during a hurricane?  Would you wave your First Amendment rights at their weapons or would you forget your own name?  Your story would shake the social media world, exactly their reason for attacking you.

Is it really worth your life defying the state?

In June 1989 Tank Man stood in front of a column of Chinese tanks as they advanced on Beijing’s Tiananmen Square to crush a student protest.  No one knows who he was or what happened to him.  Yet for a few tense minutes he stopped the progression of the tanks by holding his hand up before being swept away by Chinese officials.  He did this in daylight, while in full public view.  Most people are asleep at six in the morning when the SWAT boys come knocking.

Don’t think being an unarmed senior citizen will protect you.  Or a 5’2” unarmed woman.  As Dr. Simone Gold told Lifesite News,

It was dramatic and what I want to say is that I weep for our country. If you can pull in a person like me … [and] have the FBI break down your door with 20 guns, shackle you [in] handcuffs [and] drag you off, I mean it was really terrible … I’m telling you America, this can happen to you.

The firebrand Thomas Paine

Perhaps the power of your writing will elevate you to the state’s crosshairs. Thomas Paine, an Englishman, wrote Common Sense as a talented commoner living in Philadelphia and it inspired a revolution.  He even took up arms against his native country and joined Washington’s army.

Paine wrote another inspiring piece in late December 1776 that the General had his officers read to their ragged troops on Christmas Day.  With their spirits temporarily boosted, they seized Trenton from the hungover Hessians early the next morning.  It was a pivotal victory for the patriots.

Paine, being an ocean away, paid no price for his treason.

Later, while in England, Paine wrote another book that did get him in trouble.  Rights of Man Part The First, published in 1791, written as defense of the early French Revolution and as an answer to MP Edmund Burke’s attack on it, expressed Paine’s undying contempt for government.

Lay then the axe to the root, and teach governments’ humanity. It is their sanguinary punishments which corrupt mankind. In England the punishment in certain cases is by hanging, drawing and quartering; the heart of the sufferer is cut out and held up to the view of the populace.

And in Notes #24,

It is scarcely possible to touch on any subject, that will not suggest an allusion to some corruption in governments.

For Part the Second, published later, Paine fled to France to escape arrest, and while there the English convicted him in absentia of seditious libel.  They would have ceremoniously hung him if he ever returned to England, which he never did.

Nevertheless, according to Paine biographer Jack Fruchtman, Jr., “Other than the Bible, The Rights of Man outsold all other books in English history.”

Paine lacked even the distinction of being regarded as a hero.  As I wrote in an earlier essay, “The man who inspired the country to secede from a corrupt state had six people in attendance at his funeral [in 1809], none of whom were dignitaries.”

Much later, Teddy “warmonger” Roosevelt famously described Paine as “a filthy little Atheist.”  It was a false characterization, but most people neither know nor care that it is.

The White Rose

Led by five students and a professor at the University of Munich, the White Rose was an intellectual resistance group in Nazi Germany that lasted from June 27, 1942 to February 18, 1943.  On February 22 three members — Sophie Scholl, Hans Scholl and Christoph Probst — were guillotined by the “People’s Tribunal” in Munich, ending the movement.

The students got their hands on a manual printing press and began to write texts that encouraged readers to resist the Nazis. They urged readers to engage in passive resistance, reject Nazi philosophy, sabotage the war effort and break through their apathy. “Do not forget that every nation deserves the government that it endures,” they wrote in the first pamphlet, peppering calls to rebellion with poetry and historical references.

They also painted graffiti on walls with the phrase “Hitler the Mass Murderer!” and other treasonous expressions.

Anti-Nazi speech was carefully monitored and investigated by the Gestapo, and the danger of a denunciation was ever-present. On February 18, 1943, Hans and Sophie took a suitcase filled with leaflets to the University of Munich. They were caught throwing extra pamphlets into a courtyard from a balcony, arrested, and interrogated by the Gestapo. Dozens of the group members were subsequently imprisoned.

Each of us should inventory our degree of bravery for the times ahead.  Tank Man, Paine, The White Rose and others risked their lives opposing tyranny.  Are you ready to die, if necessary, in defense of your convictions?  Are they the backbone of your life or just ideas you’re flirting with?  Is death preferable to slavery?  Or is slavery death by other means?  We each must decide and act accordingly.


There Is No Such Thing as 'Representative' Government: There Has Never Been!
By Gary D. Barnett
January 22, 2024

“Since mankind’s dawn, a handful of oppressors have accepted the responsibility over our lives that we should have accepted for ourselves. By doing so, they took our power. By doing nothing, we gave it away. We’ve seen where their way leads, through camps and wars, towards the slaughterhouse.”

~ Alan Moore, V for Vendetta

Ah yes, here we are in another major ‘election’ year, where it seems at this point, your choices (not mine of course) will likely be the same as they have been the past 8 years. A brain-dead, controlled, criminal, and evil leftist stooge called Biden, or a war-mongering, narcissistic, controlled, and arrogant lying stooge called Trump. This sounds like a set-up, and it is, but do you really think it matters one iota from one year to the next, one decade to the next, or in reality, has it ever mattered at all which piece of scum is selected? Of course it does not matter, because the scourge of mankind, particularly for the masses, other than their own stupidity, is the allowance of a government of any kind to rule over them. Masters and slaves will forever be separated, and each group will be relegated to their respective castes, which is the ultimate insult to the superiority of the individual. Without the individual as sovereign, no freedom can exist.

What this boils down to is another in a long line of divisive political nonsense called voting, where the lowly ‘citizen’ (State-owned stock) is ‘promised’ (by government) to have a say in his own slavery; and this idiocy is actually believed by most to be ‘fair’, or at least a majority of those voluntarily choosing their guy to be king, find this form of absurdity not only useful, but sacred. This time is also when those who call themselves the ‘people’s representatives,’ are selected as well to make and heavily enforce, what are called ‘laws,’ in order to keep the herd in line. None of this applies to the ruling class of course, as all is not equal in fake justice for Caesar and his congressional court, and the sheeplike proletariat. I have always found it asinine to even consider that I needed a ‘leader,’ much less a chosen human representative to speak and act on my behalf. What a load of crap is this insane desire to have some low-life, controlling, human piece of garbage, (politician) speaking for and lording over me?

In essence, the people have voluntarily chosen in this country, although coerced greatly by the oligarchy’s propaganda, indoctrination, promises, and bald-faced lies, to place their lives in the hands of the lowest form of common humans, who are politicians, to rule over every aspect of their lives. The result is that 335 million people are ruled over and fully controlled, fleeced, held captive, incarcerated, and in many cases murdered, at the hands of; a president, 435 congressmen, 100 senators, a completely corrupt group of nine worthless political judges called the Supreme Court, and taxpayer paid enforcers. Think about this for just a moment, and do the math. This means that 335 million of you are owned and controlled by 545 pieces of political scum. Does that make you proud, or can you fathom the insanity of such lunacy?

I have been accused of “beating a dead horse” on multiple occasions, as I attempt to define and embrace real freedom through non-aggressive peaceful anarchy, but how else is one to deal with and educate, but through the medium of the spoken word and text, providing fact, reason, truth, and logic, to those who have given up not only any hope, but any effort to free themselves from rule? In fact, most intentionally seek rule. So much of this reliance on government and rule rests on the single immoral, unethical, and apathetic majority attitude of dependency. Most all want someone else to take care of them, to be responsible for them, to provide them with whatever they want; all at the expense of others. They have not the gene of self-reliance and courage, and therefore are easy fodder for those who have chosen to wield total power and control over weak populations.

Who can represent you better than you? Who can make rules for your life better than you? Who can control your earnings and property better than you? Who can protect you from harm better than you? Who should decide to use you and your children as fodder for their wars of aggression other than you? Who should control your health other than you? Who should control your movement other than you? Only you can prevent tyranny. Only you know what is best for you. By voluntarily handing over all power over your individual self and family to some unknown politician willingly choosing to control you, who only has his own interests at heart, you have given yourself over to another, which is the epitome of slavery.

At times, you may actually need a representative to help with simple or complex matters that you do not understand, but as a sovereign individual, that would always be your individual choice, and you could eliminate that representation at any given moment in time. The heinous government on the other hand, would have you believe that this can be accomplished for all of your life and  all life decisions, all life-sustaining activities, all life’s monetary and economic choices, and control of all your property, including your body and mind, but without the choice to throw off that fake representation as an individual. According to government, your only option, which is no option at all, and is nothing more than severe bondage, is to be ‘allowed’ or not, the so-called ‘privilege’ of one vote out of hundreds of millions, and only at a selected time of its choice. That my friends is the exact definition of total enslavement, and the antithesis of freedom.

There is no such thing as ‘representative government.’ There is no such thing as ‘limited government.’ No government, regardless of a few selected proxy ‘representatives,’ can represent each individual’s interest, and therefore the interests of a nation’s people. If one was to accept this idiocy, that would mean that each and every so-called ‘representative, would have to consult with and take care of 626,000 clients, and do so in a manner where all were satisfied. Are you beginning to see the ludicrous nature of forceful, violent, mob rule by governments and its criminal accomplices?

I will “beat that dead horse” again, by saying that no freedom can ever exist in the presence of government. No freedom is possible under any rule, regardless if voluntary. If the State exists, freedom does not, as only the completely sovereign individual is free. Therefore, no government or horrific government doctrine called a ‘constitution,’ can bring or protect any freedom of any individual.

This is where all the questions begin and end, as the irresponsible, cowardly, and dependent masses, whine and cry out: Who will build the roads? Who would give me a license to work? Who will protect me from crime? Who will run all the State prisons? Who will protect me in war? Who will print, control, and issue the (fake fiat) currency? Who will pay for police? Who will send me my welfare check? Who will provide all my medical care for free? Who will pick up my garbage? Who would lock-down everyone to protect me from government-created fake pandemics? I think you should be getting the picture by now, that this society almost in total, is not ready for freedom, and by the time they are, if that is even possible, it will likely be too late!

“The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them.”

~ Karl Marx



Zelensky threatens Putin's grandchildren
The Ukrainian leader got personal in his speech at the Davos World Economic Forum

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has threatened Russian President Vladimir Putin’s entire family with “criminal trials” and long prison sentences, during a speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos on Tuesday.

Zelensky’s address to the gathering of aspiring global leaders focused on asking for more weapons, money, and ammunition so he could continue to fight Russia. At one point, however, he made a reference to the Russian leader’s family.

Putin will not “rest in peace, both in this world and in the next,” said Zelensky. "Neither his children, nor his grandchildren.”

The Russian leader is “the sole reason why various wars and conflicts persist” and he must be held accountable so his “aggression” doesn’t embolden other “autocracies,” Zelensky insisted.

“Yes, we are not terrorists, and therefore these will be criminal trials,” after which Putin and his entire family would spend “a long, multi-year vacation” behind bars, he added.

Zelensky has repeatedly insisted that Ukraine does not engage in terrorism, while admitting he would have Putin assassinated if the opportunity arose. The Ukrainian security service, the SBU, has operated a dedicated assassination unit since 2015, according to its former chief. 

The Washington Post recently highlighted the SBU’s campaign of assassinations while attempting to deflect any blame from the CIA, which is deeply embedded in Ukrainian intelligence.

Ukraine has targeted local Russian officials, as well as journalists such as Darya Dugina and Vladlen Tatarsky. Writer Zakhar Prilepin survived an assassination attempt, while Russian security services thwarted a SBU hit on RT editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan in November.

Zelensky’s mention of Putin’s grandchildren came just a day after Anne Applebaum – an American journalist and wife of Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski – claimed that the Russian president “has a grandson with Dutch citizenship.” Her source was an associate of Alexey Navalny, a Russian blogger imprisoned for embezzlement.

The Russian president was married from 1983 to 2013 and has two daughters, who have stayed out of the media spotlight. His ex-wife, Lyudmila Ocheretnaya, was sanctioned by the UK in 2022.

Putin is, objectively, the world’s most popular and successful leader over the longest political career (over 20 years). He is a historic figure, and leading his nation to victory over the entire collective West is a crowning achievement.


May The Farce Be With You
Every Expatriate of an Idiocracy is a dreamer.
Good Citizen
Jan 22, 2024

The hidden hands of manipulation have been at it for centuries with no plans to stop. The dream of escaping their unfolding nightmares of problem-reaction-solution, and abandoning the farce of an Idiocracy is no less valid whether for Hemingway in 1921 or any disillusioned American man in the twenty-first century because every Expatriate is at his core a dreamer. He will insist otherwise with an air of outrage, but he is lying.

Historically all Empires decayed into tragedy.

This rise of an Idiocracy within an Empire of Lies dances into the twilight as if it’s winning, always winning, ending the historical run of tragedies with a monopoly on comedic acts of deprivation and demoralization that usher in the permanent farce.

The farce is a unique subgenre of comedy. It is represented as absurdity, exaggeration, nearly improbable, and unfathomable circumstances expressed through slapstick comedy that rises to a crescendoed climax:

Eight million illegals are invited across the U.S. border with Mexico in three years with the help of something called “Border Control” and are given new phones, $5000 debit cards, and one-way plane tickets on major airlines to the city of their choice with Department of Homeland Security paperwork that assigns their first court date for 2029. The illegals are given their dedicated security lines at airports while citizens have to go through long lines, and are patted down and molested by regime foot soldiers in purple gloves with sub-90 IQs. Soon the illegals with slightly lower IQs, capable of speaking rudimentary English will be able to work as Police Officers in some states and cities, policing the behavior of the legal citizens who pay their salaries. Illegals now get free taxpayer citizen-subsidized healthcare in California.

The paralysis sets in slowly while witnessing a failing empire spinning off an axis at maximum velocity away from common sense. The triteness of pretending along with others that this isn’t happening nudges the Expatriate on a mission to seek out new frontiers free from madness and anguish—free from the cultural insanity, the political insanity, and the social rot that nurtures despondency.

The quest is born.

The dreamer knows he cannot change others who are either barely literate or barely conscious, and incapable of even seeing the farce. So he must seek to change only himself, to end the paralysis and stasis borne of playing his role in the farce.

He starts with a different theatre—fresh surroundings.

At the risk of sounding elusive and general, or implying that this farce only recently manifested, let us embrace specifics from this century alone.

A Raytheon missile hits the Pentagon. Towers crumble in New York City in defiance of chemistry and physics. The right people know in advance what is coming and how to profit from the terror—the new label that will be applied to the phantasmagoric “evil” gleaned from intel pigs at alphabet agencies working with behavioral psychologists.


Blame is arranged for innocents. Stories are told. Narratives are sold and bought en masse. Accomplices in the form of dancing Israelis are questioned and released. They return to their apartheid ethnostate and make confessions on TV talk shows.

The Bin Laden family is given a first-class private air escort under FBI protection across the United States and back to Saudi Arabia while all other flights are grounded.

All the evidence from ground zero is hurried to a warehouse with military protection until it is loaded on ships and sent to China for disposal with not a single examination or investigation.

For the next decade, invasions that were planned and scheduled in the years before the century began, unfold inorganically, but Idiots of the Idiocracy can’t see it.

Innocent men in far-off lands are rounded up, stripped naked, and hung inverted like dirty laundry. Extraordinary rendition is lawyered into actionable policy at the Department of Justice for the cause of securing the homeland.

Idiots repeat the prepared mantras with ritualistic vigor: “You’re either with us, or you’re with the terrorists!”

The uniparty strokes its bloated patrons simultaneously with right and left hands.


Whenever its subjects now return to the Empire (aka “Homeland”), they endure a humiliation ritual of security theatre before boarding a plane. At the gate, airline employees must go from passenger to passenger to engage in interrogation ceremonies, only suitable for subjects returning to their Idiocracy.

This ritual is done for no other destination.

Q: When did you pack your luggage?
A: Last night.
Q: Has anyone other than yourself been in possession of your checked luggage at any time since you packed it last night?
A: Yes.
Q: Yes? Someone other than you?
A: Well, there was this one guy who knocked on my hotel room door and asked to pack my suitcase for me, and said he’d return it in the morning.
Q: Did you know this man?
A: No. He gave me ten bitcoin and left his friend, Anastasia from Belarus to keep me company. This morning he returned with the suitcase and she left with him.
Q: What did he look like, did you get his name?
A: Yeah, uhhh, dark skin, Arab-looking. Called himself Muhammad. Handed me my packed suitcase with a combination lock, said ‘Allahu Akbar’ and left.
Q: And you checked this suitcase in this morning at the check-in counter before coming to the gate?
A: Woah. I really don’t like your accusatory tone young lady. If you think I did something wrong, you’d better come out and say it or I’m going to call my lawyer.

None of the idiots ask why this theatrical dance is necessary only for their failing empire.

None of the idiots are curious about what their failing empire has done around the world, with their money, in their names, that such ridiculous rituals should be implemented overseas.

Today extraordinary prosecution of political enemies is lawyered into actionable policy at the Department of Justice, for the cause of destroying the nation’s institutions to save Democracy, which was always the tyranny of the majority of mad fools and never intended for the Constitutional Republic.

The Empire’s political enemies are rounded up for peaceful protests of stolen elections and sent to gulags in the District of Criminals where they may or may not even receive a trial, and have their Sixth Amendment rights violated after having their First, and Fourth Amendment rights violated.

If the Empire’s domestic enemies shop at Bass Pro, have purchased a Bible, or made any financial transactions with the terms MAGA or Trump, they are put on a terror watchlist.

To save the Consitution, it must first be destroyed.

To save anything revered it must first be eradicated, rewritten, reprogrammed, debauched: History, the constitution, elections, rule of law, justice, minds, families, children.

The rule of law becomes the rule of selective race law.

    A white man, Daniel Penny put a homeless felon in a chokehold to stop him from attacking people on his NY train. The felon died but it wasn’t intentional homicide. Bail was set at $200,000 and his appeal was rejected.

    A black man, Jordan Williams stabbed and killed a homeless man who had intervened to stop him from attacking people on his NY train. His bail was set at $0.00, and his homicide charges were dropped.

Parents who question school boards that want to defile their children’s minds or genitals are followed and surveilled. Christians have their doors smashed down by the Federal Bureau of Intimidation for daring to protest baby killing.

Protest is insurrection, not rebellion.

1776 Patriots Act: people rebel against their perpetrators, subjugators, as forced subjects. Liberty is won through rebellion, petition, organization, and finally war.

2001 The Patriot Act: Government creates nouns disguised as verbs to make the people think they're taking action to protect them from the very attacks they orchestrated while simply pilfering their liberties (and treasury) as their subjects distract themselves with frivolous preoccupations. Liberty is determined to be temporary privileges permitted by the Government, at war with citizens for whom the constitution no longer applies.

In a nation transformed into an Idiocracy, even the government plays a role in rebellion, which the FBI arranges as entrapment. In addition to domestic surveillance, political assassinations, and choreographed terror, the alphabet agencies now create the enemies the Empire needs to justify expanded budgets. Without fabricated threats, there would be no funding.

The fabricated threats can even be mentally ill teenagers.


The Empire’s teachers are charged with making sure that its young impressionable subjects never learn the truth about the Empire, its history, and its crimes so they grow up to be aspirational debt serfs who will feed the Empire’s coffers and devote their last remaining morsels of hope to one of two selected candidates every four years.


DR was a hero in a wheelchair who won the war and that’s all you need to know kids.

FDR didn’t confiscate gold and property from citizens. He never sacrificed thousands of sailors at Pearl Harbor, imprisoned tens of thousands of American citizens unlawfully, or firebombed a few million civilians with hundreds of cluster napalm bombs at Hamburg, Berlin, Dresden, Osaka, Nagoya, and Tokyo. Nope. It never happened…in public education history books.

Winston Churchill was a hero too don't you know kids?

Pipers play the tune of those who pay.

Dr. Martin Luther King wasn’t a philandering adulterer plagiarist Marxist with ties to the Communist party who called for less capitalism and more socialism, plus reparations. Nope, he’s worthy of a holiday!

When will George Floyd Day be announced as the next federal holiday?

Never permit the debt serfs to start looking into other points of the Empire’s polished narratives, and other historically revered figures like Abraham Lincoln, Oliver Wendall Holmes, the Bush Family, Reagan, or the entire entertainment and media industries that program their perceptions of a completely fabricated reality.

They might learn some things that instigate the act of noticing and noticing must never be permitted because noticing is the first step toward rebellion.

The thought of rebellion must never cross the minds of the idiots who are plied with a plentitude of other distractions to keep them from noticing.


It’s hard not to look upon such idiocy without revulsion and vulgarity, but there is no time for such feelings with so many distractions.

That’s the foundation upon which idiocracy thrives. Distraction. Always.

Distractions and vainglorious pleasures masquerading as “liberties” hide the chains from the subjects.

In the post-modern dramas produced to distract the idiots, Patriotism is the MacGuffin. It is shown in the first act and chased until the climax, only to be revealed as less important than the protagonist first believed. It is a gray and muddy subjective term, to the despair of an idealist hero who must reject his idealism by the third act to keep zis salary.

In the farce, Patriotism is whatever the government says and all dramas today that are presented as dramas are simply farce.

In the satire, Idiocracy is a comedy. In the comedy, President Camacho has the wisdom to search for the most intelligent man to help solve the nation’s problems.


In the farce, Idiocracy is a documentary. In the documentary, Presidents are merely brainless sock puppets, some wearing diapers with dementia, others with massive egos who will never accept responsibility and can never do wrong (the worst trait for a leader after dementia), but none of them have any wisdom at all.
Five minutes of the dreamer living inside the Idiocracy… (at 1:18 is the Good Citizen’s ringtone)


The satire is critical commentary meant to expose hypocrisy through clever underhanded stealth. It never takes the direct approach but slips outside toward a pincher maneuver from the flanks. Gradually, the two flanks merge, trapping the evidence, and exposing its vulnerable position.

An invisible curtain is pulled back and the audience sees pieces of truth, but since the truth is so improbable in an Empire of Lies, and the idiots so habituated to believing the lies, few people recognize it, and even those that do recognize the truth, still prefer the comforting lies instead, and so the satire becomes a farce.

Living in a farce the satirical headlines arrive just a few years months days hours before the official headlines. Differentiation becomes impossible for the idiots. Satire is dead. Long live satire!


One is either programmed to play along with the theatrics while telling themselves it will get better or habituated to slop up whatever is served at the government trough no matter how ridiculous, unfathomable, or absurd.

The dreamer is alone. He sees the truth is nowhere in sight and is shocked at witnessing the programmed adherents lining up at the government trough to inhale the official slop.

Back to the specifics of the farce.

Idiots are told to do their duty as Americans and go shopping.

The Empire loves devoted consumers. Apart from all the distractions that manifest from perpetual consumption, it requires that the Idiots must also be producers, and producers keep paying taxes to support the Empire’s existence, which is pure farce.


They are told to do their duty as Americans and buy a home with no money down and adjustable mortgage rates, fixed for a teaser period, but are destined for a sheriff posting a foreclosure sign at their door.

Consumption is Patriotic.

Silence and submission nurtured by distraction are Patriotic.

Enlisting to fight phantoms of the government's creation is Patriotic.

The sloganeering in a farce must be absurd. Everything must be an inversion of reality.

Duty is honor. Be honorable. Do your duty.

Diversity is our strength.

Equity is equality.

Inclusion is fairness and tolerance.

Severe intellectual and psychiatric disabilities are now “inclusive.”

The farce can never get too farcical. It can never outdo its last performance.

In service to the Empire (assuming the Patriot survives foreign exploits of human sacrifice) the government will pay the Patriot’s college tuition to an institution that wouldn't ever hire them or recommend their hiring to any of its donors.

While the real Patriot is sent into exile in Russia.

See something, say something.


The weaponized fear and psychological terror are aimed at the Empire’s subjects who must not ask questions about the farce. Those who don’t are idiots, their faces stay feeding at the trough.

There are two ways of looking at the Empire’s subjects today and each informs the viewer’s nature, as either perpetually empathetic and hopeful or realistic.

    idiots: people who prefer comfort and safety, distraction through consumption, and never question lies, power, media, or authority

    victims: with empathy as victims of abuse who must be helped

At a certain point, even victims have agency, and the ability to make choices, and therefore changes.

One can only be a victim under certain circumstances, in the absence of certain information, for so long.

At what point do the Empire’s victims become idiots?

How much truth must come within earshot of even the least curious, least intelligent victim before he begins asking questions so that he doesn’t evolve into an idiot?

Though in this Empire’s farce, one must not suffer from average intelligence.


The American citizen is first and foremost a debt slave and servant of the Empire, and never permitted to be anything more than an idiot lest they seek to be labeled a domestic terrorist.

The nudging of debt slaves could span a comprehensive volume of examples, but the most scathing is this—you will pay your taxes from your labor (which in itself is unconstitutional) to support this farce or you will go to prison. Even if you depart your homeland, your homeland will follow you to collect your share taxes, even if it was earned overseas. If you no longer wish to be a citizen and abandon the farce you must still pay a fee of $2350 to remove the shackles.

The quest continues.

For knowledge, truth, and beauty, a viable lens to explore one's place in the world without being forced to accept the unacceptable.

Yes, the Expatriate is a dreamer, and some are even idiots too.

The dreamers search for normalcy and common sense but often end up swapping one farce for another.

They can’t help but scratch that deeply rooted desire to dispense with those chains, to embrace that optimism that in another physical location, exists the possibility to start anew, the opportunity to cleanse mind, body, and soul of all that madness left behind.

None of this is novel, or quaint.

Hemingway saw the madness of human descent from an ambulance in Italy. The Great War to end all wars could only end with more war.

The greatest writers of the Lost Generation were serious dreamers. They retreated to the Old Country—France in Particular.

They traded the superficial and vain 'roaring twenties' back home for a continent still reeling from the pointless sacrifice of millions of European brothers, most of them maimed beyond belief.

When traveling Provence eight years ago I came upon a cenotaph in the middle of the sleepy village square of Rasteau with the names of the locals who were sacrificed for that Banker war etched into its stone body. There were less than thirty names but one family lost five sons. A French woman gave birth five times to sacrifice each son to bankers.

The official story is a familiar one when stripped bare to its naked essentials, often ignored by fickle historians bogged down in the diplomatic muck, in the arrangements of a pitiful assassination, and the delusions of syphilitic monarchs and their enormous egos.

When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes. Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain.

— Napoleon Bonaparte

Bankers played both sides as they always do.

Young French, German, Austro-Hungarian, and Serbian brothers went to their slaughter. British, Russian, and Americans followed at various stages. The British were on the verge of a forced negotiated peace with the Prussians when the Bankers orchestrated the arrival of American souls for sacrifice by sacrificing many souls on the Lusitania first. Previously the American people were staunchly isolationist.

The British got their victory and the Bankers got the Balfour Declaration with the help of Lord Rothschild, and after one more engineered war and mass human sacrifice, they got their ethnostate.

For the experimental carnage of the first mass human sacrifice, nothing was off-limits. Nerve gas obliterated young men in the trenches. A bullet was more sensible and humane. Even a bayonet to the heart would have been more welcomed than suffocating to death, drowning in fluids and bile, as the body fought paralysis and motor dysfunction. Ruminating on one's slow physiological deterioration must have been a kind of hell no young Prussian or Frenchman envisaged when their local village church rang the call to service and sacrifice.

At some point in those trenches, during that inexplicable carnage where neither side gained or lost a meter of territory, and the stench of death, and bodies piling up across smokey cratered soils of no-mans-land, all of the young men, on both front lines must have realized that wars too are a farce.


When Hemingway returned to Illinois gimping on crutches, balancing life along that razor’s edge of prolific death and destruction on one side of the Atlantic and country club cocktails and talk of markets and money on the other he knew he had to escape.

There’s a plaque on a building where he first lived in Paris just past Rue Descartes where Rue Mouffetard begins its descent toward a pedestrian-only outdoor marketplace of spices, fish mongers, boulangers, artisans, and other working-class Parisians who are up and about preparing for the day hours before sunrise. This little corner of the 5th Arrondissement inspired Hemingway to write A Moveable Feast.

Down the same street, a few minutes stroll there’s a plague on a building where James Joyce lived in Paris when he wrote Ulysses. According to Hemingway he and Joyce had many “drunken nights” together around Paris.

Paris was cheap at the time. Not a whore, but inexpensive. Americans could have their way with her for modest sums. An average writer could live like a king for months by selling one short story to a literary journal back home.

On Rue Notre Dame Des Champs another bronze plaque adorns a building where Hemingway and his wife Hadley moved next. Around the corner at cafe La Closerie des Lilas, he wrote The Sun Also Rises, inspired by summer train journeys to Pamplona, and Burgette where he fly fished for brook trout.


Today the average American exchange student strolls past these and a hundred other bronze plaques paying homage to legendary authors without glancing up from their phones.

Not that it matters. A man like Hemingway would never get published today. Accusations of toxic masculinity and literature for “white men” would derail dreams for this Expatriate in the twenty-first century. All the literary journals, agencies, and publishing houses polluted with indoctrinated graduates of the race Marxist, and identitarian cults would reject his work.

Seeing war up close as Hemingway did is not the same as watching consent for it manufactured on television. The latter is the fuel for the inferno of her successor—performative war. The dream of escaping the unfolding nightmare of problem-reaction-solution, and abandoning the farce of an Idiocracy is no less valid whether for Hemingway in 1921 or any disillusioned American man in the twenty-first century because every Expatriate is at his core a dreamer. He will tell you otherwise, but he is lying.

There was once a sense of goodwill bestowed on Americans visiting Europe. Those checks have since bounced decade after decade, from the global carnage of a shameless Empire. There is now only shame in admitting one is from the Empire.

The Empire’s dissidents and holdouts will claim virtues of bravery and courage in refusing to abandon their homeland deluding themselves into fighting unwinnable battles, on Capitol grounds or via keyobard, while slandering their jet-set compatriots as passport bros.

Both are dreamers but only one may live another day to avoid the boot of police state tyranny stomping his dreams in infancy, over, and over, as in the action sci-fi film The Edge of Tomorrow. The days repeat without change, programmed for mimicry of obedient neighbors, and oblivious serfs.

Upon arrival in a new land, the dreamer with a shot at something new will pretend he doesn't want to talk about himself, that he is simply a tourist, taking his new locale for a test drive to decide if he wants to make a greater commitment to be lost and left alone amongst its inhabitants, or to endear himself through acclimation and flattery.

A smart Expatriate will not bother to learn the local language too well or he will soon discover through comprehending the conversations of strangers around him that he has gone to great lengths to surround himself with idiots of a different culture.

A wise Expatriate doesn’t want to flatter the locals too much, nor disparage his birth nation with all the justifications that left him with few sensible options, none of which included staying.

If he’s bothered to do his homework, he knows the deep programming of his new hosts, almost better than they know themselves.

Generations of Germans have been shamed into believing lies about their past so that they commit public seppuku before the world.

Japan would never do such a dishonorable thing to their people and culture though they are not without demographic calamities of their own making.

In Eastern Europe, the programming is still coded in U.S. State Department script. The pretty Polish girls all rush to ask the same question: But why would you leave America?

None of them know, even if you try to tell them they can’t understand.

Western Europeans and Scandinavians know better.

Of course you did. I'd get the hell out of there too.

Not that any of them aren’t serving as pathetic vassals to the Empire on war, and on immigration as they celebrate their demographic suicide, or silence the speech of those who object to that insanity as inciting ethnic hatred.

The open border and demographic suicide farces have been exported to every white European nation that one would be forgiven for suspecting that a grand conspiracy was at work, something resembling The Great Replacement, but if you dare mention it in the company of your new hosts as an Expatriate, accusations of racism and “nativism” will soon follow.

Every nation within the Empire’s sphere of influence will eventually descend into its own farce. Only the Expatriate of the Empire, well versed in farce detection can see it up close, but all he can do is shake his head in disbelief as once great nations throw themselves into Enoch Powell’s prophetic funeral pyre.

The dreamer becomes a realist the instant he understands what the latter groups have done to their nations as he quietly tip-toes toward the door and closes it behind him, wanting to ask many questions, but knowing if he does he may awaken the slumbering masses catatoniclly observing their socio-cultural-national funeral pyres and be arrested for inciting ethnic hatred.

The dream starts anew.

The new place he chooses must be the one. It simply has to be the correct decision and damn if he’ll stop at nothing to make it so.

To the dreamer, the journey carries all the promise of adventure, originating with the confidence of a man whose courage has spiked with that leap of going, of setting off, of running and doing the thing that so many only talk about doing while bent over brass bar rails slurring to barkeeps and any poor schmucks lingering about forced to listen.

Even that dreamer may be forced to stay behind and live the farce another year or two for finances, commitments to family, or happy accidents that will smother his new dreams in the crib.

To the dreamers who escape the farce, or simply exchange one farce in one land, for a similar farce in a new land, the new frontiers still hold promise, but the excuses of escaping the Empire’s ghosts are over.

There will be no more coping.

Distant laughter at all the absurdities and madness will not be heard by others living the farce, and those around will not comprehend it because they all laugh in a different language, at a different farce.

There will be no more blaming.

While the journey will be long and difficult and despite all those obstacles along the way that the dreamer will be quick to blame for any misfortunes, he must bear the courage to stand stoutly before a giant mirror to engage and appraise the only culprit requiring it.

Lest he be another idiot.

Abuse Productions
Jan 22
I was 18 in 1979. Even though it was bad enough and many hidden agendas were still unseen, that time was heads and shoulders better than today, In virtually every aspect that I can think of (except arguably technological in the form of the internet, etc). I watched it turn to sh*t and tried to warn others to the best of my meager ability. Now, I am aghast at what has happened. Yet, I see no way out for me and mine.

John Henry Holliday, DDS
Jan 23
Bankers, eh? Yes, lots of people are noticing that and are not afraid of being labeled anti-bankers.


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  Shungite EMF protection: how it works, proof and science study
Posted by: Hissil - 01-25-2024, 10:59 AM - Forum: Science & Technology - Replies (1)

Quote:Shungite Properties for EMF Protection
I first was introduced to Shungite in Sedona Arizona years ago. When walking out with my purchases, a plastic bag filled with black stone fragments caught my eye. It didn’t catch my eye because it was sparkly and full of color—it caught my eye because it was quite the opposite. I walked back in and asked the owner what the stone was. She told me that it was a stone out of Russia and that the shungite properties are healing people. She said that the chips are meant to be put in your water, and that the natural shungite properties would purify the water.

She said people are calling it the miracle stone of our century. I couldn’t believe it. “This matte black stone that looks like chips of coal is so powerful?” I asked her in disbelief.

    “Yes, I can’t keep it in stock. Those are the only two bags I have left,” she said.

Of course, I bought both bags, and my journey with Shungite began. I kept one bag for myself and gave the second bag to Timmi. When we drank the water, and we could immediately tell that this was no ordinary mineral.


Not too long ago, a book on Shungite arrived on my desk from a friend.

    “Have you read it?” he asked. “If not, take the time to do so. It is life changing.”

Being the knowledge junkie that I am, I read the entire book in one night, and my life did change. Shungite is truly a stone that is unlike any other on planet Earth. One reason that could be is that it might not come from planet Earth, but from a meteorite (but that’s a whole other blog post). The importance of this mineral is so vast that pages and pages and pages can be written about it, and I promise to do so as I discover more about it from working with it. The deeper you go within in the stone, and the more you know about it, the more you need to know about it.

Place a shungite pyramid near all electronic devices—such as your television, computer, microwaves, radio receivers, wi-fi hot spots etc. to neutralize any EMFs.

One of the most beneficial uses of the shungite metaphysical properties is to protect against electrical magnetic fields, also known as EMFs. We are constantly surrounded by technology—cell phones, computers, televisions, Wifi and the list goes on and on. Each of these radiate man-made, EMFs. Many people experience EMF sensitivity, and EMFs have been linked to constriction of blood flow to major organs, poor digestion and immune systems, increased blood pressure, heart rate and blood sugar, arthritis, anxiety and depression. Apple even has a disclaimer encouraging you to not hold your phone directly to your head. Fortunately, there is protection from EMFs.

In layman terms, Shungite has a reputation of being able to absorb and neutralize these frequencies due to its components on a molecular level. It is the only natural material in existence to have the presence of hollow molecular carbon cages, known as fullerenes, embedded within this mineral, which allows it to neutralize the EMFs. The scientists who discovered fullerenes won a Noble Prize in Chemistry in 1996. The natural existence of fullerenes remained unclear until it was verified in deposits of Shungite. YES! Finally! It’s true! The science and the crystal worlds have finally come together. The bottom line is that using Shungite is something you can do now to assist with the vast EMF issue in our world.

The first step to introducing Shungite into your life is to place it next to your phone outlets or in rooms with lots of electronics. Place a piece of Shungite on the back of your cell phone and on top of your electronics. We have shungite pyramids that you can even keep on the dashboard of your car. With so many studies backing its EMF protection, we’ve already covered our office and homes with it.

Everyone has a unique experience with Shungite, maybe the cosmos wanted it to be that way.


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  5G Danger: 13+ Reasons 5G Wireless Technology Will Be a Catastrophe for Humanity
Posted by: Hissil - 01-25-2024, 10:56 AM - Forum: Science & Technology - No Replies



5G Danger: 13+ Reasons 5G Wireless Technology Will Be a Catastrophe for Humanity
The Exposé | Patricia Harrity | Expose-News.com

5G is the fifth-generation technology networks which cellular phone companies began deploying worldwide in 2019 despite fierce controversy and reviews by independent scientists showing evidence of potentially harmful biological effects from radio frequency electromagnetic field (RF-EMF) exposures, at the levels 5G entails.

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are invisible areas of energy caused by electromagnetic radiation being emitted. There are ionizing and nonionizing EMFs. The latter describes low-level radiation, or emission of energy through space and objects. Sources that transmit these waves include phones, computers, Bluetooth devices, power lines and even microwaves.


One worry is that since 5G is so new, there hasn’t been time to properly test whether it’s safe. There’s also a lack of scientific analyses on the potential impacts of densely concentrated areas of 5G in populated cities or on chronic 5G exposure, some experts say.

Concerns have been raised and a petition was even launched in 2017 by doctors and scientists to stop the 5G rollout in the EU, citing cancer risks. Nevertheless, as the picture below shows, the roll out of 5G continued on full throttle and this is how the 5G coverage looks today worldwide.


Clearly all concerns were ignored and as usual wealth came before our health even with the possibility of deadly consequences.



An important article was written back in 2019, where the author claims that the 5G danger can’t be overstated and lists thirteen reasons as to why 5G will be a catastrophe for humanity. The article has been republished below.


5G Danger: 13 Reasons 5G Wireless Technology Will Be a Catastrophe for Humanity
By Makia Freeman

5G (5th Generation) is now being actively rolled out in many cities around the world. Simultaneously, as awareness over its horrific health and privacy impacts is rising, many places are issuing moratoriums on it or banning it, such as the entire nation of Belgium, the city of Vaud (Switzerland) and San Francisco (USA). Radiofrequency radiation (RF or RFR) and electromagnetic fields (EMF) are being increasingly recognized as new types of pollution – environmental pollution. Here are 13 reasons exposing the 5G danger, which could turn into an unmitigated health and privacy catastrophe if enough people don’t rise up to stop it.
1. 5G Danger: Hijacking Your Sweat Duct Antennae

The 5G network uses and broadcasts frequencies which affect our sweat ducts, which act as antennae. In other words, our largest organ, the skin, can be influenced and manipulated by 5G. As I reported in this the article 5G and IoT: Total Technological Control Grid Being Rolled Out Fast, scientist Dr. Ben-Ishai exposed the connection between 5G and our body’s sweat ducts in this video:

“[The 5G frequencies] will zap [us] with wavelengths that will interact with the geometrical structure of our skin … We found that sweat ducts work like helical antennas … the sweat duct was an integral part of the mechanism for the absorption of energy, electromagnetic, between 75-100 GHz, and that if you changed the character of the sweat duct, i.e. made it work, you could actually change that absorption at some point, and if you could do that you could trace how a person is under stress.“
2. 5G Danger: 5G Amplifies EMF Damage via VGCCs

Wireless radiation and EMF scientist Dr. Martin Pall has done groundbreaking research in explaining exactly how EMFs cause premature aging and injury to the human body, including damage to fertility, brains, hearts and even DNA! He pioneered research showing how EMFs activate the body’s VGCCs (Voltage-gated calcium channels) which causes them to release excess calcium ions into the cell. This then leads to nitric oxide (NO) and superoxide which react nearly instantaneously to form peroxynitrite and free radicals. Many studies like this show peroxynitrite damages DNA. Dr. Pall has stated unequivocally that the “5G rollout is absolutely insane.”
3. 5G Danger: Pulsed Wave Far More Damaging than Continuous Wave Radiation

A significant and unique feature of Smart Meters is that they emit pulsed wave radiation not continuous wave radiation. In other words, they run in start-stop cycles of emitting a burst of EMF then going temporarily inactive. This happens an incredibly high amount of times per day; court documents with testimony from utility companies (like Pacific Gas and Electric Company of California) reveal that smart meters send pulsed waves between 9,600 and 190,000 times per day!

In this 2018 video, Dr. Pall states there are 13 studies which show that pulsed wave EMFs are more active (and dangerous) than continuous wave EMFs. You can read the evidence here.
4. 5G Danger: 5G Promotes Deep EMF Penetration

The main reason why cell or mobile phones are more dangerous for children than adults (apart from the fact that radiation absorption is cumulative over a lifetime) is due to EMF penetration.

Dr. Pall writes:

“The industry has also made claims that more conventional microwave frequency EMFs are limited in effect to the outer 1 cm of the body. We know that is not true, however because of the effects deep in the human brain, on the heart and on hormone systems. Perhaps the most important two studies demonstrating effects deep within the body are the studies of Professor Hässig and his colleagues in Switzerland on cataract formation in newborn calves. These two studies clearly show that when pregnant cows are grazing near mobile phone base stations (also called cell phone towers), the calves are born with very greatly increased incidences of cataracts.”

Hässig wrote in his 2009 study:

“Of 253 calves, 79 (32%) had various degrees of nuclear cataract, but only 9 (3.6%) calves had severe nuclear cataract. Results demonstrate a relation between the location of veals calves with nuclear cataracts in the first trimester of gestation and the strength of antennas. The number of antennas within 100 to 199 meters was associated with oxidative stress and there was an association between oxidative stress and the distance to the nearest MPBS (Mobile Phone Base Station).”
5. 5G Danger: 5G is a Weapons System Disguised as a Consumer Convenience

Mark Steele has been very outspoken against 5G and has now been widely interviewed, including by Project Camelot and also by Sacha Stone in his documentary 5G Apocalypse: The Extinction Event. Steele claims that although widespread reports state that 5G is operating in the 24-100 GHz range, it is actually sub-gigahertz (meaning under the GHz threshold, so still measured in MHz). He says 5G is a weapons system like long-range radar, phased array radar and directed energy (DEW was used in 9/11 and various fires like the Paradise fires). He claims that when you examine 5G hardware, it has a dielectric lens which is proof it is a weapons system. Autonomous vehicles can use 5G to shine in mirrors of other drivers (which is so strong and damaging it is equivalent to assault). Mark talks about how 5G is powerful enough to kill babies in wombs. He states:

“5G is a weapons system, nothing more, nothing less. It’s got nothing to do with telecommunications for humans. 5G is a machine to machine connection for autonomous vehicles.”
6. 5G Danger: LA Firefighters Develop Ailments After Being Too Close to Towers

In this video a 25 year veteran firefighter from Los Angeles compares cell towers to cigarettes. He calls for a stop to the cell/mobile phone base stations being built on or near fire stations. Firefighters are not the only ones suffering the effects; it was reported that hundreds of birds fell from the sky in the Netherlands during a 5G test.
7. 5G Danger: Same Frequencies as used for Crowd Dispersal

5G purportedly uses millimeter wave (MMW) frequencies, so called because the frequencies are so high (in the 24-100 GHz range). Since 1 GHz = 1 billion GHz, we are talking about frequencies with very very short wavelength (the distance between the peak of one wave and the next). The distances are so tiny they are measured in millimeters, hence the term millimeter wave. These are the exact same frequencies used by the military for their non-lethal weapons such as Active Denial Systems for crowd dispersal. These weapons have the capacity to cause tremendous injury. Dr. Paul Ben-Ishai said, “If you are unlucky enough to be standing there when it hits you, you will feel like your body is on fire.”
8. 5G Danger: Mutagenic (Causing DNA Damage) and Carcinogenic (Causing Cancer)?

The MMW frequencies of 5G cause mitochondrial DNA damage – which is then passed down generations. 5G is mutagenic. These mutations are inherited by the next generation! This has grave implications for genetic purity. How many people are thinking about this when they can’t stop looking at their screens? This website lists many studies showing the mitochondrial damage that occurs after exposure to EMF radiation.

With mutagenesis usually comes carcinogenesis. In other words, once something is powerful and dangerous enough to cause DNA damage, chances are high it will lead to cancer. Mark Steele says 5G is a class 1 carcinogen, although the WHO (World Health Organization) very conservatively classifies cell phone towers as a class 2b possible carcinogen. It’s important to note, however, that the WHO is an agency of the UN which was set up by the Rockefellers, an illustrious NWO Illuminati family who plan to use the UN as a vehicle to usher in a One World Government.

5G is being rushed out without the proper safety testing done, so we don’t have much data on how 5G specifically causes cancer, but there is an abundance of evidence showing how 2G, 3G and 4G EMFs are implicated in many kinds of cancer, including brain cancer. This website has a good collection of the many studies done.
9. 5G Danger: Phased Array Densification

5G requires significantly more transmitters or broadcasters than earlier generations. It is a plan of massive infrastructure creation, with stations, towers and bases planned to be put almost everywhere, including in the heart of residential neighborhoods. The effects of this kind of densification could be disastrous.

5G is powerful enough to 3D map the inside of your home and other buildings. Mark Steele specifically highlights the 868 MHz frequency, previously used for battlefield interrogations and which can travel with ease through bricks and concrete. He claims this frequency can single out specific people … interesting given all the electronic harassment and gang stalking which occurs against TIs (Targeted Individuals).

5G infrastructure will consist of small phased array antennas shooting out radiation at their targets like a bullet. The rays of microwaves they produce will be strong enough to pass through walls and human bodies. We will be blanketed with this 24/7/365, and what’s worse, the coverage area is slated to be broader than the current 4G, eventually encompassing every square inch of Earth.
10. 5G Danger: Killing All the Insects?

Insects, birds and children are the most vulnerable to 5G due to their body size. Claire Edwards is a former UN staff editor who brought the EMF/5G issue to their attention of UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres. She stated in an anti-5G rally speech in Stockholm:

“It’s interesting to note that in the last 20 years we have lost 80% of our insects. And if we get 5G, we’re going to lose 100% of our insects.  When the insects go, we go too.”

Both insects and 5G need antennas: insects use them, among other things, in their sense of smell, while 5G uses them to propagate waves. Not surprisingly, insects are sensitive to 5G EMF waves; this recent study showed that insects exposed to 5G radiation experienced an increase in their body temperature.

“Studies have shown that the frequencies used by 5G increase the body temperature of insects. This phenomenon was not observed with 4G or WiFi.”

Meanwhile the study Exposure of Insects to Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields from 2 to 120 GHz concludes:

“Future wavelengths of the electromagnetic fields used for the wireless telecommunication systems will decrease and become comparable to the body size of insects and therefore, the absorption of RF-EMFs in insects is expected to increase.”
11. 5G Danger: Space-Based 5G

5G: The Big Picture

5G is planned to be an inescapable grid – with plans afoot to beam it down from space! This ties into the Space Fence agenda as I discussed in my article Space Fence: Connecting the Surveillance and Transhumanist Agendas. The organization International Appeal Stop 5G on Earth and in Space writes:

“At least five companies are proposing to provide 5G from space from a combined 20,000 satellites in low- and medium-Earth orbit that will blanket the Earth with powerful, focused, steerable beams. Each satellite will emit millimetre waves with an effective radiated power of up to 5 million watts from thousands of antennas arranged in a phased array.”

It is vital to understand the bigger picture of the grand conspiracy here. All these disruptive and hazardous technologies – 5G, wi-fi, wireless radiation, HAARP, ionospheric heating, geoengineering, GMOs, etc. – are going to be woven into one giant integrated system of surveillance, command and control. Just as one small example, geoengineering involves the spraying of chemtrails loaded with metal particulates – which 5G can use.

12. 5G Danger: Re-Radiation Inside the Body

Way back in 2002, RF researcher Arthur Firstenberg published an analysis of 5G long before the technology was approved. He explained how, due to 5G EM pulses being extremely short and delivered in bursts, they actually replicate inside the body – and end up creating tiny new 5G antennas internally. Firstenberg wrote:

“… when extremely short electromagnetic pulses enter the body, something else happens: the moving charges themselves become little antennas that re-radiate the electromagnetic field and send it deeper into the body …”

“These re-radiated waves are called Brillouin precursors … They become significant when either the power or the phase of the wave changes rapidly enough … This means that the reassurance we are being given – that these millimeter waves are too short to penetrate far into the body – is not true.”

This echoes a previous point made – that 5G penetration is a serious danger.
13. 5G Danger: Insurance Companies Refuse to Underwrite Big Wireless. What Do They Know?

Insurance companies (the most famous of which is Lloyds of London) have made headlines by refusing to insure Big Wireless (the telecommunication corporate conglomerate) against wi-fi and 5G-related illnesses and claims:

“Well, Lloyd’s November 2010 Risk Assessment Team’s Report gives us a solid clue: the report compares these wireless technologies with asbestos, in that the early research on asbestos was “inconclusive” and only later did it become obvious to anyone paying attention that asbestos causes cancer. Keep in mind that Lloyd’s Risk Assessment study of wi-fi was published over 8 [now 9 – Ed.] years ago. Even back then, however, their Risk Assessment Team was smart enough to realize that new evidence just might emerge showing that the various wi-fi frequencies do cause illness.”
Conclusion: 5G Grid Part of Larger Command, Control, Surveillance and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Agenda

5G is qualitatively and quantitatively different to 4G. It is much more than just the next step up from 4G. 5G will not only beam tens to hundreds times more radiation than 4G, but the introduction of MMW technology means a whole new host of hazards. History repeats itself. Just like it took some time for real science to catch up with tobacco/cigarettes, and just like it took some time for real science to catch up with the monstrosity that are GMOs (now rebranded as BioEngineered Foods), so too will real science catch up with 5G. In the meantime, you can expect all sorts of junk science to be put forth to justify it, including misdirections and distractions like only focusing on the thermal effects of wireless (and ignoring the evidence of dangerous non-thermal effects).

Ultimately, 5G is part of the NWO agenda to set up a giant, inescapable command and control grid that eliminates all privacy and allows the manipulators to surveil every single person on the planet all the time. If there was ever a time for activists to step up in the name of freedom, truth, health, privacy and sovereignty, now is the time.


Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at ToolsForFreedom.com, writing on many aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of the worldwide conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance. Makia is on Steemit and FB.


*https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hayxz_GEha8 (stockholm)

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  Digital Kill Switches: How Tyrannical Governments Stifle Political Dissent
Posted by: Hissil - 01-25-2024, 10:55 AM - Forum: Big Tech Censorship - No Replies

Digital Kill Switches: How Tyrannical Governments Stifle Political Dissent
By John & Nisha Whitehead
January 19, 2024

“No president from either party should have the sole power to shut down or take control of the internet or any other of our communication channels during an emergency.”—Senator Rand Paul

What’s to stop the U.S. government from throwing the kill switch and shutting down phone and internet communications in a time of so-called crisis?

After all, it’s happening all over the world.

Communications kill switches have become tyrannical tools of domination and oppression to stifle political dissent, shut down resistance, forestall election losses, reinforce military coups, and keep the populace isolated, disconnected and in the dark, literally and figuratively.

As the Guardian reports, “From Ukraine to Myanmar, government-run internet outages are picking up pace around the world. In 2021, there were 182 shutdowns in 34 countries… Countries across Africa and Asia have turned to shutdowns in a bid to control behaviour, while India, largely in the conflict-ridden region of Jammu and Kashmir, plunged into digital darkness more times than any other last year… Civil unrest in Ethiopia and Kazakhstan has triggered internet shutdowns as governments try to prevent political mobilisation and stop news about military suppression from emerging.”

In an internet-connected age, killing the internet is tantamount to bringing everything—communications, commerce, travel, the power grid—to a standstill.

Tyrants and would-be tyrants rely on this “cloak of darkness” to advance their agendas.

In Myanmar, for example, the internet shutdown came on the day a newly elected government was to have been sworn in. That’s when the military staged a digital coup and seized power. Under cover of a communications blackout that cut off the populace from the outside world and each other, the junta “carried out nightly raids, smashing down doors to drag out high-profile politicians, activists and celebrities.”

These government-imposed communications shutdowns serve to not only isolate, terrorize and control the populace, but also underscore the citizenry’s lack of freedom in the face of the government’s limitless power.

Yet as University of California Irvine law professor David Kaye explains, these kill switches are no longer exclusive to despotic regimes. They have “migrated into a toolbox for governments that actually do have the rule of law.”

This is what digital authoritarianism looks like in a technological age.

Digital authoritarianism, as the Center for Strategic and International Studies cautions, involves the use of information technology to surveil, repress, and manipulate the populace, endangering human rights and civil liberties, and co-opting and corrupting the foundational principles of democratic and open societies, “including freedom of movement, the right to speak freely and express political dissent, and the right to personal privacy, online and off.”

For those who insist that it can’t happen here, it can and it has.

In 2005, cell service was disabled in four major New York tunnels, reportedly to avert potential bomb detonations via cell phone.

In 2009, those attending President Obama’s inauguration had their cell signals blocked—again, same rationale.

And in 2011, San Francisco commuters had their cell phone signals shut down, this time, to thwart any possible protests over a police shooting of a homeless man.

With shutdowns becoming harder to detect, who’s to say it’s not still happening?

Although an internet kill switch is broadly understood to be a complete internet shutdown, it can also include a broad range of restrictions such as content blocking, throttling, filtering, complete shutdowns, and cable cutting.

As Global Risk Intel explains:

“Content blocking is a relatively moderate method that blocks access to a list of selected websites or applications. When users access these sites and apps, they receive notifications that the server could not be found or that access was denied by the network administrator. A more subtle method is throttling. Authorities decrease the bandwidth to slow down the speed at which specific websites can be accessed. A slow internet connection discourages users to connect to certain websites and does not arouse immediate suspicion. Users may assume that connection service is slow but may not conclude that this circumstance was authorized by the government. Filtering is another tool to censor targeted content and erases specific messages and terms that the government does not approve of.”

How often do most people, experiencing server errors and slow internet speeds, chalk it up to poor service? Who would suspect the government of being behind server errors and slow internet speeds?

Then again, this is the same government that has subjected us to all manner of encroachments on our freedoms (lockdowns, mandates, restrictions, contact tracing programs, heightened surveillance, censorship, overcriminalization, shadow banning, etc.) in order to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, preserve the integrity of elections, and combat disinformation.

These tactics have become the tools of domination and oppression in an internet-dependent age.

It really doesn’t matter what the justifications are for such lockdowns. No matter the rationale, the end result is the same: an expansion of government power in direct proportion to the government’s oppression of the citizenry.

According to Global Risk Intel, there are many motives behind such restrictions:

“For instance, the kill switch serves to censor content and constrain the spread of news. This particularly concerns news reports that cover police brutality, human rights abuses, or educational information. Governments may also utilize the kill switch to prevent government-critical protestors from communicating through message applications like WhatsApp, Facebook, or Twitter and organizing mass demonstrations. Therefore, internet restrictions can provide a way of regulating the flow of information and hindering dissent. Governments reason that internet limitations help stop the spread of fake news and strengthen national security and public safety in times of unrest.”

In this age of manufactured crises, emergency powers and technofascism, the government already has the know-how, the technology and the authority.

Now all it needs is the “right” crisis to flip the kill switch.

This particular kill switch can be traced back to the Communications Act of 1934. Signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Act empowers the president to suspend wireless radio and phone services “if he deems it necessary in the interest of national security or defense” during a time of “war or a threat of war, or a state of public peril or disaster or other national emergency, or in order to preserve the neutrality of the United States.”

In the event of a national crisis, the president has a veritable arsenal of emergency powers that override the Constitution and can be activated at a moment’s notice. These range from imposing martial law and suspending habeas corpus to shutting down all forms of communications, restricting travel and implementing a communications kill switch.

That national emergency can take any form, can be manipulated for any purpose and can be used to justify any end goal—all on the say so of the president.

The seeds of this ongoing madness were sown several decades ago when George W. Bush stealthily issued two presidential directives that granted the president the power to unilaterally declare a national emergency, which is loosely defined as “any incident, regardless of location, that results in extraordinary levels of mass casualties, damage, or disruption severely affecting the U.S. population, infrastructure, environment, economy, or government functions.“

Comprising the country’s Continuity of Government (COG) plan, these directives (National Security Presidential Directive 51 and Homeland Security Presidential Directive 20), which do not need congressional approval, provide a skeletal outline of the actions the president will take in the event of a “national emergency.”

Just what sort of actions the president will take once he declares a national emergency can barely be discerned from the barebones directives. However, one thing is clear: in the event of a perceived national emergency, the COG directives give unchecked executive, legislative and judicial power to the president.

The country would then be subjected to martial law by default, and the Constitution and the Bill of Rights would be suspended.

The internet kill switch is just one piece of the government’s blueprint for locking down the nation and instituting martial law.

There may be many more secret powers that presidents may institute in times of so-called crisis without oversight from Congress, the courts, or the public. These powers do not expire at the end of a president’s term. They remain on the books, just waiting to be used or abused by the next political demagogue.

Given the government’s penchant for weaponizing one national crisis after another in order to expand its powers and justify all manner of government tyranny in the so-called name of national security, it’s only a matter of time before this particular emergency power to shut down the internet is activated.

Then again, an all-out communications blackout is just a more extreme version of the technocensorship that we’ve already been experiencing at the hands of the government and its corporate allies.

Packaged as an effort to control the spread of speculative or false information in the name of national security, restricting access to social media has become a popular means of internet censorship.

In fact, these tactics are at the heart of several critical cases before the U.S. Supreme Court over who gets to control, regulate or remove what content is shared on the internet: the individual, corporate censors or the police state.

Nothing good can come from techno-censorship.

As Glenn Greenwald writes for The Intercept:

“The glaring fallacy that always lies at the heart of pro-censorship sentiments is the gullible, delusional belief that censorship powers will be deployed only to suppress views one dislikes, but never one’s own views… Facebook is not some benevolent, kind, compassionate parent or a subversive, radical actor who is going to police our discourse in order to protect the weak and marginalized or serve as a noble check on mischief by the powerful. They are almost always going to do exactly the opposite: protect the powerful from those who seek to undermine elite institutions and reject their orthodoxies. Tech giants, like all corporations, are required by law to have one overriding objective: maximizing shareholder value. They are always going to use their power to appease those they perceive wield the greatest political and economic power.“

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, these censors are laying the groundwork to preempt any “dangerous” ideas that might challenge the power elite’s stranglehold over our lives.

Whatever powers you allow the government and its corporate operatives to claim now, whatever the reason might be, will at some point in the future be abused and used against you by tyrants of your own making.

By the time you add AI technologies, social credit systems, and wall-to-wall surveillance into the mix, you don’t even have to be a critic of the government to get snared in the web of digital censorship.

Eventually, as George Orwell predicted, telling the truth will become a revolutionary act.


WEF Discuss’s Artificial Intelligence Amidst Disinformation
By Helena Glass
January 23, 2024

At the World Economic Forum, Ukraine is adamant that they will be a leader in the conversion to “Renewable Energy”.  In a bombshell revelation, The World Trade Organization declared that ‘trade drives growth’…  But given all the wars, that might not be a feasible outcome…  Antonio Guterres and Klaus Schwab, aged 72 and 85 respectively said the current global system is an aging grandparent and a ‘networked multilateralism of the 2030 Agenda must be implemented wherein ‘all relevant players’ across all sectors should be mobilized for inclusivity…  What the fark does that mean?

Networked Multilateralism:  is gob speak for globalization via coups.

Relevant Players:  is gob speak for those western coup countries and their minion governments who can serve the West.

All while Israel obliterates Palestinians, Syrians, & Yemeni’s, and Ukraine targets civilians and children.  Without impunity.  And the Western  relevant players decry that “Trust” must be reaffirmed, in social, economic and political spectrums in an equitable transition.  While being responsible for all the bombing and wars.

What are they really pursuing?

Re-creation of countries into a globalized colony.  As populations age the economic security of the future becomes unstable.  Twofold measures became the solution:  1.  death of the elderly via Big Pharma,  2.  immigration of the young male populations of third world countries.  Death was used to eliminate large swathes of those considered nonproductive weights on society.  Due to Big Pharma infertility rates of the educated population, uneducated young males are needed to ‘pick crops’ work in fast food restaurants and fill the void in our militaries.

The women and children of these immigrant males are left behind to serve the masters who have taken over their countries;  Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Honduras.  All these countries boast vast resources, unparalleled beauty, rainforests, beaches and poverty.  Making them the perfect enclave for the western elite ‘relevant players’.

Although Germany’s means and outcome for training their immigrants failed miserably, it would appear the elite have no Plan B.

Despite the millions of immigrants pouring unfettered into the US, Biden still maintains his Delaware enclave, Soros still lives in his New York compound and Obama enjoys his oceanfront walled estate.  They are not moving.  In fact, North Salem, New York, continues to attract the uber wealthy including;  Larry Fink, Bill Gates daughter, Bloomberg, Gere, Letterman, Jamie Dinan of Milwaukee Bucks co-owner, and Glenn Dubin.  All billionaires.  All living in an inequitable, non-diverse, non-inclusive town where 96% of the residents are white, and with properties valued over $35 million+.  All members of the World Economic Forum –

Which would indicate that communities that are rural and high-end suburban are insulated from the chaos that is destined to plague the cities.  Whether Trump wins or loses, inner city riots are a high likelihood.  The cities will be the cesspools of plague, diseases, and violence as in a Mad Max scenario wherein the police will simply vacate.

Many billionaires have already bought their ‘get-out-of-jail-free Bunker card’.  Some of these massive structures are large enough to house horses and pools.  Other bunkers are connected by tunnels and advertise facilities for congregation, bars, movie theatres and wine vaults.  How safe they are and who will be responsible for ‘repairs and maintenance’  are seemingly benign questions with no real answers.  Given billionaires don’t even know how to dress themselves, cook, or launder are also subjects not discussed.  Where Bezos plans to dock his 400’ ocean voyaging sailboat is also not discussed…

As such, the same billionaires devoted to DEI for the peasants are not overly concerned about paying $100 million for an unprotected house or a bunker that could rival Epstein Island.  Instead, like Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan, they continue to double their wealth – which would have zero value in a world of bunkers…  ODD.

Within this maze of lies, hype, and hyperbole, the most pressing issue the WEF declares to be at stake is Truth.  As such, they want to further close the disinformation campaign through further censorship and punishment.  And that is what we can expect to unravel in 2024 via AI.  Because the first disinformation the media will parlay is that AI cannot lie and therefore anything AI says is Factual.

“According to McKinsey & Company, AI applications have the potential to contribute between USD 2.6 trillion and 4.4 trillion annually to the global economy through various business scenarios.”  But if AI is replacing jobs – that $4.4 trillion will NOT trickle down anywhere – it will remain within the grasp of the few – and only the few.  Extending vast poverty and suffering.

To placate the peasants, AI has created AI safety wherein AI will program safety protocols into itself, to promote ‘diversity & inclusivity’.    Of course at that point, diversity means that the uneducated, untrained immigrants coming into the US will be the unpaid labourors for AI.  Programmed for punishment should the worker bee’s productivity fall below an AI determined level.  ZAP!

All it takes is for a few hackers to get into the mix to reprogram AI into militaristic mode for the elites to completely lose control and be subject to the same protocols as the peasants.  An outcome their ego’s cannot embrace.

For the immediate future, we are being warned that AI has already reached the point where it can not be distinguished from reality.  In other words, videos, people, scenes, audio, events and wars  generated by AI could create a major false flag that could disrupt global reality and frame an allusion – such as a catastrophic event – war, earthquake, nuke, etc…

Yet the WEF is more concerned with Twitter Disinformation…  Because the vast majority of WEF Leaders are still learning how to use laptops and word docs much less understand the remote complexities of AI.  In their end-stage formative years.  60 world leaders attended the 2024 Davos ~ they boast.  However, the vast majority are corporate CEO’s, aka stakeholders,  as governments secede from pretending they have any power, while the Bidens of the world stayed home and watched Daffy Duck and The Road Runner.

The grift and graft that has caused so many CEO’s and government officials to be caught in a lie, to pretend to be knowledgeable, has reached a pinnacle as social media users are able to disseminate the crystal ball theories within minutes instead of days, has left elite humans in the dumpster.  The Zuckerberg who ‘created Facebook’, the Altman who created AI Chat, the Gates who created home computers, and the Musk who is creating space travel – have no expertise in these fields.  They are Deep Fakes.

They were chosen to host the 4th Industrial Revolution as faces.

From 500 BC to 1,000 AD = people lived the same without relative innovation across the globe.  From 1,000 to 1800 = people lived without innovation across the globe.  From 1890 to 2020, a span of 130 years, innovation exploded.  As though suddenly – a few became inductees into technology to create a false human interface. 

And The Greatest Lie Was BORN.


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  Pre-Meditated Murder | Unprecedented Side Effects | The Science of Social Engineering
Posted by: Hissil - 01-25-2024, 10:54 AM - Forum: COVID-19 News - No Replies


Covid Injections Are Pre-Meditated Murder
Attorney discovers “smoking gun evidence” that covid injections are pre-meditated murder

The Expose | Rhoda Wilson

American Attorney Thomas Renz reviewed the US Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) ‘Guidance for Industry’ documents and discovered what he believes is “smoking gun evidence” of pre-meditated murder.

“There’s no other conclusion that I can draw … This is the smoking gun evidence that proves they knew that the gene therapy products they masqueraded as ‘vaccines’ had the ability to shed, cause cancer and kill,” he said.

Thomas “Tom” Renz became well known early on during the covid era for leading federal lawsuits in six US states that challenged shutdowns, mask mandates and the safety of vaccines. He works through the law firm ‘Renz Law’ and regularly publishes articles on his Substack page titled ‘Tom Renz’s Newsletter’.

In an article yesterday, Renz began by explaining that the covid vaccines are not vaccines. “It’s critical that people understand that the covid-19 injections are gene therapy,” he wrote.

He then led his readers through proof that US authorities knew that recipients of covid injections might shed onto others, including those who did not consent to being vaccinated.

Renz then demonstrated how they knew that these injections would cause cancer in 2006, as confirmed by a 2023 study on people with so-called “long covid.”

As if their criminality was not enough, Renz highlighted a science paper that showed their proposed solution to the problem they had created – the cancer caused by covid injections – is another gene therapy product whose recipients also have the potential to shed causing illness in others.

“This shows conspiracy,” Renz concluded.

Covid Injections are Gene Therapy
Moreso, Moderna and Pfizer’s own SEC filings admit that covid injections are gene therapy products, Renz pointed out.  Below is an extract from one of Moderna’s quarterly Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) filings that says exactly this:

    No mRNA drug has been approved in this new potential class of medicines and may never be approved as a result of efforts by others or us. mRNA drug development has substantial clinical development and regulatory risk due to the novel and unprecedented nature of this new class of medicines.

    As a potential new class of medicines, no mRNA medicines have been approved to date by the FDA or other regulatory agency… currently mRNA is considered a gene therapy product by the FDA. [Emphasis added]Moderna, United States Securities and Exchange Commission, Item 1A. Risk Factors, For the quarterly period ended 30 June 2020, pg. 69 and 70

In March 2015, the US Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”), the FDA and the Centre for Biologics Evaluation and Research (“CBER”) published a “Guide for Industry.”  The Guide defines gene therapies as:

    Gene therapies are defined in the FDA guidance document entitled, “Gene Therapy Clinical Trials – Observing Subjects for Delayed Adverse Events” dated November 2006 as “[p]roducts that mediate their effects by transcription and/or translation of transferred genetic material and/or by integrating into the host genome and that are administered as nucleic acids, viruses, or genetically engineered microorganisms. The products may be used to  modify cells in vivo or transferred to cells ex vivo prior to administration to the recipient.”

    For purposes of this guidance, a vectored vaccine is one that uses a virus or microbe (typically a bacterium), or a DNA plasmid to introduce DNA/RNA encoding for antigens to cells of the body. “Vector” refers to the virus, microbe, or DNA plasmid used as the carrier.Guide for Industry: Determining the Need for and Content of Environmental Assessments for Gene Therapies, Vectored Vaccines, and Related Recombinant Viral or Microbial Products, FDA, March 2015, Note 5 and 6, pg. 3

So, what does all this mean in plain English? “It means the covid vaccines are gene products,” Renz wrote.

They Knew Shedding was Possible Years Ago
Renz then talked readers through how they knew “shedding” was a possibility while vilifying those who warned of this happening as “conspiracy theorists.”

Vaccine shedding is where a vaccinated person releases the components of a vaccine. It is a form of viral shedding which can occur following a viral infection caused by live-attenuated vaccines which contain a weakened form of a pathogen.  In other words, a vaccinated person transmits an illness to others.  While it is known to occur, the “official narrative” denies that it is happening with covid “vaccines.”

“We were called ‘conspiracy theorists’ and gaslit and censored when we warned about shedding and questioned why unvaccinated females were bleeding abnormally after being exposed to the jabbed,” Renz wrote.

To prove they knew recipients of covid injections could shed and harm those who never consented to gene therapy he shared an excerpt from another “Guidance to Industry” also published by the HHS, FDA and CBER in 2015:

    The Centre for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER)/Office of Cellular, Tissue, and Gene Therapies (OCTGT) is issuing this guidance to provide you, sponsors of virus or bacteria-based gene therapy products (VBGT products) and oncolytic viruses or bacteria (oncolytic products) with recommendations on how to conduct shedding studies during preclinical and clinical development.

    For purposes of this guidance, the term “shedding” means release of VBGT or oncolytic [cancer] products from the patient through one or all of the following ways: excreta (faeces); secreta (urine, saliva, nasopharyngeal fluids etc.); or through the skin (pustules, sores, wounds).

    Shedding raises the possibility of transmission of VBGT or oncolytic products from treated to untreated individuals (e.g., close contacts and health care professionals).

    The possibility that the shed VBGT or oncolytic product may be infectious raises safety concerns related to the risk of transmission to untreated individuals. [Emphasis added]Guidance to Industry: Design and Analysis of Shedding Studies for Virus or Bacteria-Based Gene Therapy and Oncolytic Products, Introduction, FDA, August 2015, pg. 1 and 3

“They knew about the potential for this to transfer (shed) from those injected with the covid-19 gene therapy product to those who did not consent. They identified multiple vectors in which a non-consenting person could be affected and harmed through the body fluid or excretions of a treated person. This is an open admission and a clear violation of the Nuremberg Code’s first principle of voluntary consent,” Renz said.

Cancer and Delayed Adverse Effects
They knew these gene therapy products could cause cancer, even years after the injection, Renz wrote.

A document published, again, by the FDA, HHS and CBER in 2006 showed that gene therapy products carry the risk of adverse effects on normal cell function, which could be delayed for months or years, and integration of genetic material into recipients’ genomes:

    Study subjects exposed to gene transfer technology may be at risk of delayed adverse events … persistent biological activity could have adverse effects upon normal cell function, placing subjects at risk for development of adverse events, some of which may be delayed by months or years.

    Factors likely to increase the risk of delayed adverse events following exposure to gene transfer technology include persistence of the viral vector, integration of genetic material into the host genome, prolonged expression of the transgene, and altered expression of the host’s genes … Integration of genetic material from a viral vector into the host cell genomic DNA raises the risk of malignant transformation.

    Prolonged expression of the transgene may also be associated with long-term risks resulting from unregulated cell growth and malignant transformation, autoimmune-like reaction to self-antigens, and unpredictable adverse events. Altered expression of the host genes could also result in unpredictable and undesirable biologic events. [Emphasis added]Guidance for Industry: Gene Therapy Clinical Trials – Observing Subjects for Delayed Adverse Events, November 2006, pg. 2 and 3

“Malignant transformation” is the process by which cells acquire the properties of cancer.  In other words, when cells are converted into cancer cells.

The fact-checkers will tell you until they’re blue in the face that the injections do not affect or change your DNA, Renz wrote. “Clearly, that is false.”

In addition to the above, Renz pointed to a 2023 study which analysed the cellular DNA of people suffering from “long covid.” The authors found genes uniquely specific to the Pfizer covid BNT162b2 “vaccine” in participants’ blood cells. “Their findings prove that mRNA covid vaccines permanently integrate into the DNA of some covid-vaccinated people,” he said.  He continued:

“Simply put, the regulatory agencies knew that these products could integrate into the host genome, cause cancer (malignant transformation), autoimmune disorders and adverse events years after the fact. Also, consider that even when these products do not integrate into the genome, the continual exposure due to the shedding (discussed above) may increase the risk of cancer.”

The Covid Injections are Designed to Kill
hese injections are designed as killing machines and were distributed knowing that they would shed and kill people, Renz wrote. “They created a gene therapy product, marketed it as a ‘vaccine’ then schemed, coerced, bribed and lied to get it into as many arms as possible.”

“They knew it could cause cancer – years after injection – and now that there is an epidemic of cancer, amazingly they have a ‘solution’ ready to go,” he added.  And “their solution is another gene therapy product that sheds!”

As proof, he highlighted a paper published in the journal Nature Cancer Gene Therapy in 2015 which stated:

    The rapidly changing field of gene therapy promises a number of innovative treatments for cancer patients. Advances in genetic modification of cancer and immune cells and the use of oncolytic viruses and bacteria have led to numerous clinical trials for cancer therapy, with several progressing to late-stage product development.

    This article discusses the different types of CGT [Cancer gene therapy] cancer products that OCTGT [Office of Cellular, Tissue and Gene Therapies] regulates …

    CGT products present the possibility of viral or bacterial shedding, that is, excretion/secretion of viral particles or bacteria that could be transmitted to other individuals. Although product-based viruses and bacteria may not be as infectious or as virulent as the parent strain of a virus or bacterium, the possibility of transmission raises safety concerns. An analysis of data collected from patients in clinical gene therapy trials demonstrated that shedding of viral vectors occurs in practice, and is mainly determined by the type of vector and the route of vector administration. A qualitative model presented in the study can help to determine the risk of shedding occurring via the different excretion routes.Husain, S., Han, J., Au, P. et al. Gene therapy for cancer: regulatory considerations for approval. Cancer Gene Ther 22, 554–563 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1038/cgt.2015.58

This is beyond lack of informed consent, Renz wrote. “This shows a conspiracy.”



Technocracy: “Science of Social Engineering” Is Brainwashing
Linda Goudsmit | Pundicity

In 1937, The Technocrat magazine defined Technocracy as the “Science of Social Engineering” and then proceeded to define the outcome as a resource-based economic system with all decisions made by Technocrats. Rejected and ridiculed, they turned to deception and psychological warfare.

In Goudsmit’s book, Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier––Reality Is, chapter two is titled “The Art of Psychological Warfare.”  Fast forward 100 years since the birth of Technocracy, their strategy hasn’t changed. No thinking person would give these crackpot Technocrats a second thought unless they were brainwashed into going along.

Think about it:

    There is an energy crisis even though there a abundant energy
    There is a food crisis even though there is abundant food to feed the world
    There is a water crisis even though about 71% of the earth’s surface is covered with it
    There is an air crisis where CO2 is declared anathema even though it is necessary for life to exist on earth
    There is a resource crisis even though there are abundant resources to support everyone.

These crises are the shoved at  you non-stop as “compelling” reasons to give them total control over everything, to micromanage you in a scientific dictatorship. Americans in the 1940s saw though this craziness and thoroughly rejected Technocracy. You must see through it now, or suffer the consequences. ⁃ TN Editor

Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one singular, planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite themselves. The globalist war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The long-term strategic attack plan moves America incrementally from constitutional republic to socialism to globalism to feudalism. The tactical attack plan uses psychological, informational, asymmetric warfare to destabilize Americans and drive society out of objective reality into the madness of subjective reality. The primary target of the globalist predators is America’s children.

Parents must adopt a wartime mentality in order to understand and challenge the dangerous government policies affecting their children. Globalist strategists based their tactical and operational plans for their War on America on Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu’s The Art of War. The differences between Sun Tzu’s strategies of the 6th century BC and 21st-century globalist psychological/informational warfare are the advances in science and technology available for implementing the weapons of mass social engineering and mass psychological destruction today.

Modern psychological warfare (PSYWAR) and psychological operations (PSYOPS) utilize the 21st-century digital environment and its integrated communications landscape to communicate and coordinate censorship, disinformation, and misinformation. The hearts and minds of unsuspecting viewers are being manipulated with websites, cloud servers, search engines, social media outlets, mobile apps, audio, video, podcasts, webinars, and even immersive digital environments using artificial, interactive, computer-generated scenes. Information wars are 21st-century propaganda wars, foundational to PSYWAR and PSYOPS because the information presented is socially engineered to produce a desired political effect.

Consider the following quotations from Sun Tzu’s The Art of War, and how COVID-19 was a medical PSYOP with real and lethal consequences.

    Engage people with what they expect; it is what they are able to discern and confirms their projections. It settles them into predictable patterns of response, occupying their minds while you wait for the extraordinary moment—that which they cannot anticipate.

Americans have always trusted their doctors, expecting them to honor the Hippocratic Oath that protects every patient. In late fall 2019 when the Wuhan virus first appeared, it was simply inconceivable to the American public that their trusted doctors, and the government medical institutions doctors rely upon for information, would deliberately participate in political medicine, which is not and never was about public health. The public expected honesty and protection.

As more and more information came out about the misinformation, disinformation, and wildly exaggerated projections of the dangers of COVID-19, [flu renamed] Americans clung to the fiction that their doctors, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), and World Health Organization (WHO) were honest medical practitioners and agencies.

On March 11, 2020, the WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic. That was the extraordinary moment when Americans, including then-President Donald J. Trump, were fooled into believing that political medicine was honest medical science. President Trump initiated Operation Warp Speed, and under the influence of Drs. Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, and Robert Redfield, Trump made the catastrophic decision to shut down America’s booming economy. Americans continued to believe political medicine’s biggest lie, that experimental mRNA jabs were actually vaccines that would provide immunity to COVID-19 [flu symptoms] and prevent transmission of the [alleged] virus. Americans stood in line for jabs for themselves and their children, wore masks, stayed home, and remained convinced these policies were designed and essential for public health.

The lies began to unravel early in 2021 but the public remained compliant. Honest doctors and scientists around the world tried to warn the people that the COVID-19 policies and protocols were political medicine, not honest medical science. They warned of the dangers of experimental mRNA jabs and were publicly disparaged, fired, and sometimes jailed. Eventually they were vindicated when it became clear the mRNA jabs were never legally vaccines because they neither provided immunity nor prevented transmission. In fact, the jabs were compromising the immune systems of the people they were promised to protect, but political medicine’s damage had already been done.

As the catastrophic effects of the jabs were slowly revealed, many people were understandably furious. Yet many more clung to the illusion that masking, social distancing, and more mRNA jabs would protect them. People were dying in hospitals after getting the jabs. Young, healthy athletes were dropping dead after getting the jabs. Still, people clung to subjective reality and the lies the CDC, NIH, NIAID, and their own doctors continued to spew. The COVID-19 propaganda war was very effective. It duped an entire nation.

The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.

The whole COVID-19 debacle, its restrictions, protocols, and relentless, coordinated fearmongering campaign, was psychological warfare designed to create public demand for a vaccine that was not a vaccine. The globalist strategists knew the public would never willingly allow themselves and their children to be jabbed with untested, experimental, gene-altering mRNA injections. The public needed to be forced into subjective reality, where they would stand quietly in line for the jabs they believed would protect themselves and their families from the dreaded coronavirus. And so it was that a terrorized civilian population was subdued without fighting.

The CDC approval of experimental mRNA jabs for babies and young children was the ultimate malfeasance of political medicine’s participation in globalism’s war on children. On July 5, 2022, Medicare.gov sent an email addressed to seniors saying, “Talk with your family about getting the little ones vaccinated. In case you missed it, CDC now recommends COVID-19 vaccines for everyone 6 months and older, and boosters for everyone 5 years and older. COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective at preventing children from getting seriously sick.” Medicare and the CDC knowingly and deliberately misrepresented the known facts and advised seniors to persuade their adult children to have their grandchildren jabbed!

The untested, lethal jabs continued to be endorsed, boosters were recommended, annual jabs were discussed, and then Sun Tzu’s that which they cannot anticipate happened. On October 21, 2022, the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization (ACIP) voted unanimously to add the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID-19 jabs to the bloated child and adolescent immunization schedules for children who attend public schools. This action effectively mandated COVID-19 jabs for every child in America who attends public school.

The primary responsibility of parents is to protect their children and ensure their survival. In the 21st century, parents must protect their children from the malevolence of deceitful globalists who would physically destroy them.

    All warfare is based on deception.

The Biden regime is a globalist enemy of the State, seeking to shatter American sovereignty and replace our constitutional republic with globalism’s planetary managerial Unistate. The enemy within is always the most dangerous because much of the general public lives in subjective reality, unable or unwilling to believe that our own government is deliberately collapsing our American society.

    The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent.

The public may be confused, but globalist strategists live in objective reality and are not confused. Globalism seeks to replace the current system of independent sovereign nations with a one-world Unistate and planetary governance. One-world government, often referred to as the Great Reset and the New World Order, is a totalitarian state that breaches every conceivable boundary. The singularity imagined by globalist technocrats fuses humanity into one nation, one race, one language, one culture, one religion, one digital currency, one digital ID, one educational curriculum, and even one gender.

Parents must fulfill their primary responsibility and protect their children from the grasping globalists. They must reject subjective reality and embrace objective reality in order to recognize globalism’s threat to their children. Grandparents must stand up proudly for freedom and ordered liberty in our constitutional republic. If parents and grandparents do not rigorously oppose the globalist takeover, our nation’s children will become 21st-century slaves in globalism’s planetary feudal order of rulers and ruled. Remember, the globalists live in objective reality, and in life, objective reality always prevails.




The so-called "Covid-Vaccine" was found to be 99% Graphene, which is known to be able to pass through the blood/brain barrier. These nanobots are almost like a new lifeform, and now they're swimming around inside the heads of the idiots that volunteered to get the Covid-Kill-Shot... What could go wrong?

SV40 promoter in mRNA shots & 'Vaccine' holocaust coming up prevent burning in a lake of fire!i!i


Horrific Blood Clot Statistics After the Jab
By Ben Armstrong
January 20, 2024



These white fibrous blood clots never existed until the vaccine was given out. That fact alone is a terrifying one. Watch the video for so much more information.

DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on The Ben Armstrong Show are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented.


The Covid-19 Vaccine: “The Antichrist of All Products” — And Biden Taking U.S. To War as Congress Does Nothing
By Chuck Baldwin
January 20, 2024

While the vast majority of evangelical pastors and leaders were out front promoting the Covid-19 “vaccine” (and getting paid by the government to do so), I was one of an extremely small number of pastors who were publicly calling the Covid narrative what it really was: an antichrist system. In terms of the lasting evil effects of the Covid narrative, it just might be the most blatant antichrist system to attack Western Civilization since Western Civilization began.

Of course, the three men most responsible for the devilish Covid-19 false narrative, Donald Trump, Anthony Fauci and Joe Biden, live in complete denial that what they unleashed upon the world was both dangerous and deadly. To this day, each of these men still BRAGS about what great servants of humanity they were to force this satanic system upon mankind.


Of course, most of us know now that the whole thing was a complete fraud. Everything from the stupid 6-foot social distancing rule to the required mask-wearing to the forced lockdowns, school closures, church closures, business shuttering and job losses to the elderly mothers and fathers in nursing homes forced to suffer and die alone (because loved ones were prohibited from visiting them) to the economic chaos, educational catastrophe, massive inflation, supply shortages, worker shortages and bank insolvencies, not to mention the psychological, emotional and spiritual damage that was done to children and teenagers—from which some of them will NEVER recover—it was all a FRAUD.

Now, the Surgeon General of the State of Florida is calling for a complete halt to the distribution and administration of the Covid shot. His name is Dr. Joseph Ladapo, and he maintains that the mRNA shot attacks and changes human DNA.


As Dr. Ladapo said in an interview with Tucker Carlson, “Our DNA is God’s gift to us.”

Indeed. Our Creator gave us our DNA to make us who we are biologically, emotionally, psychologically, etc. To think that the American people have been injected with a life-altering, mind-altering, perhaps biological-altering experimental drug defies the core of what medical science itself portends to represent.

We know that millions of people have died and suffered serious injuries from symptoms of myocarditis associated with taking the Covid shot. We also know that these harmful and often fatal symptoms can take years to materialize. That is not even debatable anymore.

But now we are being told by courageous medical professionals such as Dr. Ladapo that the Covid shots also attack human DNA and can permanently alter the human genome.

In the conversation with Tucker Carlson, Dr. Ladapo made a similar analysis to the one I made at the very beginning of the phony Covid narrative. He said (paraphrasing) that virtually every effect that the Covid narrative had upon humanity was evil—even antichrist. Dr. Ladapo called the Covid-19 shot “the antichrist of all products.”

I again point readers to my message DVD containing 6 messages on the beastly system known as the Covid-19 narrative entitled The Rise Of The Beast: Coronavirus And Antichrist.


How refreshing it is to hear the Florida Surgeon General say basically the same thing I said at the very beginning of this satanic assault of our liberties and our way of life almost four years ago. Yes, he discusses the science of it, but he is also not afraid to identify this attack as being spiritual in nature, which was my contention from the beginning.

Thank you, Dr. Ladapo.


Congress Asleep as Biden Makes War on Yemen By Dr. Ron Paul.

Late last week President Biden started a new US war on the tiny country of Yemen. US warships and fighter jets launched more than a hundred missiles at the country in a massive escalation that the Administration bizarrely claimed would “de-escalate” tensions in the Red Sea.

Taking the US to war without a Congressional declaration of war is a grave crime against the Constitution. Not only did Biden show no interest in coming to Congress for a war declaration, he didn’t even ask for authorization. Together with Washington’s reliable junior partner in war, the UK, Biden attacked Yemen. It seems the US Administration consulted more with the UK government than with the US Congress on the attacks.

But that’s not really the worst part. Far from taking action against this illegal move by an out-of-control president, Congress as a body couldn’t even see fit to criticize the Administration. On the contrary, Congressional leadership in both bodies actually applauded President Biden for brazenly violating US law!

House Speaker Mike Johnson not only praised the illegal move, he urged the President to go further and confront Iran. He said, “This action by U.S. and British forces is long overdue, and we must hope these operations indicate a true shift in the Biden Administration’s approach to Iran and its proxies that are engaging in such evil and wreaking such havoc.”

To their credit, several Members of Biden’s own party joined with a handful of Republican colleagues to denounce a US president taking the country to war without the authority to do so. California Rep. Ro Khanna was one of the first Democrats to criticize Biden’s warmaking, stating, “The President’s strikes in Yemen are unconstitutional. For over a month, he consulted an international coalition to plan them, but never came to Congress to seek authorization as required by Article I of the Constitution.”

The Framers of the Constitution gave war-making power to Congress because they understood that leaving such power in the hands of one person was a recipe for disaster. The role of the president is to make the case for a war declaration. Congress deliberates and either authorizes or refuses the proposed action.

Washington has obviously not learned the lessons of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and all the other failed US interventions over the past 20 years. Why do we keep losing wars? Because we do not go into wars according to the US Constitution. This war will be no different.

The Houthis in Yemen withstood years of attacks from the Saudis using the latest US weaponry and came out on top. To this point they have not been targeting US vessels in the Red Sea, but only ships heading to or from Israeli ports. They are doing so in opposition to Israel’s destruction of Gaza. In short, it was never our war. But now, with this attack, Biden has made it our war.

So we are left with the strange and sad spectacle of Congress asleep at the wheel as a Defense Secretary launches military strikes from his hospital bed in the service of a president clearly not in his prime. All this in pursuit of a policy that makes no sense and is leading us closer to a major war in the Middle East that will only harm, not serve, the US national interest.

Amen, Dr. Paul.

As I have said repeatedly: There is only ONE party in Washington, D.C.: The War Party. It can also be called The Zionist Party.

But if the Washington warmongers in both political parties think that they can facilitate and manipulate a major war in the Middle East and the U.S.—not to mention Israel—remain unscathed, they are living in Fantasyland.

By a major war, I mean a war that incites a major amount of Arab states to unite and fight. Even an alliance with as few countries as, say, Turkey, Lebanon (the IDF cannot even defeat Hezbollah in an all-out war), Yemen and Iran would be more than the U.S. and Israel could handle. Add Pakistan, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Libya and Saudi Arabia (though I doubt that the corrupt House of Saud would be willing to risk losing the bribes from Uncle Sam), and even Oman, Ethiopia, Algeria, Sudan and United Arab Emirates, and the consequences for the U.S. would be enervating in an unwinnable war and absolutely catastrophic for Israel—perhaps even fatal.

Add potential internal war within the United States via hundreds of thousands of single military-age illegal aliens with strong alliances to the aforementioned Arab states that Joe Biden deliberately brought into our country (4 million or more since he took office) to an already depleted, underprepared, transgendered/sodomized military force, and a major Middle Eastern war could easily spell the E-N-D of American hegemony in the Middle East and a significantly weakened and rudderless America.

The Ukraine War is already in the process of obliterating NATO and American hegemony in Europe. China is salivating over another major U.S. military engagement in the Middle East, as it would undoubtedly seize the opportunity to take advantage of an overextended and overconfident U.S. Pentagon to invade Taiwan.

Do you really think the United States could effectively fight a global three-front war—or, if North Korea decided it was the perfect time to invade South Korea, a four-front war? America hasn’t won even a single-front war since World War II. We fought to a stalemate in Korea; we lost the war in Vietnam; and we lost the war in Afghanistan. We even got our tail whipped in Somalia.

As Dr. Paul said:

Why do we keep losing wars? Because we do not go into wars according to the US Constitution. This war will be no different.

Dr. Paul is spot on, as usual.

Albeit the U.S. escalation of a Middle Eastern war could be a LOT different in terms of consequences for America. And as for Israel, it could spell total destruction.

When U.S. presidents are as unpopular as Joe Biden going into a national election (although NO U.S. president has been as unpopular as Joe Biden), they normally do one of two things: 1) They resign, or 2) They start a war.

All last year it was speculated that Biden would resign. At this point, that doesn’t seem likely, which leaves option number 2 as the one most likely to materialize.

Biden has already shown an insatiable appetite for war. His war in Ukraine is Exhibit A for his lust for war. His personal support and facilitation in the war in Gaza and now his willingness to begin expanding war throughout the Middle East signals a very bloody 2024.

I referenced the above in my message last Sunday entitled What We Will Face In 2024. I invite readers to watch it.



Japanese Professors’ from “Vaccine Study Group” Unveils “Unprecedented” Side Effects
We’ve combined both tweets (with video) and an article from Aussie17 (pharma insider) on the recent findings and judgements on the Covid vaccines by a group of Japanese researchers.

Japanese Professors’ from “Vaccine Study Group” Unveils “Unprecedented” Side Effects in Press Release, Jan 11, 2024

“This kind of reporting on drug side effects or the like is unprecedented.”


On January 11, 2024, in Japan, the Vaccine Issues Study Group convened a press conference to reveal the critical and worrisome findings of their initial six-month investigations into the side effects of vaccines.

The results, as presented by a panel of esteemed medical experts, have been nothing short of alarming, drawing particular attention to a wide range of medical concerns, from cancer to neurological disorders.

Professor Emeritus Masanori Fukushima of Kyoto University urgently addressed the diverse array of side effects uncovered by their study.

    “A systematic review of the literature has unveiled some shocking information,” he stated, setting a grave tone from the outset. “Thousands of papers have reported side effects after vaccination, affecting every possible aspect of human pathology – from ophthalmology to psychiatry.” Noting the broad scope of these findings, he highlighted that “This kind of reporting on drug side effects or the like is unprecedented.”


Providing more specifics, Professor Fukushima mentioned significant spikes in certain conditions following vaccination campaigns, “For example, the age-adjusted mortality rate for leukemia has increased. And there are significant findings for breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and so on,” pointing to serious implications for critical illness due to vaccines, which is unlike anything previously documented.

The press conference did not shy away from discussing the suppression of such information. “Japanese doctors are trying hard, but they face various obstructions,” Professor Fukushima remarked, shedding light on the undercurrents of medical censorship that have stonewalled professional discourse around the vaccination issues.

On brain-related adverse events, the evidence was equally disturbing, with Professor Fukushima expressing, “mental disorders, psychiatric symptoms, depression, mania, anxiety, came up in abundance, but it’s endless.” He emphasized that the sheer volume and variety of neurological issues raised in response to the vaccines were unforeseeable, “So this is just a part of it.“

Speaking out about the implications of these findings, Professor Yasufumi Murakami from Tokyo University of Science did not mince words regarding the responsibility to halt the use of vaccines based on their adverse effects. “It’s very clear what happens when you administer a toxic gene to a human. There are cases that occur within one or two weeks after injection, but there are also many cases that appear after one or two years,” he specified, indicating the long-term risks involved with vaccine-induced conditions.

The novelty of the immune response to the vaccine was also a major point of discussion, with Professor Murakami highlighting that “with the current messenger-type vaccines, a significant amount of IgG4 is being induced,” which defies the expectations for a normal vaccine response and could interfere with immune functions.

Professor Masayasu Inoue, Emeritus Professor at Osaka City University School of Medicine, reaffirmed the gravity and the unforeseen nature of these issues. “It is unprecedented in human history for a single vaccine to have this much literature out on it,” he said. Such a statement draws attention to the historically unparalleled level of concern and scrutiny the vaccines have attracted.

Wrapping up the discourse with a sobering critique, Professor Masanori Fukushima emphasized the indiscriminate dissemination of mRNA vaccines throughout the body. “It doesn’t know where to go. If it goes into the bloodstream, it goes to the brain, liver, and kidneys,” he explained, painting a picture of potential systemic vulnerability widely overlooked by the public and professionals alike.

Fukushima then addressed the superficial level of understanding that has been guiding the current vaccine narrative. “With fragments of such knowledge, they exaggerate things and think they can go with this,” he remarked, hinting at a misplaced confidence among authorities who promote the vaccines as safe and effective based on an incomplete grasp of the facts.

Calling for a foundational review of biological understanding, he stated, “So, honestly, they need to go back and redo from middle school biology to high school and university entrance exams.” This stark advice implied that those at the helm of decision-making lacked the necessary biological insight to comprehend the full spectrum of vaccine implications.

He succinctly summed up the situation by acknowledging the nascent state of modern medicine, “As I mentioned earlier, medicine is still immature.” This final note served as a cautionary reminder that the medical field must adopt a more circumspect and knowledge-driven approach in its dealings with new and emerging medical technologies like mRNA.


Press Conference from Japan’s “Vaccine Issues Study Group”, January 11, 2024.


Professor Emeritus Masanori Fukushima from Kyoto University: A systematic review of the literature has revealed some surprising facts. Thousands of papers have reported side effects after vaccination, which affect every organ without exception. Ranging from ophthalmology to general medicine to psychiatry.

These documents have been preliminarily investigated by a group of volunteer physicians. They have looked into how many cases have been reported by Japanese academic societies. This kind of reporting on drug side effects or the like is unprecedented.

For example, the age-adjusted mortality rate for leukemia has increased. And there are significant findings for breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and so on. We will share the relevant information with everyone as we advise and request the government on how to proceed.

Regarding medical censorship with the vaccines: Japanese doctors are trying hard, but they face various obstructions. There’s this negative sentiment of ‘Why report something like vaccine damage?’ There are interferences.

Such actions themselves hinder academic freedom, and in some academic departments, censorship is taking place.Such as in conference presentations and paper publications. This is happening globally. Some journals are effectively practicing censorship.

Regarding Brain related adverse events : mental disorders, psychiatric symptoms, depression, mania, anxiety…etcAbout the spike protein sequence, within the genes, you know, he (Luc Montagnier) was warning that if there’s aprion-like sequence, it could be very dangerous. Many scientists were warning. I too said it could be hazardous because of the possibility of prions. I discussed it with prion experts.

Professor Yasufumi Murakami from Tokyo University of Science: Regarding adverse effects of the vaccines: One thing I want to say initially is that it is clear how the adverse effects occur, which is still holding many victims today. I believe it should be stopped immediately. The mechanism by which adverse effects occur is well understood; the spike is toxic. It’s very clear what happens when you administer a toxic gene to a human. Another point is that the Lipid nanoparticles also induce very intense reactions, so this is also toxic.

The major problem is, we are injecting two toxic substances into people, one of which being that human cells are producing spike proteins. Since the immune system will attack this, this causes very violent genetic reactions to emerge. There are cases that occur within one or two weeks after injection, but there are also many cases that appear after one or two years.

Regarding IgG4 antibody: Usually with vaccines, if an IgG4 antibody is induced, it is considered a failure. However, with the current messenger-type vaccines, a significant amount of IgG4 is being induced. When this happens, it plays tricks on various immune functions. Therefore, we want to thoroughly investigate what ratio of Japanese people are inducing this, and we aim to carefully examine what level of IgG4 that reacts with the spike protein is present in each individual.

Regarding failed vaccines: Vaccines that have failed are still being administered, and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare recognizes these failed vaccines. So I would like them to stop immediately, and even though I speak out in various places, they don’t stop at all, so we will clearly present evidence and publish it as articles one by one.

Professor Masayasu Inoue who is Emeritus Professor at Osaka City University School of Medicine: So, we are working with Dr. Fukushima to create this database, and so far, about 201 types of diseases and 3,071 papers on side effects have been reported. It is unprecedented in human history for a single vaccine to have this much literature out on it.

With this, we plan to present it to the nation and the Japanese government in the form of solid science that no one can dispute. …you will find diseases of the heart, kidney, thyroid, diabetes, liver, skin, eyes, blood, nerves, systemic diseases, brain, lungs, diseases across all medical fields have been reported, and as Professor Fukushima stated, The characteristic of the side effects of this vaccine is As for the data, when diseases such as those of the heart, kidney, endocrine, and liver are taken simultaneously with the range in which they occur, it turns out that a tremendous number of papers are reported over many pages.


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