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David Icke
Hi xanthas,

LOL, cliff!

I will not become distracted, the one thing that I am totally confident with is my ability to project, transcend and translate energy, the forces working against us can not penetrate my energetic field, it might sound like I am floating my own boat! Yet living a life with those who are constantly ‘hit’ by these energies, it has become a very important part of who I am, and my purpose for this life-stream.

I like your wording on his energy ‘polluted’ this is what I feel now from him, and if I do come to the conclusion that he is no longer who he was, or if he was that person all along in a charade, it will be a little sad as he has helped a great many people to understand the way of this world.

Astrology does teach spiritual truth if you know how to understand it and not be diverted with the manipulation of hiding its origin and purpose, but I am not a preacher and it is like all things in this life, it is only for you if you are called to it.

Thanks for the info

Hi Karen,

Glad you didn't take any offense with my rather lengthy 'exposé' (ahem!).

I would be curious to know if David will mention anything about a nuclear war unfolding prior to the end of this year.

I feel a nuclear war will unfold most likely this spring/summer period.

The main target will be the US (no surprise there, really), but the reason (other than world hegemony) or 'pretext' will be a currency war. And I've a very strong sense that, it'll be very stiff...

So, if you live in the US, take your precautions if you can - I'm not joking. It just came to me today - which is why I am posting this here.

The revving war machine'll come from different fronts (I feel) simultaneously, mainly N.Korea & China* (I've an inkling Russia will 'help' from behind the scenes) against Japan, S.Korea & the US as well as, from the ME perspective, Iran fuelled by the Israeli Zionist rightwing Likud.

*China will come to N.Korea's aid when push comes to shove. Besides, what with all the debt the US owes to China, it it would fit in 'nicely' making "$$$ & sense".

There's a possibility, too, France (which is a major weapons manufacturer & contributor to the Zionist Bibi Netanyahu & extremist Lieberman and Israel anyway) will 'step in'.

Sarkozy is desperate to divert from his shambles of a gov't, he's a known Zionist stooge as well as brown-nosing Obama (what irony!).

If you have a chance, it'd be interesting to forward that question to Icke.

Quote:Astrology does teach spiritual truth if you know how to understand it and not be diverted with the manipulation of hiding its origin and purpose
The 'know how to' is the crux of the matter. Best is to bypass the mind & to go beyond mind symbology (astrology).

The soul speaks a different language all together & it cannot be 'understood' via mind exercises or mental gymnastics.

As the saying goes: "There's brilliance in simplicity."

Sorry if I came across as 'a preacher'. It wasn't my intention.

PS: The biggest danger I see evolving out of that whole "mind based" 'truth' is that "mind" is considered the new 'God to be worshipped' - certainly as it strikes me with David's "message" - it fits in perfectly with the Aquarian theme of 'mind'.

If you look at his latest 'message': "When a child is born its mind! is pure" instead of actually talking about Soul/Spirit incarnate...! Or, in astrological terminology 'Karma astrology'. I've a funny idea he's obsessed with "mind" being the be & end all.

Which is almost copy cat SS, actually.


I do not take offense easy, I will have to wait for the day to see what his main theme of speech is about, and talking about war is a way just to set up the crowd for mind control though fear and unsettlement. Personally I do not get into the logistics of ‘the what’ is going on in the world, it actually bores me, I see past that and prefer to focus on the energy of the message.

To say a Childs mind is pure at birth, in my view, is a very naive statement from someone who claims to know a great deal about real life, however I do see the mind as an incredibly important part of the life experience, and the mind is the major tool in which a person is programmed and targeted.

Quote:talking about war is a way just to set up the crowd for mind control though fear and unsettlement. Personally I do not get into the logistics of ‘the what’ is going on in the world, it actually bores me, I see past that and prefer to focus on the energy of the message.

My intention is not spread fear but to actually prevent people being at the receiving end when the sh*t hits the fan.. That's not being a 'doomsmonger' for the sake of being a 'fear spreading viper'...

Unfortunately not everybody has your skills & is able to 'move' about their visions' accordingly. If my instincts are to be of any use, I prefer to go with the old adage of "Better prevent the misery than having to cure or repair what's broken".

But that's just me. Practical minded, down-to-earth (again, knowing when to use what can make the difference between being 'fried alive' or saving one's butt when it gets 'hot') To each their own.

Quote:To say a Childs mind is pure at birth, in my view, is a very naive statement from someone who claims to know a great deal about real life,

Which confirms what I've said earlier: "David's a 'wanna-be' "in the know". I had a quick look at his site today & bam! right up there is a video by the one & only A. Jones.

Quote: however I do see the mind as an incredibly important part of the life experience, and the mind is the major tool in which a person is programmed and targeted.

Of course.

The mind is also the biggest BS artist in the book. It will tell you anythhing you want to hear & believe in order to ensure the survival of itself, or, as I refer to it, the smaller 'self'. Not the real Self.

The mind's first & foremost function is to make sure you are safe, however which way that appears to the individual - which is where programming & MC come in.

It's the biggest show on the 'inner stage'.

That which is familiar or, "better the devil you know" mentality in spite of the pain that might come with sticking to the "tried & true" - no matter the expense & cost.

People that are extremeley mind-oriented (i.e., have a need to be in control as is the case with both SS as well as Icke) have, in equal measure, extreme difficulty to surrender their ego (mind).

Again, I speak from personal experience.

Ayahuasca forces you to surrender your mind, your head, your 'being in control' in spite of your better judgement. It will turn you inside out & completely undo any concept you might have had of a sense of 'identity' or the "I" - which is why people like SS or Icke freeze to death just considering that concept or 'option' - it's a complete no-no.

It's a real teacher - it teaches from within beyond your 'knowledge' however which way you may 'understand' this. It's the Master Plant Teacher. The umbilical cord to the universe.

And, as I am sure, you are aware, dying too, is about surrender - letting go of your physical form is nothing as simplistic as the SS's or Icke's of this world would have you believe.

Depending on how you have to leave your shell, it downright freezes you in the process - meaning, it results in those 'lost souls' you hear about, being stuck in the ether so-to-speak, floating around & being neither 'here nor there'.

Or, in other words, their transition got 'f***ed up', not compelted properly.

Unfinished business.

This 'unfinished business' bears within the seeds of unresolved trauma (as it then shows up in the karmic chart), whether that is a fear drowning (fear of water), asthma (strangulation, lack of or unable to breathe properly & freely), fire (instinctive paranoia), etc, etc.

The Tibetan monks guide the dying soul in their journey from one dimension to another. It's called the Bardo & it goes on for some 40 days uninterrupted.

There's a reason shamanic work entails to a major degree soul retrieval. Or, the lost souls that cannot rest & "be at peace".

If it were as 'no big deal' an issue as David "thinks" it is, do you not think that Tibetan Buddhists who have as opposite a spiritual tradition & way of life to the left-brained West have more knowledge and insight than David ever will about "death & dying"?

At best, if you are "lucky", (no joke!) your soul can prepare itself to pass on, to bid farewell to your being "earthbound". At worst, when your murdered it leaves the soul in state of horror & terror.

That is why I really don't buy anyone's 'schims' of "being beyond fear & being bored by world events".

Death & facing death teaches you more about yourself than any book ever will.

Or your head.

Naturally, Oz might be in a 'good' position to be spared the mayhem...and thus be rightly unconcerned about such boring trepidations as nuclear war.

This apparent refusal to have what would resemble compassion for the suffering (every 50th child in the US is homeless by now & how about the Aborigines being robbed of their spiritual essence, their knowledge?) or to 'rationalise' that approach with being all lofty, 'aware & beyond' is missing the point IMH.

Rationalisation, intellectualisation of feelings & emotions (e-motion = energy in motion), intellectual mumbo-jumbo, are all designed to keep you from looking at what is behind the 'conceptual understanding' of your mind.

I would think by now that you have an inkling that I, too, am or have an innate ability to be very much coming from my mind. But I do not make it my 'Master', alluring & tempting though it is.

Like Is aid, I now what I'm talking about.

Most of what I refer to here comes from my lived experience. Direct, immediate, unfiltered.

The heart should be put above the mind. It should really be the guide in the tandem of heart-min d connection. Not the other way around (which, by default leads most in 'head-fu*k' space - oops!). The labyrinth of the mind is indeed an endless video game. Uhu...

The mind ought to be used as a tool (as you say) but it shouldn't be made the "Guru" to be put up on a pedestal as SS or all the other new age 'teachers' & 'self-proclaimed gurus/masters' do....

A mind fu*k is a mindfuck is a mindfuck- no matter which way you twist & turn it. And, I dare say that David, with his endless repetitive monologues (that bores me stiff! Surprise me, mate!) during his presentations very much uses NLP (classic - which is Obama  & Icke come out of the same corner).

Obama's known to have had training in NLP - which is why he sounds robotic - like  a bloody drone (yawn!).

Why someone would read all the books when he keeps repeating himself over & over is beyond me. There's very litte that's really new - certainly from the other books I borrowed from the library.

I know I skipped major parts of his scribblings.

I intuit, too, that the very fact he 'dismisses' the physical not being important (try tell that somebody who has a dying child in their arms in Sudan, or being hacked to death in Rwanda during the genocide, or tortured in Guantanamo & all the other places... I mean, seriously...?!?) is his 'cop-out' "rationalisation" (bend your mind!) that he's crippled by arthritis.

It's the same w. SS... Tortured beyond bearability & the only way - if at all - is to 'escape into your head' & by the same token diminish your physical radar (pain is the soul's language to notify you something is off - it's very direct & it doesn't need 'language'). Yes, I know you know all that.

But, as I said previously, not everybody is 'at your stage' of development or evolution.

And just because someone lives on the other side of the world & thinks it's none of their business or importance or whatever is going on "in the world" is displaying the very same vein of "ah, don't feed into fear - it don't help nobody" as the apparent mantra of Icke (Lurve, baby, lurve is the message!) goes doesn't mean that it is necessarily "the only way to save the day".

It certainly needs a good 'filling up' the empty spaces in between.

Not giving away your power by disregarding fear is accurate to a certain degree.

Fear is a monster that can eat you up warts n' all. But again, it's a matter of 'dosage'.

To completely disregard fear as a very good indicator when to move your butt bears within the very risk of becoming careless, overestimating oneself (ego/mind flips) to the degree of getting broiled up right the mess.

I prefer caution over zealousness.

Using my mind when it's called for, TYVM.Or as one very practical minded lady once quipped: "God gave aus a brain for a reason - mainly, to use it!"

The how makes all the difference.

I prefer watching where I'm going. Secure footing has its value.

As to the mind & its con-tricks to sell you any good line the ego wants to hear I learned more from Stuart Wilde (his early books) than from anybody of these other so-called gurus. He was, in his own right a true pioneer in that respect.

He's turned into a full-of-himself BS artist as well (as is the case with anyone who's exposed too long in the public eye), but he was onto something real. Absolutely to the point & very funny in the process. His best books were written prior to the 90s.

The mind is important & it has its value but it will never lead you to the ultimate pristine & celestial that is beyond mind concepts, ideologies, mental backflips & somersaults of programming.

The seat of the soul lies in the heart, not the mind. The soul has its own language - subtle, very delicate, inaudible.

The soul knows. The mind thinks it 'knows'.

The mind can be corrupted - the soul will lead you back to where it is truly safe, where the heart can heal.

Mind cannot heal the heart. It can only be used to apply when it's necessary to 'get you to do the practical things' - but true healing is beyond the mind.

And, soul gives the final call when it is time to return to the Source.



As for Stuart Wilde ...
Quote:learned more from Stuart Wilde (his early books) than from anybody of these other so-called gurus. He was, in his own right a true pioneer in that respect.

He's turned into a full-of-himself BS artist as well (as is the case with anyone who's exposed too long in the public eye), but he was onto something real. Absolutely to the point & very funny in the process. His best books were written prior to the 90s.
He was trained with the best of them .. charlotons I mean.  Drunvalo ,Braden, Twyman ad nauseum.....

Oh dear...!
Not really much of a surprise he turned into such a quack!

I only heard of Drunvalo but that's already enough to give me the creeps. No wonder he (SW) literally invites black forces. He's (Drunvalo) quite satanic. I would interested if you could give me some leads as to the other guys & also, how did you come across the Wilde man?

I had the questionable 'privilege' to meet & spend two weeks with him during an ayahuasca retreat in Brazil. After that it all went seriously hell-bent (I am not joking...!).
Thank God I wasn't around at that time.

But I saw the build-up towards the unravelling (the same kind of energy I pick up around David now) in Sept & in Nov it all went completely out of control.

Like I said, initially, I only ever bought his books which were quite entertaining & certainly made me look at energy from a different p.o.v.

But, alas, by the time I met him, his ego had grown so outrageously out of proportion (during the 90s he actually thought he could go out & fight the 'dark forces' & come out a 'winner' - I mean seriously, how deluded does one have to be to even consider that option?) he'd turned into fat, squishy, bloated 'in your-face' "teacher" who was just rude & thought I'd kiss his feet for bashing me.

But as I said in my earlier posts, sooner or later they're all bitten by that bug & usually that's when things go pearshaped (or worse).

BTW, the Dalai Lama has, as I understand it, been receiving significant 'support' by one CIA(!) to 'settle' in India.

That's another shyster on the 'spiritual circuit'.

And then anybody wonders why no-one making the rounds in the "awakening business" (yawn!) can be taken seriously anymore?

Jeez, who's got the wool over their eyes?

 I happen to know someone who was in training with  them. Pic's from the late '80's early '90's to prove it .   That is until he pulled out and was shot in the neck, in front of his wife and kids, for his leaving once he understood the play. Get the picture? Drunavlo took his place in the show.

 Yes from what I understand the DaliLama is in play as well.

That's it ....I'm done on that subject.


He still didn't learn from it. Ego's unsatiable. Urgh.


Yes, children are dying in Sudan and closer to home, there is probably a child being molested by their step father or someone who pretends to love them… but what can I do if I do not know which child or which house?  If I take responsibility for something that I have no power of, what affect does this have universally? The illuminati may hold the strings to the puppets, yet the puppets are happy for strings to be attached!

I have to disagree that people are mind-oriented; I see people believing they have no control over situations, and if I let my heart rule my head, I would be in serious trouble; I would be a mess…my soul directs my destiny, yet my mind-pattern dissects all fractions of each moment to display the why’s, if’s and buts’…

I do appreciate your comments, but I get a feeling of disappointment from you towards me, and to be honest to your comment- I have no fear of death itself, I have experienced this process many times, and not always in a nice manner. The only fear of death I have is what it will do to the people in my life, because my fear is that they could not manage without me, I am extremely loved and I love them back equally, and especially my children- they have came from past life-streams where love was restricted.

I have no fear of world events, and I have no fear of life, what happens is meant to happen, and the world will not change until the minority becomes the majority in this collective thought process, the world is becoming dark, but the general population is one by one switching off their lights!

I do not want to switch off the lights either!

And, as you say, those who have not faced death are afraid of it. My trajectory has been a different one (obviously! wink!) but the heart-mind connection is in a sense a 'partnership' if you know what I mean...symbiotic, interchangeable, one sometimes leading the other & the other way around.

I know there's a reason I'm still here... Talk about 'destiny'...!

Light comes in different ways, from different angles, there are so many of them, yes?

And, if anything, I feel, the most important is to shed light where previously there was 'darkness'. Even on those who 'market' "light & truth" instead of "Truth" proper.

Untouchable & immutable.

My 'inability' to "separate" one from the masses (as in your example "which house, which child?") as I said previously, has to do with my own history (no-go...!).

Anyway, I would much rather any day cheer anyone on. I love to have a good laugh!

Hand on my heart, I prefer animals (blush!) - the untamed, mind you, to people - no kidding. Because they have no ego, they are somehow still more untampered with.

But those days are fading, too.

Unfortunately the whales on Oz's coast are committing collective suicide, that's why I feel & the 'scientists' don't "get it" - sigh!

Fear of world events...well, like you say, when one's soul is one's "GPS" and your mind is the one that is able to correctly 'interpret' the soul's "messages" then, I agree, there is indeed no need to be afraid.

One will always be a good few steps ahead of events going off kilter - like 5 years ahead ain't bad, huh?

But, as I said, those are few & far between.

I know my destiny, my soul's journey. And, unconsciously I have known it from the time I was a child without having any acquired 'knowledge' or 'isms' shelled out to me for a buck or two.

Quickly back to animals, though. Cats are amazing. And the animal world in general cheers me up & truly makes me laugh.

But, I feel the whales are crying & leaving in despair because they have been intruded upon for too long & nobody 'understands' it. It's very sad. Such sensitive, peaceful & beautiful creatures.

The fact that the rescue teams seem to always come just that little bit 'too late' is a major give-away. Just like the whale songs are inaudible to the human ear...

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