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SandyHook, CT Slayings
...another excellent vid, Sovereign.

...about an inch down there's a picture of two stalwart (male?) nuns wearing 511 military tactical shoes in non-suede finish while observing the scene..

"Note: On December 14, 2012, Shepard Ambellas reported the following;
A caller on the Alex Jones show Friday (the day of the shooting) gave a report from Newtown that he was in a bowling alley before 10 AM (before the shootings took place) signifying that the school population was possibly held artificially low Friday as a possible militarized operation took place.

The caller has also stated that an unverified rumor is circulating amongst the school staff that the shooters were described to be disguised ”organized group of nuns”infiltrated the school property to carry out the shootings leaving at least 26 dead at an elementary school Friday.

[Image: Kids-Shooting.png?resize=150%2C150]Now evidence has come forth that correlates with school staff claims that the shooters were “disguised group of nuns” in a shocking audio capture of Newtown Police operations on the morning of the shooting.

By Shepard Ambellas
December 23, 2012

NEWTOWN, CONECTICUT — It has now been verified in an audio clip reviewed that, at the very least, police officers on the day of the shooting believed that there were multiple suspects fleeing the scene in a purple van wearing ski masks and, possibly, nun outfits.

UPDATE: January 9, 2013 — The following police audio (YouTube) has been pulled along with a plethora of other videos (in the last 24 hours) which show in a massive coordinated effort to fool the American people as the Sandy Hook shootings were likely staged""...Yesterday in front of my eyes I witnessed link after link, video after video, being pulled from multiple sites across the web."

"sunshinydays12342 days ago

FYI...on 12/14 the parents received an emergency call stating there was an unconfirmed shooting at one of our schools. I already had the tv on and within seconds of that phone call there was a breaking news report. The reporter on the tv had no crews in the area and had no live feed at the scene yet, so they decided to call Sandy Hook residents an interview them over the phone. The first 2 had no kids in the schools. Anybody could comment on this and it was reported on as truth. Some of the..."

"Lauren Rousseau, who died last week at age 30, was born in the U.S.

Her Canadian-born father, Gilles Rousseau, told Radio-Canada that he wanted to see his daughter's body but was informed by authorities that it would not be possible.

In a tearful interview, he said the rounds used were so powerful that they ripped through the school's walls and left several holes in his daughter's car outside in the parking lot.

"They told me, 'You can't see (the body),'" Gilles Rousseau told Radio-Canada, the French-language CBC. "Because most people he shot, it was two or three shots in the face, point-blank."

[BIG RED FLAG! Evidently NONE of the parents were allowed to see the bodies because it was considered too disturbing! WTF??? Since WHEN is that legal? More Cheap Clever Clap-Trap. I guess it was time to lay down the trauma foundation for more 6-7 year old MK Ultra slaves.]

If I were one of those parents I would DEMAND NOW to have my child exhumed! I WOULD want to see with my own eyes. NOT EVERY KID would have been shot point blank in the face...that would be impossible! AND IF my kid really wasn't in there...?]

"Re: Did parents of Sandy Hook shooting victims identify their bodies? [A: through pictures ONLY!!!]

As far as I know, it is illegal for the authorities to do anything to a dead body without attempting to notify the family to find out their wishes. If an autopsy is needed due to a crime, and time is of the essence, I believe they can do the autopsy in that situation.

However, I don't believe they can make the call as to what type of burial the family wants.

That being said, it's a safe bet that not many of the families are into "conspiracies" such as this, so chances are they are simply following the orders of the govt. All it would take is for one to DEMAND to see the last remains of their child, or get a lawyer involved to see if the govt. would budge. My guess is no.

There was an interesting story, years ago of a writer named Danny Casselara (check the sp. of the last name). He was writing a book exposing shaddy govt. dealings (drug running, bank fraud, cia, etc) and the more he dug, the worse things he found. He told his family that if anything happens to him, don't believe it was an accident. He was found dead in a motel room, his manuscript was missing, and don't exactly remember all the details, but was found strangled and a gun shot wound with the gun in his left hand..he was right handed, and bloody rags stuffed under the sink. The govt. had his body creamated before telling the family, which is illegal. I believe the family sued, but not sure what came out of it. Interesting, and shows what happens if they want evidence to disappear.." [Anon. poster on Godlike Productions]

Dedicated to the victims of this event - all of us - BUT ESPECIALLY those who have loved ones missing.

~It's a Long (dark) Night~

For some newbies reading this thread it could be an initial awakening into the shocking depths to which depraved forces will go to maintain control of this world.

These are particularly dangerous times especially for spirit assassination. Those complicitous with covering up a dark agenda such as this have put their spirit essence in very real jeopardy. I'm thinking of law enforcement, politicians, media personnel, actors etc. I'm aware that most likely a portion of this huge group of participants is under very tight mind control while on their 'assassination & grab' assignment. For those new to the subject of MK Ultra and mind control - this vid series is an excellent place to start.

Awakening of a large segment of the population at this time is possible due to the true expose of this event. It's time to kick Sandy Hook sand in the Satanist's eyes for a change by first finding out for sure if the bodies are there. If THEY (tptb) (US govt.) WON'T ALLOW THAT TO HAPPEN THEN YOU HAVE YOUR ANSWER! If I were a parent of one of those kids I'd get crackin now! You have all of my sympathies, compassion and support!


Sandy Hook Elementary School was designed and built in 1956 to resemble/symbolize the Mayan Sacrificial Temple Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent (QuetzalCoatl). It is on the same ley line as that and CERN...remember that December 21 was supposed to be the conclusion of a week long series of "tests" that they were performing...also there was a rumor going around that the world might end.

Annually there would be child sacrifices to the feathered serpent god (Archon/demi-urge/bloodthirsty lesser god/creator god/godlet) and the Sandy Hook slayings took place within that time period. The reason this particular SATANIC RELIGION BLOOD RITUAL CHILD SACRIFICE was conducted was to appease the god in order to prevent our world from ending (as the end of the cycle was predicted by the Mayans). You're going to want to watch this.

"Horn says from deepest antiquity, a plot involving pagan sun-worshippers, America's Founding Fathers, Masons and Freemasons has apparently been in the works, culminating in the end time with the return or resurrection of an evil, supernatural being. That character may actually be pictured as the all-seeing eye on top of the uncapped pyramid on the Great Seal of the United States, found on the back of a $1 bill.
Others have speculated the eye on top of the pyramid could be a representation of Jesus Christ, since the Bible notes, "The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone." (Psalm 118:22 New International Version).
The date at the base of the pyramid is 1776, which is not only the year the Declaration of Independence was signed, but also the beginning of a new Mayan "katun," a time period of 19.7 years. If each of the 13 levels of the pyramid on the Great Seal represents one of these time periods, the top level would mark the year 2012" (p5)

For more background on this bloodthirsty, ancient creator god who demands loosh, garmanbozia and child sacrifice glance at this thread. He is just as easily to appear as a bird like creature than as a snake like creature...BINGO...WE NAILED IT! (Post 17 especially the last 5 paragraphs). SATAN - HORUS RA -QUETZALCOATL all the same entity who has been worshipped and appeased by the Satanist Cabal. They are long range planners...1000s of years - long range we're talkin'.


"...We need to be strong together. We must reveal this completely to the rest of the world. Do your part; tell friends, family, teachers - anyone who will listen. Force them to look hard at the truth. We can open this up and blow it up in their faces. This may be our last opportunity... let's not let it go to waste" (Blogdog)!

He's not kidding that this false flag ritual sacrifice maybe our last time to unite before their premeditated WWIII, FEMA Camps/Coffins etc. that's been well documented at HCF.


The Mystery of Quetzalcoatl
[The Sandy Hook Ritual-Child-Sacrifices as well as the CERN "experiments" AKA Portal Opening provided the necessary energy in which to summon Satan per the demiurge playbook.]

"Quetzalcoatl was the primary god of the early central Americans, in Mexico and Central America, among the Mayas, Aztecs, Toltecs, and prior Indian cultures. He was also known as Kulcan. The quetzal was a bird with bright, colorful plumage, and the word "coatl" means "snake." Thus Quetzalcoatl was the "feathered serpent" god.
Does the Bible, the Holy Scriptures, reveal who this god really was among the bloodthirsty, human-sacrificing Mayas and their cousins in Meso-America?
The Bible says plainly that Lucifer, Satan the devil, is the prince of the power of the air. The apostle Paul says, "You who were dead in trespasses and sins; wherein in time past you walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now works in the children of disobedience: among whom also we all had (lived) our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others" (Eph.2:2). This prince of the power of the air is Satan the devil, the god of this world.

Paul also wrote, "If our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: in whom
the god of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God should shine unto them." (II Corinthians 4:3-4).
The apostle John tells us, "And the great dragon was cast out,
that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world; he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him" (Revelation 12:9). So the devil is a dragon god and a serpent. According to the Mayan prophets, the return of their dragon god, prince of the air would be in the year 2012 when the Mayan calendar ended.

Satan Cast Down to Earth
So this great flying serpent that is going to come down and that is worshipped by the pagans is supposed to come down to the earth this year. Does the Bible speak of a great serpent that is going to come down to this earth that is going to be cast out of heaven in the end time? The Bible does! Revelation 12:7 speaks of the last days—"And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world; he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him." This might be at the end of 2012 or beginning of 2013.

The rebellious angels will be cast out of heaven down to the earth. Revelation 12:4 speaks about a great red dragon and talks about a previous time that this happened when there was a rebellion in heaven and one third of the angels (the reference to one third of the "stars" refers to angels, which are called "stars" in Rev.1:20) rebelled with Satan who ascended to heaven to take over the throne of God. This is recorded in Isaiah 14.
So Revelation 12 then speaks of another time when there is going to be war in heaven. Satan the devil will be cast down to the earth and all his angels with him a final time. "And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman (church) which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born" (pp 9, 10 from middle link of post 34).


Excellent background info. re: children, underground bases and more:

"The Hawk was sacred to Horus, Ra, Osiris, Sunbird symbolic of human soul. Death was punishment of the man who killed a hawk or an ibis. Identified with the Bennu or Phoenix. From "The Gods of the Egyptians", E.A. Wallis Budge available at the Alexandria Library. Lots of Love and Light" (Commenter under this video).


...and I suppose the evil beast begotten through the black magic ceremonies will reside here?

"Do you think that they might pull off the signs and the seasons that people expect in the "end times"? Hell, they wrote the script folks and without anesthetics, here it may come! What can I say, you get what you pay for" (Sifter).


This can't be underscored enough:

"This prince of the power of the air is Satan the devil, the god of this world" (Bible).

Unfortunately folks...the god of this earthly world...the rebellious black sheep who created this din of degenerate strife...a world rife with 24/7 unholy nonsense... is none other than the one I unaffectionately refer to a "crack" parent...

"This prince of the power of the air is Satan the devil, the god of this world"

...we're the crack babies.

"Direct audio download (no commercial breaks, 1 hr 25 mins):

The unedited radio show is two hours long, but you'll be so riveted it'll pass quickly. Mike Powers is a very sharp, connected, experienced military-trained investigator who knows exactly what he's talking about. He details more anomalies in the Sandy Hook story than you can shake a stick at -- far more than I was even aware of -- and his delivery is powerful, articulate, persuasive, clear, and unequivocal.

His conclusion: America is now at war" (Bill Ryan).

"It's time for the American people to wake up and realize that the US Presidency has been usurped. This nation is under attack. We are literally at war for our freedom, right now, this very day" (Mike Powers).

~ Adam Lanza very likely never existed ( can't find anything on him, can find lots on his brother)

~ the "Mother" stories change constantly, she worked for Chase Morgan,

~ 3 employees from GE financial have been tried & convicted in connection with the LIBOR scandal (Co workers of Peter Lanza (alleged "father") so there is a tentative connection) the father was not included

~ Nancy's obituary did not mention adam (everyone else was listed)

~Adam Lanza Motive: non-existent...

~only one call to the police for the incident. (from staff member that "believes" they are hearing gun shots) no evidence that any other calls to the police came in, despite the "hundreds" of rounds fired, front entry way being broken into (questionable).

~ Gun shots (reported in the hundreds) of the type of rifle in an enclosed area would cause severe distortion, the shooter would loose balance & possibly collapse from the 165+ decibel reports (hundreds of them) from the carbine rifle (you can infer from this that many more injuries would exist) possibly resulting in unconsciousness.

~Adam was "home schooled" but has none of the typical documents that exist for home schooling, there is no documentation that he ever was home schooled & Adam Lanza has no connection to Sandy Hook elementary at all.

~the weight of the rounds & equipment that Adam was reported to have (he was allegedly 120lbs) would have been carrying 120lbs in equipment ( or more, hard to pin that down though because they have said so many different weapons were present)

~The front of the school, all glass is in-tact (he didn't break into the school as reported)`

~school entry is secured by camera's & entry is enforced by it, no video has been shown, glass front windows & doors should have been nearly impenetrable by a 120lb assailant

~School teachers did not evacuate kids when they heard shooting; no children were pushed out the windows & told to run to the VERY close fire station.

~Christipher rodes car (sp?) held the tactical shot gun (NOT AR-15) that was extracted on film (correctly identified & not cross talk on the police scanner tapes) 4 completely bio/chemical/full MOPP gear wearing individiduals were standing around the trunk when the shot gun was extracted (Raw 'chopper footage).

~ALLEGEDLY a bushmaster is the weapon used in the shootings, first reporting was 2 hand guns found inside bushmaster was found in a trunk, one day later the bush master was "found inside". of the two hand guns the glock 10mm is a Large frame commonly used Law Enforcement weapon (not typical for a woman to purchase).

~ It was reported that Adam & his mother had been to gun ranges to practice quite often, however reporters could not find any witnesses that recall either of them ever showing up at any ranges.

~Accuracy of the shootings (11 shots in some very small framed victims) was far too high for a novice shooter.

~connecticut has an ASSAULT WEAPONS ban in place, yet it is reported that Nancy Lanza had "legally" registered all these guns (to include the AR-15 which is BANNED in Connecticut)

~Mr Rosen (.1 miles away) would not have been able to hear the gun fire & if he DID hear it why did he NOT call the police?

~AR-15's like the one reported to allegedly be used by "Adam lanza" would have had several "jams" or "stoppages" with hundreds of rounds fired due to the unreliability of an un-tuned weapon like this; also you need to be trained in S.P.O.R.T.S. (corrective actions) to quickly fix weapon jams.

~Robbie parker is brought up (strange stage actor methods used & false emotion seemingly used), where was "mrs parker", why would the rest of the family be abandoned, the "dead daughter" that was stolen from flicker is brought up as well (she's alive and her mother is pissed her picture is used).

~Response time was 7 min, there was not enough time (7 min, from entry to police arrival) to do what was said was done.

~entire scene was cleared in less than an hour, not reasonable either.

~school nurse is not even licensed in the state of Connecticut.

~None of the professionals interviewed actually hold any real certification or licenses (the nurse, the "psychologist" that found the 6 children, none of them).

~questions: redish purple van with window shot out, where is it... Nuns where did they go?

~the media has issued NO retractions regardless of the many contradictions

~School is being destroyed / demolished (evidence cover up)

~ Law enforcement officers were "assigned" to the families (Never been done in this type of situation before) a highly suspect action.

~Multiple “suspicious” deaths of high profile gun advocates followed Sandy Hook" (TargeT post #5).

~Post #8 more notes~

...and now...ladies and gentlemen...the moment you have been waiting for...

~Sandy Hook and the Feathered Serpents of Orien ~

~ Part deux~

(link #1 in Post #34 contains vid #1 - #3 is to be released)

Not only does the fact that the 3 'running-LIKE-HELL-perps' who were heading through the woods towards the Masonic Temple Hiram Lodge 18 sound like a (((BIG))) something that needs investigation - STAT! But who would investigate that? COPS? Hmmm don't many cops belong to Masonic Temples? It sounds like a conflict of interest.

The other curiosity that deserves an explanation is the word SANDY (both hurricane and Hook) and its obvious significance to the storyline of unleashing this bloodthirsty demon unto the globe once again. This excerpt waxes poetic about the slip...(HOOK)? of sand that Queztalcoatl arose from and departed from...perhaps that's the Sandy Hook reference explained.

We all know these "Satanic anal-retentive sticklers for detail" need to get the details down JUST SO in order to replicate the conditions in which their deity - who they're summoning - can come. Hurricane Sandy ground and sputtered onto the New Jersey Sandy Shore. Plus there were the frequent Sand Storms in the region of Mesoamerica.

"The original home of the Toltecs was said to have been in Tlapallan--the very same Red Land to which Quetzalcoatl was fabled to have returned; only the former was distinguished as Old Tlapallan--Hue Tlapallan--as being that from which he and they had emerged. Other myths called it the Place of Sand, Xalac, an evident reference to the sandy sea strand, the same spot where it was said that Quetzalcoatl was last seen, beyond which the sun rises and below which he sinks. Thither he returned when driven from Tollan, and reigned over his vassals many years in peace.

We cannot mistake this Tlapallan, new or old. Whether it is bathed in the purple and gold of the rising sun or in the crimson and carnation of his setting, it always was, as Sahagun tells us, with all needed distinctness, "the city of the Sun," the home of light and color, whence their leader, Quetzalcoatl had come, and whither he was summoned to return."


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