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  Treading water in an Orwellian Tsunami | A Preview of Things to Come
Posted by: Hissil - 01-11-2024, 01:35 AM - Forum: Current Events - No Replies

Auld Lang Syne, 2023
Treading water in an Orwellian Tsunami
Donald Jeffries
Dec 30, 2023

As I’ve mentioned, I hate goodbyes. Of any kind. Finality terrifies me. Thus, because New Year’s Eve focuses on what is essentially the death of a year, and celebrates the birth of a new one, it’s probably not surprising that I am always depressed at this time. Especially since for the 35th year or so in a row, I won’t be invited to any parties.

I used to look forward to New Year’s Eve. I went to some great New Year’s Eve parties, back in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Ones where you didn’t feel embarrassed about getting uproariously drunk, because everyone was uproariously drunk. When midnight hit, I thrilled at kissing every female at the party. I mean real, French kisses. It was exciting. I can’t picture such a thing happening in America 2.0. I guess it was the times, but I never had any girl protest, or hesitate in the least when I drunkenly shouted, “Happy New Year!” before embracing them, Clark Gable style. I wasn’t that irresistible. I was turned down plenty when asking girls to dance. New Year’s Eve midnight kissing was an expected custom that everyone followed, like Eskimos providing visitors with their wives to sleep with.

I looked forward to New Year’s Eve, even after the petite nurse I’d been dating told me, in a conversation on the front lawn of a party during a rainstorm, that she wanted to date my best friend. New Year’s Eve 1978. Happy New Year to me. It inspired me to write a few more self-pitying songs and poems. But there weren’t many more memorable New Year’s Eve parties after that one. People I knew were becoming involved in serious relationships, including me. You tend to be less understanding of all that kissing and flirting going on, when you’re committed to one person. My wife and I had fun on New Year’s Eve throughout the 1980s, but it wasn’t quite the same.

I quit smoking cigarettes in January, 1989. My wife was pregnant with our first child, and had quit smoking herself. She told me I could keep smoking, but not in the house. Since my workplace had just started banning smoking inside the facility, I figured the writing was on the wall. I always claimed I would stop smoking at age thirty. I was thirty two, so I came pretty close. I still recall grinding out my last cigarette, while watching the Morton Downey Show, which was experiencing its fifteen minutes of fame. After that, if I tried to drink any alcohol, my urge to smoke increased dramatically. Any smoker will tell you that for some reason, drinking alcohol makes you smoke a lot more. So I stopped drinking, too. Nobody likes a sober party animal.

So from that moment on, New Year’s Eve became something I stopped looking forward to. It’s not the same thing, watching the ball drop in Times Square, with a few family members in your recreation room. No strange drunken women to kiss. And with sobriety, at least for me, comes the realization that each year brings me closer to the end of the line. Although I feel the same as I did when I was fourteen, and some would say I still have an adolescent emotional level, I can’t ignore the numbers. Even if I don’t see the aging process clearly in the mirror, I can see everyone else around me getting older. It’s scary, and each New Year drums home the reality.

I think of my brother even more on New Year’s Eve. He would get so psyched up about the yearly Twilight Zone marathon on the sci-fi channel. He’d ask me which ones I had watched (for the zillionth time), and talk about the ones he’d seen. That classic television show was one of the few things that could hold his interest. Ricky would invariably call me, exactly at midnight, before I’d had a chance to eat the dozen grapes my wife insists we eat for good luck. I was ready to get angry at him, as usual, when he called on his last New Year’s Eve, but thankfully my wife calmed me down a bit before I picked up the phone. I’m sure I was still too abrupt with him, but her advice helped assuage the guilt I felt when he died twenty days later.

I think of all the ones who won’t be here in 2024. Not just Ricky, who will be gone two years on January 20. But people like Tae Kim, or as we all called him, Mr. Kim. I was shocked to learn last week that he had died two years ago. Mr. Kim worked with me in IT for over twenty years. I grew to love him, even though he had no concept of the technology- we would joke that he seemed to think there were tiny men inside the computers. He used to bring his mail into work, and have me look at it. He didn’t understand a lot of things, and was too proud for his wife and children to know that. I was happy to help him, and started calling myself his number three son. He was in incredible shape- still playing soccer at age eighty. I can only assume he went into the hospital like my brother, and was killed by COVID protocol. No other explanation.

Ever since 2020, when the Greatest Psyop in the History of the World began, the subsequent years blend together, in some kind of Orwellian haze. Remember when all the memes joked about everyone being anxious for 2020 to end? So that things would return to “normal?” 2021, 2022, and 2023 have been progressively worse. So many ugly earmarks of tyranny are now ingrained in our rigged system. The Alex Jones and Donald Trump show trials are setting precedents to prosecute any and every Thought Criminal left in the land. Most Americans accept that there is “hate speech,” and that Hate Speakers should be prosecuted. First they were subject to public ridicule, then the loss of their job, and now to the long arm of our ludicrous “law.”

Millions agree that “misinformation” and “disinformation” must be combated. Not by renegade historians like me, but by the authoritarian leaders who promote it continuously. So anyone who questions authority is now promoting “disinformation” or “misinformation.” I’m not sure of the distinction between the terms, but both are now serious offenses. Unlike violent crime, which is largely being overlooked by the same “Woke” prosecutors who want to throw the book at dissenting enemies of the corrupt state. What one thinks or says now is far more important than what they do. The political beliefs of the J6 prisoners are why they are being subjected to such cruel and unusual punishment. And why the BLM rioters aren’t.

The major events of 2023 get quickly forgotten. For example, the curious fires in Hawaii. You know, with the mayor that was also the police chief. And allegations that police were stopping people from moving to safety. That’s yesterday’s news, like the Titanic submersible and the Chinese spy balloon. Or the environmental disaster in East Palestine, Ohio. The last I heard, the water and wildlife had been poisoned. Ask Greta Thunberg about that. Yet another unfairly convicted defendant was just released from prison after serving nearly fifty years for a crime he was finally proven not to have committed. He was Black, for what it’s worth. That’s usually of crucial importance in America 2.0, but it didn’t garner any outrage from the usual suspects. Where was Al Sharpton? Or the Congressional Black Caucus?

2023 saw the interesting presidential candidacies of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Vivek Ramaswamy. RFK Jr. lost a lot of credibility by his wildly over the top crush on the state of Israel. His enthusiasm didn’t wane, even with the monstrously disproportionate attacks on the Palestinians after the dubious events of October 7. Now he’s pretty much disappeared. Vivek has been mostly very impressive, but again just can’t quite pull the trigger on hearty, justifiable criticism of Israel. But he is more even-handed than the rest, and he had my book Hidden History on the bookshelf behind him during his interview with Alex Jones. How could I not like that?

So we’re left with the likes of Nikki Haley, who should theoretically have been pressured out of the race after her recent rambling response to the question of what caused the Civil War. Her answer was closer to the truth than I would ever have anticipated, but she made the cardinal mistake of not shouting “Slavery- of course!” in a millisecond. She has, naturally, issued the standard apology. Unlike all the hapless White men over the past fifty years or so, she isn’t being “cancelled.” The establishment would love to have neocon Nikki as the Stupid Party nominee. For the real story on our Civil War, read my book Crimes and Cover-Ups in American Politics: 1776-1963. History is always written by the victors.

Who knows what they have planned politically for 2024? Will the barely functioning Joe Biden be cast aside? Will it be Michelle Obama to the rescue? Why would any Republicans vote at this point? In most districts and states, they are given horrific RINOs as the option to the tyrannical “Woke” Democrat. And the strong indications of massive fraud from both the 2020 and 2022 elections remain unaddressed. In fact, former President Trump is being prosecuted for complaining about it. It’s only Trump, so why worry? It’s not like they’d ever prosecute an average citizen for complaining about the vote. Give them sentences of up to twenty two years. Hold them behind bars, in solitary confinement, and deny them all due process.

We’ll be treated to some kind of fear porn daily in 2024. Reports that an asteroid could come perilously close to Earth. More predictions of World War III, from both the state controlled media and alternative voices on the internet. Ominous declarations about a deadly new “variant” of the never ending COVID virus. An inordinate number of people will die, including celebrities. Most often, no cause will be listed. Doctors will be baffled. The Sheeple will continue to get jabbed, as often as the corrupt authorities produce the newest “booster” shot. More Americans will support censorship and selective prosecution of dissenting Thought Criminals. Amazon will continue to block reviews of Masking the Truth. I will continue to be shadow banned.

If you watch my weekly live streaming podcast, with the same “I Protest” name (and if not, why aren’t you watching?), you’ve seen my interviews with everyday people caught up in municipal corruption. The system is rotten from top to bottom. I’ve talked with parents whose children have been stolen by Child Protective Services and local law enforcement, including Meghan Walsh, daughter of America’s Most Wanted host John Walsh. We’ve focused on the victims who’ve been unfairly and unjustly treated by the family court system. You’ve seen some of the victims of January 6, including Ashli Babbitt’s mother Micki Witthoeft, who made a return appearance on my show just last Friday. The rabbit hole gets deeper every year in America 2.0.

I will make New Year’s resolutions, as I routinely do. Like most people, I rarely succeed in keeping them. I will vow to not let traffic anger me any more. I know it’s stupid and pointless to get angry at the way others drive, or the way the stoplights are seemingly configured to create the most traffic possible. I’ll vow to stop getting upset at NFL games. I only care about them because I still incomprehensibly play fantasy football. I was one of the first to call sporting events fixed, back in the 1970s, so I know these are rigged games, for the entertainment and control of the masses. Bread and circuses, with lots of diversity. The NCAA, the NFL, the NBA, MLB, are all hopelessly corrupt. And each adhere to the same anti-White agenda all institutions do in America 2.0. The Great Replacement. I guess I’m like a heroin addict.

Sugar, like sports, has been a staple in my life since childhood. I will try to cut down on sweets. Ice cream. Cookies. Sugar. Trail mix with lots of dark chocolate. Really, sugar is my only vice at this point. I was an obese child, as I’ve mentioned. There was no “fat acceptance” then. Just scorn from everyone. So I lost weight at age fourteen, and weigh basically the same now as when I was in high school. And that’s with eating sweets regularly and drinking very sweet tea. I have embarrassed my daughter many times in restaurants by telling the server, “You can’t make it too sweet.” Since sugar cane is a natural substance, I feel the negative information about it has been largely overblown. I said the same thing about salt, which they’ve now admitted they were wrong about. Still, I need to consume less of it.

2024 seems surreal to me. I was born in 1956. That’s a long time ago. Where are all the cool futuristic inventions- the flying Jetsons’ cars? The amazing human life extension? So many of my friends have passed on, gone before their time. Victims of a medical establishment that has overseen the decrease of life expectancy rates in this country. Because of the fact I was born so late in life, I am strongly connected to the distant past. The only grandparent I knew, my father’s mother, was born in 1893. My mother’s father was born in 1874. If my parents were alive today, they would be 113 and 111. I knew people born in the nineteenth century. We are now living in the nightmarish twenty first century. I don’t seem old enough for that.

I think about time more than ever on New Year’s Eve. The calendar rules us all. I often wonder what would happen if there were no trappings of time around us. No clocks. No birthday cakes. No New Year’s Eve celebrations. Would we age differently then? Do we age because we think we’re supposed to? Do we age because we see others aging? Many of those closest to my heart have left this vale of tears. My parents. My brother Ricky. Some of the best friends I ever had; Joe Burton, Dave Campbell, John Harmon, Mark Costello. And those are just the ones I know of. I didn’t hear about Mr. Kim’s death until two years later. Co-workers and fellow students are easily forgotten. I refuse to check the obituaries daily, as many my age do. I don’t really want to know.

I look at my dog. The lovely golden retriever Riley. She’s eleven now. Which is seventy seven in human years. I can do the math. When we had to put our last dog, TJ, down, I couldn’t go into the room. My wife, who has always been emotionally stronger, stayed with him. I walked outside and wept. I was not nearly as close to TJ, or our first dog Dino, as I am to Riley. Riley is a bigger part of my life than anyone else at this point. She’s always there. Lying down in front of the computer while I do my show. Bugging me to take her on one of her countless daily “Riley walks.” Demanding my human food. I can see time moving far more rapidly on Riley. Yesterday she was a mischievous puppy. Now she’s an old lady. I try hard not to think about it.

It will probably be just my wife, my son, and I on New Year’s Eve. My daughter will surely be busy doing something far more exciting. I still hope for an invite somewhere, but it never comes. I’m probably not nearly as fun a party guest as I once was. And my radical views are hardly welcome in polite society. I don’t know that people give big New Year’s Eve parties any more. It’s not like I see evidence of them in my neighborhood, and ruminate over why we weren’t invited. They may be just another relic from America 1.0. Kissing the wrong woman at midnight now might bring a lawsuit. Which you would undoubtedly lose, in our corrupt courtrooms.

I am incurably nostalgic. I tend to recall the past through rose-colored glasses. My love of history was probably instilled in me by my mother. She wasn’t interested in American or world history, but she regaled me with tales from her own childhood. She painted some colorful pictures. Because of this, I remain especially attracted to that era, the Roaring Twenties. Those Flappers were babes. I think it’s important to know your family history. I’ve conducted as much research as I could on my own roots. I’m fascinated by time travel because I’d love to visit the past. Not the future. That would be terrifying. As Santayana said, those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it. With each passing year, we move further away from distant history.

My mindset is still stuck in the twentieth century. So 2024 seems far in the future. We are more than a century removed from the birth of John F. Kennedy. And nearly a century from the assassination of my hero Huey Long. The only grandparent I knew died fifty five years ago. We are deep into the timeline. I don’t accept, or adapt very well to change. Since life is constantly changing, I am constantly stressed. Turning the page to a new year exacerbates that. I’ll be watching Twilight Zone episodes I’ve seen many times before. And thinking about my brother while doing so. Eating hors d’oeuvres. But not consuming alcohol. Here’s a toast to each and every one of you, for your interest and your greatly appreciated support.

Dec 30, 2023
Liked by Donald Jeffries

The thoughts expressed in this post mirror my own in many ways. I was born in 1956 too. Long gone are the people I used to think were my friends. Evidently I was too outspoken on social media during the 2014 IDF wholesale slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza. I had previously been blissfully unaware of the sad plight of these people, and the newfound awareness shocked me to my core. How naive I was. I used to think that most people were better than they actually are. If only they knew the truth and shared it with others maybe the horror could be stopped somehow. Silly me.

Christmas was spent with my two sisters and their husband's (I'm single with no kids, a product of the sex, drugs and rock n roll revolution unfortunately). I had to be careful to keep my mouth shut as they talked about getting "covid" over and over again despite being "vaccinated" and wearing a mask on the plane, and the grand kids getting sick for weeks on end. I had tried to warn them early on to please not take the injections. It didnt go over well at the time. So nowadays I stay silent when the topic comes up to keep the peace. At any rate, I was grateful to still have them in my life and to be able to spend the day with them.

All my best to you and my fellow Don Jeffries Substack readers in the coming year. May we all weather whatever lies ahead with grace and humor as best we can.

Dec 30, 2023
Liked by Donald Jeffries

Happy New Year my ass, it’s an election year so it will be wrought with a sh*t storm of stupid….

2023 was worse than 2020, because another year went by and people are still going about as mouth breathers, one upping their neighbors, wearing masks, still boosting up (still testing apparently, for fucks sake) and nothing came of the tyrants deeds, just a slow march to the black swan event they throw in our faces, that they know is coming. Another year closer to the end of the sh*t hole, the United States of Tyranny and globo-psycho too, we can only hope.

Congrats on quitting alcohol Don, and smoking too. Haven’t been to a party in 10 years, don’t miss them at all, I can’t stand the average people we are forced to share our spaces with. I apologize for the loss of your brother, mine died many years ago now, he was 35, so it still sucks, he was my best guy friend.


A Preview of Things to Come
By eric
December 30, 2023

It will be 2024 soon and that means we’re only one calendar year away from the 2026 model year. That is the decreed-upon year when all new cars sold in this country must have “impaired driver” detection and pre-emption “technology.” Meaning, “technology” that monitors  driver performance – the actual wording used in the decree, as opposed to the language used to market the decree as being a measure to prevent “drunks” from driving (and never mind that, per the decree, everyone who drives is to be presumed “drunk” until he proves otherwise, to the car, as he drives it) and takes action when a driver’s performance falls outside allowable parameters.

Elements of this “technology” are already embedded in many 2024 (and 2023) model vehicles and I thought you might like a preview of them – which I can offer, having driven (as a car journalist who gets to test drive them) many 2023 and 2024 vehicles that already monitor your “performance” as a “driver.”

Actually, they don’t do that. They scold – and correct – certain driver behavior/actions. It’s a distinction of some importance, because of the deception. Your “performance” as a driver is not what’s to be monitored and corrected.

It is your obedience.

For instance: Almost all cars sold in 2023 and 2024 have a system that can tell whether you have used a turn signal before making a lane change that will proceed to correct your attempt to change lanes if you haven’t signaled first, by electronically trying to steer the car back into the lane you’re trying to leave for the one adjacent. This is marketed as Lane Keep Assistance Technology. The premise being you require “assistance.”

The fact being the car’s programming objects to your disobedient exercise of judgment.

The law says a driver must always signal when changing lanes. The law also says a driver must always come to a complete stop at every stop sign. In neither case is it always necessary and it is sometimes just mindlessly obedient to do it. Why stop completely – robotically – at every stop sign, even where it’s clear there is no reason to, other than it being “the law”? It wastes gas by losing momentum(which must then be recovered, using more gas (and charge, if you are an EV driver) and it increases wear and tear on the car.

But the main thing is, it’s just mindlessly obedient to mindlessly obey every traffic regulation to the letter. Such mindlessness discourages the paying of attention, the evaluation of each driving situation and then responding in a rational/reasonable and mindful way to the situation.

That, of course, is not what is wanted. Mindfulness is the last thing wanted. It is what “driver performance technology” is meant to punish.

This will be done via more than just “assistance.”

For instance, the “drowsy driver” technology that is embedded in the 2024 model I’m test driving this week. I was out for a drive in it yesterday and not the least bit drowsy, having already had several cups of very strong coffee. Apparently, the car does not have caffeine sensing “technology” (though that is probably coming; can’t have drivers behind the wheel who might be twitchy).

Anyhow, a box kept popping up in the instrument cluster – they’re mostly LCD displays now and what they display is only incidentally instrumental – electronically pestering me to “keep my eyes on the road.” Which of course I had been doing – else I’d have left the road, probably. But I do tend to look around me as I drive, so as to maintain a picture of what’s going on around me as I drive. This, apparently, deviates from the parameters of “driver performance” programmed into the system. It wants me to look only where it thinks I ought to be looking. And it watches me, to make sure I do.

It did not matter that my performance as a driver was within parameters – in that I did not leave the road or even wander across the median line. The car demanded obedience to its programming parameters.

These demands are toothless – for now – in that all the car could do at the moment was scold me via the flashing box (and chime). Of a piece with the annoying chimes (more like buzzers) that electronically needle you to “buckle up” – even for a drive down to your mailbox, because saaaaaaaaaaaafety first!

More accurately, conditioning first.

The seatbelt buzzer is designed to make it so annoying to drive “unbuckled” – even down your driveway, to the mailbox – that you will automatically (and mindlessly) “buckle up” as soon as you sit down. Good doggie! Your exercise of judgment is very much not wanted. What is wanted is for you to get used to doing as you’re told – just because you were told. Like a good doggie. It is of a piece with getting people used to queuing up to take off their shoes and holdup their arms (while a government goon runs his hands up and down their legs and probes the perimeter of their crotches). After awhile, this training becomes routine and people just expect it and go along with it because it has been normalized.

Ask any dog trainer.

The training will also include the necessary correction, of course. In the “drowsy driver” example described above, it will likely come in the form of an automatic adjustment of the amount of money the insurance mafia you’re forced to do “business” with can (and will) automatically debit from your Central Bank Digital Currency account as punishment for your disobedience. Which of course will be characterized as poor “driver performance,” which will be conflated with unsafe driving.

Just the same as not wearing a “mask” was conflated with spreading plague (never mind that you didn’t have it and never mind that the “mask” prevented no one from getting it).

What matters, uber alles, is obedience.

And that is what they really mean when they talk about “driver performance.”



    Jim H January 2, 2024 At 10:16 am

    “The instrument (the telescreen, it was called) could be dimmed, but there was no way of shutting it off completely.” – 1984 — ET

    Revealing, damning questions from NHTSA, in its proposed rulemaking for impaired driving prevention (page 83):

    ‘How would an alcohol-impaired person react to their vehicle not starting, and how
    can/should this be considered? Would some individuals decide to walk to their destination
    in the road, increasing their risk of being hit by another vehicle? Would they get a sober
    person to start their vehicle and then take over the driving task themselves?’

    Well, let me at least address your first question, Acting Administrator Carlson, as to how an alcohol-impaired person (i.e., my goodself) would react to my vehicle not starting:

    1. Screams obscenities pertaining to Congress Clowns and bureaucrats.
    2. Removes tire iron from the trunk and pounds the living sh*t out of the dashboard.
    3. Squirts lighter fluid on both front seats and tosses in a match, creating a raging inferno.
    4. Reaches for his revolver.

    And that’s just for starters …
        drumphish January 3, 2024 At 2:26 am

        Call a cab, that’s what the pot dealers do or did. Greatly reduces risk, hermetically sealed packaging is the way to go. Experience counts too. Used to be part of the MO, not so much these days. Cannabis reduces drug usage and alcoholism. True in this Orwellian world we embrace daily.

        Life in America ain’t all that bad, just the knuckleheads in charge make it something it really isn’t.

        25,000 metric tons of cannabis is traded all across America every year. It never stops.

        Supply and Demand, if cannabis killed people, it would not be a plant that is used, in demand, period.

        You are being taxed to death so Israel can prosecute even more deaths. Not to worry, you are being forced to create even more evil. Death rules in Gaza and Israel. When will they ever learn?

        Al Capone opened soup kitchens, he had a heart for the old ladies in the neighborhoods of Chicago. He also owned a Cadillac with a V-16 and one inch thick bullet-proof glass, the first armored vehicle built. Al Capone wasn’t interested in massacring 20,000 Chicago-ans back then. He had lawyers, ‘Easy’ Eddie O’Hare was Al’s lawyer. ‘Butch’ O’Hare, Eddie O’Hare’s son was an ace pilot in WWII, O’Hare Airport bears his name. Wonders never cease.

        20,000 gallons of beer each day in Chicago paid Al 100,000,000 dollars in one year during Prohibition, the first American businessman to reach that goal.

        Al didn’t have to call a taxi.

        Cash Cab works for cannabis sales, maybe so. You can even answer questions and win some money!

        Drop off the groceries at the pizza joint and get the take out.

        More beer and pizza!

    Marcus+Aurelius+Tarkus January 2, 2024 At 1:51 am

    So much that I could write here. I will home in on one factor.

    Of the uncounted millions of illegals invading the US, very few–if any–will be driving cars that nag and narc on their drivers. Ergo, most of future on-road mayhem and mishaps will be the fault of the illegals, but will be accused of the legals by their vehicle’s black boxes. Watch your insurance rates skyrocket beyond affordability. Meanwhile, the millions of the invited invaders will be paying nothing, with impunity. And all by design.

    Personally: At 73, I will hang on to my 2011 to the end of my driving years, if possible. No major repair, expense or replacement will cost more–both in money and consequences–than upgrading to a newer model that nags and narcs on me: and, soon, does much worse.
        eric January 2, 2024 At 5:28 am

        Hi Marcus,

        I agree – and foresee a time coming (soon) when people will just stop paying the insurance they can no longer afford. And they will keep on driving – just like the “refugees” do.
        Sparkey January 2, 2024 At 6:03 pm

        Here in Eastern WA our resident diversity crew as busy as ever:


        Before the Reagan amnesty in ‘85 a wrong way crash was extremely rare, now it’s weekly or, per the above link, a two in one weekend event. I howl at the DUI gov PSA ads on TV, always some white guy getting busted can’t show diversity in those ads! WA a leader in “equity justice” which really means if you’re white with a job and assets you’re screwed but here illegally no license, no insurance, no job, no problem! Neighbors niece killed by a “diversity” hit and run drunk driver. Three priors DUI. Got 3 1/2 years, yep that’s “equity”. Disgusting.
    ET January 1, 2024 At 8:48 pm

    Owning an older auto w/o the driver surveillance will be a bit like when Winston Smith found an apartment without a telescreen, or so he thought.

    “The instrument (the telescreen, it was called) could be dimmed, but there was no way of shutting it off completely.” – 1984
    John dieter January 1, 2024 At 8:46 pm

    My passenger gets shot. I’m speeding to the emergency room, and the damned car TURNS ITSELF OFF. Or, I’m being chased by murderers, etc… Sometimes you need to drive fast
    Paul January 1, 2024 At 7:10 pm

    Even on my small 4 min. commute to work it’s amazing the amount of brain dead idiots I encounter. One of my biggest peeves being the “turn on red” issue. It might be different depending on the state but here in good ole MA. you can turn right even on a red light as long as there is no sign saying otherwise. The amount of people I’ve been stuck behind going home at this one light, that I turn right at, which is a right turn only lane also, is amazing. They just sit there like moths at a flame waiting for big brothers traffic signal to give them that proper green approval so the can go. Gezzzzzzz
    Michael Maier January 1, 2024 At 6:25 pm

    So all new cars will have cameras watching me as I drive? What the flip?
    The Bobster January 1, 2024 At 2:59 pm

    A few years ago, I rented a Ford Fusion, complete with all the safety bells and whistles. (Don’t get me going about the ASS system!)

    It didn’t take me long for all the different alarms to go off. Get too close to the car in front? Beep, beep, beep! Stray a little from your lane? Beep, beep, beep!

    But what really got me was when I was on the Pa. Thruway outside of Harrisburg. The road expanded from 2 to 6 lanes to accommodate the entering traffic. Naturally I drifted to the left lanes. Then the damn dreaded coffee cup came on to warn me that I was falling asleep. No, I wasn’t, dammit! The damn thing wouldn’t disappear for 10 minutes.

    Well, I’ll just keep my 2014 Ford Focus. This was one of the last years when cars didn’t have the annoying (and dangerous) “safety” features.
    Charleen January 1, 2024 At 2:24 am

    ” Such mindlessness discourages the paying of attention, the evaluation of each driving situation and then responding in a rational/reasonable and mindful way to the situation.”

    Exactly! A friend of mine mindlessly uses his blinker even when there is nobody as far as you can see. I told him that I only signal when there is someone to signal to…He looked at me like I was wrong to do that. I said “Do you even pay attention to traffic around you”. No – was his “real” answer.
        helot January 1, 2024 At 3:29 am

        I think about that often myself, Charleen. “I only signal when there is someone to signal to…”

        …There’s always that cop hiding in the bushes. ? Making sure you, dot your i’s & cross your t’s? …Like a snake in the grass?

        RE: “I said “Do you even pay attention to traffic around you”. No – was his “real” answer.”

        Imho, that’s whatchya call, a NPC. …We’re surrounded by them. They may even be our best friend or a hot girlfriend. ?
        I hope, someday, they will wake up.
        …I’m not holding my breath.
        Vaccidents to the left of me, Vaccidents to the right.
        A Clot-Shot, it doesn’t even take, they were clueless even before. …Eh?
            RFI Choke of Destiny January 4, 2024 At 1:56 pm

            Not everybody like this is an NPC. Some of us are well aware that we’re being enslaved and aren’t happy about it, but we’re also just bad drivers. In particular, people with ADD would benefit from some of these safety features. But they should obviously be opt-in and not mandated by the state.
                eric January 4, 2024 At 2:15 pm

                Hi RFI,

                Absolutely. As with EVs,I have no objection to “driver assistance technology” – as such. I object to such things being pushed. If someone needs help parking and “assist” can help them, fine. But I don’t need “assistance” – and resent being made to deal with it (and pay for it) contrary to my will.
        eric January 1, 2024 At 5:49 am

        Hi Charlene,

        Yup! I like the idea of doing things for a reason – as opposed to “just because.” Training people to use a turn signal every time is training them to be mindless rather than mindful. Good to have you with us!
            Mark January 1, 2024 At 9:54 am

            Eric, it’s all part of a larger program by government called, “Learned Helplessness”. Follow the orders and do not freelance at your own safety because government knows what is best for all the little people. My only question is, if the people in government know so much more than me and others like me. Why do they need us to support them/tax-feeders? Us little people do a good job at taking care of ourselves on our own dime whereas the Tax-Feeders would starve to death if we didn’t pay for everything to support them.
                Charleen January 2, 2024 At 2:13 am

                It’s like living in Kurt Vonnegut’s “Harrison Bergeron”.
                The Federal Department of the Handicapper General.
            Charleen January 2, 2024 At 2:08 am

            Mindless NPC men disgust me more so than the dishonest. I would rather be with a woman than a mindless man. I think I have Ayn Rand syndrome ?
                eric January 2, 2024 At 5:24 am

                Hi Charleen,

                Yes – and that works both ways, too!
        Tom January 1, 2024 At 11:28 am

        I usually don’t signal if there is nobody around. Who will notice it other than the spy cameras and perhaps God. I sometimes don’t use a signal if it is obvious what my next turn will be. I do this on purpose to keep my attention on my attention and not be mindlessly driving like a robot.

        I can see where pre-2023 vehicles will be more in demand although the majority will go along with the obedience training like they have for decades. The idea of owning a brand new (or fairly new) vehicle, no matter the cost and control, is ingrained in the American psyche, exactly like running to the pill distributor for every little ache and pain.

        It’s called marketing and it attacks you every minute of your life from all directions but most people are unaware and asleep to it.
            Courageous Lion January 1, 2024 At 5:32 pm

            God doesn’t care! LOL!
        drumphish January 3, 2024 At 3:17 am

        I always use my blinker before driving up the gravel driveway to the farmhouse, there might be a skunk or a wolverine that needs to be warned so they don’t get run over. Like they know I am driving drunk, they don’t. har

        There could even be a porcupine or a badger, have seen them all. Let them live, life is important. The dachshund had porcupine barbs sunk into his snout, it is a death sentence, dog won’t survive, to the vet to be surgically removed. The quills keep driving into the dog’s skin, get there to the vet right away.

        Have to respect all life in this world. Even if the wolf is at your door, chase the wild thing away, that would be the Joe Biden wild thing too. Wolf nonpareil, really.

        This war bidness might pay big time, but it will bitterly end, so just stop.

        Repel this nonsense, peace is better.
    helot December 31, 2023 At 11:54 pm

    I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year.
    May you all live long & prosper. …And, hopefully; a buncha ya will make lotsa Freedomista babies.

    Thought this was a good take for the new year:

    Appalachia’s Homestead with Patara

    ‘Control YOUR 2024!’

    Jim H December 31, 2023 At 9:26 am

    When your C-PHOW (Cell Phone On Wheels) rats you out:

    ‘Christine Dowdall, 59, started occasionally seeing a strange new message on the display in her Mercedes, about a location-based service called “mbrace.” The second time it happened, she took a photograph and searched for the name online.

    “I realized, oh my God, that’s him tracking me,” Ms. Dowdall said.

    “Mbrace” was part of “Mercedes me” — a suite of connected services for the car, accessible via a smartphone app. Ms. Dowdall had only ever used the Mercedes Me app to make auto loan payments. She hadn’t realized that the service could also be used to track the car’s location.

    ‘Ms. Dowdall called Mercedes customer service repeatedly to try to remove her husband’s digital access to the car, but the loan and title were in his name. Mercedes representatives told her that her husband was the customer so he would be able to keep his access. There was no button she could press to take away the app’s connection to the vehicle.’ — NYT


    No off button: that’s digital persistence. Cell phones, social media, connected cars: the surveillance state has hit the trifecta. And best of all, from their point of view, it’s all self-imposed, self-operated and self-financed. Win win win — for them.

    Don’t want your ASS anymore
    Don’t want your Clownscreen, that’s for sure
    I die each time I hear this sound
    Here he comes, that’s Mercedes’ clown

    — The Everly Brothers, Cathy’s Clown
    BAC December 30, 2023 At 5:12 pm

    Just rented a brand new Chevy Malibu (well, you get what they give you). The god damn thing would not shift out of park unless I was buckled up for safety. Not even to just back up out of a parking spot. So this means you have to plug in the seatbelt just to move your car around your own driveway. Christ almighty. fu*k GM with this crap.
        Landru December 30, 2023 At 7:44 pm

        Hi BAC; just get one of those seat belt extenders and you’re good to go. The seat belt sensor is in the buckle and the extender will fool the sensor into thinking you’re belted in.
        Publius December 31, 2023 At 5:48 am

        Overall I like the Malibu.

        But it’s little things like that, and ASS, and so on that make it un-buyable.
    Sparkey December 30, 2023 At 3:45 pm

    As a motorcycle rider you learn quick to keep your head on a swivel the last thing you need are surprises from the sides and rear. This “eyes forward forever” is dangerous idiocy. Bike and cage driving out here in the country is always sporty with people running stops at the crossroads. Best be looking over at that F250 hauling a** downhill with a trailer – will he stop, will …. nope! That and diving for the shoulder when oncoming Cell Phone Celia drifts into your lane.
    ChrisIN December 30, 2023 At 2:43 pm

    Time to disconnect or shove a screwdriver in the speakers.
    I hate to say this. We are not going to win. The masses have no clue, and most likely don’t care.
    I have bought lots of new vehicles without driving them, but that can’t happen anymore. If the fricken thing imparts my driving in any way, it’s no sale. And I will let the general mngr and/or owner of the dealership know why (as they drool over my low mileage trade). I hope it helps. We all need to do this, not just walk away. You have to let the owner know why.
    I’m wondering if there will be a ‘secret’ re-coding the dealers will be able to do to to be able to sell cars to people like me. They do it with the seatbelt crap, at least FCA did, and as of my latest ’21, still allows you to delete the seatbelt BS.
        Sparkey December 30, 2023 At 3:33 pm

        “ The masses have no clue, and most likely don’t care “

        Yep, and some embrace it. Several years ago friends got a new Honda CR-V. He was over the moon about all the features “it’s got smart cruise control keeps you away from the car in front automatically! And this lane assist keeps from drifting out of your lane, isn’t that just the greatest!” I was real blunt, having suffered with a VW rental just prior that tried to put me into the oncoming lane on a narrow winding country road with its “lane assist”. Told him I’d never willingly ever buy a rig with any of it. “Whuut?”
    drumphish December 30, 2023 At 1:02 pm

    It’s the New Mother Nature taking over – The Guess Who, New Mother Nature

    Canadian musicians know how to rock and roll, well, the Guess Who know how, anyhow.

    Canada is a big village and everyone belongs, that is why they call it Canada.

    You will basically be bit and bridled, a saddle on your back, the gov is going to show you how to drive, be the muleskinner, you have no other choice. You will be the trained horse, hell’s bells, there will be a set of blinders on your crazy fool head. There’ll be some oats at the bottom of the bit bag that will be securely attached to your horse face.

    You only get to see and do what you are told to do and see.

    Shake those chains.
        BJ January 1, 2024 At 7:26 am

        Hi Drumphish

        It must be jelly cause jam don’t shake that way! What the thugs in power want, and what they get tend to be a rather different matter at the margins. Shot gun songs and New Boss Old Boss, can’t get fooled again refrain. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. But a hand in a bush can get your face slapped. Keep that 30% 40% 30% ratio in mind. Especially since a good part of the 40% are now standing there with egg dripping down their faces and they don’t believe its raining.
        In God we trust all others pay cash. Gold is the money of kings. Silver is the money of gentlemen. Barter is the money of peasants. Debt is the money of slaves. EnD Of LIne.
    Mike December 30, 2023 At 12:06 pm

    Anyone else remember Car Talk on NPR? When they were serious, they’d say things like “anything that takes your eyes off the road and hands off the wheel is bad”. That’s really the crux of driving. Just pay attention.
        The Bobster January 1, 2024 At 2:43 pm

        NPR? Who the hell listens to that crap?
            The True Nolan January 1, 2024 At 3:01 pm

            NPR was a pretty good network.

            Back in 1985.
    ken December 30, 2023 At 11:37 am

    All my acquaintances swore they would never own this trash now own this trash.

    If we are expecting the cattle to stop buying this sh*t stand by to be disappointed. Most I talk to think it’s great! They say it’s a little annoying but the safety is worth it.

    These seem the same ,,, molon labe,,, groupies I read on Zerohedge that will revolt if the Donald doesn’t win or they come for the guns. Most drive like granny, have never been under fire and most talk like they’re John Wick. lol…..
    Mike in Boston December 30, 2023 At 11:03 am

    “Lane keep assist” is my favorite evil of all this nanny crap. So you swerve suddenly when a kid runs out in front of you but the car steers itself back and kills said kid. Can’t wait to see how Larry the Lawyer handles that scenario; is the driver at fault or the car manufacturer? Should really lock up everyone at NHTSA for causing a death.
        RS December 30, 2023 At 12:47 pm

        How lane keep assist is even allowed in cars is a testament to the hypocrisy of the government. There is nothing safe about it.
            Raider Girl December 30, 2023 At 1:04 pm

            “There is nothing safe about it.”

            That’s the point, RS. It doesn’t make sense what government is doing unless you can accept the fact that the government wants the majority of us dead.
        Steve December 30, 2023 At 3:35 pm

        Just drove one of those piece of crap vehicles with lane keep. Rural Nebraska, no one around for miles, let alone on the road, so, of course, as a prudent driver, I straddle the middle line on the straightaways and follow the line in the curves. Didn’t take more than a few miles before most of the display was replaced by the “Take a Break” notice. After I stopped, I found out disabling it was simply one button on the steering wheel, but soon that button will be no more…
    ReadyKilowatt December 30, 2023 At 10:54 am

    Risky behavior needs to be outlawed.

    OK fine. How about gay bathhouses? Visiting one is still very risky, even though people can live with AIDS (becoming a permanent drain on collective insurance that’s required by law). Will the car prevent someone from navigating to the gay bathhouse?

    What about eating refined sugar? Despite centuries of suppressed evidence that sugar is not only highly addictive and leads to a myriad of health issues, our government not only keeps big sugar in business, encourages excessive consumption! Maybe if they really were concerned about our lives, the car can stop people from going to Dairy Queen if they’ve been there more than three times in a calendar month. Or maybe detect when you’ve had one too many grande mocha lattes and won’t let you in the Starbucks drive thru.

    Just override your trip to Golden Corral and reroute you to the gym for an hour of cardio. You’re already wearing sweat pants and sneakers…

    “Oh Ready, you’re just being silly.”
        ken December 30, 2023 At 12:08 pm

        AIDS like Covid are scams. Refined sugar is okay if you don’t eat 5 pounds a week.

        Lifespan has decreased over the last couple of years. They don’t know why and are baffled but they absolutely know it’s NOT due to the Clot Shot.
    michael67 December 30, 2023 At 10:03 am

    I know when I’m actually drowsy behind the wheel is when I’m -not- looking around: my eyes are focused straight ahead, not checking gauges or mirrors. When a car surprises me from behind along the interstate, then I know I need to stop somewhere. I guess staring mindlessly forward is now the correct behavior.
    Jim H December 30, 2023 At 10:01 am

    From the NHTSA’s draft Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for impaired driving detection:

    ‘The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has recently recommended that NHTSA seek legislative authority to award incentive grants for States to establish a per se BAC limit of .05 or lower for all drivers who are not already required to adhere to lower BAC limits.’


    In other words, the US fedgov is going to use federal dollars to bribe states into enacting stricter BAC limits. This is how we got obnoxious fedgov-sponsored predation such as Click It or Ticket. Bend over, here it comes again.

    Passive alcohol detection sensors are discussed on pages 50-52:

    ‘ACTS [Automotive Coalition for Traffic Safety] expects touch and breath sensor reference designs for private vehicles, capable of higher BAC measurements, in 2025. NHTSA is aware that these delivery dates may be affected by several factors including further research and development. These dates do not include the time necessary for any manufacturer to consider and implement design changes necessary to integrate these systems into vehicles.‘

    Can they make it any plainer? They are not going to meet the 2026 deadline.

    Once this ugly assault on freedom is published in the Federal Register, a 60-day comment period will ensue. Don’t know about y’all, but I intend to bit*h LIKE HELL.
    anonymous1 December 30, 2023 At 9:47 am

    The New Blue Screen Of Death? “Your Vehicle Cannot Be Driven”

    This week a photo went viral on social media purporting to show a Ford vehicle displaying a “your vehicle cannot be driven” message after a failed software update. “Please call customer support,” the screen urges.

    In response, another shared issues they were having with Ford’s OTA updates, stating: “I’m still dealing with a failed OTA update. My 6.2.0 was incomplete. Called Ford Motor Company and they confirmed the failed update and stated the update would try again within 30 days. 60 days later, with no update, they sent me to a dealer for service.”

    The nightmare continued: “Dealer claimed to have updated the software. My car was delivered to my home and nothing was fixed. In fact, my software reverted to 4.2.1. Now my service manager has no idea what to do. I can’t change drive modes, open trunk or frunk, and pre-collision warning turns on all the time. I can still drive but with limited capability. Feels like a car with a sprained ankle.”

        Philo Beddoe December 30, 2023 At 12:09 pm

        Please, I beg you, if I ever in the course of daily life use the word “frunk” in a sentence, shoot me immediately. The term elicits a very effeminate feeling as if the utterer of such a word is also carrying a “murse” while drinking his favorite soy based product.
            anonymous1 December 30, 2023 At 1:40 pm

            The brits call it a fruoot….front boot….
    John B December 30, 2023 At 9:46 am

    Just as people who refused to wear face diapers everywhere & be guinea pigs for Pharma were once deemed UNCLEAN at the height of COVID hysteria, there could come a time where people who drive an automobile that DOESN’T have all this Nanny State crap are deemed “Unsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafe” and attacked by the Biden Thing & establishment media.
    Jim H December 30, 2023 At 9:16 am

    ‘[2026] is the decreed-upon year when all new cars sold in this country must have “impaired driver” detection and pre-emption “technology.”’ — eric

    This supposed 2026 deadline has been widely cited. Dig into the details, though, and you’ll find that it is not realistic.

    My opinion? No. It’s the NHTSA’s opinion:

    ‘At the time of its review (draft completed at the end of 2022), NHTSA noted that … systems specifically targeting passive and accurate alcohol-impairment detection and prevention are still primarily in the research stage.

    ‘With respect to technologies that target measuring BAC levels, there have been reported improvements in capability, packaging, and availability for aftermarket testing over time. However, passive versions targeting a BAC of .08 g/dL or other legal limit as directed in BIL section 24220 are not yet available in the market.‘


    Passive alcohol detection sensors are not available now, and may never be available. As the NHTSA notes in the linked document, ‘the issuance of the final rule is subject to subsection (e) “Timing,” which provides for an extension of the deadline’ — for up to ten years. This was already foreseen in the law, since the sensor technology was and remains vaporware.

    Impaired driver detection is a manifestation of bad intent. But the claim that it’s coming in 2026 is not credible. Don’t buy their bullshit.
        ARYLIOA December 30, 2023 At 5:32 pm

        As far as Blood-alcohol readings that is likely. However, many of the other Impaired/Distracted/Outlaw Driver items on the wish-list are readily implemented, as Eric indicates. A camera can easily detect where you are looking and the CPU determine for how long. (It might actually be a good idea if Tesla shut down the cars where the driver is sleeping.) With facial recognition, it might even see if you are legal to drive, and with an owner supplied list, legal to drive that particular car. Excess-motion/lack-of-motion on the steering wheel is easy to track with electronic power assist. “Excessive” speed is available in any car, as is exceeding the speed limit in any car with GPS. “Heavy accelleration, heavy braking”, no sweat. Lane wandering is already in place, as is “following too closely”, they are just not in a shutdown algorithm yet. What isn’t fed to the algorithm now only requires addition of a cheap sensor and a software update. Since most cars are “fully integrated” it is easy.

        And as others have posted, the masses love the prospect. It will keep all the bad drivers, you know, everyone but themselves, from being a risk.
            Jim H December 31, 2023 At 9:51 am

            ‘Many of the other Impaired/Distracted/Outlaw Driver items on the wish-list are readily implemented, as Eric indicates.’ — ARYLIOA

            Yes. And the NHTSA is as fascinated by them as an 11-year-old boy ogling a girlie mag:

            ‘Many, but not all, Level 2 driving automation systems monitor visual and physical driver indicators, using camera-based sensing systems. Useful measures of general driver visual attention include measures of eye/pupil movement (e.g., fixation duration), measures of glance location (e.g., eyes on/off road), and measures of glance spread and range (e.g., scan path).’ — NHTSA, page 59


            NHTSA acting admin Ann Carlson laid out the best reason why a ‘cheap sensor’ ain’t gonna work:

            ‘Carlson said there were close to 1 billion separate daily driving journeys in the United States. “If it’s 99.9% accurate, you could have a million false positives,” Carlson said. “Those false positives could be somebody trying to get to the hospital for an emergency.” — Reuters, Dec 12, 2023

            Remote sensors are never going to be 99.9% accurate. Carlson’s maff is utterly intractable. Clowngress cannot repeal it, try as they might.
    RS December 30, 2023 At 9:14 am

    Well wow. So this stuff is really here. I expect we will be seeing many very interesting and ominous car reviews from you in ‘24 and ‘25. Even though you have warned us repeatedly about the upcoming impaired driver technology, it is still a reality check to see it actually installed in a car you’re test driving and see it scolding you. I think this is the year I need to actively shop for a reliable brand 2022 or earlier suv. I want to postpone having this in my car for as long as possible. The assists I turned off in my leased 2022 and prompts by the car to install an update are bad enough that the tech at bmw is now recommending I not allow the install so instead the pissed off car now periodically and randomly pops up ALL the assists on my display chiding me to set them back to “recommended settings” with one click. Probably in the hope that one of these times I will get careless and allow the update. This nannyism is getting insane.
    Zane F December 30, 2023 At 8:55 am

    My last new car…er truck was in 1986… an Isuzu Trooper. The thing was so simple it had 4 wheel drive… and a heater. The plebs can keep these new car`s I agree with John They are.. evil…… And sure as hell no FUN.
    Roscoe December 30, 2023 At 8:52 am

    Whether or not the demands seem toothless, the vehicle will record the date/time of every scolding, possibly reporting the poor driving habits back to the manufacturer as they happen. This data will be valuable to someone. I’m sure Flo and the Gecko would pay for the information.
    John Kable December 30, 2023 At 8:18 am

    Glad I’m at the end of my driving years, and couldn’t, or wouldn’t afford a new car anyway.
    So sorry for the rest of you. This is evil. There’s no better word for it. Reporting your “bad behavior”, if not physically “correcting” it. Owned by a machine that you presume to own.
        Raider Girl December 30, 2023 At 8:44 am

        The best thing the Cadillac scenario taught me was I should not and will not own one of these vehicles. I agree with you, John, they are evil. You don’t realize it at first. A test drive around the dealership or even a weekly rental doesn’t prepare you for the mishaps, spying, and eventual combat, against your own automobile.

        These new cars and trucks are the most dangerous things on the road. The amount of injuries and deaths that will occur as more and more of these newer models start appearing on our highways will be outrageous, but TPTB and the peasants will never consider linking more accidents with newer vehicles. Dumbing down the user does not make our world safer, but you will never be able to get this message across the media and it’s controlled public.
            John Kable December 30, 2023 At 9:47 am

            Nothing says safe like having your car take hold of your steering wheel while you are in the middle of a critical maneuver.
                Lee R December 30, 2023 At 12:03 pm

                This has already happened in at least a couple of airplanes where the plane’s computer system fought with the pilots and the planes ended up crashing. Crashes that resulted in catastrophic loss of many lives….
            ken December 30, 2023 At 11:23 am

            [ but TPTB and the peasants will never consider linking more accidents with newer vehicles.]

            Just like all deaths from the covid needle are not linked to the covid needle.
        roger January 1, 2024 At 1:43 pm

        John and RG
        When, (if ever) the masses finally learn to spell the word evil correctly, i. e. Devil,
        there might be a chance that they will also finally learn what’s really going on. But
        for now, it’s business as usual.
        It is NOT about control. It IS about total and complete destruction of every thing
        God created. He’s got the hammer down because “…he knows he has but a short
        time.” That was a warning from Christ.
        The (D)evil does two things. He lies and he murders. That’s it. He uses myriad lies
        in order to murder in myriad ways. He uses his myriad children to get-er-done. He
        also lies to them because he is incapable of telling the Truth.
        These are simple things that most people can’t get their heads around because
        they’ve been conditioned to believe that not only doesn’t the Devil exist, but also
        that what’s really going on just has to be so much more complicated than that.
        Someone said that the greatest trick Satan ever pulled off was to convince the world
        that he doesn’t exist.
        How does one destroy? First, take control. Lies are one of the most important tools
        needed for control.
        I could go on and on about this subject but I don’t think that’s what Eric created
        this site for. But I think it’s great that he makes room for discussion of just about
        anything we have a mind to bring up. He’s one of the few who have open minds and
        common sense.
        Thanks Eric.

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  NATO Plans False Flag | Communism in America | Deceptive Patterns of the Deep State
Posted by: Hissil - 01-11-2024, 01:33 AM - Forum: Illuiminati - No Replies

NATO Plans False Flag in Black Sea to Launch WWIII
The Globalists need a scapegoat to blame for their destruction of America
Greg Reese
Jan 5, 2024


Just about every major government has been guilty of false flag operations to foment war. America has been guilty of several, but here are just a few...

Civilian passengers were murdered when a torpedo hit the Lusitania. Investigations revealed that explosives were inside the ship, which was operated by war profiteer J.P. Morgan. This event is what brought Americans, who were not previously interested in getting involved, into World War I, where they lost over a hundred thousand sons and daughters.

They were also not interested in getting involved in World War II, but after breaking Japanese encryption codes, the US government knew of their plans to attack Pearl Harbor. But the big banks were funding both sides and expected massive profits, so they let it happen to encourage Americans to sacrifice nearly half a million of their children in the second world war.

In August of 1964, the USS Maddox and the Turner Joy knowingly lied about being fired upon by North Vietnamese ships. For two hours they fired at nothing and maneuvered as if under attack. President Johnson was aware of this deception but kept it secret to initiate war against North Vietnam. And to sacrifice over fifty thousand Americans.

About three thousand people were murdered on 9/11 in the most notorious false flag in US history. This was used as a catalyst for the endless destruction of several nations that continues today.

Professor Stephen Starr, associate of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, was recently on Russia’s Soloviev live where he discussed a plan being suggested by NATO forces in Germany that stinks of plans for a false flag operation to usher in World War III. They have suggested a scenario wherein Russia sinks an American cruiser in the Black Sea. Followed by the United States attacking Russian ships with nuclear warheads. Which would then be followed by a Russian nuclear strike against NATO headquarters and a major US nuclear attack on all of Russia. They suggested more than three thousand strikes within one hour and the destruction of all major cities in Europe and the United States. Professor Starr said this would result in a hundred and fifty million tons of smoke and soot that would block out seventy percent of the sunlight in the Northern Hemisphere and last about ten years.

It’s important to note that it’s been NATO forces alone who have been provoking war with Russia for decades. Surrounding their border with missile systems and bio-weapons labs, and overthrowing Ukraine with C.I.A. Colour revolutions. The facts show that Russia has been given no choice but to defend themselves against deceptive Western aggression.

The anti-human globalist forces that hold a firm grip on America are clearly trying to destroy it from within. If they wanted America to win a world war, then they would not be murdering US troops with the deadly Covid shots. And they would not be manipulating them to castrate themselves under the guise of transgenderism. The globalists want the United States to be plundered and destroyed but they need a scapegoat to blame it on and they’ve clearly chosen Russia for that role.

During the American Revolution, Catherine the great of Russia unofficially supported the colonies by trading with them. Russian ships began delivering hemp, sail linen, and iron to American ports as early as 1763. During the war of 1812, Russia attempted to join as a third-party mediator in support of American independence. In 1863, Russia sent military fleets to New York and San Francisco to put pressure on the British and fight them if necessary. They patrolled the American shores for 10 months.

This Russian support of a sovereign America is undoubtedly what led to the Bolshevik revolution of 1917 when the country fell into communist rule for sixty-nine years. Today Russia has asked for peace but the evil powers that want endless war can not survive unity between the East and the West. False Flag operations are the modus operandi of the globalists, and war, mass murder, and division is all they desire.



Communism and depopulation in America come under the guise of being “patriotic” and accepting your own vax-termination out of fear of Covid-19 and its variants
By Clark Barnes
December 26, 2023

I once had a favorite meme I would push out as kind of a tongue-in-cheek that said “When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are ruled by criminals”. Seemed pretty funny at the time.

Today, not so funny. In fact, what we are experiencing is very real.

Let’s take a look at the definition of tyranny according to legaldictionary.net:

1    An oppressive or severe form of government
2    An unrestrained use of authority or power
3    A state ruled by, or government of, an absolute ruler
4    Excessive severity
5    Cruel and unfair treatment by someone in authority

What we lack in the world, not just the United States, is a system of checks and balances. Governments are out of control as they care very little about the laws they have established unless it relates to you the citizen, and they certainly give complete disregard for the voting system as we are finding out they have been manipulating the outcomes to meet their agenda for quite some time.

Our rights to free speech are all but gone and our ability to assemble peacefully is now seen as extremism. Think about it for a minute, when Patriots assemble to voice their concern, they have to worry that either the assembly will be infiltrated by people seeking to create a negative image of them, or those same people causing violence, thus putting Patriots front and center as targets by their own government.

By now, if you haven’t been vaccinated for Covid, then you know that the vaccine is much more dangerous than the virus. In fact, if you know anything about anything they put in vaccines today, then you know that Covid was just an excuse for ushering in communism in America, and a depopulation scheme that’s got 150 million people set up like bowling pins, getting ready for the “big knockdown.”

Most important to realize, and it’s not too late for the unvaccinated, is that the spread of fear of Covid was needed to establish government authority initially, that way they could further violate our constitutional rights and order us around — to wear masks all day, social distance, shut down our businesses and only buy products from huge corporations that fund the fake war on Covid-19.

It’s a fake war, and “they” (Democrats, CCP and Globalists running DC) want your support.

You see, governments all prefer populace support for a war, whether it’s a kinetic war, a fake war on “terror,” or a fake war against a “killer virus.” The irony of it all is that this time the enemy isn’t foreign at all; in fact, it’s every American.

There’s always a cover for the real insidious agenda. There has to be for everyone to buy in. Of course, 9/11 was cover for Halliburton’s embezzling of $5 billion and the constitution-and-privacy-crippling Patriot Act. The War in Afghanistan was cover for the US takeover of the opium trade for the heroin-based epidemic of highly-addictive, health-destroying prescription painkillers.

Now, Covid-19 and the Delta Variant are cover for a communist takeover of America and the depopulation/ sterilization campaign that can wipe out at least 50 percent of the US populace with one “booster” shot. Call it the “kill switch.”

10 Steps To Tyranny

1    Create a new human disease (virus) that kills off the weak and immune-compromised (complete).
2    Spread Covid-19 around the planet (complete).
3    Create “vaccines” for that virus that cause blood clots and life-threatening myocarditis (complete).
4    Spread so much fear about Covid that at least 70 percent of the planet (or at least the USA) gets inoculated (only at 50 percent now).
5    Spread fear-mongering propaganda of a new “variant” (called Delta) that’s even “more deadly” and “more contagious” than the original virus (just begun).
6    Blame all vaccine injuries and deaths on the new “Delta Variant” (just beginning).
7    Require every vaccinated person to get their “Delta Variant” inoculation, which either instructs the recipient’s cells to produce billions of toxic protein prions that drive the patient insane and cause heart failure, or the vaccine contains the ultimate “payload” of virus-mimicking pathogenic proteins that overdose the recipients’ immune systems, killing them.
8    A new mass event “occurs” that cripples all communication between the populace, and the Chinese Communists start “herding” in from our southern border.
9    Another mass shooting event “occurs” that’s made to look like a Trump supporter who is “anti-vaccine” and right-wing extreme.
10    All guns are confiscated from all remaining, unvaccinated Americans and the Republic is lost.

Getting vaccinated to death is considered “patriotic” because the country is being run by communists right now, who want to eliminate at least 3/4ths of Americans using domestic bio-terrorism (deadly vaccines) and move a billion Chinese here from China.

Just as Hitler used propaganda to sell his motives as helpful for society and Germany’s economy, the CDC and CCP are “selling” everyone on vaccines, masks, social distancing and lockdowns, in an effort to end America as we know it. That’s why Joe Biden just told everybody that Americans getting vaccinated is the most patriotic thing you can do.



9 Deceptive Patterns Behind the Deep State Use of an Emergency Crisis
Paul Philips
January 7, 2024

Keeping the masses in a constant state of fear through a deceptive indoctrinating mainstream media with the help of manipulative paid-off leading politicians and their stifling politics are essentials in establishing the Deep State shadow-government’s manufactured emergency crisis scenario.

It’s all part of the PSYOP controlling the masses:

The Deep State and their war on the control of our minds: When the psycho-spiritual is controlled on the battlefield every aspect of the enslavement duly falls into place.

Bearing this in mind, during the use of an emergency crisis declared by the Deep State, there are a number of recurring deceptive patterns planned to entrap the masses. Power, profit and political gains for the Deep State’s total global domination agenda are the ulterior motives:

Not an exhaustive list, but here are 9 recurring deceptive patterns during the result of an orchestrated emergency crisis PSYOP.

Emergency Crisis Psyop

1 – Crisis management team meetings associated with people in high places construct assimilations for training drills based on the idea of an imaginary emergency crisis. Not long after the crisis happens for real!

For examples, do you think it was mere coincidence that Event 201 preceded the covid-19 pandemic? And what about the 7/7 London bombings training drills? The latter imaginary crisis handling scenario had occurred only days before it happened for real in the same area! -Yes, I know this happened a while ago, but it should not be forgotten and is just as relevant as ever in principle.




“This is how they will CANCEL the 2024 election” Whitney Webb exposes the WEF plan – Redacted

In the above video researcher Whitney Webb exposes the recent assimilations, training drills carried out by U.S intelligence agencies in anticipation of a devastating cyber-attack. Is this an indication that a devastating cyber-attack will happen for real? Will it be a false flag used to cancel the November 2024 U.S general election, allowing the Democrats to stay in power…?

2 – When the crisis is declared democracy is suspended: Unelected bureaucrats step in with their authorised top-down waves of order/instruction; mandated protocols in the name of an emergency.

3 – Using fake props and settings to manipulate the collective perception of the masses into believing the constructed theatre of illusion, the “bogeyman” causing the emergency crisis can have alternative explanations, or be fake or grossly exaggerated as it is rigged by design…

4 – In line with 3, a number of claims made in support of the official line do not stand scrutiny as they are riddled with irreconcilable errors, contradictions and inconsistencies. Take for instance the climate change “crisis.” There have been many climate change predictions that never came true.


However, the fear mongering mainstream media propaganda machine is in full-swing. While bought off and controlled purported “experts” chant the official line’s mantra; manipulating data, abusing science, distorting facts or downright lying, or making things look even more scarier while many have no idea that this is going on.

5 – Reactions to 4: Those aware and savvy enough to see right through the false official line may be met with officialdom censorship and gaslighting, or ridicule from the compliant and gullible mind-controlled masses unquestioning in their blind following…

6 – Lack of evidence to support the official line is a classic example of the Emperor has no clothes. As in the case of fake diseases. None of these diseases and their claims stand scrutiny.


For example, COVID-19 has never really been shown to be purified, isolated and identified. No proof for its existence the whole house of cards should have come tumbling down, but unproven diagnostic testing with inherently false positives continually rolled out with mega-sales on test kits. -How can any diagnosis, case, treatment, COVID statistic or crisis handling report have validity based on something that was never proven to exist?!

A massive deception in the crisis theatre of illusion PSYOP is the “one disease or syndrome equals one micro-organism causation” lie. Don’t fall for this. There is no disease. No contagion.

As in a number of cases such as AIDS and the zika virus, the causes could have been explained without a “virus.” Immune compromising poverty, toxicity, abnormal child development and related circumstances would have sufficed.

7 – While the Deep State and their associates act under the guise of “we care for you” claiming the crisis orders/mandates are “for your own good,” in actual fact, their solutions cause more harm than good.

That’s because the it was never really about solutions. Ultimately, it was about manufacturing a crisis based on false circumstances to bring about controlling agendas; making huge power, profit and political gains; hitting the masses on multiple levels…

Example: The COVID-19 vaccine was never about promoting health. It was about destroying health while using the deflecting distraction of blaming ill-health on an “epidemic” instead of the real causes: poverty, environmental toxicity, depression, stress and the harmful medical treatment … as the mega-bucks roll in for those criminals using fairy-tale stories to cover up their crimes.


8 – Besides the appointed handlers the Deep State and their associates hold the masses accountable, telling us to do our bit towards fighting the crisis when they are the ones who caused it to begin with.

Example: They tell us that we must contribute to getting inflation down during a financial crisis when they are the ones who caused it by excessive money printing…


9 – The crisis is never resolved. Fake diseases, fake wars, fake climate change, fake money and engineered financial crises, etc. will continue until the masses wake up and push back against these same old scripted PSYOP agendas.


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  Transhumanism Threatens The Human Race | Trauma Based Mind Control | AI Replacing Us
Posted by: Hissil - 01-11-2024, 01:31 AM - Forum: Science & Technology - No Replies


7 Serious Concerns As Transhumanism Threatens Our Humanity And The Human Race
By Paul A. Philips
December 10, 2023

Transhumanism in relation to artificial intelligence has been regarded by some people as an upgrade to Homo sapiens mark 2.

Avid proponents have claimed that the new so-called Homo sapiens mark 2 will be such an improvement over Homo sapiens mark 1 it will lead to having superhuman qualities. Some of those qualities they say are beyond our current imagination!

However, it could be argued that these proponents are so disinterested in the current human form that they have wilfully ignored the many wonderful attributes we presently hold.

Because of these wonderful attributes that we humans already hold, is transhumanism an overlooked idealism that comes with serious concerns? Is transhumanism a trapping and in its development will take our human race in the catastrophically wrong direction?

Consider the following 7 gravely serious concerns: why transhumanism could be a massive threat to our humanity and the human race. Consider the actions needed to stop transhumanism.

1 – Billionaire transhumanists exploiting the masses for a globalist takeover
While in their quest for a money/power grab world takeover, the globalists want to reach a state of “immortality.” In spite of the huge developmental costs, they see transhumanism as a way of becoming God-like immortal beings.

In their selfish quest, what these globalists may not realize is that we humans in our current state are already God-like immortal beings!

All it will take is for humans to transform and reach the “next level” is to become more consciously aware to realise this! Who we already are!

2 – Irreversible losses to our spirituality and spiritual connection
To blindly, unquestioningly and unheedingly accept transhumanism: just seeing it from the what’s-in-it-for-me viewpoint and all its cybernetic bionic enhancements, mind-state changing pharmaceuticals, nano-tech, robotization, gene-modifying biotechnology… poses a serious threat.

That serious threat is a loss of our spirituality and spiritual power: the oneness that we truly are. Our connection to God; Goddess; All-There-Is.

This is where our human qualities reside: love, caring, sharing, compassion, empathy… without which the whole human race in whatever form would come tumbling down.

Without which the globalists would render us powerless…

3 – Humanitarian forfeiture
To reiterate: in relation to 2, the above human qualities would have to be irreversibly forfeited. We’d be nothing but vacuous loveless shells, shadows of what we used to be.

No, it isn’t money folks that makes the world go ‘round, it’s love.


4 – Hive-mind Controlled
The Equation is simple: Hive Mind = Loss of Individuality

As a summarisation of the above 1-3, don’t be fooled by the “convenience” con or offer of “enhancement” and its related abilities.

Granted, the technology will be great for those in need of disability aids, things such as prosthetic limb replacements… etc… but, above all, ultimately, the technology will be used to dehumanise the masses.

The masses will be integrated into the ubiquitous A.I controlling hive mind and “internet of things,”  becoming part of the A.I controlling hive mind.


Greatly flawed ideology, humans will lose their individuality.

Humans not addressed as individuals, not allowing their self-expression, will revolt and cause many problems for the controlling technocrats.

5 – Close surveillance of the masses
Every aspect of the masses will be under close surveillance. For example, what about mass surveillance by monitoring drug doses through pills that are microchipped?

This technology could be used by the technocrats for hidden nefarious purposes. The system could be used for mood changes or mind control, pending the effect the drug and its dosing would have on the targeted person…

Don’t think your thoughts can be read? Consider the sinister implications from this video:


How about that for the ultimate gotcha where we want you?

6 – Exposing major health issues
In recent years, more than ever before, vaccines (experimental) have been used and are capable of changing a human’s DNA. Disturbingly, not fully understanding the outcome, these mRNA vaccines are made to incorporate into the DNA of the body’s host cells.

This will irreversibly change the genetic make-up and how genes express themselves.

As part of the transhumanist agenda, what could possibly go wrong??!

Then there’s another example of a major health issue/concern. It’s related to vaccinating pregnant women.

It has been said by a number of doctors that the vaccines in vaccinated pregnant women manage to traverse the placental barrier and contact the foetus. These toxic vaccines then have the effect of brain damage on the developing foetus. Inflammation of the foetus has been found. A combination of more vaccines and paracetamol drugs to lower the inflammation results in more brain damage for the developing foetus.

Further, when the child is born, during infancy, its condition is further exacerbated: the brain damaging continues through having to receive more toxic anti-inflammatory drugs and vaccinations…

In effect, the child’s brain does not develop in the normal way. The brain structures affected are the pre-frontal cortex needed for cognitive (thinking) processes and a hindbrain (back) structure called the limbic system. The animalistic affected limbic system results in the mal-development of emotion and emotional responses.

The third vitally important brain structure also affected in its development is the cingulate cortex (apologies for the jargon here). The cingulate cortex is involved in relaying neural network communications between the pre-frontal cortex and hindbrain limbic system.

These three brain structures together when damaged cause behavioural disorders. An affected child may not be able to express itself emotionally or show empathy. The ability to show humanity could be lost for the rest of its life…

Implications, implications?!

Autism in the child is one example of the above consequences.

Because of this and other reasons a number of doctors have campaigned for ending vaccinating pregnant women.


This seriously concerning issue needs to be known to all pregnant women. Please share this article to anyone you know who is pregnant.

7 – Transhumanism and Weaponization
The current onslaught on our humanity incorporates an invisible war using a variety of stealth weapons.

There’s the use of aero-sprayed chemicals (chemtrails), nano-bot nano-technology, psychotronics, implanting, scalar wave-generating, energy-directing, chemical weapons, magnetic technology… all designed to assault the human race. Most humans have no idea that this is going on.

Then there’s the idea of using mass surveillance to check that citizens are getting their mandatory US military-overseen DNA-changing experimental vaccines…

In Conclusion
This transhumanistic war not only threatens our humanity but also jeopardizes the entire human race. All this done because a bunch of well-off people in high places want to control us and become so-called immortal.

Transhumanism threatens to divide us as a humans. There will be those tiny select handfuls having the money and power to become Homo sapiens mark 2, while the rest of us could be enslaved and disempowered…

We need to spread the word get active and do something to stop this takeover agenda now.

As already stated. We are already God-like immortal beings!


Will There Be A Worldwide Cyborg Robot Takeover?
By Paul A. Philips

Robot takeover: Not long ago history Professor Yuval Noah Harari at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem made world-wide headlines with his bold prediction that human beings ‘will become god-like cyborgs within 200 years.’

Harari argues that cybernetics and its related bio-technology such as genetic engineering for cybernetic enhancement will only be obtainable if you are wealthy, causing the gap between the rich and the poor to widen.

He went on to say that as a consequence the poor will sooner or later die out, leaving the richest to become immortal cyborgs who will inherit the Earth.

Like others in support of the transhumanism agenda Harari claims that the merging of man with machine will be the greatest leap in the evolution of mankind since life began.

Robot Takeover - Implications?

-Whatever your points of view regarding a robot takeover, the transhumanism agenda with its related changes have well and truly arrived. Artist Neil Harbisson became officially recognised in 2004 as a cyborg. Harbisson’s photo in his approved UK passport shows where he has a permanently fixed antenna.

Colour-blind at birth he can only see the world in black, white and grey. So, an antenna was implanted surgically into his skull enabling him to pick up the different frequencies related to colour. In other words, he can ‘hear the different colours’ thus telling them apart.

Further, his new sensing enables him to hear phone calls that go directly into his skull.

As far back as 1998, Kevin Warwick, Professor of cybernetics, had a device implanted in his arm that created a direct link to a computer via his nervous system, enabling him to remote-control the heating, lighting and computing nearby.

In the meantime, DARPA (Defence Advanced Research Project Agency) has made an implant device that enables a robot arm/hand to be controlled through the patient’s conscious volition. S

Successful experiments have shown that these robotic limbs can also receive sensory input, allowing information to be collected on the world surrounding with which the patient can act on accordingly.

Google engineering director Ray Kurzweil, a major transhumanism promulgator, believes that humanity is heading towards what he calls the one God-like ‘singularity’ where artificial intelligence will transcend human ability…

Kurzweil believes that as more and more technology is incorporated into humans through the use of genetic engineering, nanotechnology and cybernetics… giving rise in artificial intelligence, we may become intelligent cyborgs with memory cloud sharing while exponentially increasing brain capacity. Memory cloud sharing technology is currently being developed.

‘Dangerous Things’ a company led by CEO Amal Graafstra have converted 100’s of customers into cyborgs. These people have paid around $40 to become device implanted, allowing their bodies to be connected to surrounding devices. For instance, hand implants can login to a computer or be used to start motor cycles…

Like other promulgators of the robot takeover transhuman agenda Graafstra argues that through bio-hacking human evolvement into cyborgs will only be a matter of time; it’s an inevitable progression.

Then there’s the DARPA creation of super soldiers genetically engineered for having certain characteristic advantageous on the battle field… Could the advantages of this be outweighed by unpredicted uncontrollable situations resulting from the humans merged with potentially lethal hi-tech weapons? What about the effect on civilians…?


As rapid developments in biotechnology and artificial intelligence continue Professor Yuval Harari predicts that we could be the last generation of Homo sapiens. Others have made the point that underlying human ability and fitness is still required to incorporate any enhancements that could make us super cyborgs…

So, to answer the question, will there be a worldwide cyborg robot takeover?

Well, many think that humankind’s emergence into cyborgs is possible and as for the cyborg takeover, let’s just say we’ve yet to see it happen.


Quote:Changes in Mass Consciousness Holds the Key to Changing the World
By Paul A. Philips

It has been been said that people are waking up in the droves. As mass consciousness changes, more and more are getting the profound realization that nothing in the world is as it seems. Every subject under the sun is rooted in deception. -All Engineered by people in high places designing a global takeover that will enslave we-the-people on every level.

How long can these globalists deceptive moves, hidden ulterior motives, falsehoods with their same old patterns, same old scripts, same old mainstream media spin which they own and control... last before becoming detected by an overwhelming number of awakened people who will not back down from their uncontested challenges to the related lies?

Sure, when consciously awakened there then follows the inescapable question: "what can we do about this?" Those having insights have come up with some good practical solutions. Some of these solutions are crucial for protecting you, your family and friends. Protection from becoming broke, having serious health problems and/or other losses of freedom...

However, these practical left-brain solutions will not take us out of the swamp alone. Something else has to happen to lead us into freedom. That something else is a change in consciousness.

Changes in mass consciousness holds the key to changing the world. The tipping point; a mass awakening will overwhelm the globalists in spite of their technocratic control as there are only a relative few of them compared to us. The globalists know this and it's what they fear most.

Whatever the circumstances surrounding as to how it happens, when awakened, there comes a profound realization of how freedom has been limited. This realization not only gives rise to taking a different course of action, but also the world re-orientates itself and manifests accordingly to that shift in the consciousness awakening.

The higher the number of awakened individuals the greater cause and effect they can have on the world as this willful collective consciousness works synergistically.

So, this begs the question: What do we do to become conscious?


Did you notice the ying-yang symbollism hidden in the above picture? It is an old Cherokee Indian wise Grandfather tale spoken to his grandson.

In the tale, out of the two opposites, which one, which wolf will you feed most?

The choice is yours to make. Like the tale says: Will you choose the wolf that is evil? The wolf that is anger envy sorrow regret greed arrogance self-pity guilt resentment inferiority lies false pride superiority and ego?

Or in recognition of what it stands for, how it unequivocally reaches out to you, will you choose the one that is good? Will you be the wolf that is joy peace love hope serenity humility kindness benevolence empathy generosity truth compassion and faith?

So, to answer the question: How do we become conscious? It's simple, to become conscious all you have to do is choose it. Chose the good wolf.

Chose to become conscious by having an openness to awareness. In contrast to the internet also focus your attention on your "inner-net." Listen to your instinctive intuitive heart, what your inner voice and inner being is telling you, then act on it. Act accordingly on what calls or motivates or inspires you. Be fair, honest and just. Be peaceful. Get the head above the parapet and act courageously with much conviction if that's what it takes to be the good wolf...

Choosing conscious means disconnecting from the oppressive 24/7 mind control programming and brainwashing that is trying to make you someone you are not; an unquestioning emotional, mental, physical and spiritual slave... -A victim through willfull ignorance by design. Question everything. Learn to discern: Sorting out the wheat from the chaff is key.

Our transformation as a human race has been long overdue. Having broken away from the mind control programming and brainwashing, seeing it for what it really is, a shift in conscious will allow us to gain insight and realization as to who we really are: A multidimensional human capable of extraordinary things, not restricted by the dualistic confinements of universe; energy, matter, space and time. As humans we need to express coming from that place of unconditional love, faith, empathy, humility and joy...

These are the changes in mass consciousness that holds the key to changing the world, bringing about our way overdue transformational shift and how we can defeat the planned dystopic enslavement.

From your enlightenment, from your knowledge/insights, just simply keep on keeping on spreading the word with this. Do what calls, moves and inspires you. Remember, you are that beacon of light. Be peacefull about it. Do your inner work where appropriate.

At least make this choice for the children and their chidren to be. Don't leave them to pick up the pieces from what you allowed to happen by not doing anything during your lifetime.

If you haven't done so already will you make that choice? Will you make that deep dive, take authority, get active in some way to serve humanity by choosing the consciousness pathway for world change?

In light of the above, don't you think that it's the only real ball game worth playing right now?

It's up to you.

It's up to us all.



5 Indicators to Show how the Globalist's Agendas are Dehumanizing the Masses
By Paul A. Philips

Globalist’s agendas: In a world of ignorance, apathy, gross contradiction, cognitive dissonance and denial… what will it take for the masses to wake up?

Granted, they have been deceived, but living in zombie-like trances they lack responsibility towards themselves and their fellow humans:

It’s therefore no surprise to see them buy into the effronteries and blindly give their consent to the ruling elite’s agendas, not knowing about the underlying hidden, dark and destructive ulterior motives.

-A major effect of these agendas is that they are dehumanizing.

Globalist's Agendas

In light of this, here are 5 indicators to show how the ruling elite’s agendas are covertly dehumanizing the masses on many levels for manipulation, which could lead to disastrous consequences, and what needs to be done.

The transhumanism deception

A number of us know that the world’s ruling elite do nothing haphazardly. For instance, watch out for certain frequently recurring news items in their owned and controlled mainstream media, they could be tied into an agenda…  The transhumanism agenda is a classic example, having received much fanfare in the mainstream media.


For instance, in a recent article, Google engineering director Ray Kurzweil, in so many words, claims that a stronger, brighter and sexier human race will emerge before 2030. –Enhanced Homo sapiens Mk-2 will have had their brains fused with technology, belong in a technological cybernetic society to become a singularity… -Some of us can’t help thinking that this is something to greatly mistrust:

The transhumanism agenda is a deception because:


*Retrospectively, just about everything the ruling elite do only benefits a relative small handful of individuals and transhumanism will be no exception. Through the technology, the rest of the populace will be enslaved in a technological mind control prison…

*The more humans incorporate themselves with cybernetics or anything else making up transhumanism, the more they will lose their powerful connection to spirituality and all those qualities related to unconditional love; kindness, empathy, generosity, big-heartedness, concern… Thus, humans will lose their true power to stop the new world order and may even become extinct.

*Transhumanism is greatly flawed. Major tenets of transhumanism are based on false pretexts. For example, it assumes that consciousness is only activity in our brains in its attempt to preserve the brain and achieve immortality… 

The artificial intelligence (AI) flaw

Following on, while it has made great science fiction, the idea of robots or computers becoming intelligent sentient beings, having the ability to be emotional and creative will never happen in the real world. Everything a robot or computer does (or ever will) is only through a series of pre-programmed responses in conjunction with its database, having no free will choice. And that’s it.

The hive mind

Transhumanism and AI threaten to dehumanize us in the respects that it will take away our individuality. Instead of being free to express our natural unique creative and playful individuality, we will be forced to become ‘empty shells,’ as one with the hive mind. When the control-obsessed technocrats try to force their depersonalizing hive mind ideology it will cause many problems and humans are sure to revolt… -Just one of many flaws in the technocracy agenda.


The vaccination agenda with its toxic onslaught of vaccines aimed at pregnant women and infants serves to dehumanize us.

Essentially, it works on the principle that the overwhelming toxicity through vaccines causes inflammation resulting in irreparable damage to certain brain structures in the developing foetus and infants. Drugs are used to treat the inflammation in infants but the brain-damaging still persists.

The damaged structures comprises: 1.The pre-frontal cortex (front brain) involved in cognitive (thought) processes, 2.the limbic system (hind brain) responsible for emotion and 3.the anterior cingulate cortex, a structure acting as a relay station between the first two. 

Normally these developing brain structures allow the child to expand on all those human qualities associated with understanding, compassion and empathy… But because they are damaged, the child may never be able to express its humanity.

In short, if this is allowed to happen in increasing numbers then we may be seeing the nation turning into psychopaths…

Consultant Doctor Graham Downing has the detail on this.

    T.H.E.Y want you to be like them

T.H.E.Y (The Hierarchy Enslaving You) want you to be heartless empty shell psychopaths, driven by self-interests and gratification in their hierarchical controlling pyramidal power structures…

T.H.E.Y want you to be the effect of their owned and controlled mainstream media, as, for instances, through the soul-jarring music blasting out and TV or movies where people are so horrible to each other…

Fake mainstream media news, fake money, fake medicine, fake political democracies, fake wars… etc, as if that wasn’t enough, T.H.E.Y want you to willingly fit into their archontic fake existence through transhumanism… ultimately leading to your destruction, as secretly planned…

-That concludes just 5 of the many indicators showing how the ruling globalist’s agendas are dehumanising the masses.

Final thoughts, solutions:  From globalist’s agendas dehumanizing to human’s re-humanizing

Remember, the dehumanizing agendas can stop through our mass refusal to co-operate in the knowledge of their destructive ulterior motives.

Having that knowledge, which will you chose:

Will you do nothing with that knowledge; chose a life based on self-interests and self-gratifications which will never give you true satisfaction?

Or will you express your unconditional love by sharing that knowledge with others, acting on humanitarian concerns..?



How the Mass Media Controls Consensus Reality
By Paul A. Philips


“The people will believe what the media tells them they believe.” – George Orwell 

“It’s not a matter of what is true that counts but a matter of what is perceived to be true.” -Hennry Kissinger

“Whoever controls the media controls reality.” -Peter Jennings

“When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.” -Dresden James

In an earlier message I wrote: “Nothing in the world is as it seems.” On one level, the ‘theatre of illusion’ world we live in believed by many to be true can be mainly attributed to two things.

1    The hidden controllers running the planet have managed to manipulate the mass media and in effect control consensus reality. This has been done to produce the desired behavioural patterns; thoughts, opinions, attitudes, social norms… in the masses so that they can be ruled over. In short, the media is regarded by the hidden controllers  as a necessary tool for a dictatorship.

2    The majority of the human population has allowed itself to be deceived through ignorance, deception, stupidity, chronic apathy or a serious lack of curiosity and questioning, all somewhat bolstered by cynicism… Consumerism rules; as long as their bellies are full and heads filled with mindless entertainment or other gratuitous distraction… they’re happy. Genetic cloning is unnecessary. Cloning has already been done care of the effects of mass media brainwashing.

Taking the above two factors into account let’s look at just how the mass media controls consensus reality.


Tool for a Dictatorship

The hidden controllers  regard the human population as nothing more than sheep incapable of looking after themselves, needing to be shepherded. This has been made abundantly clear over the years by spokesmen/agents for the controllers  advocating mind control techniques in the mass media for shaping human thought.

–I would encourage looking up names such as Walter Lippmann (1920’s on), one of the founding fathers of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Tavistock Institute, England who have ties to freemasons, Harold Lasswell (1939-40 Rockefeller funded), Sir Alexander King for the Club of Rome in the 1990’s touting the advantages of new communications technology as an agent of change for a ‘one world order.’  … It’s quite an interesting insight.

In through the backdoor of the subconscious mind

“If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing it.” 
-Edward Bernays – Father of subliminal advertising

For me, one of the most interesting advocates was Edward Bernays. Most people today probably wouldn’t be familiar with him, but will know his Uncle, Sigmund Freud and many could well have been at some time in their lives under the extraordinary influence of his ideas.

Having studied his Uncle’s work, Bernays knew how the unconscious worked and how it could influence others without them knowing. He very successfully took his ideas to the mass media in the form of subliminal advertising through subliminal perception... 


At first glance, this looks like a perfectly innocent advert for the 18-30 club, but when looked at closely you can see the carefully planned out sexual connotations. The same applies to the advert below. In both cases the adverts are planned so that the unaware prospective customer will only subconsciously perceive the various sexual positions hinted at (but will go on to the buy the holiday..?!).

Doctors and Subliminal Advertising
Doctors have been used to advertise smoking cigarettes. Look at these 1950’s adve


The scheme behind this relates to the subliminal thought that Doctors are trustworthy figures. So people then get the idea in their subconscious that it’s healthy to smoke Camel cigarettes…

Remember, subliminal perception is used to influence the masses in a wide range of things; political, educational and scientific indoctrination…etc.

Arrested Development

The mass media has been and still is a useful tool for the controllers  in holding back opportunity for real human growth and development:

It has become a massive dam of lies and cover-ups; holding back a wealth of knowledge for raising conscious awareness, self-sufficiency and unity for the human race.

The result is basically a planet full of people going nowhere in their lives while the walls surrounding slowly draw in closer, further restricting their freedom.


Media Monopolisation

Roughly over 20 years, it stuns me to write that the entire mass media ownership in the USA has gone from 50 to just 5 corporations:  AOL-Time Warner, Disney, Sony, Vivendi Universal and Viacom.

The idea of having so few media corporations means that the hidden controllers  can more easily be in charge of what they want to release to the people. This, in essence, means giving the public at large one limited viewpoint, one voice, one point of view, one propaganda message…to produce  consent. For example, ‘There are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq…’ used to engineer consent for the war in Iraq. 

A shift in the Wind


“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects
what never was and never will be … The people cannot
be safe without information. When the press is free ,
every man is able to read, all is safe.”
-Thomas Jefferson

An ignorant population does not look to see the greater way, never questions authorities or understand rights and therefore provides little opposition to a dictatorship. If we want to grow as a race we must start educating ourselves. Be able to learn to discern. Recognise when the media is trying to manipulate us. Whatever it is we’re subjected to in the media, beware of the hidden ulterior motive.

Perhaps it would be better to boycott this propagandist pap altogether and instead of being listless or unresponsive, do something worth-while, campaign for the truth…



Welcome To The Mass Surveillance State Through Microchipped Pills
By Paul A. Philips

Ever since the 9/11 terrorist attacks the powers that be cannot get enough mass surveillance on us. For example, one of their  quests for wanting to watch our every move comes in the form of microchipped pills.

Not happy enough with monitoring our phone calls, computers and having a camera on us everywhere we go outside… the FDA-approved a microchip in a pill and this will be the perfect excuse to place surveillance inside our bodies.

(Yes, it’s science-fiction as in the example of the old George Lucas movie THX 1138 now turned into science-fact. The scientific dictatorship is here care of the surveillance state folks.)

Of course, cunningly hiding the mass surveillance ulterior motive out of sight, the idea will be presented to us as highly beneficial from a health point of view.

People can be checked if they’ve taken their pills and not forgotten them or use real-time monitoring for maintaining the right prescribed dosage… and many people will buy into it while failing to see the dark hidden ulterior motive.

Could a remote-controlled digital-dosing monitoring system have the effect of making its pill-taking citizens temperate and docile if ever needed? Or could it be used to deliberately change our moods?

A clue in the hidden agenda comes from the fact that these microchipped pills have cost billions to develop… which comes to the point that big government wants to mandate our health.

This in effect turns the person ingesting these microchips into a biological ID system. This enables them to use their computers, phones and open the doors to their car, etc. as part of the ‘smart system,’ but the idea of using these new technologies for the dark and sinister purpose of being tracked and monitored is a violation of our individual liberties and freedom.

The fact that the related authorities overseeing this technology has frequently lied telling us that they’re not interested in snooping on our phone calls, etc. when the opposite has been found is enough to send a red flag warning on microchipping us through pills.

Microchipping technology has been years in the making. Geospatial intelligence metadata collection for over 15 years has been used to map out human behaviour for mass surveillance… It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that the powers that be have taken this very seriously knowing that they want to use surveillance on a global scale.


Trauma Based Mind Control
Human Herding 101
Greg Reese
Jan 2, 2024


In Trauma Based Mind Control, trauma is used to hack into the mind and body’s defense systems in order to train a person’s behavior. This is accomplished in three steps:

In step one, the victim’s identity is destroyed. This is achieved by depriving the victim of their basic needs and inflicting pain upon them until they become exhausted, confused, and disoriented. In this state, they no longer trust themselves and become receptive to guidance from an outside ‘authority.’

Step two, through a strict system of rewards and punishments the victim is imprinted with a new identity. The new identity is trained to self-isolate by having it denounce everything associated with the previous identity.

And finally with step three, through the continued use of trauma, the rebuilding of the victim’s new self is crafted and maintained however the mind controller chooses.

For this to work, the subject must remain oblivious to the fact that they are being ‘trained.’ This is accomplished by keeping them in a helpless victim state of mind with the use of trauma.

The entire method requires regular ritualistic abuse to keep the target in the victim state. Declassified documents show how drugs and sensory overload are used to inflict trauma upon the public, but high-level slaves are often procured from families with an established history of child abuse.

Inter-generational, or multi-generational trauma abuse is when a person abuses their child, and that child grows up to abuse their child, and that person grows up to abuse their child, and so on. This increases a person’s susceptibility to Trauma Based Mind Control.

Experiments with mice have shown that the offspring of a traumatized pregnant mother are born depressed and exhibit problems socializing with others. A nurturing upbringing by a healthy surrogate mother did not reverse the abnormal behaviors, indicating an in-utero transformation of the brain. And bioinformatic analyses revealed long-lasting alterations in the DNA. This is why the CIA is known for targeting children from families of multi-generational child abuse. They are easier to mind control. This is why world leaders are all from the same bloodlines.

This brutal technique has been used and understood for centuries. And if a group of people vying for power wanted a loyal army of soldiers, the easiest way would be by breeding them. And the evidence shows that this is how our society was created.

From the middle of the nineteenth century and well into the next, hundreds of thousands of orphans were distributed and sold in the United States. And millions worldwide. They were advertised, delivered by train, and sold at fairs. In America, these orphans were being managed and distributed by a private organization from Britain known as the Oddfellows. Many of whom were orphans themselves.

The Ancient Order of Oddfellows is an international fraternity whose members, such as Albert Pike and several US Presidents during the Orphan Train years, were often members of Freemasonic lodges as well. With their first official lodge in the United States established in 1819, the Oddfellows are officially committed to educating orphans, but they seem to have been procuring them and breeding them as well.

The Oddfellow’s first female chapter, The Daughters of Rebekah, was founded right before the orphan trains began and a depiction of their work shows hints of mass breeding and surrogate motherhood. They worked closely with the Oddfellows at large institutions known as Orphan Asylums and Foundling Asylums where many members themselves were born.

The Rothschild banking dynasty provided funding for several of these orphan asylums. According to Phillip Eugene de Rothschild, the family has privately bred over a hundred thousand offspring, including Adolf Hitler.

This is why pedophilia is so prevalent among the families of world leaders. While it is used for extortion, its primary function is for Trauma Based Mind Control. Because to the mind controller, trauma equals transformation. And there is nothing more traumatizing to a person than pedophilia.

If you had a million Mind Control Slaves placed in positions of power, then you could control entire nations. But only if the masses were also kept in a relative state of trauma.


We've Sleepwalked Into A Future Where Our Technologies Have Outpaced Our Ability To Understand Them - Recent Events Show It Won't Be Long Before A.I. Is Killing And Replacing Us
- Robot Worker Attacking Human Counterpart A Dire Warning Of What's Arrived
By Stephan Helgesen
January 1, 2024

The conversation about the future of artificial intelligence (AI) has now passed from the halls of nerdism to the House of Representatives and industry and has landed squarely on America's kitchen table.

Yes, even digitally-challenged folks are now getting worried about the surge of interest (and adoption) of artificial intelligence as they rush forward into a brand new year.

Over the last few decades, we've watched as technology has rapidly outpaced our ability to understand it and much of it is due to digitalization. We've seen facial/fingerprint recognition, holography and RFID (radio frequency identification) become the new 'policemen' of our society, as we sleepwalk towards the future where personal identification/tracking and unchecked surveillance replace our right to be left alone.

This march to that brave new world is not limited to North America; it's everywhere, even in small countries like Denmark that embraced a system of "My ID" as a digital key to access nearly everything. It all started many years ago with the issuance of a 'CPR' or personnummer (a citizen identification number not unlike that of our SSN), given at birth right next to your baby hand- and footprints. This accompanied a national ID card. Now, everything in Denmark is tied to that nom de nombre whether it's a library card or a bank account or accessing government services.

The Danes have, since the end of WWII, been relatively early adopters of technology that could help in organizing their lives and improving efficiency. Having few natural resources apart from agriculture, the Danes' desire to be more efficient and fully utilize those resources has been a driving force to modernize and go with the flow of new technology throughout this tiny country. Improved efficiency is a double-edged sword, however. It has replaced the average citizen's right to live off-grid -- alone and undisturbed. Denmark's physical size and its small population of 5.6 million has also enabled it to adopt what I call BST or benign surveillance technology. Because of the promise of economy of scale and the relatively low cost of introducing new technology to such a small homogeneous population the Danes have made their bargain with the devil over the possible abuse of too much surveillance.

While there is little similarity between Danish society and ours (they're small, we're huge; they're early adopters, we're not; they're better-educated on a per capita basis than we are), our needs are the same. We both must use our resources, wisely, in order to compete, globally, and we must be able to finance our economies. This is especially true for institutions like our two tax authorities. Their IRS is called "Skat." Interestingly, in addition to being the word for tax, skat also means 'dear' and 'treasure' in their language though you will not find many Danes willing to call these unelected bureaucrats cum revenue policemen, dear. The other reason BST has been able to gain a foothold in Denmark is that the Danes actually have faith, albeit tempered with a healthy dose of skepticism, in their institutions and that includes a belief that their institutions would not do anything to severely limit their freedoms, hence their move towards a national digital ID.

The world is a dangerous place whether you live in Copenhagen or Cincinnati.

Moving from the cigar box to the cash register took a leap of faith and a promise that sales could be better recorded and money better protected. Pre-cash register, the cigar box could be opened by any employee and a few dollars removed almost without notice. These days, millions of hackers are working around the clock to steal your money, the title to your home and your identity without lifting more than a few fingers on a computer keyboard. While this has led to the formation of many security companies and software empowered to lock down your account, it has not stopped the process of digital theft. It continues on a global scale. No man is a digital island. We are, instead, living on an ice floe, floating in and out of dangerous digital waters, and the next oar in the water is AI.

As if we didn't have enough to worry about (protecting our finances from digital predators) we must now contend with artificial intelligence. AI is coming and coming fast. It is making inroads in journalism/reporting and in the commercial world with made up 'spokesmen' hawking products and services. Its early adopters, like college students, have seen it as a shortcut to better grades, overtaking the old Cliff Notes of their parents' time. Why study and spend time on tedious research when you can call up a chatbot from ChatGPT and have it do your term paper for you? Or, if you are a newspaper publisher, why hire a new editor or journalist when you can get a decent job of writing done by AI?

The world must come to grips with all the dangers that face it whether those dangers take the form of the abuse of power through citizen surveillance techniques or from information prepared for us by a soulless and unaccountable digital entity. As with most new things, there are upsides and downsides, pros and cons, plusses and minuses. Usually, their true worth gets sorted out over time and the negatives get replaced and the products improved. The key words in that sentence are 'over time' and the unasked question is "how much time will it take and how much time do we have before any harm done by that product can be repaired?"

In the case of a headlong move towards a national identity card and the subsequent creation of enhanced surveillance capabilities by governments that we barely trust, we have very little time to decide our future. That goes for AI as well. While the collectivist-leaning, pro-technology-at-all-cost mavens among us can list all sorts of positives, the American public is still a nation of skeptics. One thing may push us over the digital line, however. We have seen how actual flesh-and-blood people can foul up anything entrusted to them whether they be in the media, government, universities or in business, and that could be the very reason we will adopt the new technology: digital creatures are bound to do a better job than carbon-based life forms.

And as we see in the final video below, the current AI arms race is already leading to the exact scenario seen in the Terminator films. Are our futures already too late to stop? With an A.I. robot already attacking its human counterpart as seen in the 1st video below, and China already battling against the US in an A.I. arms race, current events show it won't be long before A.I. is killing and replacing us, just as the globalists are working towards.

-- The preceding was (still) not written by a chatbot.


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  Space: The New Frontier for the Control Grid
Posted by: Hissil - 01-11-2024, 01:30 AM - Forum: Space & The Secret Space Program - No Replies

Space: The New Frontier for the Control Grid
By Dr. Joseph Mercola
December 25, 2023


Investigative journalist Corey Lynn speaks with James White, Host of NorthWest Liberty News, about her bombshell report — Space: The New Frontier for the Central Control Grid.1 In a nutshell, after extensive research, Lynn says she’s “100% convinced”2 that globalists are building out the central operation for the control grid in space.

Smart cities, with connected smart meters, set up the infrastructure for widespread surveillance, while digital IDs keep everything — your finances, health information, employment history and social credit score — all in one place. This means globalists can monitor, and control, your spending and use of resources. But instead of this being run in individual cities, a space-based operation gives a wider umbrella of coverage — veritable “eyes in the sky.”3

“They’re consolidating a lot of responsibility and power under Space Force,” Lynn explains. The U.S. Space Force is the sixth branch of the U.S. military, and, in October 2023, it granted a $70 million contract to Space X for Starshield military satellites,4 which are intended to “support national security” via “Earth observation” and other measures.5

A Central Control Grid With No Jurisdiction
Organizations such as the World Economic Forum and many of the central banks are pushing the rollout of the globalist control grid. Once in place, it may be impossible or near-impossible to live without a digital ID and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).

Yet, Lynn notes, “It doesn’t seem as though CBDCs will be necessary for the master plan to lock into place — at least not immediately. Banks will be the driving force to bring everyone into the age of QR codes, biometrics and tokenization.”6 The reason why space makes the perfect spot to position the control grid is due to its lack of oversight and jurisdiction. In her report, Lynn explains:7

“What if you had the ability to construct the central operation center for the entire control grid from a location with no real jurisdiction and no accessibility or oversight? What if the massive power source you need to run this operation could be harnessed under the guise of ‘climate change’ in an expedited manner?

And, what if you could have full surveillance and weaponry at your disposal with an entire financial infrastructure in place whose data sits in the palm of your hand while you control the levers?”

The report cites more than 160 pieces of evidence showing how the “central infrastructure for the all-seeing, all-assets control grid is being built, a giant leap with the digital currency agenda.”8 Space-based data centers, powered by space-based solar systems will use satellites and blockchain to create a tamper-resistant, automated and permanent ledger for space governance.

“They can’t possibly build space-based data centers powered by space-based solar systems that are juicing satellites to keep the flow of data moving to special government-owned satellites without incorporating blockchain to maintain a record and run the world’s tokens of every single asset, including humans, now can they?” Lynn asks.9

The Infrastructure Is Already Being Laid Out
The standard narrative given by satellite and tech companies, along with space agencies and governments, Lynn explains, is that data centers in space, along with beaming energy from the sun down to Earth, are necessary to avoid environmental catastrophe:10

“It’s a great cover story. While some make it sound like this would be the expedited way to do it, which would give them their space control grid, others argue that we need both — solar in space and on land. This of course is to continue to capitalize on the industry on the earth plane, while also setting policies and regulations that destroy industries and people so that the space control grid can rule.”

Space-based solar power has been floated as a tool to replace fossil fuels since the 1970s. A September 2021 report11 commissioned by the U.K. also suggests it could generate 10GW of electricity a year by 2050, which is about one-quarter of the U.K. ’s energy usage. Space-based solar power is also being positioned as a tool to power homes or entire countries, at half the price of electricity generated on Earth. Lynn continues:12

“In order to pull off a full digital currency system with blockchain, it would require populations to reduce their energy usage by 1/3rd because it is a massive power source drain. However, space-based solar systems to power satellites where the control grid would operate, could dramatically minimize the need to reduce power on earth while expediting the control grid in space …

Those owning this infrastructure could then technically sell the power to any country. Gosh, wouldn’t it be fun if that became the main power source and they just cut the beam whenever they wanted? It’s more likely a cover story to power the control grid in Space … After all, digital currency, blockchain, and tokenization require an endless supply of power to run.”

Space-based solar power initiatives are already underway in Japan, China, Russia, Australia, Britain, Saudi Arabia and the U.S. In the U.S., the Space Wireless Energy Laser Link (SWELL) program was launched in March 2023. According to Lynn:13

“By utilizing laser transmitters and photovoltaic receivers, they established power beaming links, meaning they were able to deliver energy through electromagnetic waves instantly. They claim this is safe and can be used to distribute power on the moon, other places in space, and eventually to earth from satellites. By July they reported that they had surpassed 100 days of successful on-orbit laser operations.

… It’s clear that there is a race to provide power in space, but they may just carry out some of these ‘power beams’ to earth as a new money laundering industry and for cover. One question is, how will all of these electromagnetic waves and lasers impact airlines, birds, or people? More concerning is whether these electromagnetic beams could come with a host of mind-altering frequencies?”

Satellites Have the ‘Most Important Role’ in the Control Grid Build-Out
Satellites have a starring role in the globalist control grid, and they’re being rapidly launched into space. In 2022, more satellites were launched — 2,474 to be exact — than any other prior year, and as of June 2023, there were 11,330 satellites orbiting space. By the end of the decade, there could be up to 150,000 satellites in space.

“It is increasing exponentially, with a 53.84% increase in communications satellites, 13.30% increase in earth observation satellites, and 7.53% increase in technology development/demonstration satellites since January 2022,” Lynn notes. “The U.S. outpaces every other country by nearly eight times the number of satellites in space, with China, the United Kingdom and Russia following behind.”14

Meanwhile, WEF rolled out the first Space Sustainability Rating system (SSR) to reduce debris in space, and the $350-billion space industry is expected to rise to more than $1 trillion by 2040.15 All of the space companies — the largest of which are Boeing, SpaceX, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Blue Origin, Sierra Nevada, Astra, Virgin Galactic and General Dynamics — are eager to get a piece of this pie. Lynn explains:16

“Satellites store and move data, blockchain is making its way into this data, the digital financial system is accelerating, space fence is surveilling, space-based solar and data systems are being constructed, and the laws (or lawlessness) of running this full operation in space is on their side, which coincides perfectly with the many immunities and privileges that central banks and numerous organizations already enjoy.

Imagine running a control grid from space, complete with global surveillance, the ability to generate 24/7 power, to hold and store all data, to manipulate the weather and atmosphere, to have weapons that can pulse frequencies to alter behaviors or incinerate blocks instantly with directed energy weapons. Just imagine. It’s all out on the table and the competition is palpable.”

Space Fence — The World’s Most Advanced Radar
An estimated 200,000 pieces of space debris between 1 and 10 centimeters (0.4 and 4 inches) are floating in space. Another 15,000 pieces of space junk larger than 10 centimeters (cm) (4 inches) across are also being tracked by the United States Space Surveillance Network (SSN). In terms of space debris smaller than 1 cm, the numbers could be in the millions.17

Once in orbit, the debris doesn’t necessarily stay there. Junk that’s low — below 600 km (375 miles) — will orbit for a few years before falling back to Earth. But space junk that’s in orbit 1,000 km (600 miles) in space may circulate for hundreds of years.18 Once in space, even tiny pieces of debris smaller than 1 mm (0.04 inch) can be catastrophic if a collision occurs.

Lockheed Martin’s Space Fence, operated by the U.S. Space Force, was introduced as an advanced tool to keep tabs on space debris. Described as the “world’s most advanced radar,” the system can detect, track and measure space objects, including satellites and other debris in low Earth orbit.

Lockheed Martin reports, “According to the Space Force, the system is the most sensitive search radar in the SSN, capable of detecting objects in orbit as small as a marble in low Earth orbit (LEO).”19

But Lynn points out, “Space Fence isn’t just for tracking debris. The 20th Space Surveillance Squadron at Eglin Air Force Base makes up a 250-member squadron that conducts around the clock command and control operations of two weapon systems: the phased array radar and Space Fence.”20

Can the Control Grid Be Stopped?
Lynn stresses that her report isn’t intended to invoke fear but rather raise awareness of what globalists are up to — and provide advance knowledge in the hopes of derailing some of these plans:21

“It is clear that there is both a Space race and digital currency race taking place simultaneously. Whereas, they don’t need the CBDCs in place to lock in the control mechanisms, they intend to piggyback it on to the Fast Payment Systems and already have it pretty well set to go once they have the green light …

It is also evident that they still intend to use the banks to drive QR codes and biometrics, which will ultimately act as the Digital ID or “hall pass.”

… The Space Military Industrial Complex is in high gear, with a lot more responsibilities being transferred over to Space Force. The U.S. and other countries have committed a lot of money to building out infrastructure and loading the skies with satellites and surveillance systems.

Though they all have common goals, there is definitely competition. The level of weaponry and control mechanisms already in place is evidence that they aren’t messing around.

Based on white papers, funding, executive orders, and documents pertaining to nanotechnology, biosecurity, brain chips, and the ability to transfer thoughts and communications from human to human through tech, the transhumanism agenda seems more and more plausible by the day. Robots and AI are destined for our future based on the speed at which they are rolling out machine learning and other tech.

Taking into account all of the information in this report, and much that didn’t even make it into the report, it is my opinion that they are building the main central operations for the control grid in Space, equipped with full blown surveillance, nodes throughout every city, data centers, the internet, solar systems to power satellites and data centers, a suite of weaponry, a blockchain-based financial infrastructure, and likely equipping cell phones with additional hardware and software that has biometrics and integrates better with their satellite surveillance system. It’s all very clever.”

This may leave you wondering, what can be done? Get yourself out of the control grid as much as possible. On a financial note, finance guru Catherine Austin Fitts — publisher of The Solari Report22 — recommends thinking small and spreading your cash around in different places, including outside of the banking and brokerage system.

Keep cash on hand in your home, stored in a fireproof safe or two; cash can also be stored in a depository, a local bank and a safe deposit box at a local bank — or all of the above. Use cash for everything you can, and don’t support establishments that have gone cash-free. Shop small and local, including for your food, supporting local farmers instead of corporate giants.

You can also ditch your smart phone, which Lynn describes as a “surveillance weapon and beyond.” All of these actions — if done by enough people — can have a powerful effect to protect freedom and autonomy. Lynn says:23

“I believe that everything we do to not comply with tyrants makes an impact, getting out important information is critical, and above all — moving to a higher consciousness and recognizing our true innate power and the ability we have to manifest the reality we want for our future — is by far the most powerful too[l] in our toolbox.”


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  Epstein Client List Has Been Released
Posted by: Hissil - 01-11-2024, 01:28 AM - Forum: Child Trafficking - No Replies









Quote:Google Shows What Appear to be Mass Graves on Epstein Island
Dead Men Tell No Tales
Greg Reese
Jan 8, 2024

A viral video making the rounds has utilized Google Earth’s history tool to show what appears to be mass graves on Epstein’s Island that were dug shortly after his arrest in 2006.

In September of 2002, in the center of the island, Google Earth shows that there was nothing but a bare mound of earth. In March of 2005, the Palm Beach Florida police began investigating Epstein after a mother reported that he sexually abused her 14-year-old daughter. In July of 2006, Epstein was arrested by the Palm Beach Police Department on state felony charges of procuring a minor for prostitution. Hours later he was released on a three-thousand dollar bond. A few months later in November of 2006, Google Earth shows that the previously bare mound has what appears to be mass graves freshly buried on top of it.

During this time, Palm Beach County state attorney Barry Krischer is accused of giving Epstein special treatment. And the FBI begin an investigation. In 2007, Federal prosecutors prepare an indictment against Epstein which is held up in the courts for a year. In June of 2008, Epstein pleads guilty to one count of soliciting prostitution and one count of soliciting prostitution from a minor. He is sentenced to 18 months in jail with a secret arrangement with the U.S. attorney’s office to not be prosecuted for federal crimes. Epstein serves most of his sentence in a work-release program that allows him to leave jail during the day.

In July of 2009, Epstein is released from jail. One month later in August, Google Earth shows that what appeared to be mass graves on the mound have been covered over. In 2013, construction begins on the mound grave site. By 2017, construction of what appears to be a tennis court is completed. Drone footage shows that the elevation in Google Earth is off, the newly built tennis court is on a flat level plane surrounded by a dirt berm.

By January of 2018, Google Earth shows that the tennis court has been razed, and the earth beneath appears to have been excavated.

In November of 2018, The Miami Herald begins publishing a series of articles about the Epstein case which inspires public interest. In July of 2019, Epstein is arrested on federal sex trafficking charges. One month later, the FBI raid the island. During this time, Google Earth shows cloud cover obscuring the view of the mound.

On August 10th of 2019, Epstein is reported to have committed suicide in his New York City federal jail cell.

The next available image is a month later in September of 2019 and shows that the area on the mound is being used as a parking lot for commercial vehicles. The area is cleared by 2020, and has remained so until today.

In a recent video, corporate media propagandist Megyn Kelly claims that we may be hearing from Jeffrey Epstein himself this year.

While most believe that Epstein was murdered, many believe that he is still alive. Images of his alleged corpse appear to be a different person. The shape of the nose and ears were different.

jacquelyn sauriol
Daily death count from the covid jabs outweighs this a million times IMO. Feeling like it's the ultimate distraction, away from Covid, away from the Border Invasion, the election, the Chemtrails.

Greg Reese
I can't argue with that. Except I think the election is a distraction as well. The people are being murdered and America is being destroyed. And all we have to do is unite and stand together against it. But apparently people would rather have it all taken away.




The Epstein Client List Has Been Released | Updated
Mac Slavo | shtfplan.com

Over 1,000 pages of documents have been unsealed in a lawsuit against Ghislaine Maxwell. These documents are said to reveal the identities of more than 150 individuals connected to the Ghislaine Maxwell vs Virginia Guiffre case, and clients of Jeffrey Epstein.

U.S. District Judge Loretta Preska ruled that there was no legal reason to keep the names of “John and Jane Does” named in the Epstein documents sealed and ordered them to be released and made public as of January 2nd.

The document file can be seen here:


The disclosures will hopefully shine a new light on the sex trafficking network directed by Epstein, and his associate Ghislaine Maxwell. This release comes more than three years after Epstein was allegedly found dead in his New York jail cell in 2019, in what the New York City Office of the Chief Medical Examiner deemed a suicide by hanging.

The flight logs, which were already released, only tell part of the tale of the massive sex trafficking ring that political parasites and celebrities participated in. As Congressman Tim Burchett said, “What I want is the client list. Everybody says they’ve gone and had sex on this island, what’s the big deal? No, they haven’t. They’ve done an act of violence against a child. They need to be burned on that. That’s the list we need. They need to be held accountable. I think the (courts) are compromised as well. We need to get to the bottom of it.”

The sad reality is that they took are of the so-called “ring leader” when Epstein “killed himself,” and yet none of those who actually participated in the raping of children have been held accountable.

According to a report by The Daily Exposé, [and other sources] the following names are on Epstein’s client list:

    Ghislaine Maxwell
    Virginia Lee Roberts Giuffre
    Kathy Alexander
    Miles Alexander
    James Michael Austrich
    Philip Barden
    Cate Blanchett
    David Boies
    Laura Boothe
    Evelyn Boulet
    Rebecca Boylan
    Joshua Bunner
    Naomi Campbell
    Carolyn Casey
    Paul Cassell
    Sharon Churcher
    Bill Clinton
    David Copperfield
    Alexandra Cousteau
    Cameron Diaz
    Leonardo DiCaprio
    Alan Dershowitz
    Dr. Mona Devanesan
    Bradley Edwards
    Amanda Ellison
    Cimberly Espinosa
    Jeffrey Epstein
    Annie Farmer
    Marie Farmer
    Alexandra Fekkai
    Crystal Figueroa
    Anthony Figueroa
    Louis Freeh
    Eric Gany
    Meg Garvin
    Sheridan Gibson-Butte
    Robert Giuffre
    Al Gore
    Ross Gow
    Fred Graff
    Philip Guderyon
    Shannon Harrison
    Stephen Hawking
    Victoria Hazel
    Brittany Henderson
    Brett Jaffe
    Michael Jackson
    Carol Roberts Kess
    Dr. Karen Kutikoff
    Peter Listerman
    George Lucas
    Tony Lyons
    Bob Meister
    Jamie A. Melanson
    Lynn Miller
    Marvin Minsky
    David Mullen
    Joe Pagano
    Mary Paluga
    J. Stanley Pottinger
    Joseph Recarey
    Michael Reiter
    Jason Richards
    Bill Richardson
    Sky Roberts
    Scott Rothstein
    Forest Sawyer
    Doug Schoetlle
    Kevin Spacey
    Cecilia Stein
    Mark Tafoya
    Brent Tindall
    Kevin Thompson
    Donald Trump
    Ed Tuttle
    Emma Vaghan
    Kimberly Vaughan-Edwards
    Cresenda Valdes
    Anthony Valladares
    Maritza Vazquez
    Vicky Ward
    Jarred Weisfeld
    Courtney Wild
    Bruce Willis
    Daniel Wilson
    Andrew Albert Christian Edwards, Duke of York

The names are not all necessarily Epstein’s clients but include associates as well as the accused and the accusers. The court delayed the full release until at least January 22nd, 2024 due to a request from a “j. Doe” who is apparently a victim, not a client. Therefore, they are expected to release more information throughout the rest of the month.

As this list rolls in, will the public finally wake up and withdraw its support of the ruling class masters and finally realize they should be living free from force, theft, and coercion?


Another Round of Epstein Docs Released
The Gateway Pundit | Cristina Laila

Another batch of documents from a defamation lawsuit related to Jeffrey Epstein were released on Monday morning.

The Gateway Pundit obtained the 17 new documents on Monday and they are explosive!

Judge Loretta Preska on Wednesday unsealed the first cache of documents from lawsuits related to Jeffrey Epstein’s abuse which potentially included names of over 150 people.


The first set of documents detailed Ghislaine Maxwell’s recruiting techniques, Prince Andrew’s abuse of the trafficked victims, and Bill Clinton’s fondness for “young” girls.

A second cache of Epstein docs was unsealed on Thursday.

According to the second tranche of documents obtained by The Gateway Pundit and reviewed by this reporter, one Epstein victim, a minor teen dubbed “Jane Doe 3,” said she was trafficked to “prominent American politicians” to “obtain potential blackmail information.”

The Gateway Pundit obtained the third round of Epstein documents on Friday.

According to testimony, computers from Epstein’s Palm Beach mansion were removed before the FBI conducted a search of the property.

The new documents reveal there are alleged sex tapes of Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew and Richard Branson.

    “When my friend had sexual intercourse with Clinton, Prince Andrew and Richard Branson, sex tapes were in fact filed on each separate occasion by Jeffery.”



In July 2022, Gateway Pundit lawyers Marc Randazza and Jay Wolman of the Randazza Legal Group, along with GP General Counsel John Burns, filed a motion to intervene in the Guiffre v. Maxwell case in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York.

As a media intervenor, TGP requested the Court to unseal all records identifying Epstein’s Sex Clients.

Read the new documents here:


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  Depopulation and the mRNA Vaccine
Posted by: Hissil - 01-11-2024, 12:53 AM - Forum: COVID-19 News - No Replies

Depopulation and the mRNA Vaccine
The New York Times Predicts Massive Population Reduction
By Peter Koenig
December 25, 2023

First published on May 28, 2021

Amazingly, The New York Times – 22 May 2021 – predicts massive population reduction over the next few decades.

“Fewer babies’ cries.

More abandoned homes.

Toward the middle of this century, as deaths start to exceed births, changes will come that are hard to fathom.”


Screenshot of the NYT article

And –

“All over the world, countries are confronting population stagnation and a fertility bust, a dizzying reversal unmatched in recorded history that will make first-birthday parties a rarer sight than funerals, and empty homes a common eyesore.”

And it continues,

“Maternity wards are already shutting down in Italy. Ghost cities are appearing in northeastern China. Universities in South Korea can’t find enough students, and in Germany, hundreds of thousands of properties have been razed, with the land turned into parks.”

Is it all true? It remains to be verified. Omission?

At no time does the article mention the eugenist nature of deliberate population reduction, in connection with the covid plandemic, the coerced and by many accounts poisonous – vaccination campaign, with a non-vaccine, but instead a novel, totally untested mRNA-type “gene therapy” which the US CDC has allowed to be applied as an “emergency measure” in these dire circumstances of a pandemic, that actually lacks all characteristics of a pandemic, but has to be pumped up to make it appear as a pandemic – with literally almost all deaths appearing from whatever causes – even car accidents – can be – and “must” be categorized as covid deaths.

In the US, hospitals get paid US$ 13,000 for every covid-diagnosed patient and US$ 39,000 for every “covid-patient” put on a ventilator. Earlier this year, doctors in NY have come to the conclusion that more than 80% off ventilator patients do not survive the ventilator. See this.


But, be that as it may – the current “loosening-up” of covid restrictions that the US and many European countries are experiencing, is bringing out happiness, smiles, festive thinking and cheerful feeling by the population – in the firm hope the plandemic is over. This may be just a ruse and prelude to much worse to come. Hopefully this suspicion is wrong.

While there is no concrete evidence, there is this uneasy feeling that with the later northern-hemisphere fall approaching, we will be hit by a “new” lab-made “variant” – much stronger, that requires more and more oppressive, dictatorial government measures, more coerced vaxxing with gene-therapy that could affect mankind’s neurological system. (For further details see Pfizer Vaccine Confirmed to Cause Neurodegenerative Diseases: Study)


The NYT goes through great lengths trying to explain why the world population goes into recess and outright decline, without ever mentioning covid and its nefarious deadly agenda.

“Though some countries continue to see their populations grow, especially in Africa, fertility rates are falling nearly everywhere else. Demographers now predict that by the latter half of the century or possibly earlier, the global population will enter a sustained decline for the first time.”

Why would the fertility rate suddenly go down in “developed” countries? Because people realize that to save the planet, the world needs fewer, much fewer “eaters” and consumers? – Or  rather does it have something to do with the widely coerced false covid “vaccines”?

Isn’t this precisely what the Gates-Rockefellers-Kissinger et al clan has in mind?

Is that why the mRNA-type injections – CDC’s emergency approval as “gene-therapy” – include anti-fertility and sterilization components?

And – can you imagine – CDC has recently recommended giving this unproven, untested “gene-therapy injection to pregnant women, when never before and under no circumstances pregnant women should be administered untested “experimental” medication.

In fact, the abortion rate of pregnant women receiving the mRNA-type inoculation is as high as 30% – probably considerably higher if unreported cases are taken into account. Listen to Dr. Joseph Mercola.


There is the general notion that covid is not about health or immunity, but rather about depopulating the world; an eugenist agenda, if you will. Mike Whitney expresses a clear view in which direction this unnecessary covid vaccination drive is going. It has nothing to do with health protection of the people. To the contrary. It is about depopulation. These two quotes say it all.


“There is absolutely no need for vaccines to extinguish the pandemic…  You do not vaccinate people who aren’t at risk from a disease. You also don’t set about planning to vaccinate millions of fit and healthy people with an [experimental] vaccine that hasn’t been extensively tested on human subjects.” Dr. Mike Yeadon PhD, Pfizer’s former Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy & Respiratory Disease. 


“What we know about coronavirus from 30 years of experience is that a coronavirus vaccine has a unique peculiarity, which is any attempt at making the vaccine has resulted in the creation of a class of antibodies that actually make vaccinated people sicker when they ultimately suffer exposure to the wild virus.”  Robert F. Kennedy Jr.


The NYT is quoting Frank Swiaczny, a German demographer who was chief of population trends and analysis for the United Nations until last year:

“A paradigm shift is necessary. Countries need to learn to live with and adapt to [a population] decline.”

To enhance this paradigm shift – and to make it appear – and convince you, the reader, that this is a normal unstoppable phenomenon, the NYT predicts, or rather scares you, by speculating / anticipating,

“The ramifications and responses have already begun to appear, especially in East Asia and Europe. From Hungary to China, from Sweden to Japan, governments are struggling to balance the demands of a swelling older cohort with the needs of young people whose most intimate decisions about childbearing are being shaped by factors both positive (more work opportunities for women) and negative (persistent gender inequality and high living costs).”

We know this is a false pretense, and is a totally manufactured argument to make you look the other way, when within two to three years you may see massive dying of people way below the average statistical life expectancy.

We all know, gender inequality has been persisting in the west for the last at least 2000 years. And, while the cost of living has been rising steadily in the first 50 years after WWII in industrialized countries, it has been rather stagnant over the last couple of decades. To the contrary, in some cases – US, Europe – a rather deflationary trend has appeared. A clear sign for it, is negative interest rates in many industrialized countries. So, the NYT is trying to make you believe what isn’t – all to justify their “prediction” of a massive population reduction; to make you get used to the diabolical covid-plan – and perhaps to sow just a little bit of fear.

Since the mRNA “vaxxes” are experimental, there is no history on whether or not the body will be able to clean itself from disastrous side effects, like blood clotting, leading to thrombosis, potential paralysis and death.

Scientific predictions are that mRNA-type injections affect the human genome, and the body most likely will never detox from anything affecting the DNA.

If this assumption is correct, it means, in short, you will never be the same again, and your health may be negatively impacted for the rest of your life. This is, without question, a crime of mass genocide against humanity. It coincides with Dr. Joseph Mercola’s views – see above, as well as Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi on blood clotting, and the disastrous health consequences, i.e. leading to brain strokes, paralyses and death.


In the same vein Vaccine Impact of 23 May 2021 refers to five reputed doctors, who discuss transmission from those injected by the mRNA vaccine to those who have not been vaxxed.  These scientists all agree that unless one realizes that these shots are designed as bioweapons for the purpose of reducing the world’s population, you will never fully understand what these shots and Big Pharma are capable of doing and how to take measures to protect yourself.


The NYT gently prepares us for this crime, calling this coming “depopulation” a natural phenomenon, due to a turn in demographics – which is to be expected due to our western “abundant lifestyle”, and due to man-made climate change (mea-culpa, mea-culpa), resulting in reduced harvests – famine – in the developing world, or Global South.

“This is an intentional world war on human blood,” according to Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and Nobel Laureate, Dr. Luc Montagnier, as well as Dr. Mike Yeadon, ex-Pfizer VP and Chief of Pfizer Science – and others.

“The injections will kill and will never stop killing.”

Dr. Montagnier, among the world’s top virologists, projects a drastically reduced life expectancy of many who have taken the “kill shot injection”.

See latest official data of Vaccine deaths and injuries for the EU (from late December 2020 to May 22, 2021)


There are both medical and economic reasons and causes for a drastic world population to which the NYT alerts us.

Why would they do that?

To Prepare us for one of the most horrendous crimes in recent human history: Inventing (meaning man-made) an invincible corona virus.

After a decision of the World Economic Forum (WEF), in January 2020, WHO called the virus in January 2020 first SARS-CoV-2 – named after the SARS virus that hit China from 2002-2003, then, a few weeks later, WHO renamed this invisible “beast” – instrument of manufacturing fear – Covid-19.

The sudden shock of being exposed to a worldwide epidemic cum pandemic (according to WHO’s sudden new criteria), created a fear-pandemic under which people are vulnerable and accept everything – almost in the hope the deadly danger would go away.

So, also a WEF decision, WHO declared this actually minor disease on 11 March 2020 as a pandemic, when there where worldwide, according to WHO statistics only 44,279 positive cases and 1440 deaths outside China. The fear increased, and the “Shock Doctrine” worked. All 193 UN member countries accepted the mid-March 2020 total lockdown – and this without a medical justification.


“The Shock Doctrine” (2007), by Naomi Klein, describing how disaster capitalism takes advantage of shock situations, natural or mand-made, to implement new rules and regulation, that otherwise would have not been readily accepted.

Another example is the US Patriot Act that was for years under preparation, way before 9/11; just waiting for a catastrophe – i.e., 9/11 – to be rushed through and accepted by the US Congress. It took away some 80% of people’s freedoms and converted the laws of the land quasi into a permanent Martial Law – and it is still applicable today, even with some convenient additions for the reigning financial elite.

Imagine! All 193 UN member countries at once – an epidemiological impossibility. Yet, people around the globe accepted the new rule – which eventually destroyed the world economy, decimated it to the point where small and medium size corporations were literally wiped out, putting people jobless in the street, fending for means of survival, increasing poverty rates worldwide exponentially.

Unemployment and famine skyrocketed.

The consequence, especially in the Global South, despair, suffering from being without shelter, no food – often leading to suicide and if not to death by famine. However, those few billionaires on top, who pretend soon be ruling the One World Order, increased their combined fortune in just a few months by some 200 billion dollars.

The World Food Program – WFP estimated total population suffering from acute famine at more than a quarter of a billion (265 million) by end 2020, about half of them are covid-related – and steadily raising. “These new numbers show the scale of the catastrophe we are facing,’ says the WFP. Many of them will not survive, but precise figures are not known. As time goes on, they will become catastrophic, resulting in hundreds of thousands of deaths. This is the high-crime result of the diabolical supra-cabal that invented Agenda ID2020, UN Agenda 2030, the Great Reset – a criminal worldwide suffering particularly for the already poor and vulnerable.



According to Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, German microbiologist, and as reported in The New American on 16 April 2021 in an article entitled “Covid shots to Decimate the World Population”.


Dr. Bhakdi warns that the COVID hysteria is based on lies and that the COVID “vaccines”, especially the mRNA type, are set to cause a global catastrophe and a possible decimation of the human population.

Starting off, Dr. Bhakdi explains that the PCR test has been abused to produce fear in a way that is unscientific.

Next, he explains what the mRNA vaccines are going to do to the human body.

Among other concerns, he expects massive deadly blood clotting [already occurring] as well as immune system responses that will destroy the human body.


Finally, Bhakdi, who warned of impending “doom” during a Fox News interview that went viral, calls for criminal prosecutions of the people responsible and an immediate halt to this global experiment. See this

This provides some background for the NYT article – background which of course, the New York Times does not mention. It appears that the Times’ concern is foremost warning and preparing people on what might come, but also, spreading more fear, make people more vulnerable, weaker, further breaking down the human auto-defense system. The kind of language applied by the NYT piece, leaves an innocent reader defenseless, in fear “caving in to whatever may come”. Precisely what they want

A Positive Outlook

However, there is hope. The NYT article doesn’t mention ‘Hope’. The best way for humanity to respond to the Covid Planetary Predicament is to collectively resist by all means vaccination and actively object the digitization of your personal data as well as of money.

You thereby resist being taken over by Artificial Intelligence – being enslaved by a a super financial elite

We clearly have the power in us to overcome this diabolical tyranny that hovers over us – almost across the globe without fault. It is a matter of believing in ourselves, the strength of collective positive and loving thinking – and in the power of solidarity.


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  Tucker Carlson & Brett Weinstein on the WHO’s plans for you
Posted by: Hissil - 01-11-2024, 12:52 AM - Forum: COVID-19 News - Replies (1)

Game-Changing Tucker Carlson Interview!
By Neenah Payne
January 10, 2024

When Tucker Carlson suddenly got fired by Fox in April 2023, many people wondered what his next step would be. Carlson made the brilliant move of launching the Tucker Carlson Network which can be seen online by subscription.

On January 5, Carlson talked with Dr. Brett Weinstein, an evolutionary biologist who earned his PhD at the University of Michigan before teaching at The Evergreen State College for 14 years until 2017. Weinstein wrote A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century: Evolution and the Challenges of Modern Life with his wife Heather Heying who is also an evolutionary biologist. The book has 2,865 reviews on Amazon with a rating of 4.6. Weinstein and his wife host The Dark Horse Podcast.

The video below allows you to see the interview which quickly went viral! Parts of the interview are discussed below. As you can see, the video was previously on YouTube, but was taken down.


Big Pharma’s Marketing Plan
Weinstein explains the brilliance of Big Pharma’s COVID strategy. He points out that Pharma had a problem in bringing the mRNA technology to market because of the known safety risks. So, to get the mRNA technology accepted, Big Pharma needed an “emergency” to justify an Emergency Use Authorization that would allow it to rush the technology to market without the usual safety tests.

The COVID “pandemic” provided the global emergency Big Pharma needed. That explains why safe, effective early treatments like HCQ/zinc, Ivermectin, vitamin D, vitamin C, and budesonide were ignored and vilified by the US government and corporate media (much of it “brought to you by Pfizer”). The fact that those treatments were available in early 2020 made the Emergency Use Authorizations issued in late 2020 illegal since EUAs can be issued if no treatments are available.

Weinstein explains:

What I’ve come to understand is something I call the game of pharma. If you think about what pharma is, we tend to imagine that it is an industry that is hell bent on finding drugs that will make us healthier. That’s not what it is. In fact, pharma is healthy when people are sick. And many people have noticed this that of course it depends on ill health. So it has a perverse incentive. But what I think most of us did not realize is how elaborate its bag of tricks is and what the nature of that bag of tricks is.

.…basically every day of the year, pharma is engaged in portraying the properties that it owns as more useful than they are, safer than they are, and persuading the medical establishment, the journals, the societies, the hospitals, the government to direct people towards drugs they wouldn’t otherwise be taking….COVID was bigger than anything that had ever happened before, but none of it was new to pharma, and all of it was new to us in the public trying to understand what we were supposed to do about this ostensibly very serious disease…

Weinstein points out that “pharma owned what was potentially the biggest pharmacological cash cow conceivable….to the extent that this technology was safe, pharma would be able to argue, well, we don’t really need to go through thorough safety testing of the entire platform each time we deploy it …. it’s very hard to estimate how much money pharma might have made. I think hundreds of billions of dollars is absolutely certain. Trillions of dollars is not off the table….”

mRNA Technology’s Terrible Known Safety Flaw
Weinstein explains:

Pharma had a potentially tremendously lucrative property that it couldn’t bring to market because a safety test would have revealed this unsolvable problem. And so…my hypothesis is that it recognized that the thing that would bypass that obstacle was an emergency that caused the public to demand a remedy…. That would cause the government to streamline the safety testing process so that it wouldn’t spot these things. And indeed…..the safety testing was radically truncated so that long term harms were impossible to detect.  So, the hypothesis in question is. Pharma used an emergency to bypass an obstacle to bring in incredibly lucrative technology…. to sneak it by the things that would ordinarily prevent a dangerous technology like this one from being widely deployed.

When Tucker asks, “Do we have any guess as to how many of these shots were given out globally?” Weinstein says: “It’s definitely in the billions.” Tucker asks, “What do you think we’re going to see in terms of a death toll and injury toll from this vaccine?” Weinstein responds: “There’s some new material out of New Zealand, which is jaw dropping….Joseph Fraiman and his colleagues, including Peter Doshi, did an evaluation of Pfizer’s own safety data from its safety trials….And what they found was a one in 800 rate of serious adverse event….”

Tucker points out that one in eight hundred shots times billions of people is 17 million deaths — like the death toll of a global war. Weinstein points out that since kids were not at risk from COVID, it made no sense to give them the shot since it doesn’t prevent infection or transmission. Weinstein says: “I think a lot of us — maybe call us normies — have a hard time imagining the breathtaking evil that it would take to allow such a tragedy to unfold or to cause it to unfold, for profit. I still struggle to imagine it.”

The Courageous Few
Carlson raises a key question:

So the problem…for pharma and for the politicians who support and promote them in the media, who do the same, is that there are people like you who are not crackpots, who are scientists and physicians, long time researchers with fully credentialed work histories. Not too many, but a sizable number who will not let go, who are completely dogged in the pursuit of more data about this. So like, what do they do with you and people like you?

Weinstein responds:

Well, I think the astonishing thing is that as you point out, small group of dissidents upended their narrative. Uptake rates on the new boosters are in the low single digits. Nobody’s taking it. Now, I’m troubled by the fact that at the same time, we don’t see a massive majority acknowledging the vaccination campaign was a mistake….I mean, we’re still injecting these things into kids, for God sakes. So it is important to stand up and say I was had and I think all of us were….

The fact that that small number of dissidents was able to upend the narrative, was able to bring people’s awareness to the massive levels of harm and ineffectiveness of the shots is in some ways the most surprising element of the story. And I think it truly surprised Pharma and its partners in social media and government, in non-governmental organizations. I think they thought that they owned enough of the media that they could sell us any narrative that they wished and. I think surprising as it is, they didn’t really understand that podcasts could possibly be a countervailing force of significance.

WHO’s Global Coup Attempt
Weinstein points out:

our ability to reach millions of people surprised those who thought they were just going to shove this narrative down our throats.

This gets me to the WHO, the World Health Organization and its pandemic preparedness plan modifications. What I believe is going on is the World Health Organization is now revising the structures that allowed the dissidents to upend the narrative, and they are looking for a rematch. I think. What they want are the measures that would have allowed them to silence the podcasters, to mandate various things internationally in a way that would prevent the emergence of a control group that would allow us to see harms clearly.

So…would you want to relive a pandemic like the COVID pandemic without the tools that allowed you to ultimately, in the end, see clearly that it didn’t make sense to take another one of these shots or to have your kids take. We want those tools. In fact, we need them. And something is quietly moving just out of sight in order that we will not have access to them the next time we face a serious emergency.

Carlson asks: “So you’re saying that an international health organization could just end the First Amendment in the United States?”

Weinstein points out:

The ability to do it is currently under discussion at the international level. It’s almost impossible to exaggerate how troubling what is being discussed is. In fact, I think it is fair to say that we are in the middle of a coup. We are actually facing the elimination of our national and our personal sovereignty.

And that that is the purpose of what is being constructed, that it has been written in such a way that your eyes are supposed to glaze over as you attempt to sort out what is it? What is under discussion? And if you do that, then come May of this year, your nation is almost certain to sign on to an agreement that in some utterly, vaguely described future circumstance, a public health emergency which the director general of the World Health Organization has total liberty to define in any way that he sees fit. In other words, nothing prevents climate change from being declared a public health emergency that would trigger the provisions of these modifications. And in the case that some emergency or some pretense of an emergency shows up, the provisions that would kick in are beyond jaw-dropping….

What has been proposed….the World Health Organization and its signatory nations will be allowed to define a public health emergency….having declared one, they will be entitled to mandate remedies. Remedies that are named include vaccines. Gene therapy technology is literally named in the set of things that the World Health Organization is going to reserve the right to mandate, that it will be in a position to require these things of citizens, that it will be in a position to dictate our ability to travel, in other words, passports that would be predicated on one having accepted these technologies are clearly being described.

It would have the ability to forbid the use of other medications. So, this looks like they’re preparing for a rerun where they can just simply take ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine off the table. They also have reserved the ability. Dictate how these measures are discussed. That censorship is described here as well, the right to dictate that. Of course, misinformation is how they’re going to describe it.

Weinstein warns:

I think the World Health Organization is above the level of nations, and it is going to be in a position, if these provisions passed, to dictate to nations how they are to treat their own citizens, to override their constitutions, despite what Tedros has told you. So, that is frightening. It’s not inherently about health.

What I think has happened is the fact of a possible pandemic causes a loophole in the mind. It’s not a loophole in our governance documents. Our Constitution doesn’t describe exemptions from your rights during a time of a pandemic emergency. Your rights simply are what they are, and they’re not supposed to go anywhere just because there’s a disease spreading. But nonetheless, people’s willingness to accept the erosion of their rights because of a public health emergency has allowed this tyranny to use it as a Trojan horse. And…it’s something people need to become aware…that there are blind spots we can’t see past.

Vaccine was one….. When they called this mRNA tech technology a vaccine, many of us gave it more credibility than we should have if they had called it a gene transfection technology. We would have thought, wait, what? You know that sounds highly novel and it sounds dangerous. And how much do we know about the long term implications? But because they called it a vaccine, people were much more willing to accept it….

Later on, Carlson pointed out: “So, if this is ratified or signed on to by the United States in May. So, six months from now. It sounds like that’s it.”

Weinstein responded:

I have very little hope that the U.S. will derail this. I have the sense that whatever has captured our government is driving this as well. And so, in effect, the U.S. wants this change.… I think the U.S. wants something to force it to violate our constitutional protections. And the World Health Organization is going to be that entity.

That said, I have recently been to the Czech Republic and I’ve been to Romania, and I’ve heard from other parts of the former Eastern Bloc that there is resistance, that people who have faced tyranny in living memory are much less ready to accept these changes and that they are actually beginning to mount a response. I worry that it will be too thin and easily defeated, especially if they do not understand that actually the world is depending on them, that.… the countries we traditionally think of as part of the West are compromised, and that these countries which have more recently joined or rejoined the West are the best hope we’ve got, that they are in a position to derail this set of provisions and that we are depending on them to do it.

Weinstein concluded with a slideshow and added:

I’m sad to report that I think the West has actually collapsed and what we are left with is now a nebulous echo. The values of the West still function, but they function in a vague way, and we have seen that they can evaporate quickly under the right circumstances….I suspect that some powerful set of forces has decided that consent of the governed is too dangerous to tolerate and that it has begun to unhook it. And we do not know how this works.

We can see some of the partners who are involved in this, but I don’t think we know ultimately who’s driving it or where they’re going…. And I wonder if the rent-seeking elites that have hoarded so much power are not unhooking our rights because effectively they’re afraid of some global French Revolution moment as people realize that they had been betrayed and left without good options. Is that what we’re seeing?

Certainly feels like we’re facing an end game where important properties that would once have been preserved by all parties because they might need them one day are now being dispensed with. And we’re … watching our governmental structures and every one of our institutions captured, hollowed out, turned into a paradoxical inversion of what it was designed to do.

That’s not an accident….the thing that worries me most, actually, that whatever is driving this is not composed of diabolical geniuses who at least have some plan for the future, but it’s being driven by people who actually do not know what kind of hell they are inviting. They are going to create a kind of chaos from which humanity may well not emerge. And I get the sense that unless they have some remarkable plan that is not obvious, that they are just simply drunk with power and putting everyone, including themselves, in tremendous jeopardy by taking apart the structures on which we depend.

David and Goliath: The Dream Team
When Carlson asked Weinstein why he is speaking out, Weinstein replied:

My family has found itself in very uncomfortable and sometimes dangerous circumstances because we speak out. I don’t think I had a choice. I just I, I literally cannot understand how I would sleep at night, how I would look at myself in the mirror if I didn’t say what needed to be said.

You know, I heard a very good speech by Bobby Kennedy Jr….at the Liberty Conference in Memphis, and the last thing he said in that speech struck me to my core. Something I saw often and said almost never. But there are fates far worse than death…. I have lived an incredible life…. there’s plenty I still want to do. And I am not eager to leave this planet any earlier than I have to. I have a marvelous family. I live in a wonderful place and I’ve got lots of things on a bucket list….However.

Humanity is depending on everybody who has a position from which to see what is taking place, to grapple with what it might mean to describe it so that the public understands where their interests are.
It is depending on us to do what needs to be done if we’re to have a chance of delivering a planet to our children and our grandchildren that is worthy of them. If we’re going to deliver a system that allows them to live meaningful, healthy lives, we have to speak up…I don’t know how to get people to do that. I’m very hesitant to urge others to put themselves or their families in danger, and I know that everybody’s circumstances are different.

Some people are struggling just simply to feed a family and keep a roof over their heads. Those people obviously have a great deal less liberty with respect to standing up….it’s what we call in game theory a collective action problem. Everybody responds to their personal well-being. If everybody says “That’s too dangerous to stand up, you know, I’m not suicidal. I can’t do it” then not enough people stand up to change the course of history. Whereas if people somehow put aside the obvious danger…of saying what needs to be said, then we greatly outnumber those we are pitted against. They are ferociously powerful. But.

I would also point out this interesting error. So, I call the force that were up against Goliath. Just so I remember what the battle is. Goliath made a terrible mistake and made it most egregiously during COVID…. It took all of the competent people. Took all of the courageous people, and it shoved them out of the institutions where they were hanging on. And it created in so doing The Dream Team. Created every player you could possibly want on your team to fight some historic battle against a terrible evil. All of those people are now at least somewhat awake. They’ve now been picked on by the same enemy. And yeah, all right, we’re outgunned. It has a tremendous amount of power. But we’ve got all of the people who know how to think.

So. I hate to say it, or maybe I like to say it, but. I don’t think it’s a slam dunk, but I like our odds.

Weinstein points out the need for qualified journalists to raise important questions. He says:

So, we have to boot up some kind of new institution that will allow us to do this job well. And presumably that will involve taking the few investigative journalists…and the few scientists and doctors who are willing to still do their job.

Three Categories of Censored Information Now
In the video below, Weinstein explains that the Department of Homeland Security issued a memo that defines three categories of “terrorism”: “misinformation” (errors), “disinformation” (intentional errors/lies), and “malinformation” is “based in truth but causes people to distrust authority”.  As Tucker points out, that third category applies when journalists catch the government lying!

However, the US Founding Fathers used the First Amendment to protect Freedom of the Press so the media could serve as the Fourth Estate and expose wrong-doing by the other three branches of government. So, the Department of Homeland Security doesn’t seem to understand the US Constitution.


In Watch: ‘A Terrible Truth’: COVID Response Was About Profits and Power, The Defender of Children’s Health Defense reported about this interview on 12/8/24:


The value added from this interview is truly incalculable. It’s not only the reach, which quickly passed three million a day after its release. That’s a vast number of influencers who now know what’s what.

Carlson played a recent video Weinstein had not seen of WHO General Director Tedros saying the WHO Pandemic Treaty does not threaten national sovereignty. This shows that since more people realize the treat the treaty poses to our freedom, nations may  not ratify the WHO Pandemic Treaty in MAY.



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  Fake Pandemic Was A War-Crime | COVID Vaccines Are Designed To Kill Billions
Posted by: Hissil - 01-11-2024, 12:51 AM - Forum: COVID-19 News - Replies (1)

COVID Vaccines Are Designed To Kill Billions | (DoD) had “very clear intent to harm”
Derek Knauss
January 05, 2024

COVID-19 mRNA vaccines were deliberately designed to be ineffective and lethal, according to bombshell testimony by pharmaceutical executive Alexandra “Sasha” Latypova.

According to Latypova, the Department of Defense (DoD) had “very clear intent to harm” by executing a “mass genocide of Americans.”

Under the DoD’s control and direction, drug manufacturers like Pfizer, Moderna, and Janssen started mass-producing the shots for Operation Warp Speed – long before the first cases of Covid even appeared, it turns out. These “figurehead” organizations, Latypova insists, were just obeying the DoD’s orders.

Naturalnews reports (1): What this means is the United States military oversaw the creation and rollout of these “covid countermeasures,” as they were classified before being erroneously dubbed as “vaccines.” This is why they called it Operation Warp Speed: because it was a military warfare operation, not a “public health” operation.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also played their role by fast-tracking emergency use authorization (EUA) for the deadly drugs, followed by official approval for some of them – and the rest is history.

Back in December, Latypova laid this all out in a video lecture:



Covid jabs train the body “to destroy itself,” Latypova warns
The crux of Latypova’s presentation claims that the DoD, Big Pharma, and Big Regulation (the FDA and CDC) conspired with one another “to commit mass murder through bioterrorism and informational warfare operations worldwide.”

    “The evidence is overwhelming that there is an intent to harm people by the covid-19 injections, so-called ‘vaccines,’ and other nonsensical covid response measures implemented in lockstep by governments all over the world,” she said.

Again, it is not that the shots were designed to help people but just so happened to be dangerous. Latypova says they were designed that way on purpose as a chemical and / or biological weapon against the people, which she says is substantiated by an extensive body of literature, studies, scientific discussions, (and) evidence published on this matter.

    “There are numerous mechanisms of injury built into the covid-19 injections,” she further explained. “The most important one being that these shots are designed to make your cells attack themselves, make your cells express antigens that are toxic spike proteins, and then create antibodies to attack the cells. So, it trains your body to destroy itself.”

There is nothing safe, let alone effective, about these injections, in other words – unless the effective goal was to massively depopulate the world. In that case, the injections are working exactly as designed – and the worst is yet to come.

From the very beginning, the safety signals were “obvious,”Latypova says. And yet nobody in any position of power seemed to notice, or perhaps they deliberately ignored these safety signals because killing people was the goal.

    “There is no efficacy in these shots,” Latypova reveals. “In fact, we know there is negative efficacy, meaning that these shots make you more likely to get sick and die.”

During the shots’ production, good manufacturing practices (GMP) were completely ignored, also apparently by design, to further ensure a deadly product outcome. Had proper safety standards been upheld, the shots might have ended up less deadly, which would have gone against the agenda.

    “We found that these products are dirty, contaminated, do not conform at all to what the label says,” Latypova says. “And they’re hugely toxic by design.”

    “They should all be stopped immediately, and this should be investigated properly. And we should bring those responsible to justice, to accountability. Until that happens, we cannot move on from this.”



COVID-19 Fake Pandemic Was A Strategically Planned Operation | A War-Crime | The Likes Of Which Are Unprecedented
Dr. Emanuel Garcia
January 08, 2024

We are now approximately four years removed from the unleashing of the covid so-called pandemic and the consequential measures adopted and enforced world-wide that created terror in the global populace, imposed unprecedented strictures, subverted foundational principles of medicine and foisted an unnecessary and dangerous inoculation upon a mostly unwitting public.

Some of us, at the very outset, upon hearing the mainstream messages of bat-inspired trans-species migration of a respiratory virus, suspected that things were amiss. The frenzied media, however, with their ‘case’ counts, death counts and fraudulent reporting about the actual lethality of the [alleged, never proven] pathogen, were unstoppable and relentless, and I can forgive the many who began to shudder at this unexpected turn of events and who lined up for the dubious polymerase chain reaction ‘test’ and who, ultimately, placed every hope upon an emergency so-called vaccine, convinced as they were that our world was engulfed by an incomparable threat.

I have a harder time forgiving doctors who threw their senses and duties out the window, were unperturbed by the omission and suppression of attempts to treat and prevent the [alleged, never proven] pathogen [flu symptoms renamed] before hospitalization was required, abandoned informed consent, pushed the covid jab and regarded those who preferred to keep their minds and bodies and general health intact by not receiving the jab as a dangerous entity.

I frankly cannot forgive those physicians who, wielding considerable influence in establishment media, used this influence to sway their followers to accept something that has now been shown demonstrably and repetitively to be a health disaster.

Perhaps, however, under the unnerving full-court press of a rabid and unchecked propaganda campaign waged by once highly-regarded journalistic authorities, everyone can be forgiven for having, essentially, lost their wits. Perhaps.

But now, four years hence, as the general picture has clarified itself, anyone with a sentient eye or ear not wedded to mainstream pulp can conclude that there never was a genuine pandemic, there never was a need to lock and shut down the entire world, and there never was or will be a need to inject billions with a gene-altering concoction that has hurt and killed too many to pass muster as a real and viable vaccine.

We can further conclude that the preposterously tremendous control over people exhibited by the roll-out of the covid campaign, and the submission of people to the evisceration of their unalienable rights — these were not organically evolved developments, but consequences of a highly orchestrated deployment of power.

In short, all things covid was a strategically planned operation — a war-crime — the likes of which are unprecedented, and the consequence of which is to move the world towards some kind of autocratic fiefdom wherein we ‘little people’ surviving the first waves of the onslaught will be subjugated to the whims and directives of The Few.

I don’t care how many X followers one may have, or how many Sierpinski triangles one may conjure, how many high-profile interviews one has done, how many conferences one has attended, how many grants one has received, or how many plaudits one has obtained from our freedom-loving community: unless one can see the line and step across it, I regard you as an Enemy.

What line? The line that separates those who understand the concerted efforts of a Global Cabal to inflict the covid mess upon us for purposes of control, versus those who assert that this mess was essentially the result of unfortunate circumstances complicated by greed, incompetence, opportunism, corruption, human error and the like. To espouse the latter is untruthful and enervating: it takes the life out of our tenuously cobbled opposition and plays into our opposition’s hands.

Pick a side. To deny that the genocide visited upon us has been deliberately perpetrated, regardless of what you may invoke in the way of prudence, reason and thoughtful consideration, is to join the ranks of its perpetrators.

Pick a side, the line is clear, and time is short.



Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo | “These vaccines are not appropriate for use in human beings,” | Calling for a complete halt of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines

“These vaccines are not appropriate for use in human beings,” Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo declared in a statement calling for a complete halt of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.

Dr. Joseph Ladapo issues this warning based on overwhelming evidence that the COVID-19 shots that Pfizer and Moderna assured us were “safe” are contaminated with plasmid DNA.

This wasn’t disclosed to the public when the COVID-19 shots rolled out. In fact, the Pfizer COVID-19 “vaccine” injected into billions of arms was not the same one used in Pfizer’s clinical trials.

There was a “bait-and-switch.” The human population received COVID-19 injections produced by “Process 2,” while Pfizer’s initial clinical trials tested vaccines manufactured by “Process 1.” The so-called vaccines rolled out to the human public, unlike the ones in the clinical trials, were contaminated with excess amounts of DNA plasmids.


Safety Concerns

The negative implications of such DNA contamination are astounding, as outlined by Dr. Ladapo:

    “DNA integration poses a unique and elevated risk to human health and to the integrity of the human genome, including the risk that DNA integrated into sperm or egg gametes could be passed onto offspring of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine recipients. If the risks of DNA integration have not been assessed for mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, these vaccines are not appropriate for use in human beings.”

Additionally, Dr. Ladapo warned:

    DNA integration could transform a healthy cell into a cancerous cell.
    DNA integration may result in chromosomal instability.
    Biodistribution of DNA vaccines and such integration could affect unintended parts of the body, including blood, heart, brain, liver, kidney, bone marrow, ovaries/testes, lung, draining lymph nodes, spleen, the site of administration and subcutis at the injection site.

I Took the Shot. Now What?

Luckily, there are a number of potentially helpful therapies to “detox” from the so-called vaccines. One of the best interventions is to incorporate daily supplementation of nattokinase, an enzyme derived from the fermentation of soy. It has been traditionally used in Japan for its cardiovascular benefits. However, preclinical trials show it degrades the harmful spike protein the COVID-19 shots instruct the cells to produce.

The Health Benefits of Nattokinase”: explore.globalhealing.com

Dr. Peter McCullough, one of the world’s most renowned cardiologists and Chief Scientific Officer of The Wellness Company, published the first-ever spike detoxication protocol to appear in a US medical journal. Dr. McCullough recommends taking 2000 fibrin units (100 milligrams) of nattokinase orally twice a day without food.

EMBED THIS VIDEO ON RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/v3cdxui-first-ever-sp...ou-ca.html

For best-in-class nattokinase, Dr. McCullough recommends Spike Support Formula, which also contains dandelion root, selenium, and a host of other promising ingredients that can help protect you and your family from the prolonged effects of Spike proteins.

“The Wellness Company has brought the best news to those who suffer from long COVID or regret COVID-19 vaccination,” Dr. McCullough said in a previous statement. “Our Spike Support product is the bedrock of the recently-published ‘Base Spike Detoxification Protocol,’ the first and only regimen to help people recover from post-acute sequelae after COVID-19 and vaccination.”

If you are concerned about the long-term implications of the COVID-19 shots for you, a family member, or a close friend, click the image below to order Spike Support Formula to get a head start on treatment today.


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  Precautions for the Next Fake Disease | Evidence Confirming Mass Murder for Money
Posted by: Hissil - 01-11-2024, 12:51 AM - Forum: COVID-19 News - No Replies

4 Precautions to Take in Anticipation of the Next Fake Disease
By Paul A. Philips
November 26, 2023

Remember, Bill Gates didn’t say it could happen again. No, he said unequivocally; “there will be another global pandemic.” So be highly suspicious. The next fake disease could be looming on the horizon. Be prepared. Be health savvy. Be willing to push back against THEY (The Hierarchy Enslaving You) to mitigate their attempts to harm you and restrict your freedoms on EVERY level.

Do whatever it takes. We cannot acquiesce to these evil perpetrators. As the saying goes, give them an inch and they’ll take a mile…
Fake Disease – Reality check

Before listing the necessary precautionary measures to take in anticipation of next fairy tale so-called global pandemic. First, let’s do a quick retrospective reality check.

As before, the next fake disease will see the illusionists at work:

*Using their owned and controlled mainstream media. Through much fanfare and fearmongering, they will carefully craft and cultivate the illusion of another “bogeyman” in the form of a so-called virus.

*As with other fictitious sequels this new blockbuster so-called virus will be bigger; more harmful and scarier than ever before.

*As usual, as expected, global cult backed, it will gain practically overnight attention and recognition. It will initiate the same old coordinated dictated worldwide governmental and healthcare-related responses…

*In their influence the medical/pharmaceutical establishment corporate-based cronies will be involved and hovering around and at the decision-making tables like vultures. Ready to avidly swoop down at the earliest opportunity for the next money/power grab.

*Following on from the above. Fake science abounds, supporting the illusion of a “disease” to foist their baseless toxic invasive medicines on we-the-people.

*Unelected officials will be appointed. Acting in the name of a “crisis” these management team officials will take actions and mandate enforcements…

*Orchestrated by the global cult, all the above will be done under the guise of we care for you. But the actions will make we-the-people worse off while they make those huge gains.

*As time goes by the so-called virus and the fake disease will fade out like a one hit wonder pop star, never to be seen again. Yes, funny that, how the human race always gets over it.

To reiterate, all this carried out under the rubric and in the guise of a “virus.”
Fake Disease – Precautionary Measure # 1 – Educate yourself.

In anticipation that something’s about to go down, be vigilant. Look for signs. Look for the events in the run up to the fake disease; the predictive programming. Then when its arrived, look for those suspicious circumstances surrounding, the errors, contradictions and inconsistencies…

Recognise that there are NO viruses. It doesn’t go like that. So, you needn’t fear a virus…

The vaccine industrial complex wants you to believe:

There’s an unseen bogeyman “out there” in the form of a “virus” that could attack and infect you at any time after entering your body…

-There’s not a scrap of evidence to support this claim. It’s a theory at best.

Louis Pasteur’s mid-19th century undisclosed unscientific work the germ theory, was later proven to be fraudulent. Hence his deathbed confession: “The germ is nothing, the terrain is everything.”

However, long after his death the medical establishment had instilled his germ theory principle and its related treatment protocols into mainstream healthcare approaches.

-Too late for the medical establishment to go back on themselves? Conveniently, they continue to this day to make massive profits on this medical fraud.

So, it begs the question: What’s really going on? The answer lies in the above quote: “…the terrain is everything.”

As mentioned earlier, viruses don’t come from “out there” and into the body leading to “infection.” It’s the opposite:

Viruses come from within the body. Viruses are dead debris remnants produced and ejected from the body’s cells as a healing response to suffering a toxicity (toxic terrain).

Therefore, instead of calling it “infection” it’s more appropriate to call it “outfection.” The byproduct virus debris is then removed from the body by the body’s excretory organs: The skin, lungs, liver and kidneys.

Therefore, viruses are NOT microorganisms.

Granted, illness is caused by toxicity, but the explanation for the toxic build up has nothing to do with a virus. Any claims to a virus being the culprit would be false. Hence, fake virus; fake disease.
Fake Disease Precautionary Measures #2 and #3 – Refuse diagnostic tests and vaccinations.

Refusal to cooperate is key.

in light of # 1 (above), the whole house of cards comes tumbling down exposing:

    Unproven, unsupported, unscientific claims of a disease.
    Useless diagnostic kits such as the PCR test. This test indicates a positive only because of the body’s toxicity. The positive has nothing to do with the indication of a specific virus. Or any virus.

Koch’s postulates are also useless because of viral isolation issues and non-specificity in the findings… Scientific papers related to this claiming viral causation may not only be the results of scientific incompetence but also fraudulence.

For example, the Wuhan outbreak was nothing more than an unsubstantiated claim. Nothing more than a rumour mill used to distract.

Which leads to:

    Incorrect diagnosis – attributing someone’s condition/illness based on something that doesn’t exist.
    Fake pandemic crisis management teams. Unjustified, unwarranted measures, mandates, protocols; lockdowns, masking and medicines…

If all this is somewhat new to you then wake up! Think for yourself.  Don’t get played by the next fake disease and wind up a victim. Don’t take the next so-called diagnostic test or pseudo-vaccine. Don’t play Russian roulette with your body as these vaccines could severely harm or even kill you.

With a view to protecting yourself come the next fake disease, take a look at this excellent eye-opening and highly informative video by Dr John Campbell.

It reports national stats for the UK but could represent the Western World and other countries.


Fake Disease Precautionary Measure # 4 – Detoxify

The vaccinated have been advised to detoxify from the harmful effects of the vaccine. Same goes for the unvaccinated because of viral shedding.

The mRNA spike protein in the vaccine has lasted much longer than expected. Fortunately, it has been said that there are effective are ways to remove the spike protein and graphene and stop their damaging effects. Nutrition building foods, high vitamin C dosing and EDTA chelation therapy, ozone treatment have been recommended by healthcare professionals.

In all circumstances practice all-round good health to stay healthy and maintain a robust immune system.


Big Pharma “Vaccine” De-Pop Psy-Op – 4 Pieces Of Evidence Confirming Mass Murder for Money
By Paul A. Philips

As the years have gone by since the so-called COVID-19 heydays, the effectiveness and authenticity of the “vaccine” has had some major challenges. Further, there is mounting evidence proving that this so-called vaccine has caused much serious harm.

In retrospect, here are just 4 pieces of incontrovertible evidence to confirm that the Big Pharma vaccine world depopulation psy-op is mass murder for money.
1. Pfizer proudly reported record profits

Not so long-ago Pfizer CEO Dr. Albert Bourla announced year-on-year record breaking revenues in access of $100 billion. He claimed that patients have a “positive perception of Pfizer…”

The PR effrontery propaganda machine must have been out in full swing to get a “positive perception,” hiding the fact that those record revenues have been made from a mass-murdering vaccine.

Pfizer have known this for some time. Pfizer’s own leaked internal documents reported increasing worldwide morbidity versus mortality due to their harmful vaccine. However, they continue to push the vaccine…

How long will their propaganda machine coverup the obvious: That they continue to get away with it because money is stronger than truth and genuine welfare concern?? Where are the Nuremberg trials (no informed consent) for these people and their Big Pharma vaccine?

For more on this, I strongly encourage you to watch and circulate this eye-opening excellent video with Professor Michel Chossudovsky and Caroline Mailloux.


2 – Roberta Speranza, ex-health minister for the Italian government finds himself under investigation on homicide charges

Yet another piece of evidence disclosing political corruption at the highest levels in government: From the very beginning, damning internal emails have exposed Speranza’s knowledge and complicity in the Big Pharma vaccine for so-called COVID that was not only seriously injuring and maiming, but also killing people in the many thousands.

Speranza had a hand in keeping this information under wraps, allowing the Big Pharma vaccine profit machine to continue unabated, while lying; encouragingly telling the public that the vaccines were “safe and effective.” At the same time making the vaccination programme mandatory for those in certain profession-related groups such as policemen and teachers.

Nicola Magrini ex-AIFA (Italian drug authority) director is also facing investigation.

The investigations of both Speranza and Magrini are in the registry and investigative records of the Rome Prosecutor’s Office.
3 – Philippines Unexplained deaths

Lawmakers in the Philippines had voted for and passed a resolution to look into the 260,000-plus unexplained post-vaccine related deaths during 2021. This resolution had also included an investigation into the 67,000 excess unexplained post-vaccine deaths for 2022.

Then, a day later, lo and behold, the lawmakers and their building got destroyed by a massive earthquake (HAARP?) …!

Now tell me you can’t see the elephant in the room??


4 – The England study – More death sentences in the name of Big Pharma profits

Government health studies from the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) shockingly revealed that since the past 2 years one million deaths have occurred for the fully vaccinated for COVID. This compares with only 61,000 deaths for the unvaccinated in England.

The extent of the vaccine’s deadliness is further highlighted when considering that 30% of the country’s population had not received one single dose of the COVID vaccine. That means these death figures produced a ratio of 1 unvaccinated to 3 vaccinated (one or more doses).

So much for the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) advisory chanting/touting the “safe and effective” mantra when advising the public on the COVID Big Pharma vaccine.

Further, in summary, data from the UKHSA’s England study also showed that:

* The more COVID vaccine doses offered over time the higher the number of refusals.

In effect this meant that out of the 63.4 million eligible population, 18.9 million said no to the 1st jab. Then, 21.5 million in total said no to the 2nd. Then, 30.4 million in total said no to the 3rd …

* It was staggering to find that out of the all the COVID deaths, 95% had been vaccinated (one jab or more).

* 80% of the 95% deaths were attributed to those who had been administered a 4th jab.

This is more evidence showing that these vaccines are tied in with increased mortality as they are systematically killing people. No wonder this appalling circumstance has been called the “Pandemic of the vaccinated.”

Are we ever going to see the day when the government will put a stop to this by discontinuing the Big Pharma vaccine?

Details breaking down the data for this study can be found here.


In Reflection

While these 4 pieces of evidence represent the many, many examples of corporate indiscriminate self-interest, mass media spin, political corruption, mandates/coercions… when it comes to the Big Pharma vaccine, it has to be realized that there is a bigger picture at work:

The Globalists are the ones responsible for and overseeing the vaccine mass-murder programme as it ties in with their world-depopulation agenda. For we-the-people, we need to hold those responsible to accountability.

In anticipation of the next globalist’s fake disease psy-op for world depopulation through a toxic Big Pharma vaccine; preparedness, mass refusal to cooperate and accountability are imperatives to counter this genocide.


PeterTocci 14 days ago

"The Globalists are the ones responsible for and overseeing the vaccine mass-murder programme as it ties in with their world-depopulation agenda. For we-the-people, we need to hold those responsible to accountability."

Maybe not. Because maybe there's Power behind the scenes all these players work for, wittingly and not. The Global agenda is ancient, society arranged from the ground up to serve it. Nailing perps while neglecting their masters is like arresting actors for the role they play. A Detailed Look at Part of the ‘Web’ Gives Insight Into Climate Chaos — and Much More - https://www.activistpost.co...

But while people focus on this distraction, they participate in the far greater threat to life: Wireless technology. One big difference: Wireless is taking down the global ecosystem. Vaccines aren't/can't.

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  Steve Kirsch's most important interview & A summary of the evidence against vaccines
Posted by: Hissil - 01-11-2024, 12:49 AM - Forum: COVID-19 News - No Replies

The single most important interview I've ever done: former Kaiser nurse Gail Macrae
90% of the COVID deaths in hospitals were attributed to COVID treatment protocols. ICU doc estimated up to an 80% increase in mortality due to the COVID vaccine.
Steve Kirsch
Jan 1, 2024

Executive summary

My interview with former Kaiser Permanente Santa Rosa nurse Gail Macrae is the single most devastating interview I’ve done since I first started speaking out against the COVID vaccine in May 2021.

Key points of the interview include:

    Hospitals were actually empty when the press told us they were full.

    90% or more of the COVID deaths were actually caused by the treatment protocols dictated from above, not the virus. There were both early treatments as well as inpatient treatments available that reduced the COVID death rate by over 90%.

    The COVID vaccines increased all-cause mortality in hospitals by up to 80% according to one ICU doctor I spoke to who worked in the same hospital as Gail and made meticulous notes on patient outcomes.

    One of the potential reasons people believed that there was a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” is that the EMR systems were programmed to default all COVID cases to unvaccinated and nurses weren’t told how to change it.

    After the vaccines rolled out for an age group is when the hospitals started seeing very unusual things they’ve never seen or rarely seen before for that age group.

    Doctors are still afraid to speak out.

Bottom line: it wasn’t the virus that caused the pandemic. It was our response to the virus (top-down dictated treatment protocols and vaccination directives) that caused nearly all the morbidity and mortality. It was all preventable had we listened to the people that our government wanted to silence.

Today, there is still a total lack of transparency of what happened in hospitals in 2021 after the shots rolled out. If the protocols and vaccinations were a huge success, why aren’t we seeing any hospital publish their numbers?

The 90 minute interview


Key learnings: COVID period

    All Sonoma county hospitals were at or below annual admission averages for the entire year of 2020.

    Stanford Hospital was dead empty in April 2020, a time when the press said hospitals were overwhelmed. At peak, there were 11 COVID patients at Stanford. The peak number in the ICU was 4.  The thinking at Stanford at the time was that the cases were low because everyone followed the protocol dictated by the health authority. They had no idea that every other hospital was experiencing the same lack of patients. It had nothing to do with the mitigation protocols.

    Gail doesn’t know of any hospitals in California that were full of COVID patients. Her hospital was running at a fraction of capacity during this “crisis” (at peak they had 10 of the 30 COVID beds filled). They were sending staff members home because there wasn’t anything for them to do at work. The hospitals were like ghost towns. Note: 10 or fewer beds until November/December 2020, which is the normal time of year when hospitals fill every winter.

    Most of the COVID deaths were actually caused by the COVID treatment protocols, not the virus. Gail and an ICU doctor I spoke with after the call estimated that at least 90% of the people who died were killed by the “COVID protocol.”

    I also checked with Paul Marik and he agreed that the 90% of those who died in the hospital from COVID were killed by the protocol would be a fair estimate. Paul worked in the ICU at the time and had close to 100% success rate in saving COVID patients (only a few patients who came in really late or had a lot of comorbidities died). He was told to switch to the “hospital protocol” based on CDC guidance. He complied and 7 out of his next 7 patients died including one patient who was just 22 years old. Paul was not allowed by the hospital to use his protocol to save patient lives, so he resigned.

    Hospitals force doctors to comply with the COVID protocols that were designed by the medical associations. If the doctors don’t comply, they will be fired and lose their license to practice medicine. So, unless they are ready to retire, they all comply even though it is killing people.

    The hospital protocols are a two-edged sword: they withhold drugs like strong steroids that can save a patient’s life, and they administer drugs like remdesivir which causes people to die sooner. Or they will put people on ventilators. One nurse who got COVID threatened to sue the hospital if she didn’t get steroids. She got steroids and she’s alive today. I heard from a former Kaiser doc that high net worth patients are also able to negotiate treatment options.

    One of the reasons it was a pandemic of the unvaccinated is that Gail said that the EMR systems like EPIC were programmed to default all COVID cases to be
    ”unvaccinated” and nurses weren’t told how to change it. They would make notations in the chart, but the statistics the hospital reports are based on the vaccine status field, not from notes. So anyone looking at hospital statistics could reasonably conclude that this is a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” This happened in Kaiser. Unclear how many EPIC clients had the same programming.

Key learnings: Vaccine period


        Gail knew of at least 2 anaphylaxis reports in her unit after getting the very first shot of the COVID vaccine. There are 25 people in her unit. Both said they would be fired if they spoke about it and were very reluctant to disclose this information to Gail. Note: 2 anaphylaxis cases in 25 injections is a train wreck. The Pfizer Phase 3 trial reported no cases of anaphylaxis in the over 22,000 people who got the shots. So this should have stopped the shots immediately because there was clearly something seriously wrong with the manufactured product (compared to what was given to the trial participants). But nobody said anything because they didn’t want to get fired.

        Gail heard reports from a nurse doing vaccinations of the public of up to 8-12 anaphylaxis within 15 minutes of the shot per shift (around 100 people vaccinated per shift). This sounds very high and I was unable to verify this (the person no longer works at Kaiser). Have you heard of similar stats? Please let me know in the comments.

        The peer-reviewed literature says the rates of anaphylaxis after the COVID shot are 2.4 cases per 10,000 doses. In the Pfizer trial, there were 0 cases of anaphylaxis reported. Doctors are trained to trust the clinical trial data and assume that the injected vaccine is the same as the vaccine tested in the trial.

    Some medical staff were told that if you report a vaccine side effect to VAERS, you would be fired.

    Post Mar 2021, patients were admitted for a variety of unusual symptoms: clotting disorders she’d never heard of before, heart abnormalities, strokes, rapid onset autoimmune, rapid onset dementia. Basically, lots of very rare adverse events happening at a frequency that she had never seen before. She had 2 cases of Guillain Barre happening 24 hours after a vaccine, for example. So 4 total in 6 weeks (two confirmed less than 24 hours after the shot). Previously, 2 cases total in the previous 9 years. So something is causing this and it never happened during COVID.

    Younger people started going to the hospital with unusual symptoms starting when the vaccine rolled out for their age group.

    She experienced roughly an 8X increase in code blues being called (over hospital com systems) directly associated with onset of vaccination. This never happened during COVID.

    In the summer of 2021, there were 3X higher admissions than the peak of the past 30 years (she misspoke in the video; she said 300% and she meant 3X).

    After the vaccines rolled out for an age group is when the hospitals started seeing weird things they’ve never seen before that age group.

    The COVID vaccines increased all-cause mortality in hospitals by up to 80% according to an ICU doctor I spoke with at Gail’s hospital.

Key learning: General

    Doctors are still afraid to speak out. They don’t want to lose their job, license, or be ostracized by their peers. So they stay silent. I talked to one doctor at Gail’s hospital and she said she didn’t know how many doctors were “red pilled” because nobody brings it up. It’s a taboo topic.

Confirmation by others

My doctor, nurse, and paramedic friends corroborate what is said in this video.

If you have any nurses or doctors who believe Gail is not accurately representing what happened inside her hospital, please let me know in the comments.
An open call for counter-examples

I posted on X asking for a nurse or doctor to come forward and talk about how the vaccines reduced morbidity and mortality, but not a single person was willing to do that.

The post had over 16,000 views, but I didn’t get a single name!

But what I did get instead were posts like this one:




The COVID pandemic was created by our response to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The hospital treatment protocols and the COVID vaccines were the two biggest offenders.

Today, most doctors are afraid to speak out about what is really happening. They stay silent. Few doctors want to lose their job or their medical license. So the killing will continue.

I hope that watching this video will help people to understand what is really happening. Educating people on what is going on is essential for change to happen.

Jeff barton
10 hrs ago

3X is 300%. At least if you believe percenrages greater than 100 make any sense. Properly, percentages are fractions less than one ie 0 to 100% and multiplicative effects should be expressed as 2x, 3X etc. Somewhere along the line, likely from marketing, the habbit of expressing multiplicative effects as percentages greater than 100 came into fashion. Probably focus group tested to confirm that people were more impressed with 300% improvement compared with 3X improvement. I am going to get that pill that increases testosterone by 300% while you, girly man, will probably still have man boobs after taking that other pill which only increases T by 3X.

Joshua Shalet
18 hrs ago

There is no virus


A summary of the evidence against the COVID vaccines
Here's a quick summary of the key pieces of evidence that taken together show that the COVID vaccines are unsafe and that the medical community should not be trusted.
Steve Kirsch
Jan 7, 2024

Here is a short list of reasons that everyone should be concerned about the COVID vaccine. This is not an exhaustive list.

1    Doctors are told to trust the FDA and CDC when prescribing vaccines. All the post-marketing safety data is kept hidden by health authorities so not even doctors can look at the data themselves to find out if any vaccine is safe. Doctors thus have no choice but to trust the authorities since the data is kept secret. They are essentially told: “do what we tell you to do, do not question authority or we will take away your license.”

Quote:Rule #
1. Don't Trust
2. Very
3. Follow 1 & 2 Every time

2 The CDC itself doesn’t have the data to make a post-marketing independent vaccine safety assessment and they are not interested in obtaining the data either! The CDC relies on the FDA who relies on the manufacturer to test the product. The CDC could ask states for vaccination records tied to death records, but they don’t want to even ask because if they did a safety analysis, it could be discovered in a FOIA request. The CDC basically has no interest whatsoever in verifying what the actual safety data is. When I offered to show them the NZ data before I published it (so they would finally have record level data), they declined to look at it.

3 Lack of transparency by health authorities. Not a single health authority anywhere in the world has ever released anonymized record-level patient data for independent researchers to assess the safety of any vaccine. There isn’t any paper in a peer-reviewed journal showing that health outcomes are improved if public health data is kept secret.

4 Lack of interest in data transparency by the medical community. Can you name a single high-profile pro-vaccine member of the medical community who has called for data transparency of public health data? Time-series cohort analyses can be easily produced by health authorities and published for everyone to see. These would show safety signals and do not jeopardize patient privacy. These are always kept hidden. The lone exception is the UK ONS, but they made their “buckets” so large that you cannot see the impact of the vaccine. When I asked them to redo their analysis with smaller buckets, they stopped responding to me.

5 We aren’t allowed to see even the simplest of charts. Wouldn’t it be great to define two cohorts on July 1, 2021: COVID vaccinated vs. COVID unvaccinated. Then you simply record the deaths from that point forward and plot them. Why isn’t this being published?

6 Misinformation is deemed to be a problem, but the people making these statements are unwilling to take any steps to stop the so-called misinformation. These steps include: open public discussion to resolve differences of opinion and making public health data available/public in a way that preserves privacy. For example, HHS (as well as every state health department) should welcome all of us with open arms and invite us to query their databases (such as VSD and Medicare in the case of HHS) and publish the results of those queries for everyone to see. Why does this information need to be hidden? The numbers tell the story, not the individual records.

7 No response from health authorities to reasonable requests. I’ve sent emails to Sarah Caul of the UK ONS on four ways the ONS can increase data transparency. There was no response.

8 No response when asked to explain damaging evidence. When credible scientists receive government data that shows very troubling safety signals, there is a total unwillingness of any health authority (or mainstream epidemiologists) to discuss the matter and resolve it. They won’t do it publicly and they won’t do it privately. Not for anything. You can offer to donate $1M to their institution and they still won’t talk to you. We saw this when Peter Hotez was offered millions of dollars to publicly debate RFK Jr. and he turned it down.

9 The US Medicare data clearly shows mortality increases after people take the jab. Is there any epidemiologist who can explain why deaths rose during a period in time when they should have been falling (per the Medicare death data)?


For the first 120 days after the shots given in March 2021, death rates overall were falling. But death rates went up for those who got the shot. We know from data from other vaccines that the baseline death rate of 81-year-olds in Medicare is 3.85%, so the baseline death rate of this group is <800 deaths a day. These deaths climb far above baseline after you took the COVID shot.

10 The patient-level data released from NZ data confirms that mortality increases after the shots are given. This happens even when the shots were given during time periods when deaths were falling. Nobody’s been able to explain that. In every shot, the mortality is higher at 24 weeks than at 4 weeks, regardless of the season that the shot is given in. The male:female risk of death was also dose dependent which should be impossible if the vaccines are safe (I restricted the age range to 40 to 77 so there is no age confounding in the comparison). There is no epidemiologist in the world that has looked at the NZ data and declared that this data proves the vaccine is safe. Nor is there any epidemiologist calling for the full dataset to be released. They simply do not want to know the truth. https://kirschsubstack.com/p/data-from-u...nd-the-new https://kirschsubstack.com/p/nz-data-sho...-mortality


New Zealand’s baseline death rates and peak are up since the COVID vaccine rollout. These were supposed to reduce mortality, but they increased it to record levels. The “explanation” that this is due to population growth is a mirage; annual deaths per capita increased in New Zealand (they never talk about that).


NZ data: Doses 2 and 4 were given while background mortality was falling, dose 3 while rising. So we’d expect the slope to fall in the first 6 months after vaccination. It does the opposite.

11 Anecdotes such as the one from Jay Bonnar who lost 15 of his DIRECT friends unexpectedly since the shots rolled out. Four of the 15 died on the same day as that vaccine was given. Before the shots rolled out, Jay had lost only one friend unexpectedly. The probability this happened by chance is given by poisson.sf(14, .25) which is 5.6e-22. So this can’t happen by chance. SOMETHING killed Jay’s friends and 4 of the 15 died on the same day as they were vaccinated. Is there a more plausible explanation for what killed Jay’s friends? All of them who died were vaccinated with the COVID vaccines. https://kirschsubstack.com/p/jay-bonnars...tistically

12 Studies like the one done by Denis Rancourt showing 1 death per 800 shots on average. Jay Bonnar estimates he has around 14,000 friends so Jay Bonnar’s numbers are consistent with Rancourt’s results. https://denisrancourt.substack.com/p/cov...-mortality

13 Survey data like Skidmore and Rasmussen Reports showing that hundreds of thousands of Americans have been killed by the COVID shots. There have never been any counter surveys published showing this not to be the case. The Rasmussen polls have shown that a comparable number of people have been killed by the shots as by the virus (and the treatment protocols for the virus). https://kirschsubstack.com/p/msu-profess...exonerated https://kirschsubstack.com/p/rasmussen-p...-americans

14 The lack of any success stories. It appears that “vaccine success stories” where COVID infection fatality ratios dropped or that myocarditis cases plummeted after the vaccines rolled out do not exist. The US Nursing home data shows that the infection fatality rate (IFR) increased after the vaccine rolled out. There is nobody using that data making the claim it reduced the IFR. At best, the vaccines did absolutely nothing. If you showed someone a graph of cases and deaths, nobody would be able to tell you when the vaccines rolled out. Conversely, after the shots rolled out, the “failure stories” skyrocketed. https://kirschsubstack.com/p/the-us-nurs...evastating

15 Anecdotes from healthcare are extremely troubling. One nurse reported a hospital admission rate that was 3X higher than anything in the 33-year history of the hospital after the COVID vaccines rolled out. Symptoms rarely ever seen were common after vaccines rolled out in that age group. https://kirschsubstack.com/p/the-single-...-interview

16 Lack of autopsies in clinical trials and post-marketing. The CDC doesn’t request anyone to do autopsies even for people who die on the same day as they got the vaccine. Don’t they want to know what killed those people… just to be sure?

17 Young people dying in sleep. There are way too many cases of young people who die in their sleep after being vaccinated. Doctors say this is a rare event. Now it is much more common. If the shots are safe, why is this happening?

18 I have direct personal experience with the vaccine: two people I know were killed by the vaccine, none from COVID. I know many people who are vaccine injured from the COVID vaccine.

19 Corruption in the VAERS system used to track adverse events. See this presentation by Albert Albert Benavides. In addition, the v-safe system showed that 8% of the people who got the vaccine had to see medical attention (which is in itself a train wreck), but the CDC refused to voluntarily disclose this important information and even today they don’t talk about it. https://icandecide.org/v-safe-data/

20 The CDC covered up 770 safety signals. They didn’t tell the public about them at all. Not even hinting at them. A safety signal is very serious. To get one safety signal would be concerning. But to get 770 safety signals triggered (on 770 different adverse event types) and then not say anything to the public about it is a sure sign of a very corrupt public agency whose job is to protect the manufacturers, not the public.

21 Ed Dowd’s book statistics. This very popular book (“Cause Unknown”) listed 500 who died unexpectedly. Ed didn’t know how many were unvaccinated. Only one person has come forward saying that one of the people in the book who died after the vaccines rolled out was unvaccinated. https://www.amazon.com/Cause-Epidemic-Su...510776397/

22 Prominent doctor/scientists switching sides. Paul Marik is one of the top intensivists in the world. After seeing many COVID vaccine injured patients, he changed his mind about the safety of vaccines. When he was not allowed to practice medicine consistent with his Hippocratic Oath, he resigned his position.

23 The corruption with COVID protocols. The COVID hospital protocols likely caused 90% of the COVID deaths in hospitals. This led to Paul Marik resigning. See details in this article. Why are doctors forced to use hospital protocols that kill a huge percentage of patients instead of using their best judgment to save patients? https://kirschsubstack.com/p/the-single-...-interview

24 This JAMA paper shows that COVID and influenza vaccines don’t work. Why are we pushing a vaccine where the statistics clearly show the vaccines don’t work? Not for infection, not for hospitalization, and not for death.

25 The consistency of the data. There have been no counter-anecdotes showing the vaccines are safe. I keep looking for one and come up empty.

26 No debates with anyone prominent promoting the government narrative. Those who promote the narrative refuse to engage in any scientific discussions to resolve differences of opinion. This is similar to the question of whether vaccines cause autism: nobody who thinks it doesn’t is willing to engage in a public discussion about it to discuss the evidence. Why not resolve the issue through dialog? It isn’t resolved in the peer-review literature where half the papers say vaccines cause autism and the other half don’t. Why can’t we talk about it?

27 Fear and intimidation tactics are used to silence dissent. Open debate would be more productive. But people are not allowed to hold or discuss views that go against the “consensus” or they will lose their jobs, their certifications, or their medical licenses. Health care workers are told they will be fired if they report an adverse event to VAERS, there are nurses who won’t talk about anaphylaxis after getting the vaccine for fear of being fired, vaccine injuries are covered up, hospital workers are afraid to talk about it at work.

28 The cognitive dissonance is very disturbing. When healthcare workers bring up the topic of mortality and morbidity due to the vaccine, their peers say nothing and walk away.

29 Censorship tactics employed by the US government to silence dissent instead of public recorded open debates. History has shown that purveyors of censorship are always on the wrong side of the issue.


30    We have exceeded the stopping condition. The Schwab paper showed people are being killed by the vaccine. The paper established that the rate of deaths was sufficient to halt the vaccine as unsafe. Nobody paid attention. The stopping condition is one death per million doses. So if you give 750M doses, you should have fewer than 750 deaths. The Schwab paper estimated that 14% of the people who died within 20 days of vaccination were killed by the vaccine. 14% of 137,000 people is 19,000 people which is more than 750 people. https://kirschsubstack.com/p/the-schwab-...-the-covid

31    Highly respected scientists are calling for a halt to the vaccine. Peter McCullough has called for an end to the COVID shots, yet it falls on deaf ears. Peter McCullough and European Parliament 14 SEPT 23. Dr. Peter McCullough Calls For Complete Stop To All COVID Injections - Not Safe For Human Use: “I submit to you the COVID-19 vaccines and all of their progeny & future boosters are not safe for human use.” http://youtube.com/watch?v=F3StJGMs0Q4

32    The only immunity provided is to the manufacturers. Why, if the vaccines are so safe, is it necessary to have liability protection for everyone involved in the manufacture and distribution of the vaccines?

33    Why isn’t anyone taking my money? I’ve offered millions of dollars to back my claims of harm. To date, just one person in the world, Saar Wilf, has accepted one of my bets, and not for the full $1M offering price. Moderna and Pfizer should be taking my bet, but they are staying clear.

34    The math never lies. Scientific studies are wrong all the time. But Poisson distributions cannot be gamed. Three simple anecdotes: Apple Valley Village (0 COVID deaths in 27 cases pre-vaccine vs. 90 cases with 28 deaths post-vaccine and it’s the same variant; Jay Bonnar who lost 15 friends, all vaccinated, unexpectedly (and 4 on the same day as the shot) vs. 1 loss in his history; Ed Dowd’s book with just one unvaccinated person of the 500 died unexpectedly deaths listed in his book. Any of these would stand on their own, but all three remove all doubt. And these are just a small sample. If the vaccines worked, these cases would simply not exist.

The bottom line is that the:
1    lack of data transparency
2    lack of accountability (no questions can be asked)
3    censorship and intimidation tactics
4    lack of liability
5    real-world anecdotes that don’t match the safe and effective rhetoric
6    health policies that are based politics instead of science

should be very troubling to anyone still in possession of critical thinking skills.

Jan 9
Amazing summary of facts. I was wondering if you’ve seen the Tucker Carlson interview of Dr. Bret Weinstein recalling a scientific conference anecdote of an estimated 17 million worldwide deaths attributed to the vaccine and whether, based on your research, that is an irrational estimate.

Jan 9
The Covid-19 fraud uses the same pattern as the Post Office fraud

The PO’s unlimited power flows from the UK government that it uses to crush individuals e.g. the post-masters/mistresses.

Likewise the drug-companies power (children are forced by force of law to be vaccinated before they can go to school, hence baseline income is guaranteed by the State.) During covid, this was reinforced by government-force (mandates), using tax-payer’s money against the tax-payers.

In the past it was possible to escape to another country to avoid imposition but now all countries in the West did the same thing at the same time, so escape was impossible, in fact the “freer” countries were worse e.g. the USA, Canada and Australia.

We know how difficult it is to sue the government from the PO fraud of the last 20 years and only a few hundred or maybe a few thousand (including most of our 650 MPs) are involved (why did only a few MPs actually stand up for the > 700 post masters and mistresses who were falsely-convicted? Only James Arbutnot MP and a few others actually tried to do anything about it) - but suddenly, after the TV drama of last week, they are all falling over each other to try to see if anything can be done!!!

This is the same pattern as Covid e.g. the UK government was warned about the vaccines by a group headed by Dr Mike Yeadon over two years ago - so they all knew that the vaccines would be a failure (today the phase III trials have just ended and phase IV has just began (the long-term risks) ) - and what happened from early 2021 to Today? A huge increase in excess mortality! And what are all Western governments doing about that? Nothing, just as they did in the PO fraud - they do this because *they* are responsible, and they don’t want to know.

As an example of this deliberate see-no-evil, did you know that the secret-Pfizer contracts actually state e.g. that the vaccines are intended to “...prevent of the human disease Covid 19…”? (a clear breach of contract).

No, nor did Viva Frei (Robert Barnes is suing Pfizer for lying e.g. “safe and effective”) see from 01:50:00 here:


We know from the famous Rob Roos question of Pfizer, that “No, heh heh, we never tested the covid vaccines for transmission!”:


The little post mistresses and masters tried to pay off the false-debts that the PO inflicted on them with their life-savings and their freedom (and some committed suicide) and their standing in the community, but the PO (i.e. the State) was merciless, just as Today, even with autopsy-proof of the lethality of the vaccines, the State will not even pay-out the pathetic £120,000 compensation (because the State does not have any money, only your money).

There is an old saying, “The sheep worry their whole life about the wolf, only to be eaten by the shepherd.”


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  Dr. Peter McCullough | The House Of Medicine Is On Fire
Posted by: Hissil - 01-11-2024, 12:48 AM - Forum: COVID-19 News - No Replies

Dr. McCullough: ‘Hyper-Vaccination’ of Children Likely Behind Rise in Autism, Transgenderism
In a comprehensive speech, the renowned cardiologist documented the crimes of the ‘biopharmaceutical complex,’ including the ‘skyrocketing’ of ‘all-cause mortality’ around the world which continues even after two years.
By Patrick Delaney
December 26, 2023


Dr Peter McCullough | The House Of Medicine Is On Fire
Here is a great very recent presentation from Dr Peter McCullough given to the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons on October 23, 2023. Dr McCullough is always enlightening; here is hard indisputable evidence that shows how criminal the covid agenda has and continues to be.

Dr. Peter McCullough, an eminent cardiologist and prominent critic of the COVID medical establishment, provided a comprehensive well-documented presentation to colleagues regarding crimes of the “biopharmaceutical complex,” the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the causes of the hundreds of thousands of deaths from the COVID “vaccine,” and how studies now show a connection between the “hyper-vaccination” of children, high rates of autism, and individuals going forward for transgender surgery.

McCullough, who has made the case that no one in the world has more authority on the topic of COVID-19 than him, provided detailed analysis of multiple scientific studies and data reports (many linked below) demonstrating the government’s intentional suppression of effective early treatments for the virus, the best course of preparation for the projected next pandemic (nasal sprays), and how children “going natural with no shots” have better overall health outcomes “based on contemporary analysis.”

Addressing the annual meeting of the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons on October 27, the epidemiologist and internist focused first on the unnatural origins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and its apparent subsequent cover-up drawing from a report by a committee of the U.S. House of Representatives titled, The Proximal Origin of a Cover-Up: Did the ‘Bethesda Boys’ Downplay a Lab Leak?

Under chairman Dr. Brad Wenstrup (R-OH), the Select SubcommIttee on the Coronavirus Pandemic documented its case on how Drs. Anthony Fauci, Francis Collins and others fraudulently sought to “disprove” the “lab-leak theory” of the virus by publishing a March 2020 paper based on “fatally flawed science.” Titled The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2 the report proposed to establish “that SARS-CoV-2 is not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus.”

Yet McCullough highlighted how two papers by Ralph Baric of the University of North Carolina (UNC) in 2015 and 2016, published in Nature Medicine, announced that his university, the EcoHealth Alliance and the Chinese government together created SARS-CoV-2.

“It’s memorialized in the 2015 and 2016 literature that they created a chimeric virus merging bat and human coronaviruses and clearly showing it could infect and invade humanized respiratory epithelial cells in a mouse model,” he said. The fact that SARS-CoV-2 was created in a lab is “cited in the reports!”

It’s even obvious given one of the paper’s titles, SARS-like WIV1-CoV poised for human emergence, he said. “They had created it and it was ready to emerge into human populations as soon as it was released or got out of the lab. The papers are clear.”

Therefore, it’s more than evident that “Anthony Fauci, a key player in this… orchestrated a cover up that the virus, SARS-CoV-2, was engineered by U.S. and Chinese researchers in the lab in Wuhan, China,” McCullough explained. “Fauci organized a cadre of scientists and other regulatory officials to lie to the United States and the world for three years and say that it came out of nature. He conspired to conceal a worldwide global health threat.”

COVID-19 virus created to be ‘lethal to the human body,’ vaccine coded for spike protein, by the same biopharmaceutical complex

Furthermore, as part of the virus’ creation in a lab, “the genetic code for the spike protein was intentionally manipulated to make this spike protein invasive and lethal to the human body.” McCullough revealed.

And the records show that gene-based “vaccine” manufacturer Moderna “had the code to the spike protein years before the pandemic,” including a “material transfer agreement” with Baric and UNC. And before becoming the CEO of Moderna, Stéphane Bancel was CEO of BioMérieux, which also built the Wuhan lab’s biosecurity annex for the Chinese.

Therefore, “the lab that created the virus, and the man and the company that created the first vaccine with the U.S., are all working together,” McCullough emphasized. “This is a biopharmaceutical complex. This actually is a crime.”

“And people are numb to this mind-blowing reality that a virus could be engineered, then ultimately infect the entire world and get people sick. And that a vaccine is coded for the lethal part of the virus, the spike protein,” he said. And further, “that we would actually create the genetic code for the lethal part of the virus and then inject that genetic code into the human body [to produce the spike protein]. Everybody should be alarmed with that notion.”

An estimated 636,000 vaccine deaths so far in the U.S. alone, and counting

Recalling how he found himself a lone voice raising alarm about the “great gamble of COVID-19 vaccine development” as early as August 2020, and with a group of 57 authors in 17 countries ten months later demanding answers regarding safety concerns from every government administering the injections, McCullough admonished, “from the very beginning, these vaccines should have been strongly questioned by any doctor worth their salt. Based on these considerations, there should have never been a presumption by any medical school or any academic medical center that these would be safe.”

“And remember, we always discuss safety before efficacy, always,” he stressed. “The presumption that [the injections] were safe, and then the even more tenuous presumption that they would work was ridiculous.” Additionally, this baseless presumption was made “by every single dean of every single medical school in the United States. Shame on them. Shame on them for not having the insight and the courage and the intellectual strength to just question this entire endeavor.”

From the beginning of the vaccine roll out, “the safety review has been a disaster” continued McCullough, who has himself authored 691 articles in scientific peer-reviewed journals and remains the most published individual in his field in history.

“By April of 2021,” the injury reports for the shots were “off the Richter scale” on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) sponsored by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, he said citing a paper from that time demonstrating the enormous spikes in vaccine harms that year.

While showing current deaths from the injections in the U.S. alone, as voluntarily reported in VAERS, counting 18,188 at the time, he emphasized “this is a gross underreporting” citing a testimony of Dr. David Wiseman whereby the FDA advisory committee “accepted an underreporting factor of 35” which “means the real number of Americans who have probably died after taking one of these vaccines is over 636,000… in the last three years.”

Even this estimate can be seen as significantly conservative since a 2010 Harvard-executed study commissioned by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) revealed that “fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events” are reported to VAERS, and vaccine manufacturer Connaught Laboratories calculated at least a “fifty-fold underreporting of adverse events” in a confidential study.

“We’ve heard lectures concerned about abortions, concerned about [the] ‘brain dead,’ concerned about euthanasia in the elderly. Where’s the concern over 636,000 Americans dying after a vaccine under our watch? You can see the lack of recognition, the cloudiness to this” in the minds of those in the medical field.
‘The batches are not the same,’ variability in mRNA concentration, contaminated DNA, impurities with no inspections behind heavy injuries

Citing a March 2023 paper by Max Schmeling and co-authors, McCullough affirmed that “the batches are not the same” showing that fortunately, around 30% of batches provided virtually “zero side effects, not even a sore arm,” while another two thirds cause modest side effects and 4.2% where “the side effect rate is quite high.”

READ: Small percent of vaccine batches responsible for large number of adverse reactions, analysts claim

Proposed reasons for this include some vials having a hyper-concentration of mRNA aggregation, including lipid nanoparticles, while other studies have reported finding contaminated DNA in the substance. A third possibility is simply impurities in the products for which the Japanese “returned millions of vials,” though “Americans have not returned them,” he said.

“Pfizer says they do 40 inspections of each vial, but they haven’t produced a single inspection report,” the public health expert said. “Moderna doesn’t even say they inspect it. The FDA has said they’ve never inspected the vials. We’re three years into this. Where’s the FDA, contractors, and others to inspect for quality, purity and safety? We inspect Tylenol for crying out loud [and we have] no inspections of Covid-19 vaccines mass administered to Americans?”
Fatal dangers persist at least up to two years following injections. Over 3,400 peer-reviewed papers on vaccine injuries, disabilities, and death.

With such failures of inspection, “the news on the vaccines every day is bad,” McCullough continued. “There’s not a single piece of good news since they’ve come out. Four major areas of proven damage to the body with these vaccines [include] Cardiovascular, neurologic, hematologic and immunologic,” with cancer not yet being proven, but “emerging.”

In order to illustrate this point the cardiologist went through the health damage done to a variety of public figures including former Tampa Bay Buccaneers coach Bruce Arians (myocarditis), Justin Bieber’s wife (blood clot to the brain), Jamie Fox (stroke), Kirk Herbstreit (multiple blood clots), and Megyn Kelly (autoimmune problems).

In fact, “we have over 3,400 peer reviewed papers on vaccine injuries, disabilities, and death. The literature is loaded with this, and there’s a strong bias against publication of any of these papers. It’s very hard to publish a paper on vaccine side effects. Very hard. And yet there’s still 3,400,” he said.

Such papers include one from Harvard studying children in the hospital with COVID vaccine myocarditis. “No vaccine should wind American kids up in the hospital with myocarditis. It’s wrong.” And considering that the extremely low risk of young people to the COVID-19 virus, they could only be subject to risks with no real benefit.

Another study by Jessica Rose and McCullough revealed that the chances of getting myocarditis increase with each additional injection.

Furthermore, “if someone is following the U.S. government instructions right now from the CDC and FDA, they’re on their ninth shot. Ninth!” he said. And “these vaccines are given with no caution at all for damage to the human body.” Yet, another paper from Yale indicates “damage to the heart is not repairing in 80%” of the patients.

Providing evidence for such damage, the cardiologist commented that as soon as a single fatal case of myocarditis was confirmed in 2021 these injections should have been pulled off the market.

Taking a closer look at the documentation of one incident of a “perfectly healthy” 22-year-old young man who died five days following a Pfizer injection, McCullough explained he died seven hours after arriving at the hospital. Despite all the resuscitative measures, his heart is destroyed with inflammation, the conduction system, everything gone. They can’t save him. The hospital can’t save a 22-year-old young man,” due to this shot.

Two other autopsy reports of teenaged boys who died in their sleep were examined by experts at prestigious American universities and conclude these adolescent boys died of “Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine induced myocarditis.”

Other examples, including a 44 year-old pastor named Andrew Dunnigan who died in his sleep, and the sad story of basketball player Oscar Cabrera Adames, reveal that heart damage from the injections persists for at least two years. A press release said Dunnigan “died of natural causes,” McCullough regretted. “Do you know that this term ‘died of natural causes’ has been extended down to five-year-olds and seven-year-olds?”

“There is no other explanation for the massive numbers of sudden deaths that we are witnessing all over the world. All-cause mortality is skyrocketing. There is no other explanation. It is clear. The Covid-19 vaccine is responsible for excess death,” he said.

Explaining a large study from China which found “a fourfold increased rate of arterial and venous embolism in the retinal vessels in the back of the eye,” McCullough said “people who take the shots are prothrombotic. We are seeing in our office people coming in with blood clots two years after taking these shots.”

Furthermore, after conducting an autopsy study which found 74% of the cases clearly indicated “the vaccine was contributing to or causing the death,” the Lancet pulled it off their server following “record downloads,” he recalled. And yet, “the consent form [for the vaccine] doesn’t warn somebody that they can die of a fatal heart condition … or a fatal blood clot. They’re not safe. And it’s your responsibility to talk to each and every one of your patients, your colleagues and others.”
Correlations between ‘hyper-vaccination’ of children, spikes in autism, and transgender disorder

McCullough went on to lay out the mounting evidence that the enormous increase of childhood vaccine regimens has dramatically increased the rates of autism, which in turn may explain the rise in transgenderism as those going forward for such damaging treatments tend have this disorder.

“We know that there’s been an acceleration of the vaccine schedule with no attention to safety of the combined products,” he explained providing multiple reports for backup. “And now we had very good data from one study demonstrating that once we got to multiple vaccines in combination, the rates of autism began to come up in the United States.”

While the exact cause of autism remains elusive, the epidemiologist observed that when he was a child the rate was 1 in 10,000 and now it is 1 in 36. “The biggest change that’s occurred with the immune system is hyper-vaccination of our children. When I was born, there were five shots. A kid today faces 180.”

Furthermore, McCullough named five studies that show “going natural with no shots during childhood” equates to “better outcomes” including “lower rates of asthma, allergic dermatitis… attention deficit disorder, Asperger’s disease and autism.”

Therefore, “it’s safer to take no shots based on contemporary analysis.”

Regarding to the LGBT phenomenon, with the exponentially increased rates of autism, it remains relevant that high percentages of individuals “going forward for transgender surgery tend to have autism,” which is supported by multiple studies.

And further studies show that “transgender programs increase the burden of psychiatric care. They don’t reduce it. They increase it,” he explained.

Citing another paper in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), McCullough summarized that so-called transgender medicine “increases mortality for homicide, suicide and other causes.”

“Transgender medicine is bad medicine. Period. And it should have been banned everywhere. We shouldn’t even have a ban because no ethical doctor would perform bad medicine,” he said.

Thus, in summary, “we have twin epidemics of autism and related transgenderism. The vast majority of kids volunteering their bodies to change gender have autism or autism spectrum disorder. You have to realize that they are being preyed upon and they are being indoctrinated,” he concluded.

    American Association Of Physicians And SurgeonsAnthony FauciAutismChildhood vaccinationChildhood vaccine riskschildhood vaccinesChildhood Vaccines ScheduleCovid VaccineCOVID vaccine adverse eventscovid vaccine childrenCOVID vaccine myocarditisCOVID-19 booster shotsCOVID-19 crisisCovid-19 Death NumbersDr. Francis CollinsDr. Peter McculloughDr. Ralph BaricEcohealth AllianceExcess DeathsFrancis Collinsharms of transgenderismPeter McculloughRalph Baricsars-cov-2SARS-CoV-2 virusTransgenderismTransgenderism in schoolsvaccine-induced autismvaccines and autism


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  Nearly Half of All U.S. COVID Cases Are This New Variant | Dr. Mercola
Posted by: Hissil - 01-11-2024, 12:48 AM - Forum: COVID-19 News - No Replies

Nearly Half of All U.S. COVID Cases Are This New Variant | Dr. Mercola
By Dr. Joseph Mercola
January 10, 2024


The latest SARS-CoV-2 variant, JN.1, was first detected in the U.S. in September 2023. By mid-December, it accounted for about half of all COVID cases in the country,1 and calls to get the latest “updated” COVID shot resumed. Cases associated with this variant are also on the rise in the U.K., China and India.2

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the rapid spread of JN.1 suggests it may be more transmissible and/or has greater immune-evading abilities:3

“JN.1 is similar to BA.2.86 but has an additional mutation (L455S) in the spike protein. JN.1 continues to cause an increasing share of infections and is now the most widely circulating variant in the United States.

For the two weeks ending on December 23, 2023, JN.1 is expected to account for 39-50% of all SARS-CoV-2 variants. That’s an increase from the projected prevalence two weeks ago of 15-29%.

We’re also seeing an increasing share of infections caused by JN.1 in travelers, wastewater, and most regions around the globe. JN.1’s continued growth suggests that the variant is either more transmissible or better at evading our immune systems than other circulating variants.”

JN.1 Is Not Associated With More Severe Disease

The CDC does, however, stress that JN.1 does not appear to cause more severe disease than any of the other variants we’ve seen in the last couple of years, most of which have caused nothing more than common cold symptoms. The New York Times even noted:4

“As far as experts can tell, JN.1 does not seem to be causing severe illness in most other people, though even a mild case can still make you feel ‘quite miserable for three or four days,’ Dr. [William] Schaffner [infectious disease specialist at Vanderbilt University Medical Center] said.

The symptoms of a JN.1 infection are similar to those caused by previous COVID variants, including a cough, fever, body aches and fatigue … JN.1 will most likely remain the dominant version of the coronavirus through spring, Dr. Schaffner said.”

According to data from the British Office for National Statistics, the most commonly reported symptoms among COVID-19 patients in December 2023 included:5,6


Of these, the only symptoms that can be considered “novel” are problems sleeping and worry/anxiety, which could easily be the natural outgrowth of having spent the last four years bombarded with fear-based propaganda about COVID.

Mass Vaccinating During Active Pandemic Is a Disaster

Despite three years of evidence to the contrary, the CDC still insists that existing vaccines are the best way to protect yourself against JN.1. In the video above, vaccinologist Geert Vanden Bossche, Ph.D., discusses the challenges of controlling transmission with vaccines, as even with mRNA technology we’re still chasing the virus.

His resume includes work with GSK Biologicals, Novartis Vaccines, Solvay Biologicals and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. As some of you may recall, in 2021, Vanden Bossche7 published an open letter8 to the World Health Organization in which he warned that implementing a global mass vaccination campaign during the height of the pandemic could create an “uncontrollable monster” where evolutionary pressure will force the emergence of new and potentially more dangerous mutations.

“There can be no doubt that continued mass vaccination campaigns will enable new, more infectious viral variants to become increasingly dominant and ultimately result in a dramatic incline in new cases despite enhanced vaccine coverage rates. There can be no doubt either that this situation will soon lead to complete resistance of circulating variants to the current vaccines,” Vanden Bossche wrote.9

His warning fell on deaf ears, but evidence clearly shows that he was on the right track. Increasingly, variants have mutated to evade both natural and injection-based immunity, with those having received the COVID shots now being at higher risk of infection than their unjabbed peers.

The COVID Jabs Are Driving Potentially Hazardous Mutations

As explained by Vanden Bossche, the COVID jabs, from the beginning, have produced the wrong immune response, which inevitably leads to immune escape. In summary, when you vaccinate against one variant, in this case the original Wuhan strain, your immune system will produce antibodies against that strain.

When your immune system is then hit with a second variant — as is the case when the vaccine is a step behind — it will be overly focused on the original strain, which allows the second strain to pass through its defenses.

Vanden Bossche’s concern now is the possibility of variants capable of causing more severe symptoms. We haven’t seen that yet, but as he notes in this interview, the mutations are no longer limited to conserved domains shared by many variants, but are also found in other viral proteins, some of which may enhance infection.

He goes on to explain a vaccinology concept called “immune refocusing,” which is how more dangerous viruses can be created. Immune refocusing happens when you have a vaccine breakthrough infection, meaning the vaccine did not result in enough neutralizing antibodies to block the virus. This is also known as a “leaky vaccine.”

The breakthrough infection boosts production of previously induced antibodies, giving you very high titers. And, while they have very low neutralizing capacity, the sheer number of them can still have some neutralizing, albeit short-lived, effect on the virus.

During the time the antibodies have this neutralizing effect, they bind to the dominant epitopes (an epitope is the part of the antigen that is recognized by your immune system), and by doing so, the subdominant epitopes that normally are outcompeted by the dominant ones can now be recognized by your immune system.

By continuing with boosters, we accelerate immune escape. Over time, variants will get better and better at evading our immune responses, and those who keep taking boosters will be the most vulnerable to infection of all.

The problem is that once these antibodies begin to lose their neutralizing capacity, they become sub-neutralizing, which allows for the propagation of more infectious variants. The mRNA jabs make immune refocusing all the more likely because they induce antibodies with low affinity to the immunodominant epitopes from the start, and automatically prioritize subdominant epitopes. This, Vanden Bossche explains, is why:

“… after the second dose of mRNA vaccine, we have seen cross-neutralizing antibodies against several different variants. Of course the manufacturers and the WHO were saying, ‘Oh wow, this is great … We are now broadening the immune response.’

[But] they have not taken into account that they [are] generating low-affinity antibodies and that is why they … very rapidly evolve toward sub-neutralization, suboptimal titers that … drive immune escape.”

The key take-home from all of this is that our immune response will never get any better if we continue this way. In fact, by continuing with boosters, all we’re doing is accelerating immune escape, Vanden Bossche warns. Over time, the variants will get better and better at evading our immune responses, and those who keep taking boosters will be the most vulnerable to infection of all.

This is the exact opposite of what vaccination is all about, and could result in an absolute public health disaster, especially should variants also begin to mutate into strains that cause more serious symptoms.

What Concerns Vanden Bossche About JN.1

While JN.1 does not appear to be any more troublesome than previous variants, Vanden Bossche worries about what this particular variant tells us about the immune pressures that gave rise to it in the first place.

The neutralizing domains of the spike protein have completely changed from the original. They’re even completely different from BA.2, from which JN.1 arose, as shown in a November 2023 study in the journal Vaccine.10

The problem, Vanden Bossche explains, is that while vaccine developers point to high titers of neutralizing antibodies against various variants (including JN.1) at two weeks post-jab, they’re ignoring (or hiding) the fact that these are not true neutralizing antibodies. Vanden Bossche refers to them as pseudo-neutralizing, because:

“… they have no specificity for the monovalent epitope. They can only interact with the multimeric presentation of the spike on a viral particle, or on viral aggregates, and therefore their neutralizing effect is very much limited in time, and that is … what JN.1 tells us.

JN.1 is fine in its own right, but it tells us something which is extremely worrisome. It tells us, basically, that the highly vaccinated populations have … progressed their antibodies to stabilizing aggregates that are now primarily taken up by antigen-presenting cells and are driving mitigation of infection, because even vaccinees [vaccine recipients] who are regularly exposed have no severe symptoms …

The vast majority of regularly exposed have, still, relatively mild symptoms, so mitigation of the disease is now explained by the cytotoxic T cells that will abrogate infection, or kill cells that have been infected … That is another way of mitigating the infection, which is driving … more infectious variants like JN.1 …

We see that JN.1 spreads like wildfire. It has outpaced all of the co-circulating variants globally in no time … Secondarily, we see a very clear surge in cases of hospitalization, severe disease and death … in several European countries …

But the most interesting thing, when you look at the changes in JN.1 … there is something extremely spectacular. For the first time, the mutations are no longer limited to conserved domains … those that are shared among several different variants. The mutations seen in JN.1 … are very uncommon.

We are also seeing a number of mutations that aren’t even spike specific anymore. They are located in other viral proteins, and these mutations have an infection-enhancing effect … They are, for example, promoting the efficiency of viral protein synthesis, or they are promoting the efficacy of intracellular viral replication …

What I see is that JN.1 is the result of immune pressure on the virus. An immune pressure that … moved away very clearly from targeting common epitopes that are shared among several different variants … and it moved away from targeting epitopes that are within the spike …

When you put all these things together, you can now clearly confirm that … we have been shifting the immune focusing from the humoral response to a cellular response … This immune refocusing is driven by antibodies of lower and lower affinity … What this means is … none of the updated vaccines will work …

Remember, every single time you have vaccine breakthrough infection, you boost [the pseudo-neutralizing antibodies], but … if this boosting effect no longer takes place, or is diminishing … then you will see a decline in those antibodies …

When the concentration diminishes … infection-enhancing antibodies are a disaster, because these infection-enhancing antibodies are also responsible for inhibiting the virulence of the virus … So now you are going to put suboptimal immune pressure on viral virulence, and that is what’s going on.”

The Jabbed Will Be at Grave Risk if SARS-CoV-2 Becomes More Virulent

Because of the mutations seen in JN.1, Vanden Bossche predicts we will “very soon” see variants that are more virulent, meaning more damaging and deadly. If this happens, healthy unjabbed individuals are unlikely to be affected, according to Vanden Bossche, because their first line of defense — their innate immune system — still works as it should.

As a virus becomes more virulent, it typically has to pay a fitness cost, so it becomes less infectious. In other words, it won’t spread as easily, but when it does infect someone, it causes more severe disease.

Vanden Bossche predicts that since the innate immune systems of the unjabbed have been continuously trained on all these different variants, they are therefore less likely to become infected, and if they do, they will be largely asymptomatic.

The jabbed, on the other hand, whose innate immune systems have not been trained, and whose adaptive immune systems have become increasingly useless thanks to the processes described by Vanden Bossche, will be at very high risk of severe complications and death.

mRNA Jab Causes Off-Target Effects

The latest COVID injections contain a single modified RNA said to correspond to the Omicron variant XBB.1.5., which was the dominant variant in the U.S. for most of 2023, but which has since been replaced by JN.1 and several other variants.

The SARS-CoV-2 virus mutates so quickly, there’s simply no way to keep up, let alone get ahead of it, and as explained above, this catch-up game is ultimately what puts pressure on the virus to mutate, and potentially into a more virulent form.

On top of that, we now also know that the shots are producing off-target proteins in 25% to 30% of recipients, and are contaminated with DNA, both of which have huge potential to cause harm. Until or unless they fix those problems, the risks are simply unacceptable, in my opinion.

But even if these issues were successfully fixed, we’re still facing a situation in which continued boosting will accelerate mutations that could eventually make the virus deadlier again, at least for those who have taken the shots.

It’s basically a death spiral, and the only way to end it is to stop taking boosters. There are no indications that our health authorities will protect the public by withdrawing the COVID shots, so it’s incumbent on each individual person to simply say no.

Got the Jab? Take Action to Safeguard Your Health

If you already got one or more jabs and now have concerns about your health, what can you do? First and foremost, never take another COVID booster, another mRNA gene therapy shot or regular vaccine. You need to end the assault on your system.

If you developed symptoms you didn’t have before your shot, I would encourage you to seek out expert help. At present, the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) seems to have one of the best treatment protocols for post-jab injuries. It’s called I-RECOVER and can be downloaded from covid19criticalcare.com.11

Dr. Pierre Kory, who cofounded the FLCCC, has transitioned to treating the vaccine injured more or less exclusively. For more information, see DrPierreKory.com. Dr. Peter McCullough is also investigating post-jab treatments, which you can find on PeterMcCulloughMD.com.

The World Health Council has also published lists of remedies that can help inhibit, neutralize and eliminate spike protein, which most experts agree is the primary culprit. I covered these in my 2021 article, “World Council for Health Reveals Spike Protein Detox.”


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